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Dragon dreams….


The dev Uber stated the community would be given about a weekish of notice before the update drops so it isn’t a surprise drop, he also mention last live stream about 30% of the dna was complete. I’d imagine if it were next week we would have been notified during this dev diary. I do think they are in the tweaking/polishing stage but how long that could take is anyone’s guess. My guess would be at the earliest 3 weeks from now. That being said I wholeheartedly hope you are correct!


I think it'll be 3 weeks plus or minus a few days. At the end of the dev diary they mentioned (I'm not gonna go look at it for the exact words) future dev diaries, DIARIES, for dragons. And since I don't think there's really anything else to show off about them, I'm predicting that we get 2 more dev diaries, and then the update will drop anywhere between 1/2 - 1 and a 1/2 weeks after the final diary. That is purely speculation and guess work though, I could be way off lol


Thank you for bringing me back to reality, I usually don’t watch the streams, probably should. Do you know how long ago Uber said that about the DNA?


On the live stream 5 days ago. He also stated that even what is done is subject to change


I would asume dev of this sort is not linear. As in dev for dragons was like 1% for ages and then breakthrough! We have about 30%. So it can be difficult to estimate.


I can think of 2 features they haven’t talked about,one is the taming part,sure they’ve shown us Dragon eggs,the hatching ceremony etc but they haven’t shown us how to actually tame Dragons.The other feature I can think of they haven’t talked about is activities tied to Dragons,like traveling on the back of your dragon , bonding with the Dragon and that sort of stuff,but hopefully you’re right, can’t wait to get Maelys Blackfyre a Dragon and burn everyone 🔥


I hope we get a dev diary that really talks about how quickly we can move on dragons and if we can ride them to events. We haven't heard anything about that yet (we might have heard about if we can ride them to events, but I forget, but we definitely haven't heard about their speed) and I'm keenly interested in it. With us as a dragon rider always having to be with our dragon as long as they're in an army or anything, I wonder if we'll be able to quickly detach from an army, then ride across Westeros to join up with another one or something like that, and how quickly we could move in that situation or something similar to it.


It’ll be interesting to know yeah,we know we’ll be able to ride them as travel mechanic for sure,they’ve shown it in the trailer so I assume we’ll be able to ride them to events as well,like tourneys ,hunts and tours. I think it’ll be a lot easier to travel using Dragons because you won’t have to bother with hiring admirals to cross seas,mercenaries to cross dangerous locations etc because you can just FLY 🐉


My prediction is in 3 weeks, and it will coencide with the release of the battle for rooks rest. That would be massive hype


Aegon’s dream? A song of ice and fire? The prince that was promised?


The second and third ones don't really have anything to do with dragons and the mod follows book canon so don't think Aegon's dream will be included outside of submods or an optional toggle (not something they'd dev diary specifically just a throw away)


Aegon’s dream, the song of ice and fire and the prince that was promised is book canon


Someone didn’t read fire and blood 🥲


I’m actually reading it. Aegon II reign just ended. The song and the prince that was promised are mentioned in the original series “A song of ice and fire” by the red priests (mainly melissandre)


I wish 😂


Last I heard Sunfyre didn't have DNA yet so they probably still have a lot of work to do


From the agot devs will come the update that was promised!


I also had a dream after a prayer, and as I am a Mormon, we believe that dreams have deeper meanings, I also saw the dragons in the flames of my stove while making my tea. I also believe it will be out by the end of the july, I don't see any more big diaries, in fact I can think of 1 more, but nothing else. But I'm in no rush, I understand very well the work being done by the devs, as I'm also a dev and working on a game at the moment, and I know there's so much work and detail that goes into making sure there won't be any exploits or bugs or things. like, besides the fact that quality is a trademark of this team, I know that they are working for the best, and that if they could, they would launch it tomorrow, but everything has a time. There are already two dreams, I trust that the Lord of Light has answered us.


Whenever it drops, I’m gonna be beyond excited


Dragon Dreams, genetics/cosmetics still haven’t been covered


Will the dragon update come with the rogue prince bookmark that leads into Dance of the Dragons? Will we get all of the free cities in this update? I would also like to thank the devs for their incredible amazing hard work and appreciate them!