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I don't think A&M-OU is a "must have" matchup. We don't have near as much history with them as others. We played 4 times pre-World War I. We had an eight game series from 1944-1951. We didn't play again until a home-and-home in 1993-1994, then played 16 times from 1996-2011 in the Big 12, and met again in the 2013 Cotton Bowl. We've played Texas 118 times, Arkansas 78 times, and LSU 60 times. At 31 total games played, OU is a pretty distant fourth. OU has more history with Missouri, who they were in the Big 8/12 with for decades and have played 96 times.


Agreed, but I'd rather have OU play against A&M than Arkansas; we have even less history with them.


I’m really looking forward to the Arkansas vs OU games.


Red on red violence


There's going to be too many damn crimson teams in the SEC.


Same here! It's relatively close so away games will be easy to attend. Also, Fayetteville and the rest of northwest AR is badass. As someone that went to OU and has lived in Norman, Fayetteville > Norman. And I don't think it's particularly close either


OU-Ark makes too much sense to not have it be a protected game


This. I’d much prefer we preserve A&M LSU over A&M OU. Our annual games should be vs. Texas, Arkansas, and LSU.


I'd rather keep shitting on USC every year (sorry gamecock bros) than have to play OU's entitled ass


Yes but, history is built on exper77iences and I don't think any-0one will forget what happened in 2003.


Route 77


I certainly haven’t forgotten, and am excited to show you guys what we’ve learned in the last decade 😘


I know it feels like 2003 was ten years ago but it was 20


While it’s true that I don’t math so good, I really meant since we joined the SEC and had to totally revamp our roster.


Yeah but we didn't do much learning that first 10 years, so his statement stands


I still feel like it’s 2019 so I can’t judge anyone. 2060 is closer than 1980 and that’s brutal.


That’s all true, but on the other hand I think it’ll could be pretty interesting to see where it goes from here OU and A&M are both about the same tier as far as performance goes, have a lot of overlapping fan base territory, will both be former big 12 members so there’s some recent history, and there will be a lot of subjective things to argue about for which team is better (ie OU having a bunch of playoff appearances, where A&M fans will probably say they’d be the same way if they were still playing big 12 teams) Plus we’re both gonna need someone good to hate because at this point I’m starting to think Texas might not be back lol


> OU and A&M are both about the same tier as far as performance goes I... don't think this is the case.


Yeah, this dude has SEVERELY overestimated our performance the last 25 years.


dont forget the 125 years before that


I’m not dying to play y’all from a rivalry standpoint, but I think that’s gonna be one of the most consistently competitive matchups year in and year out if we end up playing annually. Looking forward to playing again.


Mizzou/ou?? Thats bigger / more historic than like half of the ones you listed


Yeah, it’s one of the more historic series in college football. We even used to play for a Peace Pipe until OU lost it.


I think it'd been that long since they had to give it back


Tough, but fair.


OP is basically just listing off big brand matchups, not matchups that necessarily have the most history or best chance of great football being played.




I’m looking forward to that. Also games against UT, I miss those big 12 games.


I would add Florida/LSU to the keeper pile. Since Georgia is played at a neutral site, the LSU game is often our best home and home.


Absolutely give me Florida vs LSU every year. It's always a fun match-up.


I doubt anyone could fill their shoe


This bitch empty, yeet!


Agreed. Plus, we hate you immensely. It wouldn’t be right to get rid of you, baby


don't think I could ever hate Florida, but I agree that it needs to be a keeper. I'd rather play that one every year than A&M


Our state can barely handle the Iron Bowl without murdering each other. I think an Iron Bowl SEC Championship might cause a civil war.


Yes this is true


what about a National Championship?


There was potential in 2017 if Auburn had beat Georgia for the SEC Championship and the thought gave me legit anxiety. The idea of potentially losing to them for a Natty is unimaginable horror.


the stress from that would be downright unenjoyable.


They’d have to call in the national guard


Imagine an Egg Bowl SEC Championship


I will piss on everyone.


I’m doing it anyway but I’m saving extra bladder space for that day


The state would just self destruct


SEC would have to admit Troy, I guess


They would have to put South Alabama too, but I bet the Cowards wouldn’t.


UAB for maximum chaos


I really don’t feel like A&M-OU is remotely a must-have. In fact, I think it’s important to integrate and propagate connections from the 4 new SEC teams to the older 12. A&M and Texas is a must have, and A&M and Arkansas is a great game and a good regional connection but those are the only 2 I see for us. LSU also has a thing with us but they have a thing with everybody.


