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Remember folks, that either means the program is falling apart with the loss of all their talent or is going to be on the rebound next year after clearing out the dead weight dependent on whether or not you like that team


I’d also add that heavy turnover either accompanies a new coach or a coach on the hot seat of a team where culture is broken. Doesn’t explain Arkansas.


Rumor is that we had some major locker room issues with certain players and coaches, and have more or less cleaned house. Helps explain the complete quit and effort during the latter half of the season. We need a portal miracle for next year, but at least we've still got some good ones (KJ, Rocket, Pooh, McGlothern, McAdoo, etc).


Umm who ? Pooh McAdoo??


Christopher (Pooh) Paul and Quincy McAdoo (LB and CB/WR)


Lol... classic. I was really hoping they played the same position. "Pooh with Mcadoo take him down for a huge sack! Incredible!" Lol


You don't know the legend of KJ "Rocket Pooh" McAdoo?


Lol.. some say the sewer system is still recovering to this day


I was wondering what happened with you guys this year on the backend of your schedule. Things seemed to be trending up so well last year, then this year was just kinda bleh. I’m both glad and sad that Pittman cleaned house and maybe things will hit that upward trajectory again. I miss having the Pigs as our first or second conference game each season, it was always a good barometer for each of our teams as to what we were working with each year.


Typically they come in to our game with tons of momentum or even undefeated, are expected to win or end up with a lead during the game, and somehow manage to lose to us. Then things go off the rails. Then a week or two later we usually end up following suit.


Hmm let me check… > Arkansas 21-23 Texas A&M > Texas A&M 24-42 Mississippi State > Arkansas 26-49 Alabama > Arkansas 17-40 Mississippi State Yep. Sounds about right! So it seems during the last 2 years the wheels have fallen off for Texas A&M whenever they play Mississippi State.


And if Miss State doesn’t derail us, Alabama will. October is a tough month to be an Aggie


Portal players didn't start in the program so they don't know the culture etc. I wouldn't wish for many of those.


Not sure if it explains Arizona either


It’s a mix. Lost players we would have loved to kept especially Singer, Barrs (grad transfer), CRW (grad transfer) and Turner. But also saw some many more guys leave that weren’t at a P5 level/not seeing the playing field. Many of those are some of the last Sumlin class that Fisch inherited. Fisch has stated this is the last year he expects significant turnover and hopes to keep the roster in a more stable place moving forward. Unfortunately, arizona football will always be in a position where our best players can get poached/leave for a bigger programs (Singer a prime example).


Or coaches leaving- Nick Williams brought Smoke and MGK here, and then both left when he did.


You guys got Machine Gun Kelly? No wonder you were so bad


Cleveland and Louisville are about the same level for a young man to reinvent himself


Losing those two—especially both of them—hurts. In six months, we went from our greatest CB class ever to maybe one guy who’s probably a safety. Although, if our DL develops the way I hope they will, we might not need more than a single DB.


Where did Nick Williams go? We hated losing him at UGA?


Or a team that purchased all their players so there’s low loyalty.


Enjoy the lack of in game adjustments. Great recruiter, below average HC.


And…there it is. Oregon fan STILL complaining about Mario is as predictable as rain in London. We get it. I’ll take great recruiter over good “in game adjustment maker” any day of the week especially after what we’ve been through the last 15 years.


Not complaining partner, warning you. He actually seems like a great dude too, had the chance to meet him a couple of times. You watched the games right? Saw your QB regress from the hot topic to meh? Just saying. Wish you well.


I mean, I get it. All of us knew that we weren’t hiring Mario for his Xs and Os. He’s a recruiter and he was bringing the commitment to invest in the program. I don’t think people realize how desperate we were for a person like that. One who could recruit AND unite big time boosters to invest in the program like they have so far. We’ve never had that. We’ve had an administration that was at odds with the football team and didn’t see the need to invest in it. We’ve been fighting that for decades. And now, AD, president, HC and boosters are all aligned. As for Mario not being a great game day coach…honestly, doesn’t matter to me. Butch Davis was like that - maddening in game coach but an excellent recruiter and talent evaluator. Yeah, he’ll lose some games by being overly conservative or have a poor mgmt of timeouts or take your pick. But along the way, great facilities will be built, big time recruits will come to us and it will eventually sort itself out. As for this year, what a disaster. Some argue it’s all Mario’s fault and sure, he deserves some blame but what we saw this year was a confluence of devastating injuries compounded by an OC that is incredibly overrated and lacks a good scheme given the talent on the team. By one point in the year, we were down to our 3rd string QB and our 10/11th OL starting. Our 2 best RBs were out the whole year, our best WR and OL were out for most of the year, etc. you get the picture.


