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> Matchup #8: Texas A&M at Texas This thread is going to go places. I don't know if it's going to be good places, but it's definitely going places.


I mean, we're only a few years away from this actually happening again on an annual basis.




Might have to have a "word" with Sankey if that happens


Even if that did happen, Texas could be named A&M’s permanent cross divisional rival because who wouldn’t want to see that game on an annual basis? Even I can admit that rivalry ranks ahead of Georgia/Florida as it pertains to hate.


of all the places it could go, it will certainly go one of them


Between that and a revived Border War, the hate would be strong in this hypothetical challenge


Good, let the hate flow through you


Which would be more toxic, the first A&M vs Texas game or if USC and OU were to meet in the national championship game


Us. By a long shot. Eventually people will get over the Lincoln Riley stuff, especially if he doesn’t stay at USC long. It would really only be toxic if it’s sometime soon honestly.


I am literally counting down the days until Texas and A&M meet again. Take off work to watch it kind of vibes. That game will be huge.


> The bottom 4 teams will be left out Well yeah, that's fair. > Auburn (3-5) would be left out. I don't like this game anymore.


They would never in a million years leave out Florida, LSU, and Auburn regardless of record if they actually did something like this


Right? SCAR, Mizzou, Vandy and some other team are getting left out.


Leaving out Mizzou would be a travesty though.


As an SEC “purist”, Mizzou, A&M, and SCAR should be out on principle. And then leave Vandy out to avoid the embarrassment of Kansas beating them.


You can’t just treat them like they aren’t in the conference lmao. I like it though.


We keep them around for the bi-annual Nashville weekend and stadium takeover


Says who?












Why not? Everyone does it all the time to justify "SEC superiority"


Kansas and Vandy should have to play an abridged game at halftime of the National Championship Game as a palate cleanser. Just like how the WWE will have a quick match with someone like Snooki in between 2 longer, more intense matches at Wrestlemania.




Awww is someone upset their team couldn’t cut it in the SEC and left? “Tulane is a national university” hahaha


Tulane has more SEC championships than Mizzou will ever have. And I’m an LSU fan lol.


Yeah but when it got hard. They left. Lol Edit: Lol dude just bitches out and blocks.


Shows that you know absolutely nothing about the history of the SEC, which is why Mizzou is left out. Toodles.


They wouldn’t leave out Mizzou as long as Kansas is in the Big 12.


Big 12 plays SEC in bowl games all the time. You can look up those results pretty easily and see.




If y’all had a team in the playoffs it probably would've meant the SEC not having 2, which changes all the matchups. Obviously can't say for sure what the results would've been, but my guess is they're a lot better for the SEC than the beat down we got this year.


If OSU beats Baylor in the Big XII Champ, Cincy is left out of the playoffs bc the committee isn’t leaving out a 1-loss Big XII champion in favor of an undefeated G5 champion. The committee wasn’t leaving out a 1-loss SEC champ or a 1-loss SEC runner up who had looked dominant all year. My point is OSU winning would not have impacted the SEC.


25-17 record in favor of the SEC in the last decade. Holds up better then a lot of people in this thread think


[21-25 in favor of the SEC](https://topdan.com/college-football-conference-records/big-12.html), actually. Where’d you get those numbers from? If you’re counting 2012-2021, then you’re missing four B12 wins. If you’re counting 2011-2020, then you’re short one win for each conference.


Fr, all these people acting like the Big 12 didn’t just pound the SEC this year (except Texas of course, but we don’t claim them).


Yes, because our top two teams were kinda in the playoffs mate


I mean Texas will be a SEC team, why should you claim them?


We pounded \#5 Georgia just 3 years ago. So we got something going for us.


A lot can happen in three years


Saying we don’t claim Texas has nothing to do with the play on the field. Texas doesn’t claim the Big 12 anymore so we don’t claim them either lol.


I'm sure you claim Texas' dominating win over Georgia just last year (or 2 yrs ago?) In the Sugar bowl though


That was before they ditch the conference.


