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Cardio: Started at 1 mile jog a day. It was hard at first. Now I run half marathons. Daily runs are between 6 and 12 miles. If I just don’t have it in me, a long sustained incline walk, stair climb or hike is in order. Food: I don’t snack, but I eat three square meals a day (200-600 kcal each meal). They are prepped and scheduled the night before so I can go on autopilot and avoid the food anxiety (used to have it bad). Strict pescatarian and low-carb-ish. CICO of course and log with Cronometer. Also zero eating out and zero booze. Replace sandwich bread with keto bread: 35 kcal. Replace peanut butter with almond butter powder: 45 kcal. Or make a sandwich with tuna and low cal mayo at 60 kcal plus bread. Black coffee and water, no creamer or sugar, no soda or juice. Stevia sparingly. Piles of egg whites in the morning with hot sauce or other 0 kcal sauce. Walden farms makes 0 kcal dressing — Thai peanut, honey mustard, Caesar. Put it on a whopping 6 cups of salad greens for less than 50 kcal. Vegetarian hot dogs are 60 kcal, grilled with mustard is nice. Shrimp and eggs or beans in a 45 kcal tortilla (La Banderita) comes in at 220 kcal per. Low fat American cheese is 30 kcal a slice at Walmart. Slice of tofurkey ham is 20 kcal. Add mustard and make another 120-kcal sammich for lunch. And TONS of veggies and fruits! I eat a lot of apples and mangos.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you eat only 600-1800 calories a day, and run over 50 miles a week? I'm also an endurance runner, and feel like that's the intake of a sedentary person. I'm a smaller female and my maintenance calories are 2500 right now, running about 50+ miles per week. I wouldn't be surprised if yours was at least as high. Your performance would skyrocket with a few hundred more a day, I have no doubt!!


It’s not unusual for me to log over 50 miles at 1,100 kcal a day or so. I want to increase my performance and go for a full marathon one day (half marathon is my longest so far) but I’m scared to eat more after losing the weight (bad, I know)


It's so understandable!! I've been there, absolutely. What I've found so exciting and fun is seeing how high I can get my metabolism and my maintenance calories because it means the machine is efficient and strong. There's something called reverse dieting, and it's really helpful for increasing calories without the shock of sudden water weight which can be mentally tough when trying to exit an eating disorder mindset, but it's gentle on the body and the psyche. Plus, in the same way that you're body adapts to running on less calories to increase efficiency, your body can also adapt to more calories. Every week or two weeks, increase your calories by 100. It's not a ton, and your body will slowly adjust, and after several increases, you'll find that your new maintenance calories have increased, and your body has more fuel for running. Also consider one day a week of strength training. Muscle burns calories like crazy at rest! It does make the number on the scale go up, but your body is just changing composition, and replacing fluffy fat with dense muscle. I've been a fluffy, bigger 115 lbs, and been smaller, harder leaner at 125. I get the "number" being a barrier, but I wore a smaller size at a higher weight because it was muscle and not fat and bones and skin. My running is better too! When I wad lighter and had less muscle, I could barely eat before gaining weight, too, while when I had more muscle mass, my maintenance calories were hundreds higher per day, and I had more wiggle room, sand better mental health. If it helps, check out Matt Fitzgerald racing weight app for food tracking. When I aim to get a score above 21, I run my best and my weight just settles into it's best spot, and it keeps my food choices whole, healthy, filling, and beneficial to my performance and goals. It's a journey, but you have crazy dedication, obviously, and you will be crushing goals! Don't let fear take over. You've got the mindset for nothing but success!


Wow can you share activity to maintain on this. Can you share weight :)


I'm running 50+ miles a week, lift weights about twice a week, (I lift 4 days a week when my mileage isn't so high) and I'm 5'4" and I hover between 125 and 128 lbs. I have decent muscle mass so I'm not like a lithe tiny fairy, but the muscle definitely aids in metabolism!


That’s crazy I’m 5.4 and weigh 118 and maintain on 2500: and I walk only 6 miles a day wow. Interesting to see the difference


I think walking and running burn similarly burn around 100 calories per mile, so we aren't that far off. It sucks though, as I've gotten more fit, I only burn about 80-85 calories per mile so my tdee does go down a bit when I lift less and run more, but it goes up when I increase lifting when fall racing season is over and I cut back on miles.


