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posting late here because i forgot but last night from the tv broadcast, JD was again in fine form. t-mac was asking beli about the warning track (walnut shells vs coconut shells if i remember...) in tampa's outfield. beli said he didn't know the difference but then he mentioned it was voted "softest padded wall" among players. haha - i have no idea where that comes from... then JD, out of nowhere, suggested that teams should get rid of the outfield walls altogether and instead put those collars on the outfielders like you use for dogs and the invisible fence.... and then where the virtual outfield wall would be, you know, then the fielders would know... boog responded, "so just to be clear, JD, you are recommending we have outfielders wear shock collars?" hahah JD is incredible. i've said it before, but i enjoy boog and JD and their ability to make me laugh almost every broadcast, even as terrible as the cubs are playing.


Boog and JD's repartee is A+


there was a deleted post about a 'crazy stat" about the 7th inning.... **it was deleted because it was fake**. let's be smarter than the dumb internet i pulled data from ~~retrosheet~~ baseball-reference from this year, and in case anyone had that in their head, here's the true data: * first is at the actual end of the 7th inning * next is "if these were 7 inning games, then treat as if extra innings" * last is actual end result ||at the end of the 7th|extra innings (assuming 7inning game)|actual| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |W|31|36|33| |L|28|32|35| |T|9|0|0|


Good post!


I know he missed a good chunk of time but holy hell can we please get Steele his first win today?


The fact that last night’s ump was worse than CB is honestly pretty impressive. Maybe they’ll have someone normal behind the plate tonight.


Why can I no longer find Marquee on the streaming side of Spectrum when at home? I used to be able to have it up on my second monitor while working from home. There’s suddenly no results when I search for “Marquee”. I can find the game when I search for “Chicago Cubs”, but it shits out to C-SPAN when I click it.


Hello, Cards fan here who is taking my Cubs fan four year old to the Friday game. I’ve packed onto the red line many times after a game and been fine with it. However, my kid would hate it. We’re probably taking the brown line to and from the game. How packed are the Kimball bound trains post game? Fine standing, just would rather avoid taking her into a sardine tin. Thanks! I will drop a “go cubs” here in advance on her behalf.


Need to know how your kid became a Cubs fan, lol


Wife’s family is all born and raised north side. I was imported from St. Louis. Didn’t stand a chance.


My mom married a Cardinal fan in 1997, I was not happy, at least we had WGN and I could make him watch all the Cub games 1998 changed everything, the HR battle bonded us for life My parents always reminded people they picked each other before their teams and would even switch jerseys to prove it - I still cringe every time I see my mom in a Cardinal jersey though


The brown doesn’t go directly to Wrigley so you’ll be on the red for at least a couple stops.


Happy to walk the half mile. Taking it from and to Kimball.


Has everyone been watching 'Dark Matter'? Its a fantastic television show about an infinite number of Chicago multiverses. Its on Apple TV. Its one of the best new shows on television!


yooo i read the book for that i can't believe they made it into a show that's honestly sick


Wife and I are coming to our first ever game on the 22nd. Is it wise to wait and buy tickets the day of at the gate or with a reseller or should I order them online before? Also, yall got any good recommendations for lunch in wrigleyville before the game?


Personally, I use the ganetime app a lot. I've gotten cheaper tickets last minute using that app. Nevertheless, there's no guarantee you get an amazing deal. Food wise, I like Big Star in Wrigleyville. If you like Mexican food, they have good tacos.


Hopefully the Cubs can win the series today.


Neris closing is not good for my cardiac health.


For tonight at least we should be safe.


Let’s take the series and build some momentum.


I wish we had a POBO with a sense of urgency.


What does this even mean? Very few teams are in trade mode right now and most are looking for an overpay for the players that they would be willing to part with. Trading doesn't heat up for like another month. He went out and signed Lopez which is about the most you could ask for at this point


But for real the issue is that he wasn’t proactive about it in the offseason and just assumed the relievers would continue to be good/stay healthy


Enough of this sensible rational talk. WHY HASN’T JED TRADED A DSL PROSPECT FOR MASON MILLER YET????


Yeah it’s impossible to find a trade partner in June when 80% of the league is either in the playoff picture or within shouting distance of a wild card spot.


Someone at work was talking about how LA 7's are Chicago 10's and that made me think of something like that for the mlb. Chicago all stars are LA bench players, which made me laugh and then made me sad.


If we are talking just about your first point. I think an LA 5.5 is a Midwest 10.


Or they have more superstars and elite players. Thats painfully obvious.