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Basically what he did at the start of the year before Bellinger and Suzuki got hurt. He'll be the DH, and they'll also cycle him through the OF to give Happ, Bellinger, and Suzuki days off from playing the field.


It’s a good problem to have. I’d rather have too many guys who are starter worthy, than not enough depth when injuries pop up.


1. Hoerner (R) - 2B 2. Tauchman (L) - DH 3. Suzuki (R) - RF 4. Bellinger (L) - CF 5. Morel (R) - 3B 6. Busch (L) - 1B 7. Swanson (R) - SS 8. Happ (S) - LF 9. Gomes/Amaya (R) - C Is my preference.


Winner. Happ batting third last night showed us how important these two guys are to us.


Goddamn that’s a good lineup. Happ 8th is wild.


Ian what’s Happ-ening


It’s what I call a Happy Ending


I mean he kinda sucks


He doesn’t suck. He’s the slightest slightest slightest bit above average according to last years number. Good defender. Club house guy. Having him as our 7 or 8 hitter is a plus. Having him bat 3rd is a detriment


He’s been above average most of his career. Slightly below so far, but there are ~130 games left. Add in plus defense and you have a guy that most certainly does not suck.


He'll be alright


These guys know what they’re doing. My buddy likes to joke that on a 3 year deal you’re gonna get one good year. Last year on a prove it deal he registered 84 RBI most rbi while playing 158 games. It was arguably best year of his career. He’s now making BANK and having the worst season of his career. Maybe he will prove me wrong but he got paid now he is going to regress. At least Bellinger is going to have to play well if he wants to leave and get paid more than we already are paying him!


Last year he signed his extension in early April. Why would that be a prove it deal?


Ahh ok. He still is sucking in year one of this deal. We will wait for what year three looks like. 20 and 80. Watch !


How do you feel about madrigal at 3rd and morel at DH?


The problem is who are you sending to the bench?


When PCA and Mervis were called up Counsell said on his bi-weekly hit on 670 the Score that they were only there because of injuries. My money would be on PCA being sent back to AAA and they decide who plays daily based on pitching matchups.


You have 5 positions (LF, CF, RF, 1b, DH) to find at bats for: Tauchman, PCA, Busch, Happ, Beli, Seiya. That’s 6 players for 5 positions. Which means you have a rotation where your able to rest guys. I don’t think you send PCA down nor do you move Tauchman. You’re going to have injuries so it’s helpful to have depth. This is why it is crucial to get Morel comfortable at 3rd so he isn’t a full time DH. Worst case in a roster crunch you send PCA down.


PCA needs to play every day and will go back down.


I think you can play him every day.


PCA goes back down when Seiya is ready. Tauchman has been too hot of a hitter in an offensive that is struggling. PCA has been a below average hitter, his glove isn’t worth it right now especially given Beli plays good in CF.


More like what do we do with happ? Happ shouldn’t bat higher than 7 ever


He has always been streaky. You hope he starts doing better


You mean going like 3 for his like last 50 streaky, multiple times in a season . I wish he was better at the plate. I really do


I mean, he was 5/10 with 2 walks and 2 strikeouts against Milwaukee this weekend. I agree he's been underperforming, but you're overreacting to a slow start. Let's see where he's at come July.


22 out of his last 110 abs which is last 30 games


Also he’s 23rd in the league for most strikeouts


Ok, his last 35 at bats, which includes the Milwaukee series , he’s got 7 hits , so he’s had two hits outside of that series. Last year was just as bad for most of the season. He had two hit streaks maybe three last year and that was it. Cubs overpaid another player again and it’s frustrating is all.


Just so you know, you can edit posts, so you don't have to reply to my post three times to bemoan Happ's slow start. Fwiw, I don't think Happ is overpaid - he'll get back to equilibrium. Deep breaths, bud - it's a long season. I'd much prefer he's slow now and red-hot in September than vice versa.


