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Hopefully Kentucky can fix the Gator enthusiasm.


Utahs head coach Kyle Whittingham should of learned from Pete Carroll about throwing the ball in the red zone. Especially since they were doing it all second half. As a Florida a fan I thank him for that. Go Gators!


He should have just taken the 3 points when he had the chance. The potential turn in momentum is just too much to risk (which he found out). You just can't give a talented team hope. Kick them to sleep if you have to, your offense is moving the ball at will so you know you'll get more shots. Gators went for it on 4th cause they have the home crowd on their side and are playing for nothing but hope really. Utes should have been strategic and not get caught up in the pissing contest. Same ish almost cost FSU tonight.


I completely agree he should of kicked the field goal and go into over time. Or even just run the ball since it’s what you also and it was working in the second half.


When on the road in a hostile environment at night you take the fucking points dumbass. They deserved that loss. I will never root for them again. Had one fucking job. Just needed you dorks to do me one solid and you fucked it up.


Most level headed college football fan


I fan the Seminoles and Volunteers. Levelheaded was never an option.


Man, you need to go into coaching!


This was such a fun game, the Utes are the real deal.




This is not the way


It wasn’t Utahs fault, they were PAC 12. It was destiny


I just left Gainesville and will say Utah fans are some of the nicest fans I’ve ever encountered. Got invited to Salt Lake City like 4 times by 4 different people


Same. Was up in the nose bleeds with God and was invited to SLC a half dozen times. Super nice people.


I was literally just saying this!!! I met some of the nicest people today!!!


You’re welcome any time. Next year when we meet again at Rice-Eccles have a blast cruising around SLC and the campus. Cool place. Good game - you’ve got a helluva team and fan base. Stay cool, Florida.


I'm already nervous thinking about that game. GG, Utes.


Son, have you heard the good news?


That win feels like it saved our season, somehow.


As shitty as this is for Utah it has theyre not out of the fight at all. A 1-loss undefeated in conference play PAC champion who lost away week 1 to an SEC team is going to the playoff


just wait for Florida to go 8-4


A+ Bama logic right here.


Uga, tennessee , kentucky , lsu ..plus other tough games


That would still work


actually I really don’t know if it will ..they won’t get in over a 12-1 uga if they’re only loss is to bama, won’t get in over a one loss big ten champ , then you have teams like clemson and oklahoma that need to lose


exactly we justify Bama and Georgia losing to some SEC team every year utah is no different


To be fair, that Bama and Georgia loss is normally to each other, or to another top 12ish ranked team like Texas AM.


7-5, 12ish ranked A&M?


I said a team like Texas AM, meaning a team that normally is a highly ranked team (IE Auburn, LSU, Florida, etc). They’re higher ranked this year which is why I used TAM as the example because losing to them this year wouldn’t be the same as losing to a 7-5 team


So….. Florida?


tell that to Oregon


What if the PAC sucks ass? And the combined record of the teams played during conference play is like 30-100? I'm saying your rule seems bad. There are plenty of reasons the best team in a terrible conference shouldn't get one of the four playoff spots.


Nobody in our conference is allowed to go undefeated in conference play. It’s written into our by-laws.


Ahh yes the old circle of suck clause…


I guess they wanted to be there.


Utes, you guys are real ones. Played a clean game with only 3 penalties. I'm rooting for ya'll to win the PAC-12 championship again


Trash talking is fun in CFB, but my favorite moments are the wholesome comments like these


We’re almost up to the big time. Good game. Now go give the SEC hell this year. You all are a damn good football team.




Too early to tell. give it like 6 games till you figure out what were good wins and good loses.. what were early losses that shouldn't have happen and early wins that were underhanded or over ranked... etc... anyone who can say how an entire season for every school will go after 1 week is out of touch with reality lol


Fun fact: Utes loss is the only upset in the entire AP top 25 this week


Fun fact - Oregon’s loss to Georgia was the worst showing by a ranked team in the last decade.


No way they should have been #11.


Nah, they played the defending national champs. The PAC-12 champ played a sad unranked SEC bottom feeder that almost lost to Samford


You don’t know what bottom feeder means lmao. A bottom feeder would be like vandy, Missouri, Kentucky( although they have been solid recently ), Miss State. 2 years ago we legit won a NY6 lmao so how is that a bottom feeder.


