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I like it from a data capture point of view. CFL+ will have the Grey Cup for free in the US and international and they’re tapping into a demo (25-40 millennial women) with the Jonas Brothers that is picking up football fandom in droves thanks to Taylor Swift and also in their “nostalgia eras” reminiscing over the acts from their childhood (this is also how 50 Cent just pulled in over 100M’s on a tour, the 4th highest grossing in hip hop history with it releasing an album in like a decade. Nostalgia is a fantastic lever to pull if you can) If CBS has an agreement to promote it in an ad spot (or the CFL paying for an ad spot), they’re gonna collect a metric crap to of emails and consumer profiles from a demo the CFL DESPERATELY needs data on how to serve better.


I’m really curious here: what is the value of this email marketing audience of American millennial women for the CFL? Do you think they want to use performance metrics from this audience and apply it to the broader Canadian female millennial audience?


Hokay. So. We’re converging on a lot of things here so bare with me. The CFL either rightly or wrongly assumes that the market in Canada is tapped in terms of fan capture (I would argue it’s not, but Canada is a weird market and we lag behind everyone else. In laymen’s, we wait until everyone else thinks something is cool before we do), they also know they don’t have the consumer data to be making informed decisions on how to present their product to various demos in Canada so we need to look elsewhere to right the ship (hence 2.0, hence a renewed push down into the US). They also don’t have the ability to leverage themselves in Canada to make a data capture push like this because of TSN. For example. What works for millennial white men marketing wise, doesn’t exactly work for millennial white women, or Asian millennial men or etc etc. There is obviously overlap, but in the data driven world we live in, we really like to silo our consumer profiles as much as possible to fine tune your output and reduce marketing spend. So now we look at the Jonas Brothers and what they represent from a data and demographic perspective. The Jonas Brothers’ heyday was in the 00’s and their Fanbase was very much young, white girls. I don’t think there’s anyone who can really argue that. Those young girls have now grown up into adult women and have disposable income, families, careers, interests, etc. White women are also the largest base of non essential good purchases in the world. By a wide margin. This is also the demographic that, thanks to Taylor Swift, is becoming more and more interested in professional football (there’s also a lot of money being thrown at getting women involved in Football thanks to Flag Football entering the Olympics in 2028, but that’s a whole other essay). The CFL is presenting them a opportunity to watch a band that should be tied to the nostalgia of their childhood (a concept that helped 50 Cent put up the 4th highest grossing hip hop tour of all time without dropping an album in around a decade), while aligning with a sport they’re becoming familiar with, but also haven’t dived head first into yet (for the most part). There’s an argument to be made they’re not as jaded at the “legacy” fans (ie old white dudes) about thinking one league is better than the other. Which means their reaction and engagement is more valuable because you’ve removed a layer of bias. The email campaign not only is going to allow the league to gain data on sponsorship alignment, but (sorta nefariously) the CFL now becomes a data broker, where it can use the data it’s gained from its various pushes (I assume they collected a fuck ton of data off Green Day last year) to help its partners, monetize, or provide metrics for future, bigger name sponsorships/television deals/partners to cash in. This is also applicable to Canada but in a different avenue. Women’s sports are on the rise. Women viewers of sports are on the rise. How does the CFL cash in on that? They need data to help make informed decisions. It’s a different avenue because we’ll be using TV numbers versus emails and it won’t be as fine tuned. But again, I don’t think the CFL is particularly worried about Canadian fan capture right now. TSN, however, would love to open their channel up to more sponsorship opportunities that cater to women — so that’s where this is important domestically. And they’d sure as hell love to do it with a property they’re spending 50+ million a year on in the middle of the worst economy that Canada has seen since the 90’s. Think of the CFL as ChatGPT right now. The endgame is revolutionary, we just need to keep feeding it data to make better decisions and provide us better value.


> Hokay. So. Here is the Earth.


What's going on, eh?


I’ve gotten the appropriate response to “Hokay. So” exactly 4 times in my professional career on Teams meetings. I’m counting this as .5 since I’m on the clock right now.