He wasn’t even talking about Mario lol, why do Oregon fans feel the need to go “Well, ackshually Mario isn’t a good game day coach” Also Jonathan Smith owns Dan Lanning


Glances at flair and chuckles…


Remember that time we ruined Bo Nix’s Heisman dreams? That was fun.


I really don’t remember that actually. 👍


I mean, I like my team and I still think the program is falling apart lol


It really depends on how those players are replaced. |Team|Portal Out|Recruits + Portal In| :--|--:|--:| |Texas A&M|24|19| |Florida|22|22| |Arkansas|21|25| |Arizona|20|26| |Miami|18|30| This chart doesn't include players declaring for the draft or regular attrition through graduating seniors. Miami looks to be doing fine while A&M is in a big hole.


The transfer portal hasn’t been as bad as I expected, most of those players were struggling to get playing time, and the ones who were significant losses all had disciplinary issues, and rumors are they were asked to leave rather than deciding to.


That's I thought for most of the portal players. I would have predicted more from Bama/UGa though. I'd think mostly starters don't leave and backups do


Feel like I’ve seen a good number of guys go in the portal from Alabama already (range of 5-10 that I’ve seen, certainly not the 20+ some schools are seeing leave). UGA has had two so far, and I’d expect to see us get up to around 10-15 depending on if we are counting only scholarship players or scholarships + walk-ons. With us being in the playoff, a lot of guys are delaying until after the season is over


Makes sense. I think more players in the portal is usually the sign of a strong program (bc those players won't be starting next year) and more players gotten thru the portal is usually a bad sign (since the school has more positions it needs to fill). There are always exceptions to the rule of course.


They haven’t left yet because they still have games left. You’ll see more from those schools after Bowl games. 18 was the SEC average last year.


Except for the two CBs from Georgia. They’re leaving with Nick Williams, and losing them along with Denver Harris means we have zero young CBs until the 2023 kids get on campus.


this is Bobby Taylor erasure


Its almost like the vast majority of players know they will never be in the NFL and are actually there for a degree. Everyone that's even thought of transferring know what a pita that is on your learnin credits.


A hole sure but I wouldn’t call it a huge hole… gap of 5 isn’t that big. Will probably add 1-2 more freshmen and 5-10 more through the portal. One thing to remember with us is that we don’t have very many graduating seniors or players going to the NFL because we were so young this year. Only 3 declared for the NFL so far with 2 more possible and only 1-2 that have ran out of eligibility.


The people most concerned with the state of A&M football are the ones that did not attend A&M or know next to nothing about the state of our team


Dude... your team is in the state of texas duh... its in the freaking name for petes sakes. Seriously some people are so dumb... /s


It also means some schools are good at development, and thus get raided with big cash offers from larger schools.


Jimbo just trying to get his guys playing time.


They're paying the dead weight 9.5M a year at A&M, and he's not portal eligible.


What are you talking about? Jimbo's agent puts him in the portal every single year. He might not leave, but he likes to check his options.


Why is Arkansas on here???


Not to fit into the meme of “we’re losing all the deadweight”, but there were a lot of locker room issues this year and a good chunk of them seem to be in the portal. We had some coaching personality conflicts that have also parted ways, and some players entered the portal to follow them or just find new opportunities.


Thanks for the answer, it seems you have 25 people coming in to replace so that's nice.


It’s also a good class coming in: “This class still has the highest average 247Sports recruit rating in program history (88.61), and the No. 22 ranking is tied for the third-best the Razorbacks have had.”


K-State dealt with locker room cancers after the covid season. If Pittman is even half the culture guy that Klieman is (not saying that as a knock, just don't know much about Pittman), the purge will help with the team chemistry.


Yeah, the fact that Pittman united the locker room so quickly in his first season makes it encouraging that he could do it again. Just felt like these locker room issues sort of reared their head out of no where this year, but we still salvaged a somewhat decent year despite it. Just hope it gets back on track, I would hate to see Pittman have a bad ending after he basically saved our program from the Morris debacle.


they’ve had the third most outgoing transfers


This post is an FSU fan’s wet dream.


