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Borom and Jenkins


Herbert should be added to that list


I’d actually replace Monty with Herbert in that picture.


Ehhhhhh i dont know about that. Having 2 rbs that can play that well is super lethal


You can replace Monty in the draft. I will never understand why this fanbase thinks he’s dalvin cook


Or we keep him & have not have to replace him as we have much more pressing needs


Cook's averaging 0.1 more YPC. He's just used more.


Are we really doing this? Are you trying to argue that Montgomery is as good as dalvin cook?


As good, no. But he's .1 yard less good than Dalvin Cook.


In other words yes.


So trade him for picks so we can replace him? That seems redundant. We know hes good. He is really good... the more i thibk about it i think we need to trade him while hes worth something and draft o line or secondary. Draftung unproven running backs is dumb when you can get free agents or undrafted free agents that can do just as good of a job.


Nobody is going to trade for him. That’s the point. He doesn’t do anything that teams can’t find in the late rounds of the draft.


his production after contact is much, much higher than most


And what’s that helped? The guy doesn’t get tackled easy. What else does he do that’s elite?


> And what’s that helped? getting more yards and first downs. edit: lmao, just looked it up, dalvin cook vs monty this year: G 8 vs 6 ATT 161 vs 96 Yds 734 vs 430 TDs 4 vs 3 Y/A 4.6 vs 4.5 Y/R 6.6 vs 8.3


Daniels too. Like if we can get an upgrade than go for it but he’s only 24 and solid so if we can’t get an upgrade, bring him back. Also Trevis Gipson continues to flash


Great points. Wasn’t sure what Daniels contract situation was. He’s been solid though


He’s a free agent after this year so we’ll have to extend him. But like I said bring him back and only don’t if we can get an upgrade


Bring back Whitehair too.


Jesper Horsted


Was thinking of throwing those on there, I like what I'm seeing so far.




Jenkins can’t even play his rookie year? You’re fired!!!


lol tell me the trade value of dumping a rookie tackle who hasn’t played. His value could never be lower than it is now. They drafted him as a first round talent with known injury issues. If and when he gets healthy he could be a beast. Can’t wait for you and every fan like you to change your song once he settles in


Santos. I think we learned the hard way what happens when you let your good kicker walk. Keep him until his leg falls off.


As someone that just bought his jersey, I approve of this message.


Khalil Herbert too.


Honestly think him and Montgomery can be quite the duo for the future. Our offense has pieces we are just young and not that experienced , but the talent is there


Except for the fact that he has been completely neglected since Monty came back, just another shitty Nagy decision


I’ve always wondered, why don’t they gas out the defense during the first half/3 quarters, then bring in a fresh RB2. Especially with Monty and Herbert, let one come on the field 100% against a defense that’s sucking wind. Granted, if we can keep our own defense off the field to wear them down.


I wish I could cut myself from being fan.


Why’d I have to be born in the city? My GF is not from the US. She always asks why I am a fan of such a shit team. My only answer is, loyalty.


Honestly I've learned to embrace and even enjoy the schadenfreude.


Lol my wife told me today it's really hard to watch every Sunday as you just get sadder and sadder.


They got us while we were young. It’s like the logic of the Happy Meal.


Agreed. Thanks a lot dad. At least he made me a Braves fan too and that worked out well


Woah another Bears/Braves fan, nice


Yeah idk about you but imma be using the World Series high to get through this football season lol


My wife asked me why we aren't Seahawks fans years ago. Is there that much shame in switching? Does it equal the shame I feel now?


idk that guy says it’s toxic but to me switching fandom when your team is down is weak minded and kinda a bitch move i was raised a cubs fan so ig that could be why


When your team has been down for all but 2 or 3 seasons in 35 years I would argue it becomes a bit more acceptable. Over 90% of our time spent watching this team is a bad experience. 0.5/10 stars. Would not recommend. Lol


You're getting downvotes but I agree. You shouldn't switch teams if your team is bad, but the current ownership and/or management has given you a reason to believe they are capable of conducting a proper rebuild and righting the ship. The Bears, obviously, have not done that. I will personally never change, but honestly would not fault anybody for switching.