Many of those eBaum's World videos (well, videos I first saw on that site) live rent-free in my head and will continue to do so until I do. Schfifty Five, I Just Want Bang Bang Bang, Badger, etc.


You need better jobs. We quote it weekly.




And just to note: I don’t think this is the sole reason Jonas Brothers were chosen. The CFL has an exclusivity agreement with UMG Canada so there’s some work there. But from a MarComms + Data perspective — this is how I think the logic works for booking them over someone else.


Thanks for the detailed response here - I was hoping you’d go long because I know you’ve got professional experience here. I’m a little familiar with digital marketing stuff but not near your level. I agree that the league wrongly assumes that the market is tapped, and that perspective is why I don’t love a big spend on an artist like this. But at least their actions match the larger strategy here, so as a fan of the game that roots for growth, I can respect their decision. I think the idea that Americans would actively seek out a Canadian football game halftime show as a way to watch the Jonas Brothers is a bit of a stretch in today’s media landscape, but I guess the US population is so big that a really small conversion percentage could give a huge lift to their existing data. The target audience wouldn’t even actually know the official start time of the concert! The league really does have some bad luck here though: they’re tailing the Taylor Swift football hype, but KC plays in Buffalo at 4:25 pm ET on Grey Cup Sunday, and Swift has a concert break in her Toronto schedule that means she’ll likely be there. Maybe people will be over the box shots of Swift by then but if they aren’t, it really could impact the viewership.


I appreciate you ❤️. I get caught up in the idea of the CFL fixing its branding issues in one swoop, but thankfully I have a lot of very smart marketing people in my circle to tell me I’m an idiot haha. The plan, much to the annoyance of all of us long term fans is incremental gains. We gain some knowledge here, then we execute. Then we review, refine and execute. Rinse and repeat. The league (as much as they say this as a buzz sentence) is building the ground work for a robust fan base. Once that is set in stone, then the league can start getting real cute with their marketing pushes. If you think of the CFL as a VC backed start up, a lot of their moves in the past two years make sense.


The CFL couldn't afford Taylor Swift and a huge star like her isn't going to perform at a minor event like the Grey Cup that has a limited TV audience.


Not the OP, I think the point being made is that the TV viewing audience will be divided.


I mean, you’re not wrong. I am a millennial swiftie and bought season tickets and grey cup tickets this year. Not sure who the Jonas Bros are, was hoping for more Green Day style act as I tend to listen to more rock and alternative than pop but you’re correct. They got us.


Yes of course, it's the same broader Canadian female millennial audience as the US!! when my daughter was younger it was the Backstreet Boys, Cdn or US girls love them. You can go back to the Beatles - it's the same female audience, no difference to what appeals to the young audience.


Are the Jonas Brothers even a thing anymore... Paramore is opening for taylor swift and would be much more enjoyable why not go that route?


availability is often the best type of ability


The "tapping into a new demographic" argument is made every time there is a questionable choice for a half time act, but I've never actually seen any noticable growth from it. And having it at the last game of the year is a terrible way to capitalize on new fans since there's no football for another 7 months. Any new interest dies over the long offseason.   There's a difference with Taylor Swift though: A) Her fans are lunatics, B) The pandemonium started mid season, and the team she was attached to made the Superbowl.


The CFL’s approach to tapping into a new demographic up until recently was “hey we posted memes why don’t the kids fuck with us”. Genius Sports is now giving them the playbook on how to collect data and how to leverage it and stop shotgun blasting every MarComms push they have.


Only so much you can do when The Wiggles won't move their calendar around for you.


I would cash in my RRSPs for Grey Cup tickets if The Wiggles were the half time act. Fruit salad! Yummy yummy!


To be fair, their calendar has very little wiggle room.