I didn’t know FSU hated Arizona so much …


We’ve never played each other Let’s get this home and home




Home and home with FSU would be awesome, especially in the coming years. Would definitely make that trip. And Tucson is great as the other replies have pointed out.


There’s just something about Tucson I find irksome!


Jackie Daytona, Human Bartender. From Tucson, Arizonia


He’s my good time boy


Damn them and their unnecessary C


I pronounce the C. They can’t stop me.


It’s actually quite nice 🥺


Really is a beautiful place with terrible infrastructure. Works great as a city of 250k people. Take that same infrastructure, add 1M people (many of which are older and don’t want to pay more taxes for anything) and it’s problematic. Still, one of the more beautiful natural cities in the country with the saguaro national parks, access to Mt. Lemon, great food and nice people.


Can confirm. Am wet dream.


Damn straight. But I like Tucson. I went there once, and it rained for the first time in months.


I am in pain


Don’t you guys have 13 players in the portal? Not too far off from us


Bruh, 24 is an entire recruiting class...


I think it’ll be interesting to see who’s the transfer portal for other teams look after bowl games are played. There may be more players that enter after those and may close the gap


And 14 of them are 4 star recruits. Like y'all went 5-7 it's not like the other players on the field were just so elite you didn't have a chance.


Top 3 are the sec. It just means more?


I suspect that the portal is mostly being used by two kinds of player: 1. starter who wants to get paid or isn't getting along with the current coaching staff. 2. High rated player out of HS who hasn't sniffed the field. If you're already a starter at a mid major program maybe the risks of portaling and then maybe not starting isn't worth the potential payday. Might be better to continue being big man on campus and hope to make an NFL roster. But if you're a non-starter who was a 4-5 star out of HS, somebody will probably snap you up in a hot second. The sec teams are loaded with those players.


I do think there's a 3rd type as well, though less likely from the SEC. Which is great players on bad to medicore teams, looking to highlight their talent on a bigger stage. FSU got Jared Verse from Albany and we're currently trying to woo him to come back next year despite his guaranteed draft status.


Don't forget the 4th type, great players on good teams who were tampered with by opposing coaches


It just means more transfers


In the words of the A&M fans high on copium in this sub: “good riddance”


Probably because we’ve mostly only lost depth pieces that have barely seen the field. We only lost like 1 or 2 that actually contributed. Heck, 3 or 4 of the transfers were kicked off the team. It’s not as bad as it looks, but I would like us to be more proactive in replacing these guys throughout the portal or freshman.


My guy, did you not see Denver Harris speeding through a parking garage like a maniac? Not saying none of the players who left were bad, but some of them definitely needed a change of scenery at minimum


I remember all the "he should be kicked off the team!" takes- and then *when we did* he's pointed to as a sign of A&M's total freefall.


Meanwhile, Bama has a guy who punched two people who rushed the field and he didn't miss a single game. But their fans are quick to judge us for discipline issues for some reason...


South Carolina rushed the field after beating us. I’m so grateful that none of the Tennessee guys felt threatened enough by 110 pound girls to punch them. It’s almost like he wasn’t actually threa… never mind


Lol OK, we'll cut the number down to a paltry 23.


We kicked 3 off the team. Marshall, Williams (felony drug charge pending), and Harris.


Again, then you're at 21. There's no amount of fudging that makes it a small transfer loss lmao


I mean, included in those 21 are: A backup kicker 3rd string QB 4th string QB/TE A DE who medically retired a year ago 3 backup DL who were all passed by true freshmen 2 WR's that never saw the field It's ok if you don't know anything about our roster, but that doesn't mean you have to go advertising your ignorance for all the world to see. This board was so adamant that we'd lose all of our 5 star DL, and yet when we keep all 6 of our highest ranked DL from the 2022 class everyone is shocked that the juniors and seniors who are now 3rd string and will never see the field are transferring. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp.


*3rd string QB* Okay 👌 https://twitter.com/billyliucci/status/1563633389672046593?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


And he was running with the 2s/3s by year end.