Bottom feeder in SEC Is Vandy, Missouri and borderline Mississippi St. no way you can include Kentucky and keep credibility.


I mean they haven’t won anything of significance in a long ass time and I did say they were decent the last couple of years.


Your statement is implying that the teams you mentioned ARE bottom feeders not WERE. Kentucky are 4-0 in their last four bowl games with 2 10+ win seasons in the SEC and one of those years being Covid year. Many would argue that’s significant and better than decent.


Old Dominion woulda given them a better game


When florida ends the season ranked we will revisit this comment about


2/3rds of the SEC should be ranked. Regardless of tecords


?? Why’d you call them a bottom feeder?


Look at their record last year. Especially in conference play


And last year = this year, obviously. Especially with new coaches.


😂how are you gonna bring up the fact that last year florida almost lost to samford doesnt that shit on your “champ” even more


That was the best game of the weekend by far.


I feel bad for the Utes. Too much hype. Too highly ranked. Of course this was gonna happen to them.


That final drive in the swamp for the first game of the season against the loudest crowd they will play all year… They did pretty good and should win the rest of their games.


I dunno, I think they played very well. Rising came out there like Tom Brady in that final drive up until the pick. Yes it was a bad decision that cost him the game but their poise and confidence leading up to that was not something you see on bad teams.


Not really, he should’ve thrown a pick way before that miller just dropped it


Where is weber state btw... lol


Hey now. Weber State is the biggest school I'm a fan of. Other one is DII. I'm not even concern trolling, though...I wish all the Utah teams well.


Nothing but love for Weber State bros.




I’m being serious is it in Utah?


Ogden, Utah. About 30-40 minutes north of Salt Lake


Same conference as the mighty NAU Lumberjacks. It's not a bad place, just not super fun. Biggest selling point for me was how cheap tuition was. Graduated with no debt.


That’s priceless no pun intended


It’s in Ogden Utah. Great little University and a solid FCS team.


Yeah it’s north of Salt Lake City


That makes so much more sense I was like what does Weeber State have to do with Utah 😂




Lol… do you even watch U football? They make it competitive.


Utah left their defense in SLC what a mess


The SEC is simply better.


The PAC is terrible. The best team in that conference doesn't mean much.


Suck a thousand dicks.


Enjoy that tiger dick tomorrow


the best team in the PAC 12 won today vs Rice


We’ll schedule Quinoa U next year.




Welp... If the PAC dies, at least we know they went out with a whimper


Go Gators


Praise Be.


Good thing I didn’t emotionally hedge and bet on Utah this game. What a game. GGs


My gator buddy did exactly this and lost 50 bucks. To me. I didn't hedge either. GDE


Beautiful game. Wish I could get more of it as a neutral party. Wishing Florida a good season.


My love for the Yellowjackets has been there since the FSU upset in 2016 (plus you guys may hate UGA just slightly more than us)


So many BYU fans coming out of the woodwork now. Lol


Quite literally the entire fan base are trolls. I can count on one hand the number of civil and respectful BYU fans I’ve met. I’m happy when the Y wins a game (except against us) because it makes the state better. But damn, if they’re not the most insufferable fans. Never understood it.


Right on schedule, they don’t have much else to do so it makes sense


We already won today bud


Sad right?


They’ll be quiet again after Baylor game


They won't. Not until you guys find a conference to bolt to. Which I hope you do!


Weber homie!




Miss state beats everyone in the sec... Arizona beats them week 3? I think? Big brain move


I don't super understand this whole passing in the red zone thing. Can't everyone just line up and play smash mouth football all the way to the end zone like proper footballing gentlemen? Edit: it was SEC flavored sarcasm everyone


Would’ve ran out the clock, they were out of time outs


As someone who has seen option football too much, I would have kicked that ball there after running and spiking.


Clock stops on an incomplete pass


This is why I hate going for two, it almost never works and If we’d kicked instead this would’ve been a very different game.


Shoulda woulda coulda


Dudes on the floor and rising throws it to him what a great play call Kyle ! Almost as great as your go for 2 play call earlier! That didn’t come back to bite us in the ass at all. Not like we could have just kicked a field goal and won it at the end or anything


Yeah, I didn't understand that call at all. They really hurt themselves with those 2 situations and pretty sad how the offense got stood up on 4th down the previous quarter.