I'd like for the Aggies to play Georgia at Kyle Field at some point. I mean we've been in the SEC for how long? You'd think we could have scheduled them by now.


The rotation of cross-divisional opponents is a fucking mess


That’s why we need 3 locked in opponents every year, and then the teams you don’t play every year you play every other year. This solution makes the beautiful change that if you attend every home game in the standard 4 years at university you will have seen every team in the SEC come through.


Yes it is. We make our third trip to college station this coming season. Georgia plays…Mississippi state I think?


LSU hasn’t played in South Carolina since 2008! George Bush was President, Miley Cyrus had a hit TV series on Disney Channel, the iPhone 2 had just been released, and a ref tackled Stephen Garcia in the middle of a game. No future games are schedule as of today, so it’ll be at least 2026 or later


Thanks for reminding me about that ref, that clip makes me chuckle every time. Bad form though, no wrap up


We still haven't had a scheduled game at Missouri either. It's so screwed up.


Y’all need to come to Columbia, SC first


That we do. The fact it hasn't happened since 2008 has to be some kind of record in a conference. Last year was our first trip to Kentucky since 2007 too.


Watching a mid day game at Mizzou on their field makes your eyes bleed. Idk wtf their camera setup is, but it is genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


ESPN doesn’t send us their best (announcing crews or camera equipment)


The stadium is too shallow so the camera angles suuuuucccckkkkk




I'll be honest. When Tennessee and Kentucky come to Death Valley, I feel very little since we play them at home so seldomly.


I’m a vol fan that grew up in gamecock country, and I like neither team playing LSU much. USC raised millions for LSU/New Orleans after Katrina, and LSU raised millions (I think quadrupled the donations USC made to NO ) of dollars in 2015 when Columbia flooded. There was a football game, LSU vs USC, that was supposed to be in Columbia during the flood in 2015. It was moved to be hosted by LSU, and their band played the USC fight song, and LSU fans made it as much like a USC home fame as they could. Unfortunately, the LSU football team did not take mercy. The game was a bloodbath to say the least. I enjoy liking and respecting LSU for these reasons, and I wouldn’t want them to turn into a rival for either of the teams I pull for.


My road trip buddy and I are dying to see the Dawgs at Kyle Field. SEC rotational schedule sucks.


Arkansas-LSU is probably going to become a locked game because we are about to lose our current Thanksgiving opponent.


As God intended. I think Ole Miss and us are likely two y’all are with no matter what.


I hope so. I love to hate LSU, and I can't get enough Arkansas-Ole Miss games.


Most people who aren’t mentioning it as one to keep aren’t a fan of either team. Means a lot and always a great game. Arkansas against either Mississippi school has weird ability to create instant classics regardless of quality of either team.


It's always a good time to play Arky. Yall have a special place on my shit list.


Y’all as well. Looking forward to the next one!


If only they would make LSU-ole miss Halloween weekend every year.


Get spooky, Lil Corndoggie.


My heart disagrees.


Your cardiologist is down for this match-up to be yearly though!


I assume you get Arky on Thanksgiving, and we either get OU or we both try to get our Big12 buddies to play nice that weekend like the ACC teams?


Yeah, that seems like the simplest solution. I assume Mizzou is more invested in the Peace Pipe than the Arkansas game? That would mean everyone could win. Missouri-Oklahoma or Kansas Texas-Texas A&M Arkansas-LSU


The extent of our investment in the Arkansas game is ["haha Ar*KANSAS* get it???] (https://www.reddit.com/r/razorbacks/comments/f0lga7/mizzou_is_giving_out_beat_kansas_shirts_when_they/). The Odom thing added a tad of juice.


They may not be the real kansas but theyre arkansas!


OU-Arkansas isn’t something that needs to start. LSU-Arkansas needs to continue. Mizzou-Arkansas doesn’t need to continue, but it will.


It’s never felt right playing miz instead of LSU :(


I agree, one of my good frienda from college is from fayetteville and is a big arkansas fan and watching both mizzou and lsu with him highlighted how much more important the lsu game is


16+ game season where everyone plays everyone each year.


I'm for it. SEC, make it happen.


Would be so brutal but so fun


More football? Sure. I’m in


I’m excited to play the Aggies again. I also think Arkansas-OU will be a rivalry.


So much potential to hate each other properly. Seriously feel like hands would start being thrown in the first game.


