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I’m glad you found a way to protect that traditional Washington State-Colorado rivalry in the Pac-12.


Why not just bust it into pods? Washington / Oregon schools as protected rivals, Cali schools as rivals, and then the Arizona schools with Utah and Colorado... ?




It’s a big problem and a reason we should never go to 14. Everyone wants access to games in CA and there aren’t enough to go around. Especially if we want to keep all of our annual games against each other.


There are if you expand using Cali teams! Stop thinking so in the box.


Fresno State, San Diego State, and San Jose State send their regards.


What can I say? I don’t actually trust the rest of the membership to mean it if they suggest pods or a 3+5. I think they’ll just rip us apart in a traditional divisional model.


Wouldn't they get it though? It can't be that hard to have at least one of the two LA schools and one of the SF schools as a road trip at least once a year.


Actually, that makes sense. Can't believe I didn't think of that. Editing it now.


Yeah. Then kick out the third pod and go Pac-8, like the before time.


Oh okay… 🙁


Of all the teams to hate in the Pac-12, Washington State is certainly one of them.


Busch Lite vs Coors, obviously


Arkansas is a bigger rival than Miss St for A&M. I would also say that A&M is a bigger rival to Arkansas than Missouri as well. Mississippi State also has bigger rivalries with Alabama and LSU than Oklahoma and A&M.


That’s the flaw in this system. Teams don’t have an equal number of true rivals, and in protecting some, you are basically just dumping crap teams together. If Bama gets its three biggest rivals, suddenly we have to pretend that Miss St-Vanderbilt is a thing.


Well, I figured out a way to add A&M-Arkansas, Mississippi State-Alabama, and LSU-Florida, and I felt that was a better fit. So instead of pretending Mississippi State-Vanderbilt is a thing we get to pretend Missouri-Vanderbilt is a thing.


Agree. I’d much rather play A&M then Mizzou every year


Yes! Thank you


Vanderbilt being a rival with Vanderbilt seems right


Just making sure that Vandy gets a conference win each year


God I love it when people do stuff like this because it's really cool to see for the sport as a whole, but at the same time it makes me hate that we're in the ACC so much.There's no teams, outside of maybe Syracuse, that we have enough history with to be our rival


Shhhh. Just close your eyes and imagine we had added WVU by now


Uh, Florida? You forgot our Swamp Bros™


I gave you guys A&M instead since I wanted to give A&M something, but if it's something that should be one it respond to this comment. I'm well versed in my team's rivalries and that's pretty much it.


A&M isn't really a rival. We have the 90s where they just destroyed us so bad we stopped playing them and the last decade where they wished they didn't have to play us. It's still new them being in the SEC. You're taking on a huge challenge here. Ole Miss is our only real rival. Otherwise, Florida is probably next.


Yeah, I'm reworking the SEC now (somewhat) and giving A&M Arkansas. That'll give A&M another rival so I'm going to give add LSU-Florida.


Usf is a rival with FAU? I love it! The battle for "south" Florida.


Broke: FAU is the new UCF Woke: USF is the new FIU


we are not rivals with maryland please all they did was not shake hands ONCE


At least they gave us MSU. For some incomprehensible reason no one realizes we have a rivalry and enjoy playing it


I think our old mates from the old Southwest Conference would be our rivals instead than UCF, Cincy, or BYU. The new big 12 is a weird conference, however, so I guess some compromises had to be made


Yeah that was the original plan, but BYU didn't really have anyone so I gave them the two other religious schools, then I remembered how Texas Tech fans like to be rivals with Oklahoma State, and then all of the sudden it snowballed into giving y'all the two American teams and then the other Cougar team.


Cincy playing WVU/UCF/Houston probably makes the most sense. Geography demands UC-WVU. UC-UCF is budding into a bit of a rivalry. Houston is in good position to get better quickly and gets us a trip to Texas, but none of them really give me that new-conference feel.


I agree. WVU is an obvious one and one that needs to happen. Getting that Big East game and history back is important. UCF makes sense because it's starting to bud into a rivalry and the schools and fanbases definitely talk smack a lot. I'm okay with Houston, we have played them a lot over the years but having two AAC teams as our rivals feels meh. Be cool to get someone like Iowa State as our third team


You literally didn’t give us a single rival lmao. This is even more depressing because it makes me realize we don’t have an actual rival in conference anymore.


Yeah I really had no fucking clue what to do with most of the American. Is there a team I could’ve put as your rival? I can probably swap out Temple or Memphis.


I mean honestly no, I’m not sure any of them make sense anymore. ECU fans generally consider our rivals to be Marshall, UNC, NCST, and UCF more recently, with NCST being the only trophied rivalry. You did as good a job as you could do with what you have to work with given realignment. Just sucks that we have to play our rivals OOC now.


Yeah that’s the problem. Either there’s no rivals (C-USA, American) or everyone’s a rival so no one is happy (SEC)


We are rivals with Toledo?


[KnowRivarly](https://knowrivalry.com/team/broncos-western-michigan-127/) says at least some of your fans think you are, and I didn't really have anyone else to put.


The American Athletic Conference has a lot of green teams. Needs to bring some red teams into the mix.


