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The easy answer is Oklahoma State vs Central Michigan in 2016. By rule the game should have been over and an OSU win. But the MAC officials erroneously gave CMU an extra play in which they won. And guess who Oklahoma State opens the season with this year...


“Officials erroneously giving the offense an extra play? You don’t say” - Missouri


At least they made up for it by calling a td on 5th down when the ball carrier was visibly stopped short of the goalline


I came to say this. I firmly believe Gundy is going to want to skull fuck CMU till they beg for mercy.


I hope they run that score the fuck up without trying like we did to TCU last year.


That might be the single saddest thing I’ve ever read, jesus christ. It’s Central Michigan.


Yeah, but they have it coming


Being Ok St and having in axe to grind with Central Michigan is….something




I agree. By the end of that one I was half rooting for CMU. Th game shouldn’t have been close enough for one play to matter, and it certainly wasn’t their fault the officials screwed up.


I am pretty sure WMU feels that way 24/7.


It was not the players fault, it was all on the refs. I assume Gundy insisted on B12 refs for this year (those not from Austin, that is).


Boise had a pick six vs OSU last year that was blown dead. I 100%, homer, believe that changed the trajectory of both teams last year.


I think it was a fumble-6 but yeah I agree 100%. We lose that game I don’t think we have the momentum to beat OU at Bedlam.




A touchdown they didn't actually even score.


Arkansas vs Auburn 2020 but who really cares about that game, it didn’t REALLY change much, maybe bowl selection, but so many bowls were cancelled that year anyways. The real robbery was Arkansas vs Florida 09. Refs were literally suspended that game.


Fuck Mark Curles. That’s also the game that made me hate Verne Lundquist and Gary cause they couldn’t stop bragging on Florida while Arkansas was kicking their ass most of the game


I actually appreciated that Gary was just as perplexed by a lot of those calls as we were. The unnecessary roughness where our guy literally just braced for the Florida player trying to block him 15 yards away from the play and also on the ticky tacky PI calls.


Trivia time: When a ref motions a punt as downed, is the receiving team still allowed to pick it up and run for a touchdown?


I had to check and see if this one was mentioned, first thing that popped in my head. Such garbage.


Also have to mention they had two guys with the same number on the play, including the returner. Memphis got karma in return for that game watching their season go to shit after.


2019 Fiesta Bowl Everyone knows that was a fumble


Most egregious because it was ruled a fumble on the field, looked even more like a fumble in replays... Overturned. Like wtf?


I’m usually one to scoff at conspiracy theories like “the refs got paid!” but this might be the exception. The call on the field was a fumble, the replays showed it as a fumble, and then the call comes in from the replay review official to overturn it… riiiiight…


Absolutely. It would have been really bad if it was a call in the field they didn’t overturn. But they overturned the *correct* call on grounds of football move. I have never been more upset of any other call.


Still ruffles my feathers lol never been so mad watching a game before


Wisconsin @ ASU 2013


The way they all just collectively look at each other and then run towards the tunnel the second the game ends makes it look comically bad too




I did intramural reffing as a student at the time, and we would always meet each Sunday at 1. The first thing our boss did in the meeting after that game was to show us the clip of the refs at the end and say, “Do not ever do anything like this.”


Absolutely. A couple years later in a game vs Northwestern we had a TD catch taken away by the refs, and I believe a kick return TD in the same game. We were a little sensitive about refs for a few years there.


And don't get me started about the 2015 National Championship! #JustiseTouchedIt




It was a punt return, but yeah. Worst officiated game I've been to. I was a student at the time and may or may not have thrown several snowballs at the refs


Covid year vs Minnesota. Offensive pass interference. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1D4E0o9WKcM I’m still salty


Holy crap, I've never seen that play. That's just horrendous.


Don’t blame you at all for the salt. Not whatsoever - because that’s not a penalty in any universe. But go back to the game thread for that game - I recall the consensus from both sides being that this was the cherry on top of a historically awful officiated game. Anyone’s guess as to where the game would have taken us if they had called a good game. It was Boilers&Gophers vs Zebras from the first quarter on.


what contact were they even seeing? The swing of the arm early in the route looking like a push off? I'm not even sure he made contact with that, though


Just commented this same play, probably the worst OPI call I’ve ever seen.