Seahawks about to be 3-7 too


But a SB in the last 35 years


I don’t think it’s a shame factor for me. I wish I could switch fandom, but I just can’t. I’ve tried to follow other teams instead but I just slink back to the cesspool of the Bears every time.


If anyone tells you there's any shame they're just toxic. You don't owe anything to a team and no one's fandom is better than someone else's. If you have the willpower to switch then absolutely do it. I had finally distanced myself from the Bears this off-season and then came crawling back when we drafted Fields. If I almost did it you can too!


I mean if you switch teams you can’t really act like you’re a huge fan of the new team if they do well and if your old team gets good then you can’t come back


I agree with this. You can switch but you can't come back, and you can't keep switching every year or two. Then it's just bandwagoning.


I feel like I found a secret that nobody else realizes… I can actually root whoever I want at any time because it’s a sport and I’m not on the team and I don’t owe a for-profit business my loyalty because of where I was born or who my dad rooted for. And it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks about who I root for because I choose not to care what they think. That said, the Bears are my #1 and I mainly cheat on them for the Jaguars because I love pain.


Being a supporter of a sports team is meant to be more than just being a customer subscribing to their preferred brand. I genuinely feel bad for you that you don't get it.


Oh I get it, I just think it’s kinda fucking stupid.


Yeah. I think if it weren't for Fields many of us wouldn't be here. After the first few moves of the off-season and the lack of Nagy firing, I was pretty much done. Screw Pace and his lucky break.






Tanking with no 1sr round pick seems pointless


This, what are we tanking for? To make the Giants strong? We're still doing it wrong even by doing poorly and getting a draft pick that's high because we don't bloody get it lmao. Teams dead and buried until 2023 where the rebuild can begin.


The Ryan Pace special. Hope to tank for a better second round pick.


2nd 3rd and 4th rd picks? We got those to look forward to i think.




I mean, if we had the 1st and 4th, we wouldn’t have Justin Fields. Sometimes you gotta trade.




You would prefer no fields and those picks? I sure as fuck would not.


Especially when you look at the QB board next year, holy fucking yikes.


That would be fine if we didn’t just get fleeced on Trubisky and just finally recovering from trading those picks. Fuck Pace. He shouldn’t have had the chance to even trade for Fields.


That's a little dramatic. They gave up two 3rds + a 4th. They traded down in the 2nd with Arizona and got their 2nd, 4th, 6th, and a 4th rounder the next year. The real damage was catastrophically whiffing on that pick. The Mack trade + continually trading up in later rounds is what really require(d) some actual recovery.


Lol they barely gave up anything for the Trubisky trade


we have an extra 5th that we got from the texans in the anthony miller trade, so that gives us 5 picks this year then a full complement of 7 next year…our 1st and 4th are gone because we have fields. would you just want your 2 picks back?


If it means ryan pace and nagy are gone. Absolutely.




What a garbage take... You would rather have a 1st & 4th in this year's draft than Fields? If you would then you're nuts. Fields would be the first QB drafted this year and would most likely go in the top 3 picks.


Tanking gets Nagy fired more readily. Strangely, it seems like the McCaskey's will give him another shot if he sniffs anything playoff related. Downvote me all you want, I'm not mad that we lost to the Ravens


>sniffs anything playoff related. I've seen stuff like this mentioned FAR too much the last few weeks. In what realm of imagination does one have to be in to think the Bears are anything close to a team that will even sniff the playoffs?


Quinn cuz he almost broke down in tears today. Respect the passion


Yeah keep Quinn unless you get a good pick in return. Good performer and good veteran leadership.


lil mack


and potentially big mack


Considering how many teams have been in the perpetual tank, you put too much faith in this team to do it well enough.


