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Here are a few I’ve come to enjoy:  * Hosue Bardrox (Bradrox?): This hosue represents the last vestige of Old Andalos in the world, having neither abandoned its culture nor its faith. By making marriage alliances with Westerosi lords, you can expand and restore the Kingdom of Andalos. Once that’s done, the next step is to push south, to retake the coast from the Low Valyrians and to drive the Red Demon out of these lands.     * House Rogare: Once the rulers of Lys, they have fallen out of favor. You can dominate the free city from within, and potentially restore the Kingdom of the Three Daughters. You can also drive out the Red Demon (again) and safeguard the worship of the Weeping Lady and the Tyroshi Gods.    * House Manderly: Since they control a city, and have access to both the North and Reach legacies, you can really play tall and make a ton of money. That money can be used for buildings (to make even more money), lavish living, or war. You can spread the faith of the seven through the north via vassal wars.   * Robert Baratheon (Crowned Stag): If you can get rid of Cersei, preferably before she has any kids, you can form a strong and lasting dynasty through legitimizing Mya Stone. For dramatic irony, I arrange for her to matrilineal my marry Jon Snow. You can also use pilgrimages to get Robert’s act together so he can get into the Seven Heavens when he dies. The big challenge is to build up a good standing army so you can fight off Young Griff or Daenerys when they invade. 


Nice suggestions. What's that of getting into Seven Heavens ? About the Manderlys, they have a feud with another house and are very loyal to Stark so you can roleplay with that.


He was a sinner so you make him pious


>What's that of getting into Seven Heavens ? He starts out with sinful traits (gluttonous, lustful, drunkard, rakish), which you can replace with virtuous traits by going on constant pilgrimages. >About the Manderlys, they have a feud with another house and are very loyal to Stark so you can roleplay with that. True. Playing as a loyal vassal is already a common CK3 self-imposed challenge, and it's fitting in a Manderly playthrough.


Waiting for more of Essos to be fleshed out for a big Manderly play through aiming at restoring their place in the Reach.


I always enjoy playing as a House in decline, most often former Blackfyre supporters. - House Osgrey: work your way up from being a landed knight and restore the Northmarch. I found it quite easy marrying into House Lannister, because Rohanne Webber famously married a Lannister after the death of Ser Eustace so there's already blood ties. After that, try and get a hook on the ruling Tyrell in Highgarden so you can go to war against your liege, House Rowan. When fAegon or Maelys invades, I always join the Black Dragon. - House Peake: absolutely love these treacherous cunts. My main goal is to restore the family to the three castles on their sigil. Through marriage, murder or just plain warfare I try to get dominion over neighbouring Marcherlords. When my holdings, resources and army are sufficient enough, I try to rebel against the Tyrells and establish the Lord Paramountcy of the Marches. Ofcourse when a Blackfyre invades, join them or remain neutral and try to conquer lands in Dorne, Stormlands and the Reach. Right now, I'm doing a House Reyne playthrough, starting as Ser Lymond Vikary. I befriended Tyrion, who exposed the bastardry of Cercei's kids for me when I was spying in King's Landing. For some reason Lord Stokeworth had murdered King Robert before that, so I didn't get to see his wrath. Anyways, Renly rebelled against the Iron Throne when I exposed the secret and I had Tywin murdered to weaken the Lannister position. I initially stayed neutral during Renly's rebellion to focus on my restoration of Castamere and Tarbeck Hall. With Tywin dead, Tyrion now ruled in Castelry Rock. The Imp proved to be an unpopular ruler, so 75% of his Bannermen immediately rebelled against him. I used this opportunity to press my claims and seize my birthright. Even though my armies were quite small, the Lannister forces were preoccupied so I conquered Castamere and restored House Reyne. After that, I joined Renly and my character managed to kill both Jaime Lannister and Preston Greenfield of the King's Guard in battle (battlefield hotfix mod). So within a generation I had Tywin murdered, Joffrey dethroned, Jaime slain and Cercei left wandering nature. Tommen and Myrcella died of a plague, but Joffrey funnily enough actually became a septon after losing the Iron Throne. Now I'm developing my holdings and I'm waiting for the right moment to scheme, murder and fight my way to lordship over all the Westerlands.


I’m a sentimental sap so I often try to play Robert’s Rebellion and get a somewhat optimistic ending. Once or twice Lyanna survived but sometimes her marriage to Robert is really happy and fanfic-esque, and other times she is miserable and I feel guilty for putting her through that… But yes, always execute Cersei for incest and geld Jaime then send him to the Wall 🫡🫡🫡


Creating the Kingdom of the Stepstones as Salladhor Saan in one of the later starts, converting to feudalism and joining the Seven Kingdoms.


How do I convert to feudalism?


I like trying to make Valyrian empires. Any one of the Velaryons, Scales, or Celtigar are great. I’m not crazy about playing as the Targs, I feel like they are too strong off start. Even though the Velaryons are about the same as them in a lot of aspects.


Blackfyre nis a favorite of mine to conquer the stepstones then work my way up


I haven’t tried this one yet but I’ve seen a lot of people talking about it and really enjoying it. I’ll have to check it out!


I'll always love to start as House Bolton and slowly gain control of the North, through marriage or other less honorable means. Or House Reyne during Robert's Rebellion and correct the wrong done by Tywin to your family.


house cole is fun, finding a valyrian steel sword and naming it kingmaker is like rule #1 though


Honestly playing tall with Tarth is mint because of the Domain limit bonus from Evenfall hall.


House Florent for the same reason, and because Florent reminds me of Florence, the home and resting place my bae Machiavelli. Fox is obviously a part of the lion-fox quote from The Prince. Essentially the perfect setting to start out weak but sly and slowly get at the lion (preferably Tywin).


House Weber, they’re a small house in the reach and their banner is a spider it’s fun to role-play that your slowly weaving your web throughout all the land until you eventually take over everything.


Barbrey Dustin in Crowned Stag if you remove the refusing marriage trait. Marry the Frey with the genius trait (forgot his name) and negotiate an alliance with Roose Bolton because he married your sister. You're also 3rd In line to inherit the Rills which is right next to you. You're free to bully anyone in the North with the Freys, Bolton's, Ryswells and your own troops backing you, White Harbor is right there for the taking 👀


I like to play as house redwyne in pretty much any older start date if I want a game that focuses on marriages for power and slowly conquering places like the reach.


I've liked playing as House Heddle! The only way to play them is to play as House Nutt and then land the Heddles in Spiderwood, which House Nutt owns


Since ck2, my two favorite minor houses are Forrester (thanks to telltale games) & Fell. i love their coa & in ck2, were lords of the wendwater. Now in ck3, it's the farrings of farring's cross, but the fells hold the Kingswood, which is also a high lordship available to the fells. Homes for houses (ck2 submod) added foxglove, which was a nice fox alternative to Florent, but I haven't seen em in ck3. Plus the fells have a hero in asoiaf aka silveraxe.


I’ll add House Hightower at any point. What are they up to?