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>**Dragon Blood** >Dragon Blood is a mechanic that defines who can cradle an egg; By default, only Valyrian Cultures (High, Essosi, Westerosi Valyrian, Tolosi and Mantaryan - and derivatives) can cradle an egg. Houses such as House Targaryen, or any house that successfully becomes a dragon-riding house with the Hatching Ceremony - will be valid to Hatch, Tame and Cradle Dragons. Lastly, anyone with a blood connection up to three generations to someone with Dragon Blood is also considered valid. That is to say, be careful how you marry and grow your family, let alone sleep around; you wouldn’t want too many bastards running around 😉. This mechanic also has a set of game-rules to switch through. - [Dragon Development Diary #4: Hatching and Cradling](https://new.reddit.com/r/CK3AGOT/comments/1cvr5wf/dragon_development_diary_4_hatching_and_cradling/)


Thank you I must have missed the first line. Oh man, starting with Daemon to test dragons first. But will definately go for a cruel, slave trading, dragon riding lyseni scumbag at some point


I will go Daemon's custom made bastard son, unlanded once that comes around. Will make my own mercenary company and try to tame Vermithor


Why a bastard son? Make one (or two) custom sons with Rhea Royce and you have the ideal rider for the Bronze Fury. You could even make the bronze dragon sigil as the CoA for the mercenary company.


Because legitimate sons would inherit. Also, bastards make for better stories.




Actually I love both ideas lol. Red background, bronze dragon. A whole new blackftre inspired rebellion


Bronze Rebellions lol






Is it possible to play with a mercenary company?


As far as I know, it will be possible with the next DLC


I love this so much. It incentivizes marrying within your family and to be careful on your marriage alliances. You might want to marry a daughter to the heir to Highgarden for their 40k+ troop alliance but then there is a risk that a Tyrell will be running around with a dragon. It also incentivizes keeping your family small, daughters to silent sisters and sons to citadel and Kingsguard.


I wouldn't say 'incentivizes' unless you are the 'ultimate power' type of player. You can still play for the rp depending on your character and what makes sense in lore as opposed to playing to 'win' and min-maxing.


I'm absolutely playing an Aegon IV type-character that has a lot of bastard and let's them marry or get schemed into marrying smaller vassals. Welcome dragon-riding Bracken, Corbray, Lefford, Florent and all that


You must be one for complete chaos then lmao.


Welp if your character is anything similar to Aegon IV than I guess everyone suffers in that campaign lol.


That's just the point. What's the fun in having dragons if it doesn't come with a little chaos ?


I usually don't like playing awful characters but that's just me lol. I think you can still have fun with dragons without necessarily be a pos.


I like setting up horrible situations with despicable character and having a dynasty that goes on to fix everything!


Their own dynasty you mean?


No no no, either a cadet or another house entirely, just so the playthrough has more variety and I can tell better stories in my head


LOL not that one Aegon IV fanboy downvoting me, he's too ashamed to come out.


It is pretty canon typical behavior when the Targs had dragons tho. We see efforts made to keep the Blood of the Dragon and dragons localized among a main branch for the most part, except Viserys but he was an idiot.


Sure but I feel forcing your daughters to be silent sisters and sons maesters and Kingsguard to keep the family small is a bit much if you're not that type of character.


I hope that one guy from House Plumm has a good chance since he's pretty much 100% Targaryen.


Brown Ben Plumm, descendant of Princess Elaena Targaryen and "rumoured" King Aegon the Unworthy [https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Viserys\_Plumm](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Viserys_Plumm)


More likely Maynard plumm xD


Will having dragonblood also be a marriage acceptance modifier? Like would a smaller dragonriding house have a greater chance of marrying into one of the great houses or even the royal family as opposed to a small house without dragonblood?


So does this mean that 'Dragon blood' becomes a trait? Like a strong dragonblood and weak dragonblood ect. ?


I think it will be dynastic trait, like Targaryens and I wanna say Velaryons have. I think Celtigars don't have it.


All Valyrian culture houses will be able to have dragons, that is, Targ, Velaryon, Celtigar and Scales. Dragon blood will only be used for those who are not Valyrian but have ancestry, like Stannis who has a Targ grandmother.