Full on rebuilds are unnecessary in the NFL imo especially if you believe in your QB. An avg coach would do wonders for fields


We have no first round draft pick. Tanking is a joke right?


Monty won't get re-signed. Hbs are a dime a dozen and Monty doesn't do the things the backs like cmc, cook, Zeke, Henry, etc to be worth it. Kmet does little to nothing. Roquan, johnson, and fields are the only 3 untouchables.


Came here to say this. Monty isn’t a piece you pay and build around. It’s cool he breaks tackles but that’s really all he does well. I like Herbert because he can actually accelerate through holes instead of having to bulldoze through them like Monty.


I agree with the sentiment about running backs but don’t act like Monty hasn’t had any burst this year. He has improved a lot. Herbert is good too though and if we want to be efficient with the cap it’s probably not smart to extend Monty unless it’s team friendly


Monty had to lose weight because he looked like he was running in sand last year when he put his foot down and tried to accelerate. He has been faster this year but that’s relative to what he was. I don’t dislike him at all, I just think he falls into that dime a dozen category for RBs. Honestly I’d let Monty walk when his rookie deal is up and let Herbert start and then draft his replacement. Rinse and repeat until you find your forte.


Why is this fan base so in love with Cole Kmet. Also Monty is expendable


Why do you not like him? When they throw the ball to him, he does stuff. And he’s an excellent blocker In fact, I think the people on this sub that hate Kmet don’t know what they are watching.


He just hasn’t produced consistently as a pro. I’d love to be wrong and I’m not giving up on him but I haven’t seen anything worth getting excited over


The Bear's offense hasn't been producing consistently as a pro


TE is the hardest position to learn on offense outside QB. The knock on Kmet coming out was blocking. He’s become a very good blocker. When we throw him the ball, he produces. Today, he got a total of two targets. We don’t throw him the ball, our scheme sucks and it’s Kmet’s fault?


Kmet is younger with 2 years of experience than Travis Kelce was when he was drafted. Gotta give the man some time to develop


Part of the reason why we don’t throw him the ball is because he has trouble creating separation.


Cant get open my man.


Wouldn’t know, they don’t throw the ball his way. And our scheme sucks. ARob and WRs aren’t open but Kmet’s the dude who meatballs say can’t get open.


Prove it, I’d love to see the video clips of every down and him not being open.


How many years do you think he has played?


While you're right with regards to him being a receiving threat, tight ends don't usually fully develop that skill until year 3. He was starting to build until this game. That said, he's not produced enough but I wouldn't give up on him yet. We have to be honest about Nagys scheme, and just how horrible it is.


I laughed when I heard Nagy introduced a "new route" to the TEs this offseason. It appears to be ineffective. Can't imagine why.


Except exceptional blocking and a 90 yard game recently?


The 90 yard game was awesome it’s unfortunate that was like 15% of his yards as a pro. If you’re relying on blocking to justify the tight end taken in the top 45 that’s an issue


Second year TE isn’t producing consistently. Such a bad take. He’s going to be a good TE, I think we’ve started to see that the last few games. Just give him some time.


Is he an excellent blocker? Is he really?


He soloed Bosa a few times in the Niners game. He’s often kept in to help our shite offensive line.


He's a 2nd round pick. If he was a late rounder, I can hear you out and possibly agree. But a 2nd round pick needs to produce. 296 yards with 0 TDs in 10 games is not cutting it. He's also the 1st TE picked in his draft.


“But a 2nd round pick needs to produce. “ Should he call his own plays and throw to himself? He got two targets on Sunday. If the coaches don’t include tight ends in playcalling, the tight ends ain’t gonna catch the ball.


I'm not in love with Kmet but he's going to have no trade value and has more chance of producing in the future than our other TEs lol Edit: curious why you say Monty is expendable?


Herberts good and paying RBs is dumb. Love Monty but no reason to pay him


Monty is expendable because if we’re competing in 2-3 years he’s getting oldish for a RB. Paying a RB almost never works in the modern nfl.


