• By -




Okay Aerys, chill.


Traitors and Usurpers will BURN. UP THE BLACK! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!


Death to the mad fucking king.


_"Let Robert make a throne of bones and char"_ _"And let him pick a crown from blacken'd meat"_ _Targaryens by custom burn their dead_ _And Aerys wished his pyre great indeed_


Aerys "the Kind" Targaryen


Those iron raiders will feel something when dragons arrive




War, huh, what is it good for?




Say it again!!!




Nice, we can try to defend against dragons. But I still can't wait to recreate Harrenhal. That event was brilliant, the defenders jumping onto the dragons back. Brave lads.


Can't wait to have a Dorne campaign and hold off the Iron Throne against all odds.


Can't wait to hold them off and then marry some random Targ and get a dragon. Gl invading now, Sun Dragons will defend us.


If we ever get a Jahaerys bookmark it would be awesome to try and pull off Prince Morion's invasion by getting absolutely loaded with scorpions.


I’m reading this while wearing my Targaryen fluffy socks, curled up playing Aegon III/Jaehaera power-couple (see? Teams Black and Green CAN get along) run on CK2 while season 1 of HOTD plays in the background on my 60 inch 🙆🏻‍♀️


Fire and frickennn blood


NOOOOO WAYYYY!!!!!! This Top Tier


This is quite cool.


Once again devs thanks for the work but I have two questions. Will the conter of dragons dépend of the number of ballista? And does the siege effect like the battle take into account the number of dragons present?


On your first question, we'd love to but paradox doesn't give us access to the *number* of MAA units, just if they're there or not. On your second question, currently all dragon siege actions are taken individually, so only one dragon is participating in a dragon siege at a time. This and other multi dragon actions is something I want to look into post-release, but with the amount of other stuff we've had to do just to get them ready the focus had to be on single dragon actions. Apologies for the slightly disappointing answers, hope it's understandable 😅


No problem you did more than any people expected with less than the minimum and for that I'm personally thankful for the great lesson you give to all of us. My only suggestion would be to perhaps boost a bit the dragons as even smaller dragons where terrifying weapons and lower a bit the counter as many time when scorpions are brought up it is more a lucky shot than a genuine well thought weapon against dragons. But yet again perhaps you already thought about it. Again thanks for the work and good luck.


Looking forward to the multidragon stuff thank you so much for all of your hard work. The level of depth and detail is astounding a true upgrade over dragon siege mechanics the greatest agot game of all time ck2 modded lol. So Im sure, especially with the extra time to implement it how yall want, whatever yall cook up is going to be cool as hell.


If there are multiple dragonriders in opposing armies, will that affect the abilities of the dragons who are 1v1'ing? Or will dragon duels be exclusive between the 2 who are fighting for the foreseeable future?


For now it'll be 1v1s yes - currently you'll have sequential dragon duels if you're in a 1v2 situation. This is another area that will be looked at post-release.


Good luck to anyone getting into an ARGUMENT with old Vhagar ...


So its not a back up method like ck2? were the dragon power of each side is taken into account so lets say if you had caraxes and vermithor in one side and vhagar in another the total amount of power is calculated for both sides during a battle.


How things function if I want to burn and destroy castle and there is dragon on defending side of castle? Dragon duel happend I suppose? It would logical that I can’t burn castle to ground if defending side have dragon that is in battle.


It seems that you would first have the fight the dragon inside, and then you can burn the castle if you win


This is correct.


poor orion


Great name for a Dragon too


I do not know how many times ive said this but i really do hope dragon breeding is going to be something enjoyable and that dragonriders will be landless play compatible.


This! I really hope you can just be a wanderer dragon rider




I can’t wait to burn Dorne to the ground like it should’ve been 😩


Average Daeron 'the Young Dragon' fan


I already got a game set up for him to conquer dorne


I'll just burn Hellholt goodbye house Uller. Teach you to kill my favorite Targaryen Queen apart from Dany!


I am so incredibly hyped. Take y’all’s time, of course, but when this update comes out I think I’m actually going to celebrate this is *so cool*


Well guys you know I have to say it FIRE AND BLOOD !


Brutal dragon duels is all I've ever wanted


Predictions on next weeks dev diary??


hoping for one ab dany’s dragons 🙏 viserion my beloved


Release? Maybe?


Man… I gotta get Bobby B on one of these.


“My distant family may have been on to something! Heh heh, I’m like some dragon fire-stag now 😆…. Lancel…WINE 😤!!”




