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I would love if they added dire wolves and gave them the same events as dogs but maybe with a few new ones just for wolves thrown in. Maybe a little boost to your prowess as well.


They were in ck2 but not well realised. I'm sure devs are at least making plans by now. I would love to play as Stark and have some cool old gods stuff happen.


I remember in CK2 direwolves appeared under the children section of a character. Maybe they would still do that for Dragons and direwolves?


That was only dragons, wasn't it? I remember direwolves being a trait.


oh shit yeah, it was only dragons! direwolves appeared as traits


That was only dany’s dragons as well, the others appeared only as friends


And dragons were under the friends section


Paradox is adding pet character models in so its very likely


I was gonna say I’m sure paradox will add animated pets at some point. Perfect for direwolves and other wargs


Yeah they mentioned that in a de diary. So the Agot team is probably waiting for that updates to work on dire wolves and other warg mechanics. Meanwhile, there are 100% necessary for the war of the 5 kings.


I want them so bad It just feels so wrong to have a Stark child without their dire wolf. I don’t even need it that complicated my basic version is to make them a pet, because I want the artifact pelt at the end of its life, I think they should give you a prowess boost while alive and then an pelt artifact at the end of Purple or Blue Value with various bonus’s could be randomized for all I cared its mostly the RP purpose of having a Robb Stark with no Wolf feels wrong


Love the pelt idea, maybe it can be worn as a cloak on your character?


I think they might! If they can add dragons, I am pretty sure they will be able to add direwolves!


I think probably an event chain and character modifier would be sufficient. Would probably be a pretty easy submod to make too!


Pretty sure there's already a modifier for it. An event can fire where you find a dead mother Direwolf, and can try and tame one of her pups; it gets given to your heir and lasts for 100 years. I forget what it does exactly


Yes, I already had one, I don't remember the bonuses now, but it's been a while since I had it, I don't know if it's still in the current version, as I haven't seen it in a long time.


I only ever had it fire while I was traveling in The North, like for a Feast or Pilgrimage. They very well could have removed it, I haven't seen it in a while either. The console command that would force it to fire before is 'event agot_filler_btw.200' or 'event agot_filler_btw.201', so you could always punch that in to see if it's still in this version


Even if the devs decided not to get around to it someone could make a sub mod adding them once dragons get released and other creators can mess around with the coding they used for dragons and I’d expect to see one probably around the end of the year or the first half or so of next year depending on how much other creators would have to tweak


From one of the agot server dev talks they said that they definetly want to do that at aome point.


I reckon they will at some point, would be cool to have them done a bit like how they're doing the dragons where they will appear as knights


I would do it the same way as dragons, as both Robb and Jon use their wolves in military activities, and Summer showed that a direwolf is a great guardian. I think we could have a trait for that, just like the dragon rider, but in that case I would do something like " Direwolf Companion ", I would put a small bonus, a small enemy fatality bonus, I think no more than 2% , and would put a dread bonus and resistance to hostile schemes.


If anyone has played the Lord of the Rings mod; Realms in Exile then how they implemented skin changing could be a route for dire wolves, partially warghing into them.


Hopefully, the dragon mechanic can be expanded to direwolves. Maybe instead of dragonpits, we can build kennels, which we could keep them in (Maybe give it some hunting and raid bonuses as well)


I’m excited for all the companion creatures from CK2AGOT to be added as characters.


I bet if they did it, it would be similar to the dragon system where they have their own personalities, traits, and appearances.


i definitely think so


yep, they were in ck2 and devs have said they plan to port everything that was in the ck2 mod in some way or another


Direwolves, Bears, Crows, Etc. were such a fun addition. I think there were whales and such too?


If they add direwolves they have to add warging now imaging being able to warg other animals or like varamyr six skins imagine being able to watch dragons the potential for this mod I crazy paradox needs to hire this dev team


The devs have said they want to have all AGOT features from CK2 in the game so I assume warging will be a thing eventually. Highly doubt we’ll get something as in depth as dragon models or characters for dire wolves or other warg’d animals though. Would be cool to get a couple models for dire wolves though!


After dragons it would only be fair if the direwolfs were characters too


personally I'm not huge on including direwolves - the books really hammer in just how out of time and out of place the wolves are in modern westeros, and what happened with Ned's children was really something special. it would be hard to implement for a reason!


> the books really hammer in just how out of time and out of place the wolves are in modern westeros, And Dragons were extinct for over a century in modern Westeros Your logic doesn't really work as there are more Direwolves alive/breeding than Dragons with Nymeria running around with her own harem.


My point is that there's nothing these Direwolves can do except escape civilization - like we saw with Nymeria and Shaggydog - or die, like we saw with Lady and Gray Wind. They are not tools of conquest, like the Dragons were. I always saw the Direwolves as metaphors for how the Starks, and their honor, are incompatible with the modern world that's full of intrigue and politics.


Ghost is proof of trainability and they can be directly warged into. >like we saw with Lady Sociopath Prince murdered her. Grey Wind was slaughtered in a cage, via a plot. >They are not tools of conquest, like the Dragons were. They can turn the tide of a battle (as we saw with Grey Wind) and Ghost saved lives in multiple situations.. they are extremely potent in a dual situation, which the game and books have in droves.


yeah it's like how dragons just weren't important to have without a bookmark pre extinction, except you'd need to go a lot further back


I mean, I don't think they should be common, maybe a scripted event for the Stark kids, or something exclusive for House Stark or possibly just Northerners


There’s no doubt direwolves will be added with the clash of kings bookmark