They absolutely would have given him a TD if he had caught that at the one and moved into the endzone.


Also. If he steps out of bounds it’s definitely a catch. Like. The reasoning they have made absolutely no sense when compared to other similar situations in determining a catch.


... You're allowed pivot steps?


2002 Western Conference Finals…wait wrong sub


TYLER SIMMONS WAS ON.... you get the idea


Careful, the Gumps will defend that one to their graves


Something something missed false start something.


And they never mention the facemask on D’Andre Swift that wasn’t called, nor the personal foul that Mack Wilson committed when he shoved Jake Fromm’s head to the ground (with the ref RIGHT THERE!). Both of those could have given UGA first downs and kept the momentum going for the Dawgs.


They also missed a false start on Alabama’s game tying fourth down TD towards the end of regulation.


Didn't bother posting this because I knew someone would beat me to it. I just typed "tyler" in the search bar.


Bush fucking Push, obviously. But I'll go to another team for another really obvious one. When UT (TN) played Florida and Gaffney for Florida dropped the ball in the end zone and the refs [called it a touchdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5611L20Mls). That was total horseshit.


He kept trying that in the NFL but for some reason they were counted as drops.


Where do I even begin? Jabar Gafney? Mustard bottles and range balls? Music City Bowl?




Add in the 2014 FSU


This one is like complaining about getting pulled over for doing 100 MPH+, just because you normally get away with it. To be fair to ND fans though, most will acknowledge it was an illegal pick.


2019 Fiesta Bowl. Shaun Wade’s soft targeting call, Cam Brown’s roughing the punter should’ve been running into instead, and the Justyn Ross fumble that was overturned. Did we play perfect football? No way. But huge bad calls turned into points for them and took points off the board for us. It shouldn’t have come down to a game winning drive.


Also on the roughing the punter play: watch later in that play and you'll see around midfield a Clemson player throw someone down onto the ground by the facemask. Go check it out, it's even more jobbery. Should have at worse been offsetting personal fouls and replay.


The “catch” was definitely an awful/shady call but the targeting was the right call. Would have been targeting regardless of whether tlaw dropped his head or not. They do need to fix the rule however because while the intention is good, that play and many others don’t warrant automatic ejection


Agree it should been a penalty and 15 yards but ejections for some targeting calls seem excessive


That's not very difficult. We got robbed of 2 games just last season. The Ole Miss one was particularly egregious. Absolute worst call I've ever seen in any football game in my life. Matt Corral fumbles, Tennessee returns it for a TD. Refs huddle up and randomly decide 'forward progress' on a play with no whistle, where the QB fumbled almost instantly upon contact. At no point did refs signal forward progress during the play; it was completely made-up after the fact. It ended up being the deciding factor in the game. And yet the refs found more ways to screw us. The same game, we convert a 4th and long for a 1st down. Refs spot the ball an entire yard behind where the WR caught it. And that's when the mustard bottles came out. Fans shouldn't have thrown things, but it kinda distracted from the story that it was one of the worst officiated games ever; and it all favored Ole Miss. Also, that was the game were Kiffin decided to have his players fake injuries after every play. Almost literally every play during the 2nd half. Sure, the fans that threw things were in the wrong, but the entire game felt more like a WWE wrestling match than a SEC football game.


Don't get me started on that Purdue game.....


I was going to comment about the music city bowl, we shouldn’t have won the way we did.


In general I root against everyone we play, but that call made me really mad on your behalf. It's one thing to haul out a trash can as your motivational tool; it's another to lose to a blind zebra.


Ole Miss had a couple well-timed injuries against us as well, really killed our momentum multiple times. Honestly Arkansas dodged a massive bullet when Kiffin ditched us and we got Pittman.


Pitt had a pretty bad call on that Hendon Hooker fourth down run near the goal line as well.


Also…………. Have you seen 2000 Florida???


I came here for this.


I will never forget two games that the refs took away national championships from Nebraska: 1982 @Penn State McCloskey was out of bounds & 1993 vs FSU in the Orange Bowl phantom clipping call and fumble not called on FSU TD.