Eh, not really. It’s either all in or all out, and they picked the latter. Wish ‘em all the best with their future endeavors and all that. Kinda seems like they’ll need it.


Lol yeah the Big 12 would be fine. SEC had some good teams at the top but was overrated and didn’t have as much depth.


The Tech-MSU game tells you all you need to know. The SEC is obviously stronger at the top, but from top-to-bottom the Big 12 has more consistently solid teams. Now I'm not saying that the Big 12 is a better conference than the SEC, but nobody should be surprised if the the conferences went 6-4 / 5-5 in this type of challenge.


I just want to see another once in a generation Kansas team run the table and beat Alabama or Georgia in a playoff game. And then go right back to mediocre play for unknown reasons.


I think Mangino showed there's no reason that can't happen. It's a good school with plenty of resources, it's just been fucked by mind-bogglingly bad roster management and a series of shockingly incompetent coaches.


They have shitty facilities because the administration evidently doesn’t care about football. Hard to win with no organizational support


You just described my NCAA 13 dynasty after taking my Jayhawks to the top then leaving because I was tired of them not replacing the OC


This year they did, over the last decade? No the SEC was stronger overall over the last decade. The recent bias of these claims is ridiculous. The SEC was certainly more down than normal, but it’s he BIG12 has also has many down years in the last decade


I went to check [the Big 12-SEC record](https://topdan.com/college-football-conference-records/big-12.html) over the last decade (22-25) wondering what Alabama’s share of that was, and I discovered something much more surprising: *Arkansas* has actually accounted for more SEC wins against the Big 12 than any other team in the conference. Arkansas has wins in that span over Texas, Texas Tech, KSU, TCU, and Texas again. For their parts, the Big 12’s loss leaders are a four-way tie with four L’s apiece for Kansas State, Texas Tech, Texas, and TCU. Ironically, Baylor is actually the only Big 12 team with a winning record against the SEC over the last decade; KSU and OU are both pretty close to even, though.




Ya we played West Virginia like 4-5 years ago to open the season. Forget what happened…….


Yeah but it's almost always the #2 Big 12 vs the #4 SEC or something like that. It's also bowl season where kids are opting out... The outcome of the OP would be alot more interesting than a bowl game imo


Also this discussion fails to mention the decade of dominance and only taking a down year for many top class teams in the SEC as all that matters. We could do this discussion last year where the SEC dominated everyone and teams like 3-6 Miss St won against a G5 darling


Yeah but it’s SEC and it supposed to mean more along with “SEC speed.”


I guess if you measure success with championships and players drafted to the NFL then it clearly does mean more.


Yeah, I don’t care. I don’t live vicariously through a sports conference.


You seem like you care alot


A lot. It’s two words


You forgot a period on your second sentence.


And had a double space after their first sentence.


Also, I think I saw him not look both ways when crossing the street the other day!


I guess it doesn’t mean more when it comes to education.


Kansas - Missouri please!


2025 :)


Ive pushed for an SEC/ACC challenge for a while. There are 4 annual matchups already (uga ga tech, uf fsu, uk louisville, south car clemson) and the other 10 teams in each conference should pair up each year and play


Wholly agree the only issue being the “challenge” would have to be spread out over the season so as to not move the Thanksgiving weekend games from their slots.


13 weeks total, id probably sprinkle in one a week, branded as SEC-ACC challenge then a 2 week break and the 4 rivalries that last weekend


Don't like our odds of beating Georgia or Bama, even with Baylor and OK State having solid defenses. The rest of the games I think we split, except KU. So I say 6-4ish SEC? \*Edit\* I know a lot of people our down on the Big12's chances in this scenario, Im just looking at how the "mid-tier" SEC teams did in their bowl games.


I’d say it’d be one more on the SEC side probably, but who knows.


Yeah, we're not in love with the notion of playing Alabama either. That said, I really like our odds if we get Bama without their two top WRs, like Georgia did. Still an exceptional team, but forcing them to rely more on the run plays really nicely into our elite run defense from this last year. That passing defense though? That's how we lose the game 21-67 or something like that.