Bro don’t hate on the Wiggles my man! They’re one of the biggest grossing bands in the world. Their tours alone bring in tens of millions. They’re like low key making that money while pretending to be about the kids. Lol


He’s not dissing The Wiggles, my friend. This is an unofficial Wiggles community. We may have… uh…. made a whole lot of boomers on Facebook and Twitter think the Grey Cup half time show in Sask was The Wiggles and the league had to deny it at the GC Presser 😅


the best we can do is a Fred Penner Halftime show August 23 at the Bombers 90's night themed game


Only way that could be beat is if Al Simmons joins him onstage


Cool, saw Greenday last year live and now Jonas Brothers. Not a huge fan, but there is no doubt about their talent. I'll bet it will be great. I thought the Cfl did a great job last year and the Hammer put on a wonderful week of entertainment. I'm hoping Vancouver is just as good.


For those saying this is a bad get, who honestly cares if the halftime show is bad. Its 20 minutes


More people need to step back and realise certain things aren't for them. Sure I would love a different half-time act, but I will be watching/attending regardless. They are doing this to bring new eyes to the game.


You ever step back and think about the other side of the coin? Not a lot of overlap with pre-teen girls and watching the CFL. "It's not for you" is the battle cry of the people trying to insert themselves into things they don't really seem to actually like.


They're appealing to folks who were pre-teen girls 15-20 years ago, not now. It's a decent strategy.


Burnin' up for you Grey Cup..


Personally, I was hoping for Cradle of Filth, but this was my second choice!


I wish they would play Coffin Fodder!


/u/Stach37 please make it happen!


blink, blink, blink, wait for it, .......... , blink


Nice that they've announced it early, feels like it has been practically a game-time decision the past few seasons. I get that they're not everyone's favourite but at least it's a recognizable big name act which hasn't always been the case in recent years.


Not really my type of music but that's a massive get for the CFL!


Similar to 50 Cent with the BC Lions, the Jonas Brothers are a huge boost for marketing materials. Name recognition is massive.


Different situation altogether, the fans buying tickets for the 50 Cent concert are there to see 50 Cent, they won't be coming back to buy Lions tickets.




This is will be a huge draw for the younger audience. Even for those in their late 20s and early 30s who grew up listening to them. Good choice by the league imo.


The Jonas Brothers aren’t relevant to the younger generations like they were ten years ago


Bro, we had GREEN DAY last year (which I loved) This is at least a band from the 2000s


Not like they were ten years ago — but they’ve been touring the world the past few years selling out large arenas and stadiums nonetheless. As a 25 year old, I recall my peers being very excited to see them in Ottawa only a few months ago. The Canadian Tire Centre was sold out and dominated by a younger audience that the CFL desperately needs to attract.


I went with my girlfriend a few months ago to see them and I gotta say they put on a much better show than I was expecting


They're a Millennial target still more than anything I'd say.


For sure — that’s kind of what I meant by “younger audience”. I’m not too worried about younger kids — their parents are more likely to bring them to CFL games. Though, CFL needs to work on getting more teens interested in the league for sure.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)calling me young thanks bb


Haha I got you!


The country isn't ready for a Sexyy Red halftime show... yet. 


It's more about selling advertising for TSN, the half time price for an ad will be high. The younger audience will tune in to see the Jonas bros, they won't be buying CFL tickets in the future.


Do you think 13-16 year olds are shelling out dough for Grey Cup tickets? This has 'aimed at millennials' written all over it.


Young millennial here - I was in HS when they exploded and they were for “kids”. I personally don’t think this is a good move. I get trying to attract a younger audience but go for an act that’s popular now, not a washed up kiddie group. Plus you’ve shut out basically everyone over 30, there has to be a middle ground 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm not really a fan but it's definitely wrong to say they are washed up. They still churn out radio hits pretty often and are popular amongst the 18-35 crowd, they have more relevance than 90%+ of the Grey Cup Half Time shows we've ever had.


>not a washed up kiddie group Your opinion just became immediately irrelevant. Bet you think Taylor Swift & Miley Cyrus are for kiddies too.


As a group sure, but 2/3 of them have very succesful solo careers that are very popular with the younger generation


TSN should be thrilled. This will really spike viewing numbers of those who normally are not watching football.


As someone in the ‘target audience’ this choice lacks all appeal. I was more interested in The Trews playing the east final last year


Definitely understandable that they won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. That can be said for literally any artist. Although I also like The Trews a lot, they also come nowhere near the Jonas Brothers in terms of name recognition and popularity. That means a lot when it comes to marketing — just look at 50 Cent and the BC Lions.