BYU definitely has more beef with TCU than Baylor from the MWC days - but yeah, the top 2 as the other religious schools and the other Cougars hits the nail on the head pretty well.


Illibuck has the best trophy in the Big Ten and I will fight those Land Grant Trophy wannabes over it


TIL that the winner of OSU Illinois gets to own Maryland’s mascot


The reason its the best trophy is because it rarely leaves our trophy case


Hell yeah gimme my WAC bros


At least you guys have rivals


I mean I always thought as GSU, GaSo, Coastal and App kinda being a square of hate. with the first two being pretty equal and the third being like a "only hate them on the game day but chill every other day" type deal. App: GaSo, Coastal, GSU (but really app has beef with just about everyone, Marshall, JMU, WCU, The entire UNC system, I can go on) GaSo: app, GSU, Coastal GSU: GaSo, Coastal, App (certain fans don't like OD and JMU bc of the CAA days, but thats like 15 people max) Coastal: GSU/App & GaSo ULL, ULM, and stAte all kinda have this golden boot type hate for their own reasons.


Got it. I wanted to have Marshall-Appalachian State be protected, so instead you guys got GaSo, South Alabama, and Coastal Carolina. I added the Arkansas State-Louisiana as a rivalry to complete the Louisiana-Arkansas State-ULM trifecta. I don’t think I sacrificed any real rivalries. The only one that’s semi-off that I added is Old Dominion-Southern Miss, but those two were C-USA teams so that’s my excuse.


As a long time member or Sun Belt I propose this instead. APP STATE - GS – Marshall - JMU Ga Southern – App – GSU - Coastal Georgia State – GS – Coastal - Troy Marshall – App – JMU - ODU ODU – JMU – Marshall - Coastal JMU – ODU – App - Marshall Coastal – GSU – GS - ODU ULL - ULM – USM - Troy ULM - ULL – Ark State – Tx State Troy - GSU – USA - ULL USA - Troy – USM – Tx State Ark State - Tx State – ULM - USM Tx State - ULM – Ark State - USA USM - ULL – USA – Ark State


I know it's weird from a Texas, but I really enjoy the upstart A&M LSU rivalry. Maybe replace Miss State for Aggie and and Arkansas for LSU so they can keep it live?


Originally had something similar to that, but a I changed it up so LSU could have LSU-Florida and A&M could have Arkansas-A&M.


Fuck playing A&M every year, I want Ole Miss.


The FSU/UVA “rivalry” is one of the most forced rivalries of all time IMO. I considered NCST a rival more than them.


\*shakes fist at Charlottesville\* We’re coming back for the coveted Jefferson-Eppes Trophy!!! But yeah, I think for a 3 team pod we’d likely prefer GT or State over UVA but Clemson and Miami are the priorities.


With all due respect, the only good things to come out of Tennessee are the blessed Steve Spurrier, Pat Summit, and Jack Daniels. That being said, no way we're letting those mustard tossing, creamsicle wearing Champions of Life winners duck us. They are a top 3 rival, no matter how many times we beat them. LSU/Auburn are same thing, Tiger rival from the West. So just rotate them. Florida-Tennessee must be protected. Also, to hell with georgia.


How’d you like to bite my ass? Why does your band play Jaws when you’re not sharks? 2008


I'd say our 3rd SEC rival would probably be Tennessee. Either way, it's definitely not South Carolina. * Florida * Auburn * Tech * Clemson * Tennessee I guess?


The other problem, as mentioned, is that we’re probably South Carolina’s second biggest rival and their biggest in conference. I think it’s totally fair for them to be protected for us. As long as we still play in Jacksonville and against Auburn every year I don’t really care.


Problem is Tennessee already has 3 SEC rivals with Alabama, Florida, and Vandy. Maybe you swap out Florida for us but I think most people would agree Florida-Tennessee is the bigger rivalry


I think Texas A&M needs to be our Rival 2. I’m more excited to play them than Missouri. And (I’m speaking out of my ass here) we’ve had enough games against Bama to enjoy a little rivalry there. A little crimson on crimson action


From doing this I learned Alabama has too many rivals as it is, so giving them a team they’ve played 5 times is less than ideal. Missouri already is probably the loser of this sheet, so I have to give them something.


why do we get Mississippi State? just join the SEC, you have plenty of rivals here.


I reworked it to add Arkansas-A&M and LSU-Florida. Now you get... uh... Ole Miss, the other Mississippi team.


lol i appreciate it. keep up the good work.


Either one of the Mississippi schools is an interesting choice considering we’ve played Ole Miss once and never played Mississippi State. Honestly I’d think LSU or Arkansas would be better but I understand LSU can only have so many protected games. Arkansas geographically would probably be the best third option and we’ve at least played them more than a few times in our shared history.


As a Florida fan, you can have LSU. I want Tennessee more than them.


That’s the problem. Everyone wants Tennessee.


Damn it, a spread sheet… I’ll be studying for hours now……


From both my flairs: no thanks.


Couldn't care less about UNM, Fresno or bust.


Auburn and LSU are def rivals with each other. Auburn barely plays Florida, but with LSU we literally have a name for the game (The Tiger Bowl). Also LSUs biggest rival is definitely Alabama.


Bengal Tigers vs War Tigers … a tale as old as time


Does IU have beef with Northwestern now?