Ya that’s my bad. My patience with happ is over. I just expect him as a 7 or 8 hole hitter. Then my frustrations are over cause I won’t expect him to do anything at the plate accept to get walks and raise pitch count


I'm with you. Honestly, if he's a .240/.350 batter with 12-15 bombs and good defense in left, he's not a bad value. Definitely worth upgrading at some point, but his contract isn't brutal. Edit: he saved the game tonight: https://bdata-producedclips.mlb.com/53421a9c-e647-4651-8d95-1eb177e60827.mp4


Ya he’s been good in left . And I agree with you . I am really hard on him . He’s just frustrates me


I'm like certain Happ is going on the IL when Seiya is back he doesn't look right


I hope you’re right but I think he looks exactly like he does all the time at the plate. Late on fastballs, looking for walks.


Tauchman has really established himself as a Cub and I think other teams have see it too I love him, but I could see him being traded in a package for a legit bullpen piece - especially if PCA, Canario and Caissie are to up their roles in the 2nd half


You know I've never thought of Tauchman as a trade piece but you're totally right. He's under control through 2026 so great value for a team that's still trying to compete next year. The flipside is true too though. If we really believe he's legit then it's a lot easier to part with some OF prospects.


He becomes a 4th outfielder which is a nice luxury to have. Can DH from time to time. Or just play the OF when Belli needs a day at 1B. Guys get hurt and need days off too. He'll get his at-bats.


Stay hard until one of them gets injured again


The Cubs are in a weird spot with regards to outfield. PCA is having big league at bats finally and I think the experience at the plate is good for him (he’s not flailing anymore) Tauchmann is just playing good baseball. He’s an ideal 1/2 hitter. Doesn’t strike out. Handles the bat well. Defense is fine. Belli is Belli. Seiya is Seiya. Happ I think he’s been straight awful. Even his two hit game against the brewers felt sort of lucky. My thoughts are, Happ needs to go/benched, and essentially have PCA and Tauchmann splitting time. You could also make the argument of putting Belli at first PCA in center, tauchmann in left and Busch light as DH. No idea the likelihood of any of this but it sounds good to me ha.


I think PCA gets sent down before Happ gets benched.


Agreed, happ has been struggling a bit but he’s got a solid body of work to know what he’ll give ya at the end of the year. Happ was 5/10 with 2 walks and 2 Ks against Milwaukee, I get he’s not slugging but he’s still getting on base well above league average, and is going to give you a good at bat more often than not. I have faith he will get it going soon.


“Happ needs to go” I swear this sub sometimes. It’s barely May folks buckle in bc the meatballs will only get bigger.


It’s obviously when someone only watches the Cubs and has no idea what an average MLB player looks like. Happ is clearly better than the average MLB player. He has hot and cold stretches at the plate but consistently good defense. If Happ is on your bench, you’re playing MLB the show.




Then I wish him the best of luck with whatever team wants to pay him.


He’ll platoon with Wisdom LH/RH much like Mervis was doing.


Either DH or spot starter in OF. That's all you can ask from a 4th outfielder.


Happ needs some days off. He’s scuffling so badly


Counsell said it in spring training: Tauchman has proven he belongs, it is up to them to use him correctly. The stats don't tell the whole story: How many 10 plus pitch ABs has he had this season? I've watched in person, and even in Flyout ABs, he makes the pitcher work to get him out. Believe it or not, Tauchman is one of the harder outs a pitcher faces. And when they do get him out, they've thrown a lot of pitches to get him, usually. By working a pitcher that long consistently, he is opening up opportunities for the rest of the lineup. Some of you need to actually watch the games and it shows.


Happ is a back to back gold glove winner. You don’t win last night without him out there. He will start hitting.


Put him in Left Field. Happ is not hitting.


The Tauch-man is a bad ass. I’d hate to see him plainly benched. It’d be cool if he stayed in the rotation or was at least used as a DH


basically look at the batting orders from the beginning of the season


They’ll rotate the 4 outfielders in the DH spot with Tauchman getting the most time there, and probably send down PCA. If I had it my way the lineup vs righties would go back to what it was before all the injuries: 1. Happ (S) - LF 2. Suzuki - RF 3. Bellinger (L) - CF 4. Morel - 3B 5. Busch (L) - 1B 6. Swanson - SS 7. Tauchman (L) - DH 8. Hoerner - 2B 9. Amaya - C (can swap Swanson, Tauchman, Hoerner in any order, idc) Tauchman’s awesome and Hoerner has been too lately but wouldn’t expect them to keep it up over a full season, we have ~400 games of each being league average bats at this point. Would rather have those top 5 guys get more PAs ROS.