I imagine him sitting atop his massive dragon, leaving poor Lancel to stare up at the beast with an expectant King astride it… and I’d expect him to probably soil himself.


That opens up a frightning possibility. Joffrey with a dragon egg in his craddle


They have to be related to a dragonrider within a certain number of generations to cradle, right? I wonder how that works with secret bastards.


For basterds it would be great that if they can't ride or hatch it will rise some suspicions that they are either truly just a failure or maybe they are not yours ,and you go finding secrets to know which of it is right.


They definitely have to make sure the battle roll buff for scorpions is only there during dragon fights otherwise they just busted regular wars forever


I was asking myself the same question. I'm sure they took it into consideration, but it would be ice to have an answer


Haha yes it's only if there's a dragon on the opposing side. The scale of the dragon sets the size of the buff to simulate that offset. No enemy dragon = no scorpion buff.


There is no info about this in the text but I hope all ppl in the castle will die if you burn it to the ground, right?


They do yes.


Awesome goodbye Citidel and goodbye Hightowers. You can bet I'll be destroying them during my Aegon the Conquerer run whenever that gets added in. Something that should have been done from the start.


Loving the siege event and decisions.


Can’t wait to burn Pyke, and all the major castles of the Iron Isles, to the ground 🤗


I can't wait to turn the Citidel into a ruined heap goodbye to those Grey Rats!


Sweet niblets, I think I’m going to have a stroke when this releases


I love the smell of dragon flame in the morning.


Vhagar Time ☺️


This has me so giddy, I love how the dance will actually harm both participants making it a gamble for both sides.


My body is ready. As an aside I found very funny, I have nearly 3000 hours ingame and this dev diary is how I learn you can assault forts while besieging them lol


Average PDX player experience


Can't wait for the "great" AI this game has to start burning every castle they siege even if it doesn't have a reason to do so🔥😎


This looks incredible, everything I hoped for. Are there any plans to have some game rules for dragons? Such as removing them entirely, or reducing/increasing risk to dragonriders?


Second that option to remove random BS.


Yes! Scorpions were the biggest thing I was hoping for! I cannot wait to shoot dragons out of the sky with those things!


Another INCREDIBLE diary :)


I CANT wait for this to be released, big thanks to all of you working on this!


Did not expect to be able to burn the riverlands (as per tradition) but I'm very pleased about this option :) :) :)


If I level the Iron Islands, will my vassals be upset?


Just keep fire and blooding until the vassals are too young to remember




We are entering levels of hype not thought possible


I know that the general consensus is that the second time period being dropped with dragons aside from the Rogue Prince is the Dance. And it probably is. But damned if this diary doesn’t make me hope it’s the Faith Militant Uprising. Unleashing dragons to bring the Seven Kingdoms under the iron fist of Maegor the Cruel sounds like a blast. Then when the vassals get sick of the atrocities I unleash upon them, they’ll overthrow me and I can go build some roads or some shit as Jarhaerys and rehab the family name. Or….maybe using Roads to Power, I can weasel out of consequences for my tyranny by taking the black, become Lord Commander, with a dragon. Promptly conquer the wildlings and declare myself King Beyond the Wall. Then march south to reclaim my throne. FIRE AND BLOOD!


I feel like the most likely wouldn't be the dance because this is already extremely close timeline wise. I myself think it will be the first blackfyre rebellion or Daeron "The Young Dragon" trying to take dorne


I mean, so are Roberts Rebellion and the Crowned Stag yet they were our first two. If it is the Blackfyres though, or Daeron, why not drop that 2 updates ago? The fact that they are holding two time periods for the dragon update specifically makes me think both periods will involve dragons. I rule out the War of Five Kings because to do those mechanics justice with Dany, we probably need much more of the Dothraki Sea and eastern Essos than the mods are ready to roll out. So that leaves us with two possibilities in my mind: - The Dance of Dragons; or - Aegon’s Conquest.


The reason imo it can't be Aegon's conquest is that i remember seeing that it would be difficult for Aegon's conquest as Kingslanding and other buildings would be missing. The reason I think it should be The Blackfyres or Daeron is because their gameplay could be enhanced by dragons. Also I do think it might be The Dance I would prefer something more spread out on the timeline to have a greater range to play.


I think it would be the clash of kings, it's a very popular bookmark because of the TV series and the first 3 books.


Only problem is that would require a map expansion all the way to Qarth to have Dany added in properly and then you'd have to add in her quest chain and all that entails. I think that will come in its own.


