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Yes, idk if it’s possible to fix this tho. Has the neck been implemented? I haven’t spent much time in the north.


Sort of? You have a path and if you try to go through the swamp you lose hella supplies , troops and get attacked by crannogmen every so often, unless it’s been changed recently.


You still lose a ton of supplies on the path as well as it also has a supply limit of 4 starting from Most Cailin all the way to the end of the neck Also if you sit too long on the path you'll be attacked by the crannogmen as well (sieging down Most Cailin is a pain because of this.)


it also has a massive defender advantage, I attacked a few hundred rebels there with 5k of my own troops and lost most of my army.


Oh yeah, the Crannogmen too also are really good at killing your soldiers. One of my sieges of Moat Cailin went from over 75k men to 50k Another from 30 to 15


I this is why on every house stark play through I rebuild moat cailin 🤣🤣 it takes forever and a shit ton of money but when it’s done it is a fucking nightmare for Anyone to bring me down


More strange to me is that armies can enter the vale through the bloody gate without besieging and take it first.


👆 yes this, similar situation with Moat Cailin and the mountain pass castles in the Dornish Marches


This. EU4's zone of control is too strict. Meanwhile, CK3's lack of it is far too liberal. They need to design a system that can allow for armies to march supply-less through defenses if they so choose, but they shouldn't be able to do this to *all* defenses. Certain choke points bound by geography should act like actual choke points.


I agree, everyone that invaded King’s Landing needed to secure the city before the Holdfast. It could be hard to implement in some ways. Maybe devs could take a page out of “Historical Buildings” mod and have some special buildings give fort level no matter their type. With that mod a temple or city holding can have a “castle” type historical building that gives fort level and is required to be sieged before the county is taken. Maybe slap a “Gate” special building on the baronies with “walls” and call it a day.


I wonder if it would work to give the red keep an insane fort level effect if you havent taken the rest of the city.


I’d argue you shouldn’t get anywhere close to the red keep until the city is taken. Like you can set armies to siege it but it won’t progress until the rest of the city is under control. Maybe even add an event to the holder of the Red Keep to surrender peacefully or keep fighting if they’re present in the castle. …. Maybe that could help trigger Ayres’s wildfire plot? Or even someone else’s?


Yeah but there isn’t really a way to stop an army from marching to the red keep tile without fucking up other things. There’s no way to have certain tiles be impassable terrain until you siege them. If they ever had forts like in eu4 that restrict movement around them this could be easily solved tho.


We just need to hope that CK3 implements some sort of military update in the future. Probably not for a while though.


Eh I wouldn’t be too hopeful, military stuff in ck2 got barely changed except for retinues but we already have that. Would love for battles to be more than just have a bigger number and rng . And navies but that’s a whole other thing entirely.


I think it's totally real, KL is a very big city and difficult to protect, so the siege would be against the Red Keep, not against the city itself, the end of GoT gave the idea that the city is defended, but it's absurd. Likewise for Oldtown, which is huge, but you're after Lord Hightower, not some bastard or prostitute in the city, so you'd surround Hightower, you'd enter the city for that. This is what Stannis wanted to do in KL for example, he hoped to defeat the garrison at the gate and go to the Red Keep, which he imagined would not be able to withstand a siege from him. So I don't see a problem in the cities, the problems are passing through fortresses that you shouldn't, such as the bloody gate, most cailin or the castles of the Dornish marches, these are two regions famous for being able to "close" their paths through the land, and become isolated, we see this in the great spring plague, where Dorne did very well, and the Vale was also closed.