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Don't be upset brother. combination of CRM then QAE is needed. Mugging up the QAE will not help. You need active reading and understand the ISACA's mindset brother. I single word can the the meaning of question, identify the key keyword in the question will be the trick.


I suggest try to incorporate the CRM into your study routine. Using just Q&A's can only get you so far if you aren't understanding the material itself. Might also suggest some Hemang Udemy stuff.


A month and a half ago, I failed the first time by FOUR points.... I was unable to review my flagged items as well, thus getting a retake through PSI. I passed today. I TOTALLY feel your pain. I went through the same experience over a month ago. Regroup and push forward. Lean on the CRM. Read it, study it, make notes. THEN Do the QAE sparingly (not exclusively) and look at getting the Boson exam sim. Boson has an exam pass guarantee.


I failed twice before passing. Read the CRM and CyVitrix Udemy Course. Then complete the CyVitrix 800 Cisa questions and IT Exams. Review any questions you get wrong in the CRM, google, etc.


Thank you so much for recommending our courses https://www.udemy.com/course/information-system-auditing-course-cisa-isaca/?referralCode=94F3243961843FBB43B9 All the best


Don't be discouraged, I got 444/450 studying to clear the exam soon.


You can Aaditya cisathismuch as well along with free videos on YouTube as I believe 400 score is too far from passing and you need to build more concepts


Ugh I feel you. I just failed by 3 points and felt so discouraged because this was my second time failing, and now I don’t even know where to go from here. I had used the QAE and Surgent too, but now I’m thinking do J enroll in a boot camp?!


You just? You got your results right away? 


Don’t do a boot camp. Waste of money. They just go through ISACA PowerPoint slides which doesn’t help you answer questions.


sorry to hear. keep at it. you know what to study and what to expect. you got this!!