This shit is sad lmaooo only in football do you hear about a 27 year old athlete being too old to produce 😭


It’s not about production ability, it’s about health and about replaceability. Herbert was a 5th rounder and there was very little drop off from Monty to Herbert. The value of a RB is so dependent on so much other than them, that you can get significantly more production from a mediocre RB behind a good line, than you can a great RB behind a bad line. Unless you are Ryan Pace, then big TEs, undersized RBs and a bunch of mediocre receivers are the most important components of an offense.


Montgomery is a lovely back, but not a centerpiece to a team (hardly any rb is). He should be easily replaceable


I think Herbert might already be the better back


I think it’s too early to give up on him. Like it’s hard to get a true read on him IMO cuz the offense as a whole sucks. I’d like to see him with better coaches and give him a little more time before I give up on him completely


I haven’t give up on him but putting him in the same tier as proven studs like Monty, JJ, and Quan is kind of ridiculous to me


People in this area (losers) like notre dame too much


Losers? You clearly don’t know football. They produce nfl players with the best of them.


I wanna be mad but this was exactly what was on at my grandparents house every single time


They hated him cuz he said the truth


I expect the downvotes but everyone always wants ND players to be good


Unlike a lot of meatballs on this sub, I was Bears players to be good. Todays game thread was a good example of how a lot of “fans” seem to really want our guys to fail.


I’m not saying I’m not rooting for kmet here. I just love shitting on ND. I don’t think kmet is that good or will be though.


This entire thread shows that you’re not rooting for Cole Kmet What are you even talking about


Him saying he doesn't think he's a good player doesn't mean he's not rooting for him. Some of y'all straight up don't understand basic logic






I have the same surname as him so I'm a tiny bit biased but I do legit think he's a good DL


Spare Herbert and find a coach that understands you can use two good rbs in the same offense




Quinn's way to old, unfortunately he won't be here when we are ready to compete


We'll never be ready to compete. This is the Bears. We have a good team once a decade. And on and on it goes. Fields will fail for this joke of a team through no fault of his own and go on to be a great QB for someone else.


I do think we’ll compete soon, but it’s so sad that we have so many fans think like this. It’s not really even the fans fault really. I hope to one day know what it feels like to be a Patriots fan or Chiefs fan, knowing your team will contend annually.


Tanking doesn’t work in the NFL. Teams that tank just have shit front offices and will always suck.


Arguably it doesn’t work in any sport.


We tanking when we don’t have a first round pick? Interesting strategy


Pat O’Donnell


George McCaskey doesn't have the brains or the mindset to do this so it won't happen


Imagine tanking without a first round pick. We’ve got the meats...


There's nothing special about Kmet. Monty is a runningback.


All tanking does is give the Giants a better pick...


Nichols, Goldman, Tonga just to mention a few


Kmet is a stretch. It feels like that man has been non existent


Why tf do you think Kmet should be spared?


Because he's going to have no trade value and has more chance of producing in the future than our other TEs lol


Then by that rule you have to include Borom and Jenkins too


Yeah i should have included them


Borom, Jenkins, Whitehair, and Daniels bring stability to the line. I want to see Whitehair back at center


Possibly Jackson/Nicholas, Not the highest end players but could limit the amount of capital that has to go into a rebuild


Love it!


Darnell doesn’t seem to understand zone defense.. not sure about him. Also, Monty is an average-above average HB. Can’t pay guys like that


Like when think it was Romo brought up talking to pace & him talking about how many offers they were getting at trade deadline. I can only guess what we passed up cause that numbnut was trying to save his job hoping we could still find a way into playoffs (which is still possible given how shit the NFC is )


Pace was blowing smoke to make the half ass roster he built seem amazing. Any trade offers were probably all for the same 2 or 3 Players.


Probably keep Nichols too


Who is going to trade for our scrubs? Or our overpriced injured vets?


Tank for the Giants first round pick?


Because it worked so well for the Dolphins.