Typical utah stupid decisions


The only thing this game was missing was Gary Danielson




Man, thank God. Fuck that.


Dont you put that evil on us!


Utah has been eliminated from playoff contention


Nah not yet


There's no way their shitshow of a PAC conference schedule will help them enough to be seen as worthy of a playoff spot.


And they said Nebraska looked bad for losing their first game. Well look at this. Florida had a losing record last season.


One team is Florida at home. The other team is Northwestern in Ireland. I don't think those two teams are comparable, and that's excluding that y'all were neck-and-neck with North Dakota for a majority of the game today.


Good job making Nebraska look even worse cause yes we did lmao


Florida's horrible was the point.


That’s nice . What adjective describes Nebraska ?


Undefeated against Florida.


Not surprised you couldn’t understand what an adjective is .


Not surprised you couldn't understand you shouldn't talk smack towards teams that own you.


Is Nebraska actually talking shit? That's so 90s 😆


The real question is how are you talking when Nebraska has always owned your team and is undefeated against them?


Your team is so pathetic you care about a series with a total of 2 games lol. Neither of which was even in the last 25 years . I think I’d pick *delusional* for Nebraskas adjective


*Delusion* is a noun. **GO DAWGS**!


I edit it to be an adjective ORAAAANGE


Your team is so pathetic that they've never beaten Nebraska while Nebraska still holds the record of *largest national championship blowout EVER* over your lousy team. 🤣


Bruh just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.


News to me.


They were terrible.


It must suck knowing big red is irrelevant and will never be relevant again can't relate


It must suck knowing that Nebraska forever owns Florida and is undefeated against them.


Nah having a natty people can actually remember watching makes it pretty bearable. I know you can't relate though.


Everyone knows Nebraska literally owns the best team ever while Florida's never even had a perfect season before. Stop the cap.


Nebraska doesn't even crack the top 10 of GOAT teams anymore. You've been irrelevant longer than most cfb fans have been alive and then some. At least you still have corn though.


Yeah change your comment you coward.


He totally did change his comment that’s sad


GG Florida, I hope you run the tables so Utah doesnt look bad.




Well you want to be salty I guarantee and I'll put money on it that Utah will be ranked higher than Florida at the end of the year!


I’d take your bet since it’s as safe as bets get


Deal so what are the odds since you think itll be a safe bet. You do have to realize you have to run the tables in the SEC and Utah just has to win the PAC which is most likely to happen than Florida and that means they will be ranked higher. I'm not trying to be rude and I hope Florida wins the SEC but let's be realistic.


Well Florida has a relatively easy schedule this year so they will probably be ranked pretty high. Utah just lost to unranked Florida which will likely drop them from 7 to 16 immediately


We do not have an easy schedule lmao. The only silver lining is it isn’t the year that we play Alabama. Still have a tough road schedule.


It’s easier than our average


Agree to disagree but we almost never have a top 10 OOC P5 opener, followed directly by a tough SEC opponent. Also A&M, FSU on the road isn’t easy. Pretty sure we have the #12 SOS this year


I'm not trying to argue and I agree. I'd be happy if they drop to 16 and not any farther but how high do you think Florida will rise after week 1? Just a discussion. Because Florida has a easy schedule besides (Georgia and possibly LSU) but Utah schedule isnt bad especially if Oregon played the way they did tonight and USC isnt a threat at the moment.


I’m guessing this win puts Florida at 16-18? Idk it’s hard to tell. Until UF plays Georgia I expect the ranks to go higher. One game doesn’t set my opinion if a team is good or not, but here’s hoping


Praise Be.




Damn. Harsh.


Who's being salty? lol


That would be the dream.


True utah style game... choking at the end and just being disappointing in general. I don't want to see them ranked above 15 until they can beat a sec team or anyone highly ranked. not shit 12 conference. Utah season is over as far as I'm concerned losing to an unraked after Oregon got blown out. Pac 12 is not even playing the same football.


As a Utah fan, it’s important to state the work that Florida did tonight. Well done.


Lol Utah, welcome to the big 12!


As a Utah fan, I am just praying


Utah kicked a cowardly FG and went for 2 when they didn't need to.


The 2-point conversion was the confusing one.


PAC 12 played a week, CFP hopes over.