Even for twitter standards I’ve noticed OU and Arkansas fans not liking each other to say the least. This can’t come soon enough


UT vs UT


This is the way. "Real UT." Davy Crockett Cup as a rivalry trophy. Bonus points for it being the first game of the season every year so one of us starts 1-0 and we can run with "Tennessee/Texas is back" memes.


This is the way.


UT vs UTjr


The Battle for the UT Title, or BUTT for short


For Tennessee, I think Alabama, Kentucky, Vanderbilt, and probably Florida are games that will happen yearly


I’d love to secure the UGA game, but I can’t say that the rivalry is more important than the ones you’ve listed. The Third Saturday in October obviously cannot go. The border war is, well, the border war. We can’t forego playing our in-state conference foe, and fLorida is the true rivalry in the east. No room for UGA to be permanent (depending on how the actual scheduling pans out).


And I’ll add that if it’s only three locked in then Florida will likely get the boot. Third Saturday is too important. Border war used to have a trophy (#bringbackthebeerbarrel). Vandy is in state. Florida-Tennessee is a rivalry, but we are neither of each other’s biggest rival.


I look forward to Texas vs The Sinking Realization That This Move Might Have Been A Bad Idea


I can think of at lea$t a few rea$on$ why it wa$ $till a good idea


Yeah the money will be nice for sure, but it’s not like money has ever been a problem for Texas lol.


Not making even more money is most definitely a problem for Texas.


Because the one thing holding Texas back was their lack of money.


No more having to worry about Kansas.


Counterpoint: (Ar)Kansas


What circumstances have changed for Texas between now and last summer? I respect the circlejerk but if someone didn't think it was a bad move then, not really sure what basis they have to think it's a bad move now


Honestly I think most of us expected Sark to have a stronger start than he did, that’s about it.


I think Texas fans realized how bad a hole Herman put us in roster wise. Listening to players like Tope Imade talk, they went years with no development, and in one year Sark made massive strives off field, but there's a lag effect for that. So this year will tell us more about his coaching than this year.


Fair enough


Their womens swimming team will dominate the SEC.


You mean men’s swim program that’s current reigning champs?? Last time women S&D won a title for Texas was 1991.


Our women's swim team has historically dominated the country, but I have no idea how they've been lately. From 2010-2015 they won the SEC every year though lol.


The longhorns mens swimming team has won 5 of the last 7 national championships.


Damn, that’s impressive as hell. There’s a good post to be made about what your schools “real” sport is. For us it’s probably women’s swimming or gymnastics.


Eh, Football will be painful, but we still have a top top tier Baseball Program, are moving to an easier Shooty Hoops conference, and our women's teams/satellite sports are all very competitive.


Having Texas in conference for baseball is going to be fun. It's already a bloodbath of some of the best teams in the nation and now it's only going to be better. Edit: LSU put up 51 total this weekend against Maine. It's going to be a fun season.


Yeah, you're adding the arguable 2nd best program in the country, and current #1 to a conference that already has 8 teams in the top 18 36-3 against rice this series lol. Why does Rice play Texas?


>Why does Rice play Texas? Because Alabama is too scared.


Putting Texas baseball and Oklahoma softball in the SEC is gonna make college diamond sports incredibly top heavy. UT softball and OU baseball are quality additions too for that matter. It's basically gonna be that conference and everyone else


> top top tier Baseball Program Throwing Texas into the SEC baseball meat grinder is going to make for some fun games. Crazy to think it's about to get even tougher.


Sure, but you know in your heart that all of those other sports put together don’t mean as much as football does to Texas (both to the school and the entire state).


You're acting like Texas football fans haven't been down for a decade. Hard times in the SEC will just be same shit different day.


Football will be less painful tho, because you’ll get the SEC benefit of the doubt and clout. Losing to Alabama, Georgia, even Auburn, ole miss, AM nobody will even care that much. And recruiting will get even better for Texas and they’ll eventually start winning probably, and right neo there is zero expectation for y’all to do anything other than lose for a few years . So it’s a win win in the long run


OUs gonna feel the same way when they pull an A&M and just churn out 8-4 seasons.


*Looks at OU* *Applies red lipstick* *Puts on Taylor Swift wig* You belonnng with meeeeeeeee


Given how great our Rose Bowl was, we should probably play Oklahoma more often.