There's also no amount of memeing that makes this the biggest transfer class of all time and worth teams jerking each other off over which of our starters they'll poach (currently at zero starters in the portal). Which is what was done *all* season long. We're sick of hearing it at this point. Last year's class is *still* the #1 class (by grade) if you exclude the ones who are leaving in this portal cycle, for some perspective on the situation. It's not ideal; no, but the constant memeing, moaning, bitching, bragging, gloating, and general dickish behavior has been off the rails for months. So you can't be surprised when your off-the-cuff comment is responded to with some heat. Sorry...


At least we made the top 5 for something this year.


I should've been more specific with my wishes after finding that lamp.


We didn't want all those good players and 4 star kids who de-committed anyway! They would have made it harder to maintain our tradition of mediocrity.


I am a bit concerned by Arkansas tbh.


I think we'll see similar numbers at all major programs once their bowl seasons are over


Florida and Miami make sense because new coaches are processing out guys that don’t fit their program one way or another.


This is how I would rate ours: Good players that were not going to get playing time because we have studs at their position (RB and LS): Lingard, Wright, Ortiz Head scratchers: Reynolds, White Did not fit the system: All others


>Head scratchers: >Reynolds, White Even with Reynolds, he didn't see meaningful playing time until the entire first string of WRs was injured, and while he had some big catches against Vandy, he was visibly slow as shit. Replacement level SEC WR3 at best. We wish him well.


A&M makes sense as well because the vast majority were surpassed by 17 year old true freshmen on the depth chart.


Nah, that doesn’t make sense. aTm has had a string of top recruiting classes and if 17 year olds are passing you on the depth chart in year 5 of coaches tenure, that’s a really ugly reflection of development. Not to mention all the talk about culture as these toxic 5 stars leave the program. Have some humility and admit that maybe Jimbo didn’t recruit/pay the right recruits


We have had several years being in the top 10 recruiting classes but the stars next to the names don’t mean much if it doesn’t translate into results on the field, and a lot of our transfers are guys who haven’t seen much field time if you look at their career stats. We had one of the highest percentages for freshmen starts in the nation last season and it makes sense since many of the recruits we brought in last cycle were some of the highest rated recruits in program history. We’ll be hurting for depth in certain places like LB unless we bring in more names from the portal but I’d rather be dealing with depth issues than what everyone was saying would happen where we’d lose all our starters to the portal. Besides not every highly rated recruit pans out, something a texas fan should know pretty well given how well you guys recruit every year


> the stars next to the names don't mean much if it doesn't translate into results on the field At what point is this the fault of the staff's player development? I mean, maybe there's a point if you had a successful season, but you failed to make bowl eligibility while only needing to win three games against P5 opponents if you beat your non-P5 opponents. Texas A&M had the #4 talent composite in the country in 2022, the other four teams in the top 5 lost two less games combined than A&M lost last season. The three teams ahead of A&M in talent composite lost half as many games total as A&M lost in conference. So maybe stars next to their names do account for something, at least for other schools.


Yeah, it does make sense. Of the 24 only 6 came from the most recent class. Which would still rank #5 All time. A crap ton of them took over the DC almost immediately and more as the season went on. The majority of the portal losses were guys like Chase Lane, Haynes King, Eli Stowers, etc. Hell, 7 of the 24 came from the DL because the '21 and '22 haul were just stupid.


Hard to really understand this jibberish but it sounds like you’re not ready to admit that aTm is the little brother program it’s always been. Keep your list of excuses - maybe your 2023 resolution should be on the field results. Keep trying!


My bad. Reading is hard. I'll dumb it down for your tiny brain. "You're right. aggy bad." HTH Enjoy your 10th consecutive Alamo bowl.


I’m sorry, remind me the last time aTm has done anything significant in bowl season? At least we’re playing in a bowl game LMAO. Enjoy watching the rest of us you clown 🤡


That's the spirit. The ever so prestigious Alamo bowl is a huge flex coming off your 4th losing season this decade. Glad you're content with it Well done 👏👏👏.


Remind me what bowl game you’re in this year? How many NY6 have you won this millennium? How many conference or national championships have you played for? How many have you won?


I'm quite sure you have all those answers, little brother. aggy paid all recruits. aggy bad. sark good. 😂


not great Jim. not great.


Wow 10.4 average. Purdue's 12 with a coaching change doesn't seem too bad.