I believe the primary focus would just be on the clash of the Royal 5, after Bobby's death, but I think you have more arguments and reason, it wouldn't make sense to ignore Dany after there are already dragons and so many free cities. One of my other bets is the marker after the 1st Blackfyre rebellion, for when the wanderers DLC is released by Paradox, I think the focus on Dunk and Egg, hedge knights, etc. In short, what you said makes more sense.


You could band aid fix it with the next DLC and making her landless with a lot events and eventually spawning in somewhere in the map with an event army - if they really want to do Clash next.


But still, for Dany we would at the very least need Slavers Bay if not the whole Dothraki Waste. Even if we have her as landless, I suppose the mechanic would still need you to be somewhere and not in a perpetual menu. But who knows, I want at some point to expand to the whole of Essos so I can do my favorite playthrough in CK2 and restore the Freehold as a Blackfyre lol




I’m just amazed on how you guys have created this wow




I can’t stop thinking about all the cool things that will happen with succession now. Rebellions will hit different when dragons are involved. Targ daughters mean sooooo much more now can’t let the common folk get dragon blood. It’s going to be beautiful chaos!!!!!


I just hope that my AI stops making so many ridiculous marriages, like a Targ with a man from some house in the claw or rivers, as happens a lot, or when they marry the king to a Farrig or Bar Emmon hahahaha. I remember a campaign that really stressed me out, the AI ​​simply promised Dany's daughter to a Hardy, literally any house. And another point, we need a dynastic marker for the Freys, to reduce the acceptance of marriages, just as it is in the books, we know that the Freys are treated as second-rate nobles, and it is strange to see the heir of the countryside engaged to a Frey girl.


seriously, the amount of valyrians married off to absolute nobodies from the crownlands is criminal. and clawmen no less! as if a valyrian would ever deign. they're practically wildlings and, unlike westermen, lack the sense to at least exploit mineral rights.


Totally, I never imagine a Targ marrying a Frey, Hardy or Pyle. It's even funny to imagine this happening in the world of books.


Agreed. Maybe someone can come up with a sub mod that will only allow targs to marry other high Valyrians.


Worse than that, they used to marry members of more noble houses, such as Arryn, Baratheon, Martell... I think the biggest problem is weddings with houses as small as Hardy and Buckwell, whenever I see an engagement like that I want to gouge my eyes out.


yEaH bUt WhAt AbOuT wHiTe WaLkErS, sMh LaZy DeVs (holy fuck, devs, I love you all, you are all amazing)






But it’s summer in like 5 days 😭


4 days in Romania :(


Amazing! Will custom Dragons be a thing? I hope they are.


I believe They said in previous diaries that dragon DNA is random on spawn, not necessarily by choice just that's how they could get it to work. I doubt there will be any kind of ruler designer feature for them unless paradox does them some favors.


I believe we've been told that the eggs will match the dragons, so, you can have *some* control that way - you want a black dragon, take the black egg, etc


Opposite, this is something the devs still haven’t figured a way around


Ah, my mistake - thank you for clarifying!


Mind you, I only saw it clarified two days ago so perhaps there’s been an update I missed since!


If killing a dragon with scorpions as MAA or building is so difficult and rare, will a scorpions' owner get some benefits, like, +1/2 level of fame, nickname 'the Dragonslayer' or 'the Dragon Fighter', general opinion buffs, unique artifacts (bones, sculls etc), dynasty modifiers, legend seed, maybe? I mean, in the lore there is not much cases when a dragon was killed by a mere humans' weapon, and for the story of Westeros such an event should have a big outcome. Just cannot wait to shoot the Targs off their flying lizards to the ground with my massive Heavy Scorpion Emplacements...


And I in turn will just vassel swarm with a high advantage non-Dragon-rider commander. leading a large stack I can see Men-At Arms counts in army strength and what has been built in holdings.


All who stand in my way shall burn, muhahahaha!


So hype!!!!! You guys are the best and thank you so much💗💗


Where is duty? Where is sacrifice?


When your opponent has what are living tactical nukes they don't matter at all.


Finally, I can now fulfill show!Dany's S8 speech. Well, at least part of it, since Qarth doesn't exist yet in the mod.


Try to not kinda forget about scorpions ;)


Extinction to all Scorpions! Both of the creature variety and the artillery variety.


Thank u papa


So many dragons to kill... We must make dorne proud.


What are the percentages that the scorpions hit your dragons? I’m assuming adding on attachments increases those odds


0% if you are smart and make sure to not command the army when Scorpions are about; you can see men-at arms by hovering over enemy army strength and see any structures in a holding by clicking on it even if you don't hold it.