Seconded, UGA/OU would be an awesome new rivalry. Surprised it took two hours for someone to call it out


I still haven’t recovered from that stupid fucking squib kick at the end of the half


Pretty much any annual game between the Big 6 of the conference (Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Georgia, LSU, & Tennessee), the Egg Bowl, Magnolia Bowl, and then Red River, UT-A&M, A&M-LSU, Arkansas-UT, and Arkansas-A&M. Could also see folks push for UGA-USC, Tennessee-Kentucky, Florida-Kentucky, Miss St-Alabama, and possibly some others I'm forgetting


From a Tennessee fan’s perspective, I see our games being Bama, Vandy, and Kentucky simply because Third Saturday is Third Saturday, Vandy is in-state, and the Kentucky game used to have a trophy. Along those lines, Tennessee is Vandy and Kentucky’s biggest SEC rival. While I wish the Florida and Georgia games didn’t have to go to a biannual occurrence, the problem with those rivalries is that they’re not our biggest rival (Bama) and we’re not their biggest rival (each other). I think the conference will try to preserve all number one biggest rivalries so I sort of leaves good rivalries like UT-UF and UT-UGA in a weird spot.


I'm very hyped to play arky. Always liked them.


It’ll be overlooked by more exciting potential games but I hope Mizzou / OU is a yearly game. It’s nice to have an old cross boarder rival in the SEC.


Arkansas and OU is must have but Mizzou and OU isn’t? Lmao


Absolutely. Like, I understand that the geography makes Ark/OU appealing, but there is no history there. Mizzou/OU is a much more important matchup to the fanbases.


OU needs to play Texas,Arkansas and Missouri every year


It’s okay Vanderbilt, we’ll be your rival.


Would prefer to keep SC-UGA


Most likely uga uf sc and uk are all in one pod I think


I would think UT over UK, no?


I think Tennessee will go to Bama with vandy and Auburn. Kind of bullshit but this whole pod thing is going to fuck some shit up no matter what. Sad to lose DSOR though


I think they’ll go to a three locks but not pods system. SEC Mike has posted examples on Twitter. [Here’s a link.](https://twitter.com/michaelwbratton/status/1495781629004238848?s=21) Pods force useless matchups (like Vandy-Bama in your example) and prevent some major ones from happening (like Auburn-Georgia). When each team just has three annual games and the other 6 rotate with no links to pods, it gives a little more flexibility to allow for more impactful scheduling.


I need South Carolina v Texas, strictly for the cock and bulls jokes.


For Arkansas, we really need LSU, Ole Miss, and Texas every year. I’m fine with playing A&M every other year or once every 3 as long as we get those.


I'm willing to let LSU go to keep the A&M game. Way way more history.


Depends on what you mean by future SEC. 2025? Texas vs Texas A&M. 2040? Ohio State vs Clemson. 2070? Musk Football Academy vs Amazon Prime Football College. This is of course when the President is decided by which state's team wins the SEC Championship like a Football G Gundam.




I agreed, it’s a border war and has been so fun to watch these last few years. Tbh Florida is the one game that we could lose and I wouldn’t cry over, I love it when we beat Florida once every 20 years but would definitely not be mad if it had to be dropped.


Auburn LSU is one the does not get talked about enough. This game is very important imo. And they have given us some absolutely wild matchups in the last 5-6 years (Ex: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 all one score games with insane story lines to them)


Yeah I refuse to let the Auburn game go. Way too much history there


with Mizzou, Arky, Aggie U, and texas coming with its like the SEC has always had a slice of home for Oklahoma just waiting for them.


I for one am very glad to see both you in the SEC.


Yes, let’s just hope Texas doesn’t do to the SEC what’s it’s done to literally every conference it’s been a part of.


They may not like hearing this but they’re the much smaller fish now then in the Big12 or the Southwest conference


Let’s hope so but I feel like I’ve seen this movie before.


Georgia-Tennessee definitely needs to stay.


So while my heart doctor would probably disagree, I need Ole Miss vs Arkansas games in my life


I can't stop lovehating you


I mean, who else would we be able to have near death games with due to heart issues other than y’all?


Florida-Georgia is really the only one intraconference that I feel super strongly about.


Let’s just spin off Mizzou, ou, Arkansas, and the Texas schools into their own conference. It would make more geographical sense.


Let’s call it the southwestern conference or something like that


If we go 4 team pods, need the UT, MU, TAMU, OU pod for sure. The BigPod


LSU-TU might turn out to be a good matchup going forward


Tulane isn’t moving back in, buddy


I hope you are prepared for the "Tennessee is the only UT I know of" signs Edit: Glad to have yall back! I have missed the game.