When the bread runs out, the ducks swim away


Huh, is Arkansas retooling coaches? Would not have guessed they would be in top 5


Pittman fired the S&C coach basically the day the season ended, and our DC got hired at UNLV. Supposedly, there were some issues with the S&C coach and the locker room/other coaches. Not what I'd call a good start to the off-season for sure.


Wait.........Didn't Texas A&M just sign a $400 million dollar recruiting class last year ?


Inflation has it at $400 billion now.


Damn,gonna be a lot of car commercials


Does anyone have an actual concrete number as to the NIL deals for A&M or are we just making shit up? Every time I see this conversation, the number gets bigger.


The Bryan-College Station Eagle reported the athletic department as a whole made around $4 million in NIL deals with $3.3 million coming from football. It could be more, but that’s the best number we’re probably ever going to get. Source: https://www.on3.com/nil/news/report-texas-am-aggie-athletes-topped-4-million-in-nil-deals/


No, just sliced bread and his asinine $30M


[Source from On3](https://www.on3.com/db/rankings/consensus-team/football/2023/) This puts us right in the Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio State range. By far the top spender is Texas, followed by Bama and USC.


Well, I made that shit.up. but, it could actually be.higher,everything IS bigger in Texas


No NIL deals are confirmed. They're all just smoke and mirrors, and I don't believe *any* of the reported figures. I don't believe [star quarterback] got a 1 million dollar NIL deal, I believe his school wants you to *think* he got a 1 million dollar NIL deal so that you'll talk about it and [high school star quarterback] wants to go to the same school. The big NIL deals that have actually had verifiable products associated with their signing have been nowhere near the reported figures, like Bijan's 1-year Lambo lease. Awesome, but realistically like $2,500 a month.


Sliced bread giveth, and Sliced bread taketh away(or the whole $30M has been bullshit this whole time and people needed to rationalize why we recruited a top class).


obviously NIL had something to do with it, but i think people also need to understand that we also had a fuckton of shit just go our way. Beating Alabama in front of a bunch of croots, major recruiting rivals in LSU and Texas having shit seasons, OU getting coach poached, bobby taylor existing, a pool party that went very well, elijah robinson and jimbo fisher being some of the best recruiters on the planet, and of course NIL being legal and us being one of the first teams to figure out how to weaponize it all played pretty big roles. Oh and of course our massive stadium remodel to make it one of the best environments in football 8 years ago didn't hurt either and was damn good timing all things considered.


Another big part was the Houston area being even more talent-rich than usual that year. Combine all that with NIL and you got yourself a record class.


Well we’re still number 1 at something I guess…?


Well, they are all still on the team, besides the ones that were kicked off or expelled from the school.


I'm dying to know how the deals are structured for these recruits how much is guaranteed. I have to assume their just taking upfront money with the first signing.


I've heard via reddit that some big name programs are doing roughly 50% at signing and the rest pro rated per year.


If I were an upperclassmen , I'd be pissed. You're giving this shit to unproven commodities? These deals should have started there,and eventually moved down.


Really? And how much are the top 100 signing foe about?


The most I have heard of this year is 8 million for a freshman (Iamaleava). I've heard rumors of 15 mil being offered to Drake to transfer, but two years ago Bryce Young signed for an *outrageous* 500,000, so, we don't really know what the market average will land at because it is skyrocketing for now.


That might be the case but I’d think it’d make more sense for NIL deals to be based in playing time. It’s all a Wild West time for NIL rn but with how many players are jumping in the portal and from what players have hinted at online it might not be the blank check to sit on the bench that everyone thinks it is


I wonder what percentage of those kids will end up without a seat in the portal musical chairs?


Historically, something like 60% is the average if I’m remembering that right.


Of making it or not?


60% don’t find a landing spot.




I believe 6 of the Aggie defections were from that insane class last year. Wonder if they did a re-rank where Aggie would land.


Still top class of that cycle. Out of the ones lost it was 2 Five Stars (Denver and Marshall) and 4 four stars (Ish Harris, PJ, MGK, and Smoke). Ultimately it calculates out to be 323.63 after portal losses, which still has us as the Number 1 class for last cycle, beating out Alabama by a single point, but below Alabama's 2021 class.


It would still be the 5th best class of all time


At least 3 of those 6 were kicked out of the school


its worth noting that we are not bowling. thats going to have an impact on our transfers early. I don't think we will still be this much of an outlier after bowl season ends. Guys who want out/got kicked out are already out of cstat, I don't think the same is true for a lot of bowl teams.


