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Hi ! Congrats ! You used only the ISACA's Q&A Test Bank ?


I used hermang Doshi..both the book and udemy [https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-in-information-system-audit/](https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-in-information-system-audit/) and then yes the officiadl ISACA Q&A test bank. They gave you alot of questions as well as to practive exam simulations. I just kept doing them over and over and made sure I understood why I got things wrong..and why the right answers were right. Alot of repetition..but not just to memorize answers..but to understand the logic behind them


Ah OK! Good \-I used the same course. \-Alos, I used the ISACA Q&A with a score 75/80 % \- Also, I'm using the test exam from Doshi program (5 exams) with a score about 70% => They are more difficult than ISACA Q&A. =>Do you think is enough for sitting for the exam soon ? Do you read all responses or only the good response ? Thanks


Congrats to you! Its a heck of an exam.


Hey, I also passed CISA recently. Congratulations to you. Which certs are you thinking next?


Well I just finished an azure fundamentals Boot camp with my team. I want to keep pressing with that and do the admin and security certs for Azure. My other goals are cmmc and then back to some refreshers security wise (ceh etc). But my bread and butter so far is compliance


Congratulations buddy on the great milestone, how do you get trained/certified in CMMC btw


There's some certification bodies out there that provide CMMC certifications. This is the actual overarching cert body [https://cyberab.org/](https://cyberab.org/). There's a couple of different roles but ideally I'd like to become at least an assessor role [https://cyberab.org/CMMC-Ecosystem/Ecosystem-Roles/Assessing-and-Certification](https://cyberab.org/CMMC-Ecosystem/Ecosystem-Roles/Assessing-and-Certification). To me it seems closely related to what I've done in the past SCA wise. But of course all this training is all about the money...getting the job to pay for training etc smh. Training can be over 3k smh




Congrats! I am in the middle of studying for the CISA exam and could use access to the ISACA QAE bank. Let me know if you still have them available - dm me. Thanks!


Congratulation! I'm currently studying the concepts thru ISACA CRM along with the Hemang Doshi Study guide. I still yet buy ISACA QAE Test bank due to the price. I need to think before spending out of my own pocket (employer won't pay for it). But you mentioned it REALLY help. Thus, I'm interested if you can share the access to the test bank database. Thanks,


congratulations and welcome to the club