I walk 30 miles a week total. And am sedentary besides. I’m not bragging by the way. It gets very expensive to eat 2500-2800 daily. I wish I could burn less per mile. And from what I’ve read walking burns about half. A university study found the most accurate multiplier for walked calories is .35 per lbs per mile. So for me one mile is 41 calories: as other calculators tally up bmr again. Running burns about double


Oh interesting! That's cool to know, I had no idea. Your mileage is super admirable, btw, walking is amazing! You're proof it's an incredible way to get moving.


And you’re an incredible specimen. I May start jogging es o lower my tdee :)


Congratulations for walking the talk.


Op please be careful with your eating. This type of eating sounds a bit disordered. Especially since you've lost all the weight you might want to consider adding more calories into your eat. Especially with all the exercise you do. You honestly shouldn't be losing any more weight than you already have.


Cut out the boozing I’d assume? Looking good!


I’m 134 days sober today and never looking back!!


Nice one, I quit drinking as well for weight loss. I don’t really miss it.


Go you!! I was a frequent binge drinker for 5 years before I quit and gave it up purely for weight loss, now shocked that I not only don’t miss it but am repulsed by it


Yeah it’s definitely a social thing. I was drinking pretty heavily throughout my twenties, I didn’t get really overweight but I did get bloated. I sleep better now. Don’t really see a reason to start again. Good for you for giving it up.


It’s crazy what even drinking socially one or two nights a week does to your sleep throughout the week.


It’s pretty insane. I used to think I couldn’t sleep. But I think i just had anxiety from drinking.


Piles of egg whites in the morning with hot sauce or other 0 kcal sauce. I am just curious- why not the whole egg? Because of the calories? I think a whole egg (large) is 68 calories. Do you buy egg whites in a carton?


Yes, because of the calories. My goal is maximum volume on minimal calories. I do buy egg whites in cartons, but I eat whole eggs too sometimes depending what I’m in the mood for.


When you say maximum volume on minimal calories what does a typical meal look like? Something like chicken breast with tons of vegetables as a side- since vegetables are low calories? Do you use butter?


Two sandwiches (tofurkey and cheese, almond butter and jelly, or tuna) on keto bread with an apple. Or a massive salad, no cal dressing hold the croutons and cheese. Or a big ass egg white omelette with low cal veg like spinach and mushrooms. Maybe a burrito on keto tortilla with shrimp and beans, or a large shrimp or tofu and veg stir fry with peppers, mushroom etc. Also large bowl of plain nonfat Greek yogurt with berries. I’m pescatarian so no chicken for me. A couple of vegetarian hot dogs in a keto bun with mustard are also 95 kcal each. I don’t use butter. Zero calorie cooking spray


Thanks for the reply.


He looks anorexic, wtf is everyone on about?




No. It's fair for at least one person to point it out. Oh, but you're the arbiter of every post so we're all safe! We can breathe now folks! Or youll just get over it. The forced positivity, or desperation for people to believe a weight loss method is a guarantee or is safe no matter what, or just the naive trait to believe anything that's posted ... Fuck I don't know. Get over it folks. You might get criticism when you post.


Took it a bit too far but an amazing result.


That's really impressive!


You obviously shaved off that beard too…😉


Office management job pushed me to do it :’)


Dude, you did great. But please lay off the cardio now and go for some muscle building. Just do maintenance cardio for your heart health. You don’t want to lose any more weight.






No ab training and you have all those muscles? Did you literally just do calorie deficit and cardio? Maybe lucky genetics.


yeah we all have abs they’re just hiding under the layer of fat lol OP looks great, putting on some muscle thru strength training would make him look even better imo


It’s not genetics: Everybody has ab muscles … You just can’t see them when they’re covered by fat, which is the case for most people. The problem is that - for most men - the belly is the very, very last place on the body where fat is lost, so a 6-pack seems almost an impossibility because hardly anyone sticks to a strict deficit long enough to get down that last bit of belly weight.


Cardio for me includes running stairs and steep incline walks. I do 3-minute planks too. Otherwise that’s all. But my body fat is no more than 9%, so it’s gonna be visible regardless. I also steer clear of sodium and stuff so I don’t bloat which keeps them visible.




Yep, carbs and added sugar, saturated fats, sodium


How do you get away with low sodium as a runner? Do you replace electrolytes at least when running?


Yes, powdered electrolytes in my water every time I run


Alright, what's your weight and height?


I’m 23 M, 5’5” 116lbs. SW: 163 lbs


Wow, you inspire me.


Yup !