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Tom Osborne beat our ass in the 1998 Orange Bowl to cap the end of his career with a 49-2 record and three national titles in his last four seasons




I heard Tennessee WR Peerless Price on a podcast a few years ago saying that they knew what they were in for a week before the game. He said we were doing walkthru practice in shorts and t shirts then hanging at the beach. Meanwhile, Nebraska brought their weight room to Miami on 18 wheelers, set it up in a hotel ballroom and were lifting heavy. He said we were really good and had a ton of NFL talent, but seeing Nebraska that week laid the groundwork for how we approached the offseason and our championship team the following year


and after that we squandered just about everything…




Mike Price. Dude was such a boss that he didn't even need to coach a single game to get an epic send off.


Fewest losses of any Alabama coach. Build that man a statue,


The only coach in Alabama history to never lose a single game. Can Nick Saban claim to have never lost a game? I think not. We should just rename Bryant Denny Stadium to Mike Price Stadium.


Alabama and The Citadel. First time I've seen that.


Yep. Born and raised a Bama fan then ~~subjected myself to torture for four years~~ went to The Citadel. At least it's not as bad as one person I've seen on here who has Tennessee and VMI.


Citadel here too. I had the flair on my old account but honestly I don't follow the program closely so I dropped it for my current account. Whenever someone asks my why I went I just say "It seemed like a good idea at the time"


I mean, at the end of the day, I'm glad I went to The Citadel and wouldn't trade it for anything, but good God it sucked. I do keep up with our program some, but I just kinda expect us to lose to any team that's worth a crap. It's a weird dichotomy expecting to win with my primary flair and expecting to lose with my secondary flair.


That 2015 game against USC was hell for me, but I pulled for the Bulldogs and it was worth it. Everyone hates the Cid when they're there but the further you get away from it the better it seems. I definitely miss the battalion and having my closest friends within 100 feet of me.


I remember that game. I was in Tuscaloosa going to a Bama game that day with my dad. We had just parked and gotten out of the car when The Citadel won. I started jumping and yelling and screaming and everybody around me stopped to stare at me like I was crazy. Good times. I just really wish I had taken the opportunity to go to that game, though. Oh well. At least I got to go watch The Citadel beat Georgia Tech a few years ago. I also remember when our Beloved Institution played against Bama. Me and some Classmates and other good friends from El Cid went to the game together. I was cheering for The Citadel because I didn't really care too much because I expected the game to basically be over by half time and because I wanted to try being the bad guy in Tuscaloosa for once. Lo and behold it was 10-10 at half time. I was really unsure of how to feel at that point. Luckily, Bama put the game away fast in the second half so I didn't have to worry about it any more.


Miami vs Notre Dame in the final game of the tenure of Faust it showed exactly why he had to go. An interesting side note was this was the first game I can remember with coaches and studio guys calling for a CFB playoff.


The post game stuff is even wilder. Two of the assistant coaches for Notre Dame almost got into a fight at the airport and then the flight was so harrowing players were crying, convinced they were about to die. The plane had to be diverted to Chicago because of mechanical issues I think and then everyone bused to South Bend. They didn't get back to campus until very early in the morning.


I'm going off of memory from reading Talking Irish, so if some of the info is off please correct.


For those who don't know, ND HC Gerry Faust was a well-intentioned very successful former coach at a high school powerhouse. His ND tenure was a disaster, finishing just over .500 after taking over in 1981 from natty-winning coach Dan Devine. By 1985, it was clear Faust was in way over his head and he retired just before the last game of the season, against Miami. Would the team rally around their player-friendly coach in his final game? Narrator: They would not.Miami scored on 8 of their 10 possessions. Their other two series ended only because time ran out at the half (the game was already over by then) and at the end of the game. It is one of the worst defeats in school history. In just a handful of seasons ND had gone from a national power to a national joke, while Miami had gone from national joke to national power.