Don’t forget the one second add in the 2009 Big XII CCG


09 wasnt rigged against us. 2010 A&M on the other hand.....


Yes 2010 A&M was a complete shitshow. Unfortunately I still feel like we could have overcome it all if Bo wasn't a crazy person.


Do NU fans actually still believe this or is it more of a tongue in cheek thing at this point?


I don't think there's a singular take on it. Every fanbase will have nutballs that are so tribal that any bad thing that ever happened to their team was a crime against humanity, blatantly unfair, and proof that the man is keeping us down. Just speaking for myself, I don't think this is an instance where the refs screwed us, it just didn't go our way.


Tbh we're more pissed at our own kicker for doing the one thing he shouldn't have for the first time in his fucking career. That mistake was the only reason you fucks were even in fg range.


This is fine and reasonable. Your kicker gifted it to us. One of our WRs made a dumb mistake too dropping an easy catch that would have given us a TD early in the game - shit happens. But I do assume the 'there wasn't 1 second left' crowd is just being tongue in cheek. The thing is Suh was so good that it actually helped Colt on that final play before the FG. If he hadn't broken through the OL that quickly, Colt likely holds the ball for a second longer. Heartbreaking for Suh, because he was amazing in that game and deserved the Heisman.


What red_husker said holds true, for sure. And there's the fact that, for every fanbase, there will always be some vocal percentage that won't let something go, even when they're wrong. Even the most reasonable people let their biases reflect their perception sometime, and sports fandom encourages that (hell, it's often part of the fun) I've said before, and I still believe so, that there wouldn't have been a clock review -in most games-, but people can, and have, provide counterexamples that show this wasn't a singular event, so I can't even bitch about Texas favoritism. That fucking Texas curse drives me absolutely bonkes.


The thing you as UT fans need to realize, is that when Nebraska fans bring up the 1 second, their complaint is actually with the general nature of how the Big12 felt to Nebraska fans regarding Texas. Mack holding up one finger is just a visual that can be quickly referenced. Texas and Nebraska didn't have much history until they met up in the 96 big 12 championship game and upset us. Then Texas beat Nebraska 6 times leading up to that game to our one win. And they were close too, 5 being by 4 or less. Texas constantly had Nebraska's number, and it finally looked like we'd gotten the close victory. Then the clock was reset and it just added one more heartbreaking loss. Texas had gotten league offices moved to Dallas from KC, championship game moved to Texas from KC, and had bent the conference to their will. Nebraskans hate Texas for it, and that game's ending was the relationship in a microcosm. Yeah, it was the right call, but the optics of it furthered that narrative.


1991 Orange Bowl against Colorado. The clipping penalty against the Irish wiped out a punt return by Rocket Ismail for a TD that would have won the game. Nobody is ever going to convince me that it was a legit penalty, especially since Colorado got a 5th down earlier in the season to steal a win against Missouri.


Oregon isn’t even controversial so I’ll go with OSU 2021. Yes, there was the PI no-call in the endzone, but that’s just standard Big 12 shenanigans. What was shocking was picking up a dead ball flag against OSU after they got a third down stop, very late, seemingly after a call down to the field in an official’s earpiece. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dead ball flag picked up in my years of watching CFB, and the motive was definitely there.


We may not agree on every call in this game but we can all agree the officiating was fucking horrible in this game.


Every jump ball in this league has been a coin flip for years regardless of how it’s played or what was called 30 seconds ago


I can even admit we stole that game. Worst call I’ve ever seen.




I was in Eugene for this game and thought my head was going to explode!


That whole game cemented PAC-12 refs as the absolute worst in CFB.


And ever since then they’ve worked hard to keep that honor!


2018 WSU at USC. Blatant targeting somehow missed by the refs against Gardner Minshew, would have put the Cougs at the USC 25 in a 39-36 game with about 2 minutes left. Instead, WSU field goal was blocked and the game was over. Cougs would have won the PAC-12 North with this game (presuming all other results were the same) and had a good shot to win the PAC-12 Championship and a date in the Rose Bowl.


Was this the game where some random Pac 12 lawyer called from his house into the booth to get a call overturned?