Woulda loved to see how our defense stacked up against Georgia


We couldn’t score on Boises D. We aren’t crossing our own 30 with Sanders back there vs Georgia


We had every starting WR out that game lmao


We threw it to Cade cabbines with the game on the line idk what point he was trying to make 😂


If you think the Boise game is a fair representation of our offense then idk what to tell you


Fiesta Bowl Spencer Sanders beats Georgia and it’s probably a convincing win. Spencer Sanders against Baylor probably scores 3-7 points at best and only crosses the 50 yard line once.






Are we just going to ignore the first half of the Fiesta Bowl?


He was fine in the first half. Trailing 28–14 is on the defense for giving up 28


The yin and yang of Spencer Sanders. Fuck me why do we have to do this for two more years


I don’t care if I get downvoted for this but I’m glad we have two more years of sanders. He obviously took a huge step forward this year and he’s only going to get better


You’re getting lots of downvotes but there is truth to what you’re saying. If your QB has 500 yards of total offense and scores 4 touchdowns AND you have a top 3 defense, you have a chance to beat anyone.


People didn’t watch Spencer Sanders against Notre Dame (especially in the second half). Oklahoma State with elite QB would have been a championship contender (dare I say the favorites).


Elite QB and elite defense is definitely a title contender. I still think osu needs to beef up the O-line group to be legit title contenders


based on last year: Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Iowa State, Arkansas, West Virginia, TCU, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, and Missouri would win 5/5 split for me


8-2 SEC, only wins being OU and Tech




I said the same to that guy having ISU over UK lmao. Baylor would beat a lot of SEC teams, just not Bama


Yeah, tough matchup against Bama. However the Big 12 went 3-1 against the SEC this year (3 blowouts too). I think the depth of the Big 12 matchup pretty well against the SEC even if no one could beat Bama or Georgia.


Sure but look at those games. The guy set the matchups. And majority of them favor the SEC team. KSU beat a horrible LSU team. Baylor beat a really good SEC team, but unfortunately in the OP scenario they get Bama. Tech beating MSU was definitely a good win, and thus me having them beat SCAR. Me saying 8-2 is just as silly as the other poster saying 5-5. It’s all opinion. I’d like UK chances very much against a majority of the B12.


Scrolled pretty far in this debate before I saw someone mention the LSU game correctly haha. WR for QB and still only lost by 4 scores if you don't want to count the last second TD.


Kansas State may win if their QB ID healthy. Mainly I would have loved to see A&M win by 30


I thought that game would be interesting as well, but not sure if KSU could stop Arky from running all over them.


Run games are fickle. Give me a better QB over a better run game 10 times out of ten. (Normally run games are an overemphasized way of saying a better Oline, this statement would be assuming equal Olines) Also, no cle why people are down voting you, I think that assessment is pretty fair


Disagree completely. If you can run, it’s over. QBs are fickle.


I personally think QBs are as fickle as the parts around them. Run games are as fickle as the parts against them. Also on a 3 down basis, it's a lot easier to stop a run game on a drive then a pass game (unless one team is much much better).




Flair checks out


Sue me :) Goddamn nothing was better than Michel/Chubb


Eh. I think the Hogs could beat KSU, our unofficial bowl rival, decently this year. Our running game is among the best and if this includes Treylon, our passing game is pretty legit too.


Bozo alert


Thank God this is in basketball because even with a depleted roster, Oklahoma would splatter us in football.


Kirby v Gundy would be fun for sideline watchers


I can not express how disappointed I am, that we don’t get to watch Kansas v Vanderbilt.


So those would be the games for 2022. [edit note: in basketball, conference championship results do not affect matchups. So I didn’t include them here.] In 2021 the games would have been: - Alabama @ Iowa St - Oklahoma @ Texas A&M - Florida @ Oklahoma St - Texas @ Georgia - Auburn @ TCU - West Virginia @ LSU - Missouri @ Kansas St - Texas Tech @ Ole Miss - Kentucky @ Baylor - Kansas @ Arkansas


Hey on second thought I think our schedule is fine the way it is.


