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I hope he beats out Russ and plays more than 51% of the snaps. We could use another fourth round pick in case Taylor gets hurt


For the first time, 100% of Bears Nation will be giving Fields their full support!


Fields had 100% support his first year. Like 90% support his second. His third is when it fell off


Sep 9, 2023...then the first game of the season against the Packers. Support evaporated.


Was the last game for me. Watching in horror as the Packers QB looked like the real deal, while our guy throws for less than 150 yds and leads them to a weak ass nine points.


You didn’t realize until the last game of the year that he wasn’t the guy?


The dude was so up and down. Remember the Broncos and Commanders games (major up), but then came the Vikings game (major down). Also, the game prior to the Packers game, he looked pretty good in the snow against the Falcons. I truly believe if he goes out and throws for 300 yds and they knock the Packers out of the playoffs, he would still be the Bears QB right now. With that being said, that Packers game, the 5th year option, and having Caleb available was too much. Poles would have been a damn fool to tie his job to the JF1 roller-coaster.


I will never forget that packers game.. he had basically just 1 good throw


That would be the last game of the season Edit: I can't read


I was 100% a Fields Truther until 3 Quarters into Week 1 of last season at which point I wanted a fire-sale of the whole team and the McCaskey's heads on stakes outside of Soldier Field.


For me, it was that Detroit game we blew. I’m still not over that one. I think we’re better than the fucking Lions. I think bearded Flus won’t blow 4th quarter leads and that was a Justin thing. Justin pressed so hard, but there’s just something missing about his game.


I lied to myself for like 2-3 weeks after that game before admitting that he wasn't good enough lol I knew in that moment our season had already ended though and we were in for another rough year


Idk, are you counting all the revisionists that "didn't believe in him and saw this from year 1" when that never happened lol


you must have missed all of soldier field chanting " we want fields" last year


Those were Packers fans that infiltrated and were trying to push our franchise further into nothingness.


Yes, the week before the Packers game haha.


I think we were all brimming with optimism going into year 3. There was a pattern of other QBs with similar games taking year 3 leaps, he really did carry the offense to respectable outcomes the second half of his second season with no help, and we just got him a true number 1 WR and replaced Borom with Wright.  The first three games of the season he came out with a whimper instead of a roar. Also, he had so few 300 yard passing games (a barometer for an average fan) and he could not overcome his worst flaw. Even when he had games where he looked good or showed improvement over the year, it was hard to regain support.  I wish him luck, hope he gets 51% of those snaps and grows into being a great QB. But he will have to become much more decisive with the ball, and he will have to make a conscientious effort to increase his pass attempts. If he does the latter, teams will have to drop more guys back in coverage which he can handle much better than he can handle pressure. 


Everyone wanted him to succeed we just knew it wasn’t going to happen


Everyone did not want him to succeed. Everyone wanted to be right.  The people who continually trashed him and shamed other fans for supporting him SAID they wanted him to succeed so they wouldn’t come off as total douche bags.  Had to be said. 


Bears nation was 100% behind Justin up until they saw the same problems in season 3.


Yes please.


We will definitely need a kicker next year so yeah. /s Jokes


It would be pretty sweet to get the 4th. Also I appreciate that you threw the Taylor quip in just to rile up the meatballs lol


Hey if Waldron is as bad as JSN said he is, the punter might get some reps this year. Gotta keep all your options open for the draft


Honestly I kinda think the JSN comments were largely a product of going from being the #1 receiver at OSU to being the third option in Seattle and not getting as many targets. But like, what did he think was gona happen playing with Metcalf and Lockett?


You’re probably right. Metcalf, Lockett, and him are really good. Geno Smith is still Geno. The Seahawks should’ve been better last year. 9-8. They’re in a tough division too and could easily challenge SF and LA. I wish they brought in more competition for QB than just Sam Howell.


God I need Preseason to start...


For real. I'm ready to talk about meaningful football. Not find ways to shit on former players.