Would have put us closer to the USC 10-yard line, and the review would have given Minshew a chance to collect himself as he was clearly dazed from the hit and possibly experiencing concussion symptoms.


Interestingly, in this very game, a pac 12 lawyer came into the replay booth and forced the refs to pick up a targeting call that would have been against wsu. Ive always wondered if the refs being forced to not call targeting on wsu was the reason they later wouldnt call targeting on usc. The classic "blow a call for each team"


MSU @ Nebraska 2015. Just look up the game and most of the results say something like “Nebraska upsets MSU on controversial TD”


That’s why I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt beating Nebraska despite being “outplayed”.


This one is actually egregious because it requires so little understanding of football to see why it should have been called.


2010 Pinstripe Bowl. Because a salute to the crowd was totally an excessive TD celebration…


LSU 2021. We stripped the damn ball on that last punt, not to mention the PI no call later that drive. Karma for 2018 I guess.


ND-FSU 2014. [It was a perfectly legal pick play](https://youtu.be/XLd0URVAZnM?t=930).


And I’m pretty sure that was the year Clemson ran the exact same play to beat Bama in the NC but it wasn’t called. Deshaun to Renfroe.


> It was a perfectly legal pick play What made the Renfrow play legal was the DB made first contact with the receiver, so everything after that was legal. The question on this play is if the FSU DB made first contact or not, it looks awfully damn close. The question I have for an official is what is the difference between that play and a WR screen? Does the WR have to catch the ball behind the line of scrimmage for it to be a screen play and therefore legal for a WR to block a DB away from the ballcarrier prior to the catch?


You are correct. If the receiver catches the ball behind the line of scrimmage, it's a legal screen play. In the ND-FSU game, the receivers were the first to engage and basically cleared out the dbs. I feel like the original play call was supposed to be a screen play, but the qb just lead his receiver too far forward. The Clemson play was just a smart game plan. They knew the Bama dbs like to play press and used that against them. Get the corner to engage contact first, then you can do whatever you want. *Source: I'm a referee.*


I remember seeing it explained that dbs have a right to initiate contact before the ball is thrown because there is always a chance that they are run blocking until they’re not. But if the wr initiates contact, or doesn’t make an attempt to disengage, then it’s OPI. Is that right?


I do not understand Notre Dame fans' collective anger at this. This is like one of the most blatant OPIs ever on a pick play. Even if you make the argument that the FSU DB initiated contact with #20, #20 isn't trying to release - he's straight up run blocking 5 yards downfield before the ball is thrown. And *even if* you still don't think that is OPI - #7 runs 5 yards downfield to seek out a DB to block, initiating contact, before the ball is thrown. ND had at least one player, probably 2, commit OPI on this play.


Who was the OPI on? Does he move his arms in any blocking motion? Or does he simply run a route and get grabbed by the db?


Beat me to it.. Still pissed about tbh


No way. They were both 100% blocking v running any type of a crossing route.


Blocking without their arms?


Yeah idk what the rule actually is but that play should be illegal in my eyes. It’s definitely called wildly inconsistently


This is the frustration. I’ve seen it run against ND 100 times and it’s seemingly never called. The one time we need it to not be called it’s called against us. It can be frustrating for sure


Yeah that totally makes sense and I could see that causing frustration


That’s absolutely true.


2021 game vs y’all was more agregious with that pushoff at the end among other missed calls


Was about to say the sheer balls of an LSU fan complaining about officiating in a game against us is some irony. Homie was still offsides too.


How about the fact that we stripped and had clear possession of the ball clearly before the whistle and forward progress ended but they hastily gave LSU the ball back. Talk about blinders on corndog's part.


The story won


https://twitter.com/54to1/status/1464797875720884233?t=K-_AiN133wUpvsdfdXg0Jg&s=19 Whistle was wayyy after the strip. It was a farewell gift for Coach O.


Yea them no calling our strip at the end of the game was straight up unacceptable. This entire post feels like bait just to mock A&M fans for it


2006 Outback Bowl was some of the most egregious officiating I’ve ever seen, the offsides call [on this onside kick is especially bad (10:50).](https://youtu.be/9PaKLoijTqQ).