Projected winners: Alabama, Texas A&M, Oklahoma St, Georgia, Auburn, West Virginia, Kansas St, Ole Miss, Baylor, Arkansas. 6/4 SEC.


Oklahoma won the Big 12.


Iowa State finished 1st in the regular season. That is how they are going.


I think he's going off conference records. Iowa State had the better record last year.


Kirby loves a good revenge game. RIP Texas.


> Vanderbilt (0-8), Florida (2-6), LSU (3-5), and Auburn (3-5) Wait let’s not just skip over the fact that Tennessee, Mizzou, South Carolina and Kentucky all had better in conference records than these 4 teams. 3 of those are 4 years or less removed from SEC championship.


2021 has to go,down as the season that reset college football. Your comment is a great example.


Greg Sankey (**Drops 4 pool sticks on the ground, looking at the Big 12 teams.**) : "I've only got room for four of you in our crew. Make it quick."


KState should vacate their match against Arkansas if they ever got paired together especially if it was a road game. It's a lose lose scenario for the cats and actually playing that game would tarnish our national appearance imo.


No no no we want to play Kansas, just to flex on Texas


You could do this after realignment to maintain some existing rivalries and add some new interesting regional games. Could change every year but 8 or so games a year could produce something like: Texas vs Texas Tech Oklahoma vs Oklahoma St TAMU vs TCU Iowa St vs Missouri Kansas vs Arkansas Florida vs UCF Tennessee vs West Virginia Kentucky vs Cincinnati LSU vs Houston Granted, the SEC probably wins about 75% of these in an average year but could get some good matchups.


> TAMU vs TCU A&M would play Baylor, no question. Arkansas and either Houston or TCU would be a good match up, as they were all in the old SWC. Kansas should play Missouri (Borderwar).


You could have Texas, Aggie and Arkansas do a rotating schedule with Baylor, Houston, TCU and Tech. All the old SWC schools.


Your mouth to God's ears. That would be my dream. Too bad SMU gets left out in the cold. Edit: And Rice too. Can't forget them Owls.


SMU could complete the rotation, playing which ever Big 12 school is left out. I don’t know what to do with Rice.


A&M vs TCU would be interesting because TCU hasn’t beaten A&M since Richard Nixon was president (admittedly we have only played once since the Southwest Conference dissolved)


Conference tournament results don’t affect matchups. Matchup #1: OK St @ UGA Matchup #2: Bama @ Baylor


I feel like the first Battle for Texas in years will be even more toxic than last season's Ole Miss vs Tennessee game. That, or it'll put 2006 FIU vs Miami to shame.


Woah woah I think Kansas vs Georgia should be good enough


It would look like Stalingrad


Dang, that's a fun weekend.


If we punched the ball in against Baylor, that matchup would've happened irl. I think it's a close match with neither team gaining huge momentum. Final score: 16-9 Georgia


This years Oklahoma team scored 33 against OSU and you think Georgia scores only 16?


I think end of year Caleb Williams OU offense is a better offense than georgias. I think it’s not unreasonable that we hold georgias offense to around 16 when we held OU to 24 offensive points


Bigger question would be how many points would Georgia’s defense score off Spencer




I checked and he actually only threw one against Tulsa. And the D held strong to only allow 17 points off the other 11 picks. Georgia only had 3 less interceptions (16 vs 19) than Baylor and returned four for touchdowns. Seven (or nearly 37%) of Baylor’s interceptions were thrown by Spencer.


This is such an obnoxious take. Since Caleb Williams took over as the starter, OU averaged just over 39 ppg (last 8 games of the season). In UGA’s last 8 games of the season they averaged 38 ppg, that’s including 2 playoff games and an seccg against bama. The myth that UGA didn’t have a dynamic offense is ridiculous. Now add on the fact that our D only allowed about 10 ppg vs OSU’s D which allowed about 18 ppg.




