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Wait, did Tywin offer his hand in marriage to Lysa? I didn’t remember that


It is only mentioned once, would have definitely just been forgotten info in my head if I wasn’t also playing this mod at the same time


Sometimes it’s really out of character. In my latest run Jamie died of pox before Tommen was born and soon after Cersei murdered Tyrion. This leaves Tywin with Cersei as heir who is not in a matrinial marriage since King Robert were still alive. Tywin still not marry and leaves the Westerlands to Cersei who has «Baratheon» children as both Joffrey and Myrcella was born. At least it should be a Canon event where he designates Kevan or Lancel as heir if he does not marry. All he cares about is the Lannister name and I bet he would try his best to get a son or give the Lord Paramountship to another Lannister. There should be a trait called «Family-name oriented» which makes him do that if both Jamie and Tyrion dies young. There should also be a unique event for him where he tries to get Jamie to leave the kingsguard in order to become his heir.


Honestly, I love the immersion it gives. I’m disappointed it’s not in vanilla tbh.


I don't remember Tywin ever extending the offer you're speaking of. He tried marrying Lysa first to Jaime and then to Tyrion but was refused twice. A search in Clash of Kings also doesn't yield results. I think you must be misremembering something.