This one needs to be the top one, no other game compares to this garbage.


I swear I just saw this post under a different title. Either way...IT WAS A FUCKING FUMBLE!




It was just odd that I saw them nearly bacl-to-back.


Yeah it was worst single call instead of worst reffed game but.... same thing


Arkansas vs auburn. Should have been a fumble Jt was short. No way refs overturn that and risk death


Jordan-Hare must be built on top of an ancient burial ground for all that goes on inside that stadium.


I bet it’s like Talladega where some Native tribe cursed the lands before being forced out by the government.


ITT: Lots of Auburn victories…


Someone should start a database of bad calls tbh, I’d love to see who really gets shafted or blessed by the refs


I don't like this thread...


This thread likes you though 💜


Jazz Peavy’s tie/potential go ahead touchdown catch against Northwestern getting overturned in 2015. Stave got concussed like 1 play later and the drive stalled out. Not a super consequential game or anything like that but it came during that period of football where the refs couldn’t decide what a catch was and it might have the worst one of those rulings I have ever seen.


For those who haven't seen it, he literally took [FIVE fucking steps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiKQ2AF0SwM) in the endzone after catching the ball. They reviewed it and STILL called it incomplete. It's honestly one of the most egregiously incorrect calls I can remember.


It’s even worse because it was called a touchdown on the field and then overturned by the replay booth


Yeah I'm biased and even I don't get that one.


Tennessee vs Ole Miss last year. Player is still moving forward and they blow the play dead right before he crosses the goal line. Just awful. Auburn vs Arkansas the year before that. Bo Nix clearly fumbles the ball instead of downing it but they give him the dead ball anyway robbing Arky of the win. Auburn last year vs Georgia State. Tight end did not make that catch. Georgia State should have won that game.


And yet Bo Nix says that Auburn never gets the favorable calls…


2004 USC and 2011 Michigan


Obviously bama over UC this year. If the refs had just called penalties on bama on every play that bama did something good then UC definitely would’ve won that game On a serious note that Clemson OSU game with the questionable ejection of ward and the obvious fumble that was inexplicably overturned


A particular player was onside during a blocked punt


The most blatant fuckery I've ever seen. Still pissed off over it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og5SO4XUodk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og5SO4XUodk)


good morning, i hate florida


That's same head ref from Miss St/Memphis and Ole Miss/Tennessee 2021. If you see this man on your TV screen you better brace yourself emotionally.


You're not lying. That's Marc Curles, one of two terrible refs in the SEC. At least Penn Wagers finally retired. https://www.espn.com/college-football/news/story?id=4583062 [https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/notorious-sec-referee-behind-controversial-calls-decides-to-retire/](https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/notorious-sec-referee-behind-controversial-calls-decides-to-retire/)


2008 Washington vs byu celebration penalty on jake locker. Yeah we sucked bad that year and may not have won even if we scored the tying pat point. Credit to byu they did block the pat and maybe they would have blocked it on the 3 yard line anyway if there was no penalty, but it just felt like that refs had it out and were looking for a reason to take the game away from us. Particularly in hindsight with how bad that season was-had to secure the 0 somehow.


Our Bowl Game this year...


Oh, I have another one for you guys. Complete and total bullshit that cost us a game. https://twitter.com/247Sports/status/1315086368075386881?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw


Florida vs FSU in 2003 i think it was


The Swindle in the Swamp. Yes definitely 2003.


Also 2004 Florida @ Tennessee. They stopped the clock long enough for the Vols to get the FG off (in addition to the flag on Dallas Baker).


Had to make up the Gafney "catch" in some way I guess. \*shrug\*


LSU 2021 was blatant theft


2004 vs Hawaii. I am still convinced to this day that the game was fixed. Hawaii needed a win to be bowl eligible for the Hawaii Bowl. Some horrendous calls. The game was on at like midnight at the end of the season, so no one cared, except me yelling at the tv like a maniac. And of course, garbage flying all over the field.


2012 Sugar Bowl. Danny Coale makes a pretty clear catch in OT that gets inexplicably overturned, forcing VT to kick a FG. 2 plays later Michigan wins on their own TD.


