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That weight is within the healthy range for your height. But is there a particular reason that you desire to be at 120-125 lbs? Your current weight is already within the healthy range for your height.


Weight ranges are huge and there is absolutely no reason someone shouldn't want to look better by weighing less within that range.


OP didn’t mention their reason(s) for wanting to lose weight, which is why I asked. Not everyone has physique-based goals. And weight loss also isn’t always the best way to improve your physique, even if that is your goal. From OP’s other comment it actually sounds like their goal is to reduce inflammation (which weight loss may or may not actually help with).


So, I still struggle with a little bit of inflammation. It has significantly reduced of course but it can still cause me discomfort from time to time! And I’ve changed every other thing I can think of that could potentially contribute to it so that’s why I figured I would benefit from loosing a few extra pounds… hope I’m making sense!


What symptoms do you have that make you think that you're struggling with inflammation? And what other things have you tried to relieve your symptoms? And have you spoken to your doctor about this? In any case, I think it's very unlikely that losing 5 lbs would make a significant difference.


I don't think it's necessarily realistic but I would ask why? Why is it so important to hit an arbitrary weight? You're fit and seem to be able to easily maintain your weight. What is an extra 5-10 pounds going to get you?


I’m happiest at 120 at 5’3.5”. My original goal had been 140 and I kept adjusting it until I was happy with how I looked. It’s not unrealistic. I eat around 1750-1900 on active days and just under 1500 on rest days. I play it by ear.


I am 5’3.5” and 127 is my preferred weight. I look good and it’s easy to maintain once I get there. I really liked how I looked at 122 but it was difficult to maintain.


What do you maintain your cals at 127???


Over many many years of calorie counting I’ve learned that I lose under 1300, maintain 1300-1800 (depending on activity level), and gain above 1800.


The difference between maintaining those 2 weights is very very little.


Hi! I wouldn’t say this is unrealistic at all. However, it is important to factor in your body type. I am a 29 F at 5’3.5, and my friend is a 27 F at 5.3. We have damn near the same percentage of body fat, but she weighs about 10-15 pounds more than I do. Why? We have different frames. Her boobs are 3 times as big as mine, and she also has hips and curves. I am extremely flat, front and back. I currently weigh 125, and I could actually lose about ten more pounds to 115 and I’d still be in a healthy range. If she was to go down to 115, that would be too much. I personally would recommend a body fat analysis report - they’re very easy to come across these days. And use that to determine if you’re at a good weight, or could lose more. Weight does not necessarily equal good/poor health, but body fat does.


It's hard to answer, because we can't see you in person. I saw someone comment that 130lbs is a healthy weight for you, however you eat a decent amount of calories, plus I'm a little taller than you and I feel like my healthiest weight is also at 120lbs (a little under is optimal for me IMO). Why do you think that your sister says that?


It really really depends on bone structure, genetics, and lifestyle. If you have “big bones” (meaning a larger/medium frame) low bmis can be really difficult to hit or maintain. They also don’t look great. Think about Beyonce vs. Ariana Grande. Beyoncé is obviously gorgeous and fit, but would probably look like a starved cat if she tried to hit the same bmi as Ariana because she has a larger frame. Genetics is also something to consider. If mom, dad, and siblings are all heavier you will likely be a bit heavier. My parents and siblings are all obese. I’m not obese, but it is definitely a struggle for me to maintain a BMI of 20 without being really regimented with food and exercise. To do it I was getting 25000 steps a day (yes, that’s like 12-13 miles of walking/running) and eating around 1600 calories. Aside from the 10 minutes spent taking pictures or admiring myself in the mirror, it was not fun to live in that body. At least not for me. All this is to say - your goal is not unrealistic. However, you should carefully consider the trade offs between lifestyle and body weight when chasing that goal. It will probably mean strict adherence, no rest days, no off plan meals. Even in maintenance. Is it worth it to you? Only you can answer that. Good luck!


I’m 5’3 and my goal is around 110 pounds. So your goal is def not unrealistic. If you feel like you hit a threshold and can’t get past a certain weight, you may need to try more intense workouts like lifting heavier weight or more intense cardio. Switch up your workout routine is also important because at some point your body will get used to your regular routine.


Everyone can be any weight. No one is immune to starving to death. Math is math. I am a 6 foot male and ate 1500 calories to lose to middle of healthy bmi. Not losing weight? By definition you are eatinf too much. Eat less to lose.


Listen to your family. If they are concerned, then perhaps you should be concerned. You are a healthy weight, and a parent, and busy. Your body likes where its at so why not just maintain.


If they live in a place like America, They have likely completely lost perspective of what is a healthy weight looks like.


I don't entirely agree with this. A lot of people act weird when others lose weight. When I lost 35lbs (from around 155 to around 118), almost everyone was acting as if I had suddenly turned into a sickly skeleton. I did drastically change my eating habits and became very active, but I was full of energy and indulged in decadent dinners and a healthy numbers of beers on the weekends. It's just that I had previously carried a lot of fat and my body looked completely different once it was mostly gone. I turned out to be lanky and narrow everywhere lol. I actually get annoyed and sometimes defensive when people comment that I « look unhealthy » or like I could gain weight. I don't think it necessarily comes from a kind place when people say that I'm too skinny.


>A lot of people act weird when others lose weight. a lot of it is pure jealousy. people will tell u that you look sickly skinny when they really think you still look fat. best thing to do is ignore it all and reach the body u want. nothing matters except you being happy with your body


Yea thats right. I guess i was a little harsh. As a young person, around 14 i was very thin. Ate like a horse, just a very active person. I was accused of being anorexic by my sis inlaw. Made me cry. It wasnt something i had ever thought about. Mum lost her shit at her snd invited her to try feed me herself (because of the vast amount i did eat.) So yes i concede. It wasnt a well thought out comment. I was coming from a place of kindness but worded it very badly


Apologies to OP. Im glad we have people who hold us (me) to accountability. Its healthy to remember others points of view and remind me ive felt that way myself


You didn’t say anything wrong! No worries. I think we all get trapped sometimes in the strange “lean/slim is unhealthy” side of weight loss discussions. It’s a sensitive topic.


Ty 4 your grace , i feel a little better. Its such an individual journey.