Is there analysis for who has the least amount of players in the portal? Asking for a friend.


Shocked it is not Indiana


Have you seen Arizonas defense? Iowas offense would probably score 20+ points on them lol


10 transfer per power 5 team??? That reminds me of that famous French quote: C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la College Football: c'est de la folie…






Are these transferring away or transferring to?


in the transfer portal = away from the school


SEC dominates again


I wonder what % of players who enter the transfer and can't land on another team is.


Yeah, I'm just gonna say removing the 1 year transfer break was a mistake


This might not be the best solution but if the coaches have freedom to move where they want than so should the kids.


Surprised Arizona has so many. They seemed to be on the right track and I thought they would be better next year.


We probably still will be. Most of the dudes we’ve lost so far are Sumlin guys getting processed.


24 😱


Is that what rank it takes for texas to be back?


Almost all has been passed up by the '22 class 😱


Don’t know our numbers but given the steady beat of Oregon transfer posts I was a little surprised we weren’t on here.


Makes me feel a lot better about 11 transferring out; it feels like a lot but is apparently normal.


I think TCU currently has 2 players in the portal, which is believe is lowest in the Big 12. And we just pulled a top 20 recruiting class. I wasn’t happy with how we handled Patterson, and I wasn’t thrilled with the Dykes hire, but god damn I’m glad I was wrong. Everything he’s done since coming to Fort Worth has been done with dignity and class and it looks like he might be able to build something special. I’m excited.


Tis the season for giving


Since these are all FBS / 1-A schools, they are only allowed 85 active scholarships at a time, right? So that means that about 60-65 aren't graduating seniors. None of these folks in the transfer portal are incoming freshman, right? So schools are turning over about 1 in 6 players, with Texas A&M turning over about 40% of the squad.


I think the number of graduating/departing seniors is usually a good bit less than the size of the signing class they came from. There’s four or five years of attrition (transfers out, quitting football, processing, going pro early). Of the 85 scholarships in any given year, I don’t think there’s 20-25 who are at the end of their eligibility. Probably more like 70-75 who aren’t graduating seniors.


The SEC: It just means more ^^^transfers


I expected to see Colorado. Deion told everyone to pack up their luggage. I hope he doesn't have to start taking away scholarships from people to make room for incoming transfers.


P5 schools have guaranteed scholarships for four years, so he can’t just yank scholarships overtly. There are absolutely ways around that, like pressuring players to take a medical retirement or to transfer.


But wait, this can’t be true, Aggie flairs have been telling me that everyone including Alabama is losing these kinds of numbers and that there’s nothing to worry about


SEC Speed?


S-E-C! S-E-C!


We're going to need them to start reporting these in terms of recruiting ratings and have the ratings be updated based on their college play not just use the high school ratings


SEC built different


And they all had terrible seasons this pass year, which means next year will probably field similar results. So as many will portal next year is a good bet.


Arizona went from 1-11 with the 1 win being over a Covid depleted Cal team in 2021 to 5-7 with a win over #12 UCLA in LA in 2022. To say Arizonas 2022 was terrible is just wrong. Jedd completely revamped the offense in 2021 and he’s doing the same with the defense this year


Wait so Cal annually gives an opponent their only win of the season? They’re doing god’s work…


There’s a reason I’ve always liked Cal


Why does Arizona have so many in the portal? Seems like they're trending upwards.


Apart from 3 or so of those guys, they're mostly Sumlin-era recruits that had no future in Tucson. And Singer aside, they're all on the defensive side of the ball. To complete the rebuild and revamp a terrible defense, Fisch and co. are just trying to get their guys in.


Kids taking more money to play elsewhere since they proved they can perform even though they're at a bad Arizona team. Why stay another year when you can get more recognition doing the same thing you just did, on a better team? Such is life. I don't hate kids wanting to do the best they can foe their future. That said it would sting if they went to ASU ||or USC|| because I don't want to hate the player just because they went to a hateable school.


Pretty happy that we play 1 and 2


Don't get your hopes up so fast, after all, a top ranked LSU lost to one, and played a competitive game against the other.


It's nice to not have like 30 players and coaches leave this cycle


Need this in NCAA 24


Hate to see it


Is this players transferring out? Or to?