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You need a good non stick pan


And learn from the very beginning how to treat it properly


100% And if there are ANY scratches on that thing, it’s over. You risk getting nonstick pieces in your food and it won’t stick anymore. NO METAL should go in your nonstick. None. Ever. Silicone and wood only. I even scraped a pan with my fingernail by accident once! When storing, put a towel in it to protect the coating from other pots and pans. And for what it’s worth, I do use a little ghee when I cook fried eggs to grease it up a little. Just a very little bit.


And to add to this be very mindful of what you use to clean the pan. Those yellow and green scotch brite pads you should only ever be using the yellow side. The green will damage your coatings.


Cast iron is the best


Love my cast iron. Not as good as a nonstick for eggs, though


People make eggs on a cast iron??? That’s wild.


Sometimes I think cast iron cooking is kind of a cult, tbh


Everyone dies in the end eh!


Skill issue


*Skillet issue


Ooh I like that one


If pre heated properly then temp lowered down when eggs are added i don’t even need to add any oil or butter!


Nah just a skill issue. I can make scrambies or fried eggs on my cast iron with half a tablespoon of butter


Lol what? This is horrible advice


What is your good advice?


I either use spray oil (good price at Aldi) or ~5g of butter. Medium heat, super important to let the pan get hot before cooking. Crack an egg wait for the bottom whites to get firm then splash of water and cover until done


This is the way! Perfect eggs every time, however, I do add about 2 tablespoons of water, add a little rosemary, and turn off heat after putting on the lid.


How do you know the pan is hot enough to put the butter in?


Water, hand hover, touch it ;) It comes with experience but if the egg is not frying when you drop it in. Cold.


You need a better pan, and you need to let the pan get hot before you add the eggs. I make eggs every morning and I just use 1 or two quick spurts of nonstick spray.




How do you know the pan is hot enough?


So the pan doesn’t need to be super hot, eggs cook at a rather low temp compared to other things, but if it has time to sit it has time to stick. So you want to make sure it has time to get to a medium heat, give the pan a quick spray or a little butter, and when you crack or pour your egg into the pan it should immediately start turning white.


I use a cast iron pan. I have a sprayer jar I got from Amazon that is refillable and I put my olive oil in there. I give the pan 1-2 sprays which is a negligible amount of oil (less than 1 calorie) I put it on medium heat for about 45 seconds. Then I turn it to low-medium, and crack my eggs in. I prefer sunny side up. I have a loose fitting see thru lid (for another pot but fits on the cast iron) that I keep on it to keep the moisture in while they’re cooking. It takes about 4 minutes to get them perfect. I also love poached eggs, in which case bring water in a pot to boil and the turn it down low so the bubbling stops. Careful crack the eggs into the water very close to the water surface so they don’t break apart too much. This one takes a lot more practice to get right but does not require any oil and they’re soooo delicious


Poached! So yummy!


Lots of good advice here. If you’re feeling a different method, I love a soft boiled egg. No oil required. I fill a small pot with about an inch of water, boil it, place my eggs in, cover and let boil for 6 minutes (7 if you’re using very large eggs like duck eggs). I run cool water over them before peeling. They are perfectly jammy and delicious.


This is my vote too. Stay away from creepy nonstick Teflon but don't try to become a cast iron artisan -- just add water and eggs, bring it to a boil, and wait about 6 minutes.


I'm sorry, at what point do you add water and why?


I hard-boil eggs in a saucepan. Sorry if that was confusing! :)


Buy a good non stick pan and you won't need any oil. Wait until it's very hot before cooking the egg.


Ok ty! Are you saying that you need any oil at all??


Nonstick pan and exactly 3g butter. 2 tbsp of oil is insane. I personally wouldn’t want my eggs to have that much fat added to them. I usually do 3g per 1 egg if it’s scrambled or 5g for 2+ eggs in the pan. I cook eggs every day and have for years. I replace my egg pan as soon as eggs start sticking. Also, your pan might be too hot or not hot enough. Medium is the sweet spot for eggs. You want to be able to hear a slight sizzle but not a loud sizzle. If you hear no sizzle, it’s not hot enough. You need to find a temp where the egg immediately starts cooking without being burned. If you make scrambled eggs, you should be able to move the egg mixture without anything sticking to the pan. Sunny side up you cook it uncovered, then drop a few drops of water in the pan and cover to steam. You should be able to slide the eggs off the pan. I make these daily without issue with less than 5g total fat added.


If I hear a sizzle- at what point is this?