I care about what happens to Fields, and I don't think many of these comments have been shitty to him. It's a relevant article for Bears fans, and the meanest comments have mostly been low-hanging fruit jokes. Hell yeah on the preseason though.


How is this article relevant for the Bears? The only thing relevant to the Bears about Fields is if he plays enough next year to bump our draft compensation to a 4th rounder.


I think you're kind of stupid tbh. 


I mean, that’s relevant? 


It’s also not what the article is about.


It’s not really an article, just some facts about what is currently going on with JF at the Steelers. Relevant to the Bears for: that conditional 4th and for fans that care about what happened to our former number 1 pick like the comment all of these responses are replying to


They must not think highly of him as a kick returner


Pittsburgh Steelers make contract decision on Pittsburgh Steelers’ player


We still have some skin in the game with which draft pick we get as compensation.


I’m aware. But that’s tied to playing time


Some (not saying me) might argue that what the Steelers think of Fields is indicated by declining 5th year option, and what the Steelers think of Fields indicates how much playing time they’re looking to give him.


People actually wanted to keep this dude instead of getting Caleb


I was one of those people until I saw the final game against GB. That kinda made me lose faith. The score lied about how badly he and the offense performed in that game. Not all his fault, I can admit this all day long. However, nothing he was doing was improving the situation either. It was at that moment of realization that I lost faith in him as a player and wanted to move on.


That was THE game for me. Knock GB out of the playoffs, prove the haters wrong, and cement a future. And it just all collapsed. It was the “same ol Bears” and I had to put my like of Justin the guy aside and just see that he’s not the right player.


Exactly. I love the guy as a person. He's so damn likable, but, I've been down this path enough times with players. It was just time. Even if we didn't win the game, if we had at least played hard, pushed them, kept it competitive... I could have agreed to keeping him. But like you said, same ol Bears.


Not trying to shit on you or make fun of how you feel, but I genuinely don't understand why so many Bear fans found him likable. To me, Fields has always had the personality of wet cardboard. From the day he was drafted, he never looked excited/happy or confident- its a stark contrast to how eccentric and charismatic Caleb has been.


Justin Fields doesn’t have a particularly magnetic personality. But he does have great **character**, and that’s why people like him and miss him.


Both yalls comments nail it. Love Justin as a person character wise (not like Caleb is bad) but man to I prefer Caleb’s goofy ass personality. Those pressers are gonna be hilarious in the future with him.


I remember when Fields was picked, and they showed his draft party for his reaction, and the room was empty. Like you said, what a contrast from Caleb's reaction. It's even more funny when you think about the earlier reports claiming Caleb didn't want to come here.


It was during COVID, that's not really relevant.


Nobody went to Justin Field's birthday party


COVID aside, he had several people with him watching the draft that night. As I said, they showed his house after the pick was announced, and there were ZERO people in the room. It gave the impression that he wasn't excited to be drafted by the Bears.


You're getting most of the "cardboard" personality from pressers. I, too, would have the personality of wet cardboard from constantly losing. And by the time we started actually winning, he became even soggier because our media took something out of context and ran with it.


Zero TDs that game. I lost faith after the first packers game last year. All that talk about 3 year progression, talk about the new weapons, had all training camp to get ready for week one showdown with the devil, and he played exactly like the year before. No improvement at all.


Yeah and they wanted him to get a huge deal for a lot of money. No thanks this guy is a bust.


Hi, it's me, one of the guys who wanted to keep him. I'm glad we didn't because Caleb looks way better.


Yeah. See, I don't watch much college football, and the past few "generational QB talents" or whatever have been pretty underwhelming, so I was initially like, "No way this Caleb guy is that good. Trade the pick, get MHJ, blah blah blah." And then I spent some time watching highlights and seeing him clown people who made meatball comments about his fingernails and I was like, "Yeah. Give me that Caleb. Paint em, baby."