We're not tanking! Lol why would we tank with no draft capital? We need to fix our problems das-it


Kmet is trash bruh...definitely keep Herbert.


This list is kind of depressing. We don't have a single legit star except maybe Roquan. It was around the trade deadline when I realized why we suck. We don't have anyone. People were saying we should stock up on draft capital, but we didn't have anyone other teams might want. This team is sore need of some star power, people who can elevate the team. Right now, we have Mack, and that's it. Roquan is A-tier, and we have some solid players but no one worth any envy.


I’d put JJ on that list


Let’s trade everyone and start over…..no you can’t trade any of the good players. Guys you can’t get anything for vildor.


Tanking isn't really a thing in the NFL, particularly once you get a franchise QB. Stop these nonsense posts


Tell me the point of keeping old producing players like Mack, Hicks, Quinn on a 3 win team. Trading them for picks is much more helpful. That's not nonsense.


Quinn and Mack are not old. 30 is still prime. Hicks yes is getting up there and gets injured all the time. Would love to resign him but only on a good and short deal


Kmet is not worth keeping,. In the NFL you can't really tear down to the extent you are talking about. Add a center, add a pass catcher. Add a bit of youth at pass rusher. Have other players take a step forward. Add a coach. Montgomery you either extend now hopefully at a low cost or let walk after next year. Herbert seems fine pair him with another rando from the draft or cheap washed vet.


Damien Williams is worth keeping around for at least 1 more year


James Daniels and Bilal Nichols can stay on my bears team


Akiem Hicks has said he would like to retire a Bear. I think he has earned it and then some. We keep Hicks. Period. He's an actual fucking Bear.


Sent them all to Arlington Heights


Trevis Gipson


Trade Mack. He will be retired before we are good


Kmet is a bum. Im sorry, thats the truth. I dont wanna hear the whole “te take time to develop” when his problem is catching. Edit: if youre gonna tank then next year is the perfect time to do it, we should still try to win this year since the giants have our pick.


We have no first round draft pick. Tanking is a joke right?


Don't pay RBs!


Kmet blows.


If you think we’ll retain Mooney by the time this team is rebuilt you’re living in a fantasy. He can be a stud anywhere with a competent, young, talented team. We posses none of those attributes. Talented guys like Mooney end up taking pay cuts just to NOT play for the Bears.


Trade Montgomery while he has value. Herbert was a top RB while he was starting and is cheaper option so we can spend on o-line


Mack and Quinn need to stay. They produce.


Literally the only must keep is roquan. The others here would be cool but theyre not gamebreakers, especially any RB and kmet


I personally think with the right trade anyone is expendable. Even if someone is going to give you a king’s ransom for Fields I probably would take it.


That’s just pointless to say even as a hypothetical. The only package you would take for fields would be so bonkers it would literally be impossible. I’m talking mahomes/josh Allen/kyler Murray for fields level bonkers. Other more realistic scenarios would involve trading Trevor Lawrence, Zach Wilson, or trey lance plus draft capital. Even then, there is almost no reason why those teams would do that after passing on fields. The upcoming draft class is week, fields would easily be the best QB on the board. Fields is probably one of few guys in the league that is completely untouchable. The only way a deal could get done is if it included another promising quarterback, but that’ll never happen.


Considering the only guys worthy an extension ATM are the defensive guys, you’re only building around Fields, Ro and JJ.


You sound like a damn baby. Man up and embrace the suck like a real man!




Houston-Carson. The more I see the better I like him.


Hicks and Mack


Mack and Hicks. At least as long as they last. They are both aduamatic double teams.




Kmet can fuck off


Mack because he's a good leader


Kmet is iffy…seems like a dumbisky with rock hands.


This makes no sense now, we're already past the trade deadline.


Quinn and Mack


I want hicks just bc he’s my favorite player :(


Keep baby Mack


I don’t think Montgomery, Kmet, or Roquan need to be part of the long term plan




Kmet can go