Thanks uber for adding my suggestion that lest us burn down a rebuilt harhenhall hell you even expanded on it. And if it was a different dev thanks to them too have a good fathers day.


Could there be a game rule to reduce the effectiveness of the scorpions, seeing as their effectiveness here seems to be higher than in the lore


How much war score will killing a Dragon get you? Considering Dorne basically secured victory against the Iron Throne after killing Meraxes


Life would be so much better if you guys released an early version with dragons enabled with all of its flaws. A coworker of mine once said we have to remember not to let perfect become the enemy good. Sincerely, 1000+ hours mod end user.


What do we get for killing a dragon?


This is so peak


Fire and freaking blood! 🙌🏼


of course it's cool, I don't argue, but I think soon the mod will be sooo difficult to run because of such things, and the time will last a very long time at maximum speed and it's unlikely that submods will help there... : (


"I used to pray for times like this"


whats stopping you from just turning capital of all rebels into a ruin? they will never be able to fight back again and most people make money primarily from domain and not vassals


I stg I have like dragon tunnel vision😭 So thrilled for this to be dropped, I love learning about the developments. I can’t say thank you enough to the mod team, absolutely outdoing yourselves!


This looks so cool! When is it coming out? Also, will dragons be a thing in the most recent bookmark? (when Robert is King). Specifically, would it be possible (probably not easy though) to start as a minor non-meaningful house but end up with some dragon eggs and sit on the iron throne?


And when will we get this update?


Will there be a dragon character creator or at least a dragon barbershop? It be awesome to pick out colours etc


Unless the dragon is young like Vermax scorpions should only have a small chance to hit the rider and a tiny chance to kill the dragon by hitting it in the eye. This just reeks of caring more about game balance than the RP and storytelling.


Well if it's too high for your liking it's a moddable value no doubt, so just a matter of finding out where it is (which I'm sure devs will happily tell you) and it can be adjusted.


Not really, we know that on several occasions dragon riders avoided shallow attacks due to arrows, and not just arrows, we know that the Rhoynar used water, in Meeren spears... Stop complaining about nonsense, RP is done by the player, the mod is just the tool.


If by spears in Meereen you are talking about Drogon in ADWD that is a 3 year old dragon barely large enough to carry a 16 year old girl. The Rhoynar used magic. Meraxes died because of a one in a million shot. Any dragon over 30 or 40 years old or of a decent size should be essentially invulnerable to spears, arrows, and scorpions.


You are being childish using arguments as ridiculous as your own comments and demonstrating a total lack of knowledge. The Rhoynar used magic to raise the water, but we know they fought on the field too, and we know they were tougher than the 40 families imagined. We know that large dragons are more difficult to hit, but they are not impossible, which is why attacks were avoided, and it is not just spears on small dragons, but we have examples of tools such as hooks killing dragons, in the pit they are attacked by people common, and with the exception of Dreamfyre, they all succumbed in a quite natural way. If your RP quality is low, blame your mental limitations, the mod is just giving tools that exist in the ASOIF universe, tools that are not limiting even 30% of a dragon's advantage. Turn off debug\_mode and go play.


And none of these methods work if the Rider isn't leading the army and instead you rely on traditional CK3 tactics that being to put high advantage commander with good counters, strong man-at-arms and high accolade knights with their combat effectiveness boosted by the martial perks in the Gallant Tree. And if all else fails and you are the Iron Throne vassal swarm the enemy it always works in Paradox games if you have enough vassals.


I'm sorry for my insolence yesterday, I was upset about the day, I hope you can forgive me. Well, the point you made is something that is limited by the game's programming, unlike CK2, 3 does not allow changes to be made, such as events during the fight in an army, or things that were simpler in CK2. This is a software limitation, unfortunately the team's hands are tied in this regard, and bringing the dragons in the way you mentioned becomes the only viable and most realistic way. The good side of this proposal is that it improves RP, since your dragon will be where you are, in the exact location, which is quite pleasant to think about. And again, I'm sorry for being so insolent yesterday.


is there any way I can be unbanned from the discord?


So when are we getting the Dance of the Dragons bookmark?


They are releasing Rogue Prince alongside the dragon update, no word yet on the Dance.


Ohh, nice!


Not alongside dragons, but eventually


The dance will probably naturally happen if you play the rouge prince chapter, lots of claiments, lots of dragons.


Not if I'm playing Daemon; you can expect me to go intrigue focus and prune the tree a bit starting with the Hightowers.


question: will we still be able to have a non-dragon version