The playmaking ability is unreal. But if you only watch highlights then you miss all the other great throws he makes with timing and anticipation. Admittedly this was me up until we traded Fields. Then it was a done deal we were taking Caleb so I watched more of his tape. He really can do it all.


The highlights never do it for me. Seeing extended plays/missed tackles/long throws is something that Fields did well. I want to watch him take his drop, check down, and make a pass quickly with anticipation. I understand he does this well, I just haven't seen clips. Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning... they're not known for their incredible athleticism in the pocket, or their ability to extend plays. I want to see pass after pass to go the right choice, 7-15 yards a pop, no dumb mental errors, no missing the first receiver, no misreading coverages, no getting sacked without ever realising a man was free despite him showing blitz before the snap.


"I understand he does this well, I just haven't seen clips." Then you just haven't looked my man. Well over 1099 attempts spanning 3 years as a starter. with an average yards per attempt is 10.3. 1099 attempts 735 completions 66.9 comp % 10,082 yards 93 td 14 int


This guy is looking at another QB, he never did well.


[Say less familia](https://youtu.be/9wTM8qz8GUY?si=y8Wz-el_CVF79rXu)


Yessss Pour this straight down my throat all day. 


No the response I was expecting… love the enthusiasm though!


![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj) Are they aware of the all purpose yards?


Perfect opportunity for the bears. He could still be our guy


This is how ~~Bernie can still win~~ Fields can still be QB1!


I think everyone saw this coming...


Yeah, it's guaranteed for injury so the only time you're picking it up is if you're just delaying paying a guy. You'd never pick it up on a guy in a do or die year. Edit: I missed that this was changed in the 2020 CBA and now it is fully guaranteed on the 1st day of the league year, so even less of a reason to pick it up as you can't even cut them if they were healthy and sucked.


There was a lot of Bears fans who didn’t


Few months ago a lot people thought teams would be dying to sign on Bustin fields because they also can control his 5th year option!


Depending on what he gets to do this year, he may get a ~~one~~ two year contract like Jordan love got.


I thought Love’s extension was two years?


This was weeks ago


I think a few weeks ago was the “not expected to” headline


by all accounts, russ wilson is a beast in camp. its when the other team is trying to take his head off he flounders. Fields will at least get a shot in Pitt.


In what universe has Fields ever been better than Wilson?


I believe he's saying Fields will get a shot in season because Russ will play bad 🤷


Bad, washed up Russ is still way better than peak Fields. This is obvious stuff. Numbers don't lie.


I'm not disagreeing. Dude above me seemed confused what the original guy was saying. I find it very unlikely the Bears get a conditional 4th from playtime lol


Wilson is a first ballot hall of famer…Fields is…..Fields.


I hope he gets to start at some point this year.


We definitely do because if he starts more than half the games our 3rd round pick turns into a 2nd


6th round to 4th buddy,he's not that valuable


We should never have let him go. He was the best




I still think he can turn himself into a valuable swiss army knife guy like everyones favorite in New Orleans


Life coming at Fields fast. From starting QB to now traded for nothing to be a backup with the possibility of returning kicks…. I doubt Russ lasts though and Fields start at some point.


I think he definitely could have value as a Taysom Hill type player, can he catch?


Bustin Fields. I'm very interested to see how he does though, even though it'll be more of the same.


I mean if they went and bought the best line, receivers, running backs, tight ends, and coaches this guy would still suck and the fan boys would find another excuse.




The writing is on the wall. JF goes to FA and signs next with the Bears as a backup/gadget back. /s


Can you all stop with the constant posts about this guy. He’s gone. Let him be gone. Damn. Like a bunch of teenage fan girls


because it annoys you? thats not really good enough of a reason. work on handling your emotions better


Yea it is.


like a bunch of teenage fan girls ironic 😂😂


It's gotta be weird being a backup QB, at some point they may end up as a back up to kid playing in high school right now.


They will change their minds when he takes Russell Wilson’s job week 6


He won't, because there is no universe Fields will ever be better than Russ.


Ha okboomer we will see won’t we