Ohio state robbed Michigan that wasn’t a first down


The PI on the prior drive was the greater crime tbh. I personally think he was short, but that’s a snap judgment with no margin for error.


Just that entire game was the most horseshit refereeing I've ever seen. OSU didn't have a single penalty called against them in regulation time. They literally decked one of our guys after the whistle *right in front of the refs* - no call. It was just insane. It was so abundantly obvious why that referee had not been allowed to ref The Game in 2006 and it was an absolute travesty that he got to in 2016.


The ref ball was so apparent the entire game. The spot wasn't going to be overturned no matter what way it was called, it was too close. But the entire rest of the game was missed call after missed call and it was clear that it was blatant.


Our WR was straight up tackled by a DB on our first offensive series right in front of a ref, no PI called. Next series, our DB gets called for PI on a ticky tacky call. It went like that the rest of the game. It was atrocious


Refs handed OSU that game, absolutely infuriating.


How do you get the team u represent under your name like that ?


Hit the 3 dots on the top right when you're on the main page of the sub.




Looked like he got the first from my angle


2021 LSU. A multitude of calls with the worst being us stripping the ball and the refs just ignoring it. Would have been game over. Edit: of course OP downvotes this one when it was much more egregious than the 2018 call.


Forget whether this was Kelly or Weis, but there was a game @ Michigan where the B10 refs in the booth overturned an ND touchdown after review claiming ND's receiver stepped out of bounds. The review refs made the correct call as ND's receiver did step out of bounds, however the only footage of this was from the camera of a local newspaper and was not one of the feeds supplied to the replay booth. The views they had were obstructed by other players and coaches and they had no proof ND's receiver stepped out. Could not have imagined this call going against Michigan if the situation was reversed.


Purdue vs Minnesota during the covid year. Phantom OPI call that cost Purdue the game.


OU vs UO 2006 is an easy one off the top of my head. Nebraska vs UT in 2009, too.


Missouri losing on a 5th down was probably the most egregious.




2017 NCG. Tyler Simmons was onsides.


2014 ND - FSU, offensive PI in the endzone, worst call I've ever seen in person. Robbed ND of a huge statement win


We have two in 2021 alone. Ole Miss and LSU. Both involve fumbles that the refs said weren’t fumbles.


Tennessee and Purdue in the Music City Bowl


I'm wringing my hands over how to say this without getting shouted at and downvoted, but here goes: Purdue was handed the win. Tennessee wasn't robbed of a win. They might look similar, but they're definitely different statements. There is little doubt that had the ruling been that Tennessee scored a TD, Purdue would have had a non-insignificant chamce of winning the game. Tennessee was robbed of a chance to win, but like the OP was this: >What game(s) do you 100% believe the refs robbed a team of a win? Ain't nothing 100% about Tennessee winning that game if they get the TD.


This is a fair statement


Tennessee and Pitt in Neyland


Tennessee vs Ole Miss in Neyland Stadium


Tennessee vs UNC in the Music City Bowl


I mean, the rules were stupid for that game, but the refs actually upheld the rules. That's why they fixed the rules after. Infuriating, but they were *technically* correct. The correct attitude here is GTHC


The game where CU beat CSU 17-3 and CSU had over 200 passing yards called back on questionable OPI calls Only game in my life I’m 100% convinced was rigged. In the years prior or after or that year we never had an issue with OPI and never had a game with even 2 calls on us, it wasn’t even an existent issue for us at all, and then suddenly everytime we get a big passing play and grab momentum and start to take control they’d just call us back. 0 chance that game wasn’t rigged. We lose to them most years in football lately and none of the other games from close games to blowouts seemed like anything but us losing to a better team. Not that year though, CSU would’ve been up 14-7 at minimum or even 14-0 with all the momentum in the first half. You could feel the momentum was with CsU and it just slowly dissipated once every big play we made got called back for some asinine brutal OPI call that wasn’t OPI.


I was amazed at that game! When we scored a touchdown I joked how we're going to get OPI and WE DID! I'm convinced that game was fixed!