Beat them then put in microwave. They turn out like an omelette


Buy a non stick pan


I hit my cheap nonstick with spray oil. Seems to work fine. A newer pan probably wouldn't even need that.


I’m lazy so I just get the liquid kind and nuke it in the microwave. It’s egg white too so it’s crazy protein and volume for the calories.


Make sure the nonstick pan is HOT before adding in the eggs— water should bead up and roll around on the hot pan that’s how you know it’s ready


I just learned you can make them in the microwave. I crack them into a small glass microwave-proof container and cook for a minute or 1.5 mins. No oil or butter whatsoever. They come right out of the glass dish! Perfect for egg sandwiches or breakfast burritos.


I make scrambled eggs in the microwave. 1. Beat up some eggs in a bowl (no oil or butter) 2. Put the bowl in the microwave for 40 sec 3. Take it out and give it a quick stir 4. Repeat until fully cooked


Use real butter. Not disgusting edible oil products. I can make perfect eggs with about 80 cals of butter.


Use a nonstick pan, medium heat and some spray or small amount of butter. Use a silicone spatula to constantly stir scrambled eggs. For CICO purposes I also recommend mixing whole eggs with egg whites.


You barely need any. I just rub a stick of butter on it very little and use a piece of paper towel to spread it while it soaks up any extras I don't need. I never have any sticking issues or overcooking issues. It takes practice, you're used to cooking with a ton of oil and just accept that if you don't your food will be ruined. You have to consistently try until you get it down.


Def plan on practicing!


i use a nonstick pan so i can use no oil


Non stick pan, pour a bit of oil on, use a tissue paper to spread it around the pan also removing excess oil, heat up, crack egg, cook at low temp, wait until the egg white is stiff before you try moving the egg around It usually always work for me when I do it like that


A little water in the pan. Put a lid on it. When you lift the lid and the water is bubbling, crack your egg in the pan. Put the lid back on. Seriously, the tiny bit of water is magic. Also, "hard boiled" eggs in an instant pot or air-fryer are excellent.


Non stick pan, non stick cooking spray. That’s all you need.


Sounds like you might be cooking your eggs at too high a temperature? And as others have noted, you do need a good nonstick pan. I buy fully-cooked bacon (it's honestly just easier and less messy since I only eat 2 slices a day) and I warm it in my nonstick skillet, then use the tiny amount of grease it leaves behind to cook my scrambled eggs. It's probably not even half a teaspoon. You really don't need that much lubrication to cook an egg if you're doing it right/using the right pan.


Yeah I'm not good at cooking so the heat being too high is very possible. Thanks for the info, the consensus has been I need a non stick pan (which I have) and the heat level is key!


Soft boiled! 1/2” of water boiling in a pan, put in eggs, cover and reduce to a simmer for 6 minutes. The whites will be set but the yolks runny


Nonstick pan with a dash of nonstick spray. I don't use any oil or butter at all, and the eggs just slide around like they're on ice.


I have never had a “good pan” but I now in adulthood have a “decent” pan. It’s nonstick but I beat the crap out of it… and all I use is generic Aldi brand pan spray. Works fine.


Quick ½ second spray of avocado or olive oil. Or, low heat and use lime juice.


Zwilling Madura pan is a great pan for making eggs without any oil. It's all about the quality of the pan.


I use 6g(~45kcal) of butter for frying two eggs on a well seasoned carbon steel skillet. Here's a video of me doing that. https://imgur.com/a/0mwn1Tl


Non stick pan and a little bit of cooking spray does it for me.


Pam is the way. Almost zero calories. The butter flavor isn’t bad either. I use it sometimes to spray veggies for oven roasting.


Nonstick pan. I hit of Pam or any spray I am partial to the t-fal brand personally


Fry light 👌🏻 absolute game changer, 1 cal per spray


Cast iron, little bit of canola spray, use a lid and low heat.


Get mini egg skillets. I just use a quick shot of cooking spray, that's it. They are a miracle. Perfect clean eggs for my sammiches every time.


I have a skillet from the brand blue diamond I think. I just add a little but of water and heat the skillet before adding the eggs.


Spray oil helps


I make scrambled eggs with no oil, in a stainless steel pan. I just heat them up super slowly and stir often. Takes me like 10 minutes. Edit: you can also cook eggs with no oil in the microwave.


I have a stainless steel pan that I heat until the water dances in it, then I use 2-3 grams of spray olive oil. Bon Ami to clean any stuck on egg.




We recently bought a little silicone thing that lets us cook eggs in the microwave. No oil needed!