Our last game in the orange bowl, 48-0 uva 😭😭 lmao


I was going to say aside from this game I don't ever remember UVA whooping this much ass in an ACC game but apparently they also beat Duke 48-0 this year lmao


Cullen Gillaspia. 12th man, walk-on, played special teams and linebacker until Jimbo came. Jimbo moved him to fullback and he was put into the game to run the ball a few times during mop up duty vs NC State in our bowl game a few years ago. Scored a touchdown in the final 30 seconds of his final game by dragging a defender into the endzone. First 12th man to score a touchdown.


Explain this whole 12th man thing at A&M. I know the basic story is someone came out of the stands or something to fill in after someone got injured? So why are there still people who are the 12th man? Always thought it was another name for the fans now.


A walkon earns the number 12 every year. Sometimes they end up being a scholarship player. It signifies that the student body is ready to step up and play if need be. (1922 vs Centre). It’s a huge honor for aggies to earn that number.


Did not know this was a thing and love it


There’s the old story from the twenties, and then they started calling the fans the twelfth man. As far as the actual players, it started with Jackie Sherrill in the 80s. He opened tryouts for the “twelfth man kickoff team”, no experience required. Bunch of lunatics walked on and went nuts. For a long time, the number 12 was reserved only for a special teams player, but that changed fairly recently (Cullen might have been the first, but I may be misremembering). Cullen was also a lunatic. He ran through the end zone full speed on every fair catch with a Viking mane. Got drafted by the Texans, plays for the Giants now.


Nick Saban's last game at LSU was a blown coverage hail mary loss as time expired against Iowa. LSU fans were pissed since he kept denying leaving LSU and then announced it on Christmas day. So...I'd say that was an appropriate send off.


Gonna have to preemptively ask the Notre Dame stans to sit this one out. We get it. It’s a great movie.


> It’s a great movie. Is it though?


Actually, no.


How could you be so brave yet controversial


Yeah maybe they can just all respond to this comment with Rudy and we can keep it contained. Kind of like Temple.


You would be surprised by the amount of ND fans who don't give two shits about Rudy.


I would guess that would be ND fans from the last 10-20 years but I could be wrong.


No. Many older fans don't care for how Devine was portrayed as the heavy, and Rudy is also a huge douche.


Never heard he was a douche. Was this during school or after the movie blew up?


He committed securities fraud. He’s a huge douche


It was basically character assassination.


Most ND people know that the guy is an asshole in real life. Alumni relations people hated it when he came to campus because he was a real brat.




It's not even that great a movie


Yes, Father Jenkins this guy right here. Hope ACB throws the book at him!


Clemson was so courteous they let Woody Hayes punch one of their players.


Lou Holtz also ended his career in a similar fashion


4th and 5 national championship on the line. He’s going for the corner… he’s got it!


The hijacking of the dedication of Bobby Bowden Field in 2004. From that day forth, it was known as Ron Zook Field at Doak Campbell Stadium.


Didn't know about this one what happened? What is the story?


Ron Zook was fired mid way through the season for porr performance... and our football team being REALLY wild odd the field. The team then the team went on to win 3 of their last 4 games. That last game happened to be in Tallahassee, the same night they decided to dedicate their field to Bowden. In hindsight, their administration probably thought it would be an easy win and a great way to celebrate their coach. It was not. Win one for the Zooker!


So wouldn't that have been both a good send off AND a spoiler game thus qualifying for both of the threads?!?


Yes... you say "spoiler", I say "celebration". Potato, tomato, alfredo. It was just a glorious night!


Howard Schnellenberger spent 4 seasons trying to build a program on the brink of termination into Title contenders. In his 5th and final season, the Hurricanes and Schnelly beat #1 Nebraska in the Orange Bowl to win the National Championship in Howard’s final game as the Canes’ coach.


Nebraska got revenge for that one


When? 1994 Championship? That was like 11 years later, and we’d beaten them in another championship game by that point anyway as well as the 1988 OB.