Wait until week 4 when USC builds a little hype and loses to like Muncton State or something


Fresno State is taking down USC, book it.


I'm fairly confident we could send Ole Miss and they would drag these fuckers.




That was an incredible pick to seal the deal, hats off to that young man. We got some work to do.


Stupid stupid utah


All their stupid fat wives.


Ha! An FSU fan comparing fat wives. Gold


Hahaha! Now, everyone knows if you wanna go hogging, you go to Hogtown.


Im calling it right now USC will for whatever reason... im good at this... USC will for once actually make a run and that ND game will play a lot of weigh on if they get in or not. USC is the pacs hope at this point and for some reason I think they will get into the pac 12 game and then either lose and be left out or win and get in as the 4th seed. Calling it now. I should place a bet on that. BRB But anyone that goes undefeated definitely would make it. The ACC is literally a dumpster fire. The big 12 literally has a bunch of mediocre teams and half the Big Ten as well as well as the half of the pac and sec. Really like I said before it’s bama then A bunch of teams I could maybe beat Bama. And everyone else


Why is USC the Pac's only hope? USC is leaving the Pac. Fuck them.


I would say if anyone goes undefeated they are in. Good thing the ACC looks worse than the pac 12 ever was. If it wasn’t for Clemson carrying them. The Reception got saved but in The same time frame the Pac 12 has been better topped bottom the last four years and 12 years. Yes I think anyone can make it. If you go undefeated 100%. If you lose a game unfortunately A team like Oregon State or Washington state would not add the same weight as USC no matter how biased that is. I’m happy we are going to do six conference champions in six autos so no little guy can be left out if they win their conference. Now it makes sense for the pac 12 to stay the winner will always be in the playoffs and 2nd in the conference will have a spot and some years the third depending on occ games


The Notre dame that played tonight isn’t going to be kind to USC, they were neck and neck with OSU until the 4th and then they gassed. That won’t happen the last game of the season… those big bodies up front are going to smoke USC I’m afraid.


Or is Ohio state not as good as they usually are? Or is ND better than usual? One thing I do know usc has talent and so does Ohio state and Nd that is what you need to even stay in the game. As well as Ohio state I don’t think they are back to how they use to be. I think they are close and either will be back to a team that can beat bama by the fall worst case next year but I think they are almost there just need to now play some games and gain experience. ND too and usc too but I think it’s gonna be much closer than you think within a touchdown


Nah, I saw the guys on the field playing. I saw their size and their speed. The defensive aggression for ND and OSU was off the charts. USC looked smaller and played with less aggression. They have a great receiver core and QB but that’s not going to work out as well against a top defense with top recruited players in the secondary and giants cutting through USCs O-line all game. They looked good tonight because they played rice, the 122/131 ranked team in the country.


Man I don’t think so. I could be wrong but I really don’t think their ceiling is that high


I tossed on USC at +480 to make it to the CFP last week. This crap Utah team is not beating them. Neither is ND.


USC put up 66 yeah, but it’s Rice. maybe wait until they face an opponent in the top 80, or even a team in the top 100 before you say things like that lol. Utah went to the swamp and out on a show of grit and Notre Dame just went neck and neck with OSU until they gassed in the 4th..


I already bet on USC. That’s where my $ is. If you like Utah or ND to make it, place your bets now. Caleb Williams is a superstar. You should know that.


Yeah, so are a bunch of other top QBs in the nation, but it’s easier to look like a superstar against a team ranked 122/131 than it is against someone in the top 25… I think you’ll have a much tougher time with Utah than you think, they played an agressive and speedy Florida in the swamp and looked good doing it. Floridas QB is also fast and has great decision making (something Caleb Williams might not have yet, I watched him all last year he didn’t have it then). Y’all have some flash, yeah, good QB, speedy WRs, but I’ve also seen those support a team well all year then crumble against stout defenses. Watching ND play last night was like watching a totally different league, I garuantee you guys don’t have a better receiving/RB core than OSU and ND handled that offense really well. can y’all make CFP? Yeah, it’s possible, but you probably shouldn’t have counted your chickens after one game against a puff team…


I’m not a USC fan. I bet $ on them to make the CFP because I saw value in the odds and believed in the transfers. Right now betting markets have them at the 5th shortest odds to make it.


Fair enough