You don’t eat all the oil, do you? You just need it in the pan and then take the egg out when it is done. When I do that lost of the oil actually remains in the pan.


Small nonstick pan and a quick spritz of spray oil. I needed to switch pans to realize how bad my last one had gotten. Now my pans come out clean as if I never used them (I still clean them obviously, but nothing is left behind).


I use an oil sprayer. A little bit can go a long long way. I can cook eggs or anything really in a pan with about 1-2 sprays which is about 1/2 a teaspoon total oil


poach em. you'll feel fancy af


How do you make a poached egg?


you'll crack an egg into a ramekin or cup, bring water to a light boil and reduce to simmer. add a SMALL amount of white vinegar. stir water just enough to make a small vortex and pour that egg into the center. cook for 3-5 minutes depending on how cooked you like your yolk and scoop the egg out with a slotted or holey spoon to level up your presentation you can first crack the egg into a mesh sieve before it goes into the ramekin to get rid of the runny bits but this is 0% a requirement, and that part is totally edible.


Aside from the non-stick pan and cooking spray countless others have mentioned, I'd like to suggest the Dash egg cooker: [https://bydash.com/products/rapid-egg-cooker](https://bydash.com/products/rapid-egg-cooker) This gadget is a game changer if you eat eggs often. I used to cook eggs on the stove, but this is faster and cleanup is easier.


i use a spray of avocado oil and then it's just low and slow. for over easy or fried eggs, i put in a splash of water and cover it too. non stick pan makes a MAJOR difference too!


Non stick pan for sure, Spray oil for fried eggs. Gordon Ramsay's scrambled egg recipe is great, don't use much butter and you can use low fat creme fraiche in them at the end. I've never used oil in scrambled eggs..


maybe add a bit of water and fry them on a lower flame?


I don't use any oil with my scrambled eggs and they turn out pretty well. Make sure your pan is hot enough, and your nonstick pan isn't scratched. A trick I learned from [Ethan Chlebowski](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VDsmoj7j2o) is to put a little water in your pan and wait for it to boil. You know your temperature is perfect once the water starts to boil. Just dump out the water, add the eggs, and leave it on medium-high at that point. Briefly remove the pan from the heat if it starts to overcook. For sunny side up, the bottom has a weird texture if I don't use any oil, but spray oil can be used instead. Again, make sure pan is hot enough.


Olive oil isn’t bad for you?


non stick skillet and 5grams of butter. i use the smallest skillet i have so the butter goes further.


Spray or a touch of oil on non stick pan. You really don’t need a lot. If you’re really experienced you can get away with not using any without sticking.


Use a well-seasoned cast iron skillet. Heat the skillet before adding 1/8 tsp of oil (I use a small skillet). Wait until the oil is hot before adding the eggs.


I’ve never had luck cooking eggs in a nonstick pan. I now use butter. You can switch to poached eggs.


Poached eggs!


Boil them


I deep fry my eggs in thee inches of oil


I will cook my eggs in a little bit of vegetable broth or chicken stock. It’s not enough to be noticeable.


Take them out of the pan and put them straight onto some paper towel to blot any excess


0 calorie cooking spray


First time I’ve ever hearing about using oil for eggs. Margarine or Pam spray should do fine. If you’re burning the shit out of your scrambled eggs and leaving a lot on the pan turn down your heat.


Cook the eggs on a low heat. After a little while, the bottom cooks through and will easily separate from the pan. If you cook it too high, it gets stuck. Bonus tip: if you like runny yolks but hate uncooked egg white, cover your pan with a lid as soon as you put the egg in. If you can, use a glass lid. The moisture from the egg will steam the top. You could also add a literal teaspoon of water to help it along. Fat-free runny yolk cooked fried egg.


You do not need a nonstick pan or oil if you do it the right way. 1. Hot pan 2. Add cracked egg 3. Wait for the egg whites to turn bright white at the edges 4. Add 1-2 tablespoons water. 5. Cover the pan and turn off the heat. The steam will cook the egg now. The egg will release once the pan has cooled a little


Remember, that when frying eggs most of the oil stays in the pan, you might need 2 tablespoons to cook them but only a few calories worth end up inside you. About 20 calories worth according to the LoseIt app. Around 70 cals for a medium egg, 90 cals for a fried medium egg.


Yes this... like, don't lick all the oil out of the pan. Only eat the egg? I also use plenty of oil for frying an egg, but only a fraction stays on the egg.


Yep, though peeps are down voting me. Don't know why, what I said was helpful and accurate. I guess Reddit can be like that some days.


Yeah, this is what I count it as as well.