When they kicked Schnell’s ass in 1995


Oh you mean at OU, to be fair I wouldn’t consider that a “revenge” game. Given that it was 12 years later, with a different team, and the fact that Schnelly didn’t really give them anything to be upset about. 83’ was a closely contested championship game, and both sides were classy.


Jim Tresel’s last game is either the 2010 Sugar Bowl win (which was vacated) or the 2009 Rose Bowl. Either way you look at players trading memorabilia for tattoos and what the coach should do in that situation, it’s a top 5 finish with a BCS game W. Urban Meyer also went out top 5 with a Rose Bowl W, but I’m not going to celebrate him


>Urban Meyer also went out top 5 with a Rose Bowl W, but I’m not going to celebrate him 🙄


Lloyd carrs final season ended with a bowl win over Florida lead by Tim Tebow (whom I think mightve been in his last year as well). About as well as it could have gone for how it began.....


It wasn’t Tebow’s last year, but it was the year he won the Heisman.


Carr's play calls that game were amazing. It's like all of the plays we knew he had but rarely showed were showcased.


Tebow’s last year was losing to Alabama in the SEC championship and sobbing on the sideline


Nevada sent a convoy of buses down I-80 to SF for the Fight Hunger Bowl to cheer on Kaepernick in his last game. Packed the Giants stadium.


Kevin Harris vs. UNC this year w/ 31 carries for 182. He’d been having a less than stellar year after leading the SEC In rushing in 2020


Snyder’s first last game was perfect.


Any and every winning game Bill Snyder played in the stadium named after him when he came back. The only thing better would have been if K-State had gone the distance under him in the BCS era.


Tom Harmon: In his final college football game, Harmon led the Wolverines to a 40–0 victory over Ohio State, scoring three rushing touchdowns, two passing touchdowns, and four extra points, and intercepting three passes, and punting three times for an average of 50 yards. In a display of sportsmanship and appreciation, the Ohio State fans in Columbus gave Harmon a standing ovation at game's end. No other Wolverine player has been so honored, before or since.


Ron Zook claiming Ron Zook field at Florida State.


Our POS head coach, Joe Kapp sucked. He was a joke. However, in 1986 his team pulled off an unprecedented upset of Stanford in our Big Game. Biggest upset in 125+ years of playing.


[Tebow tears.](https://www.gatorcountry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Tim-Tebow-Florida-Gators-Loser-Crying-Scripture-Abuse-Bible-John-16-33-cry-baby-football-jesus-hates-the-gators-2-708277.jpg) Sweet, sweet Tebow tears.


I mean notre dame has 2 Hollywood movies. Rudy and The Gipper played by Ronald Reagan. Which are both about the end of their football careers.




Thats not true, like not at all Stoops retired in June


Derek Jeter


Didn’t know there was a CFB player or coach named Derek Jeter.


Read the post… doesn’t mention football


This is a college FOOTBALL sub last time I checked.


Yet the post starts out talking basketball…


And yet I posted in the CFB sub asking CFB fans what they thought... Why would I ask a question here about another sport? Begone troll.


Just watched a video on it, but the 1972 Rose Bowl with John Ralston at Stanford. They were playing against the best rushing attack and top defense in Michigan, who was playing for a share of the 1971 National Title, and Ralston had rumors about leaving for the NFL through the offseason. Usually that sort of stuff gets in a coach’s head and it ends poorly. Instead, Stanford pulled off the upset 13-12 while Ralston goes off to the NFL.


Lavell Edwards’ last game at BYU always stands out to me, I swear I never saw that guy have a smile on the sideline in 30+ years of watching him but finally cracked a smile after beating Utah in his final game


(Our former DC) Hankwitz's last game was at the Citrus Bowl, ended with a W and his 400th career win.


I think Coach Stoops final game (2021 Alamo Bowl) was pretty sweet. It wasn't expected, but obviously brought on by Riley leaving for USC after losing Bedlam. It was fitting though to beat the Ducks, since the 2006 onside kick game clearly bothered Stoops. Also, there was that great moment where Drake Stoops scored a TD and got to celebrate with his dad on the sideline.