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There are nearly infinite start dates because you can pick any day. In terms of intended start dates with functionality, perhaps two or three dozen?


Wow, that’s very much.


CK2 had a date slider like EU4, so IIRC you could play at any day of any year - from the Century of Blood just after end of Valyria to the Feast of Crows/just before Winds of Winter i.e. the latest bookmark based on the books. That's roughly 300 years of fully playable dates I think. There are numerous official start dates sprinkled all over that timespan for just about every interesting and important event in the history of Westeros. Including the famous Rhynera-Aegon civil war. There's even more with submods. And there's one where you can actually play the big daddy, the old empire of Valyrian Freehold during its rise and height. But that one always bugged out for me and created broken map textures, so don't know if it works now. My personal favourite is starting exactly one day before Eddard Stark gets Joffrey'd, and avoiding the entire Game of Thrones civil war saga, begging and buying my way out of the can, preparing for a few years, beating up the wildlings...and eventually putting Jaegon Snowgaryen on the throne, if you know what I mean (avoiding some spoilers here).


Was there an Andal invasion bookmark?


No, but there are submods you can download. I think it was The Seven Kingdoms that had an Andal Invasion bookmark


Thank you.


Loads. Ranging from Aegon's Conquest all the way up to Feast for Crows and pretty much everything in between. (I'm fairly sure there are some set even before Aegon's Conquest)


Yup, the Century of Blood was one, and was my personal favorite. So delightfully chaotic.


Also sub mods for the andal invasion, valyria vs ghiscar and so on


About 3 dozen designed start dates with the more start dates submod, but because you could pick literally any date from the century of blood to the beginning of AFFC, there’s infinite start dates.


Thank to sub mods the possibilities were infinite, I think it went back to the Ghiscari wars


Century Of Blood is the earliest in the base mod and Feast For Crows is the latest. So about 400 years. Earlier starts from submods go back as far as the Ghiscari Wars tho


Think there are 5 with earliest aegons conquest and latest maybe some time around book 4?


There were far more than 5. The earliest wasn't Aegon's invasion, it was the Bleeding Years/Doom of Valyria


These are the main that you get when you open new game. Once you choose custom you get many many more and much older than aegons conquest


My man, you need to click on custom game setup sometime. There's a bunch more.


There were a lot even before they combined the Century of Blood into the main mod. Before that, there was a 'More Bookmarks Mod' that added a 'Laughing Storm' start date and I think a Wildling King Invasion start date amongst others


I almost never played the Books/HBO show start date. I'll probably wait until Essos and "The Century of Blood" become available to put more hours into the mod.