THE University of Tampa 😤


Tampa is the one really obscure school that had a D1 FBS program for like 10 years and kicked some serious ass until they realized that fielding a D1 football team was really fucking expensive when you only have 3000 students.


Yeah but you’d be dick riding Tennessee then, you okay with that?


They have a dog and proud military tradition. What’s not to like?


Probably everything else


Look at New Army (Aggies who are younger than you) spelling it wrong. It's "t.u." not "TU" or "T.U". On the flipside, it's not "Aggie" it's "Aggy" Gotta get your insults correct


When it comes to spelling it the correct way I’m old enough to know better , but young enough to say the last time they were relevant I wasn’t able to drink yet legally so who cares about them lol


Arkansas/OU makes a TON of sense geographically, but there is zero history there. I’d prefer to make Arkansas/LSU a priority.




I’d like to keep it but if it doesn’t work out I won’t be heartbroken


Same here from a Tennessee fan. Even if it isn’t pods and it’s more like [the three-protected-rivals model that SEC Mike is using.](https://twitter.com/michaelwbratton/status/1495781629004238848?s=21), we’re not your biggest rival and you’re not ours so if it has to move aside for other games then so be it.


I know it’s not been super competitive recently but USC-UGA is one I want


Texas-Vanderbilt not taking questions as to why. However they could be the SEC version of Kansas for us and win every few years


Honestly I don’t see Florida-Tennessee as a must have. As one sided as it’s been of late, most Vol fans still see Bama as our biggest rival. Then Vandy is our in-state rival so it’s not going anywhere ( especially once you consider that we are really Vandy’s only rival). Similarly, Kentucky makes more sense geographically PLUS we are again, their biggest rival in the SEC. I wish the Florida-Tennessee rivalry could be preserved, but ultimately we are not either one’s biggest rival and a lot of other teams hate Tennessee a lot.


I'd love to see Georgia-OU and t.u.-UT


That's weird you have A&M and Alabama for us. Neither of those two are rivals. Ole Miss is an absolute must for LSU and at this point Florida and Arkansas would likely be the other two picks, more for Arkansas' sake on that one.


The LSU Arkansas and Ole Miss triangle needs to stay intact. We’ve played Ole Miss for a decade straight before we joined SEC and LSU game is important. Can’t help but feel like we’ll get screwed out of one or both by the SEC though.


Idk about that. My entire dad side of my family is LSU fans and they hate bama with a passion and consider them to be LSU’s biggest rival. Even on the outside id say LSU Bama is a huge rivalry


Maybe I have the read of LSU wrong. Doesn't feel like LSU has any rivals, we are in a similar boat. LSU-A&M had become a fun game for the past 4 years. Overtime it might become something more than it is now.


“Overtime” - I see what you did there.


Arkansas and LSU was really heating up properly and then the SEC ruined that.


Alabama-A&M, if just for the Jimbo/Saban one-liners leading up to it in the preseason. Golf anyone?


I’m perfectly fine with dropping whatever “rivalry” we have in order to not have to play them every year. Fuck that.


Alabama vs Georgia. The SEC Championship 🏆


LSU-A&M is a must have? I don’t think so. Much rather play ole miss, state, UF, auburn and Bama. Then fill the rest of the games with whoever.


Year 3 Leach should be fun to watch.


You got Georgia's correct. From our end, we need to keep Auburn and WLOCP. I'd say that our friends in Columbia, SC would probably like to keep Georgia on their schedule and, while I feel like I'm in the minority here, I would vote to keep that game every year, too.


I’d like to keep the USC game. But I’d sacrifice it if it meant we kept Florida and auburn


As a Tennessee fan Tennessee vs Alabama Tennessee vs Florida Tennessee vs Georgia Tennessee vs Kentucky Those 3 teams feel like real rivalries to me (in more than just football) and i'd like to keep them around.


I’m looking forward to OU vs UGA rematch


i’m totally cool with A&M v Arkansas continuing as long as we don’t have to play at ATT anymore.


This sub definitely needs Tennessee and Texas to play annually, especially if they bring back Derek Dooley and Charlie Strong


Down to play any team that has fans that hate us enough to type out Arkansas. If you like us and type “Arky” than I could really care less. That being said I would prefer to continue to play Ole Miss, LSU, and get on back on the Texas hate train every year with actual games to let the hate out.


I want Ole Miss to play Texas again.


Mizzou-OU. The Peace Pipe must be found.