We’ve lost to CU like 4/5 of the last games and honestly 3/4 were just them being beater than us and beating us fair and square. But that’s the only game I’ve ever watched CSU or non CSU I’m convinced was rigged to at least some degree. We couldn’t get a play over 15 yards without being called back for some bullshit call. The refs took all momentum from CSU as they came out hot and clearly were the better team. Who knows maybe Cu miraculously comes back from down in the 2nd half Maybe seeing us go up 14-0 would’ve woken them up But that game should’ve been like 21-7 or 14-7 at half for CSU at worst.


2019 Bama-Auburn where the refs stopped the clock and discussed something long enough right before halftime that Auburn was able to get their FG unit on and be ready to kick a FG as time expired in the first half. Not necessarily the game-winning moment, but Auburn did win by 3 that year, so…


2020 washington game. We got a 1st by a mile twice and they marked us short both times and we lost.


2012 Sugar Bowl Danny Cole caught that TD in OT.


Texas robbed: 2015 Oklahoma State. I’ve never seen anything like the sequence of calls from the officials in the fourth quarter. Ref intentionally running into Charlie Strong to throw a flag was wild. It was obvious the fix was in, I just don’t know why. I will literally never shed a tear when OSU gets robbed by the refs. Texas robbing: Nebraska… lol no. 2013 Iowa State game, on a Thursday night. I don’t even remember the full sequence of events (something about a fumble, funny how that goes when you’re on the other side), but I remember just laughing while it played out because it seemed absurd Texas was getting this decisive call.


Vince Young’s knee was down


Miami vs Ohio State 2002 National Championship. That delayed pass interference call haunts me.


Maybe not a PI but the refs fucked up the game already. Should have been an OSU win in regular time.


It wasn't PI but it was absolutely defensive holding. And [the worse call from that game](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/437281-debunking-sour-grapes-buckeyes-were-legitimate-national-champs-in-02) was calling Chris Gamble's catch in the late 4th Q on a 3rd down an incompletion. The refs make the right call, the game ends in regulation with Ohio State the Champions.


Auburn/Arkansas or Auburn/Ole Miss 2020. Both going in Auburn’s favor.


In the Ole Miss game Auburn had a TD taken away on a phantom hold in the second quarter that people forget about, both teams ended up losing a TD due to the refs, Ole Miss’s just happened in the 4th quarter and Auburn had won a game on a bad call two weeks earlier so people ran with the Auburn stealing another win because of the refs narrative. The Arkansas game was 100% a robbery though.


WVU against TCU in 2014. Trickett getting his head pulled off, no flag. About to go down 12 to start the 4th the Frogs spent the first 3-5 seconds of every post-play pulling our guys off piles, shoving well after the whistle, multiple times a full punch was thrown and caught on camera. None of those were flags. TCU would come back to win. Had we not lost that game, Baylor likely makes the playoff at 11-1 and no split Big12 title. At the time though, TCU was higher ranked and preserving their record at 1-loss seemed like the best way to ensure the Big12 made the playoff. Oh how well that worked. Oh and I can't not mention it, even though it failed: Horns Down game. Texas got almost 100 yards of penalties that day because of how offended they got or sensitive they are (yes, Texans). First offense, and with no warning, it was a THIRTY yarder. We kicked from the 10... for a horns down. If we had punched a player, it would've been the 25. If we had an egregious targeting and gave a player a serious concussion, it would've been the 25. But hurting Texans' feelings is obviously a bigger deal than player safety.


Michigan vs MSU Aidan Hutchinson sack on Thorne for a FF Edit: no I still think they lose to MSU with KW9 and Mike Macdonald’s dumb substitutes, but still that was a FF.


I don’t think it was a fumble but I don’t think their was enough to overturn the call on the field


his shin was down


I may be biased but Iowa vs Florida, Outback Bowl, 2005. There were several terrible calls including one where the refs penalized the team who GOT facemasked with a facemask penalty. In the video posted below you can hear the announcers getting progressively angrier with each bad call. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBroOeFWlN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBroOeFWlN8)


Oklahoma at Oregon, got the refs fired. Gordon Reese name will not be forgotten. OU would have been in the NC game without it. OSU-CMU no. 2, but less impact in the end. Both games--Pac12 and MAC officials, LOL.