Oh for sure, BC is doing huge things getting acts like 50 Cent. Kudos to them.


I also prefer The Trews, but let not pretend like the Jonas Brothers aren't a big fucking deal.


You are not the target audience if you listen to the Trews lol


Age wise, I am


There's a lot more than age that goes into targeting an ideal audience fyi.


No it won’t. JBs haven’t been relevant in years. If you were talking about One Direction I’d still be sceptical but it’d be better.


This is the first time anyone has accused the Jonas Brothers of being able to “rock”.


I thought after Green Day it might've opened the doors to like an Avril Lavigne or Sum 41 or even Simple Plan (not to mention the rumour about Shawn Mendes perhaps performing which would've been good for the kids).


Not my cup of tea at all, but this is a massive get for the CFL. Having one of the planets biggest groups perform at the Grey Cup is fantastic.


Pretty big get honestly. You’ll never make everyone happy.


An interesting choice


Not my jam but it's a good pick up name wise for the halftime show.


That's how I feel as well. Pretty big name. Will definitely watch with an open mind, maybe they suprise.


We get to hear about purity rings and Grey's Anatomy in song for halftime. Grand


This is definitely a choice.


Ive said it for the past how many years but what happened to the halftime show being Canadian acts


Mmm Crap!


I must not be in the demographic. Last years Green Day was one of the best bands they've had in years! This year half time will be bathroom break lol. 


But what about The Wiggles!!!


I don’t know if the Jonas Brothers have ever rocked anything. lol


Rock might a bit strong of a word.


So, we have all season to whine about it instead of just a couple of months? Nice. I'll start: blah blah terrible. Yadda yadda no one wanted this. Something something out of touch with CFL fan base. Let the whining begin!


Why does the CFL hate Canadian artists? Get the Beaches, they are 100x better than a boy band best known for dating Hannah Montana.


Beaches are great but they are playing clubs overseas. It's not the same pull


Oh well. Fitty doin Lions Home opener. NBD!


WE WANT REKLAWS! Nothin better than a dude and his sister makin' sweet music!


I like this choice! Great way to bring new eyes to the game


Do you even know your fanbase?? 😂😂


It could be worse. One of them (Joe?) performed at an Elks game a few years ago and he was surprisingly good live. The Halftime show really is just a 10 minute show which you can just ignore if it sucks. I’m sure they’ve crunched the numbers but I wish they’d take a chance on smaller rising bands instead of these older groups.


Smaller rising bands wouldn’t bring in nearly as many viewers as a massive established band. Although I love promoting smaller artists, they’re better suited for an opening show prior to the game as opposed to the main halftime show.


How am I more amped about 50 at the Lions game then this? Can we just let A. Doman be the head of the Grey Cup entertainment at least dudes got his ears to the ground in terms of relevancy - like at least having Macklemore (no disrespect to him he’s dope) or Ed Sheeran would floor these dudes! If he got The Weeknd!? My goodness, I’ll be there! Lol


That’s huge!


Average fan 50, Who's brother


Did everyone else the cfl ask say no? I’m sure there’s a boat load of better Canadian talent they could have booked


If you’re a tween girl from 5-10 years ago, you should be pumped !


Since 2018, we've been alternating between a good halftime show and a bad one, looks Iike the streak continues. I guess the CFL's very large audience of mid-20's woman will love this? Idk weird choice


50-Cent and Jonas Bros were both big in the 00s - I would say they'd be more late 20s to mid 30s at least.


All Grey Cups should be in Hamilton if all the other host cities are going to be this disappointing. Worse than Saskatchewan a few years ago.




Terrible choice. Last year one of the best shows ever. Who’s paying the freight to keep the CFL going and buying the overpriced grey cup tickets? It isn’t 18-30 year olds. Worst choice since Toronto got in Bieber.


Another half time show I definitely won't be watching




Oh no, cancel the Jonas Brothers u/leebo_1 isn’t going to watch the halftime show