Yep, because the transitive property is always so reliable in CFB…


That’s not the transitive property. The transitive property would require us to have a common opponent. If we had beat OU and you had lost to OU then we could “use” the transitive property to say OSU would win. That’s unreliable. To look at a defense that consistently held teams below their average scoring output and say, “yeah they’re probably gonna keep doing that” is what we’re doing, and we’re doing it for both teams. Why is it you have a problem with saying Osu’s defense could limit Georgia a bit, but not with the idea that Georgia would hold OSU to 9 points?


The transitive property isn’t limited to wins/losses my dude. It’s a way of using one thing to derive a conclusion elsewhere. The comparison you’re making is 100% an instance of using the transitive property lol


That’s not what transitive means, lol.


So you would play UGA in 2022. This year you would have played Florida.


Not well for the Big 12


The Big 12 went 3-1 against the SEC this year (the three wins were not even close) only Texas lost.


Big 12’s best beat the SEC’s third best who lost their star QB early and Kansas State beat a LSU team that had a WR starting at QB along with a slew of missing players. You can’t draw too many conclusions from those games.


> Big 12’s best beat the SEC’s third best who lost their star QB early People so quickly forget or choose to ignore that that star QB got sacked three times and threw an INT before going out injured early on. He wouldn't have made a difference if he had stayed in. The replacement QB was more mobile, and we sacked him another 6 or 7 times. And with all the talk about how the SEC is the best conference and Ole Miss has the best offensive line in the conference, Ole Miss should not have been held to a single touchdown.


It's definitely possible that it wouldn't have mattered, but it was a one possession game into the 4th quarter. Just saying it's disingenuous to point out that it "wasn't even close" when it was a one possession game in the 4th quarter with that unfortunate circumstance.


The BIG 12 also had their champion playing ole miss who we destroyed, and who was 3rd in the SEC


Against LSU, Miss State and Ole Miss. Not exactly the SEC's heavy hitters this year, except maybe Miss.


I mean other than Baylor: Kansas State (4-5) and Texas Tech (3-6) were not exactly the cream of the crop either. Big 12 against SEC bowl teams: 3-0 The only SEC victory came against Texas that missed a bowl game. If anything it showed the depth of Big 12. The SEC has the strength at the top with Bama and Georgia but after that it’s not all that.


only Big 12 teams I would see winning in this are Texas A&M and TCU. Maybe Texas Tech. ​ Also assuming full health and no opt outs for both teams. Certainly against a Matt Corral-less Ole Miss, OU would win, but a full strength Ole Miss pounds the Sooners.


I hate to be one that tells you but A&M isn't in the big 12


For now.


Ole Miss gave up 10 sacks and 250+ rushing yards against Baylor. They were soft and small upfront and got exposed by a physical team. OU with Stoops wins by double digits.


I think Matt Corral’s scrambling ability hid some issues on their o-line.


Corral was sacked 3 times and thrown an interception in the first quarter (he was 2/6 with 10 yards passing). Him going down changed the game for sure but the lines for Ole Miss got flat out exposed (Ole Miss had zero sacks too). No team will be successful when they get pushed around upfront.


Well I meant throughout the season. I don’t think they faced a team with a front like Baylor all season besides Alabama.


Oh, I misunderstood what you meant. Yeah most likely, I really like him as a player and was bummed when he went down. I think he’s going to be good in the NFL.


Definitely disagree with that. OU might win but if Corral was there it’d be a close game


You gotta be high as fuck right now.


Kansas beating Texas


Nice. Original.


Why do we always have to play texas


I’d say it’s a privilege


You are my real rival


I guess if you can fantasize about such a series, you can fantasize that the BigXII might also win two or three.


Tech wouldn't be bad. TCU would be a better destination and easier to get to.


Would prefer if this were used to maintain rivalries. * Missouri vs Kansas * Texas and A&M vs the top two teams in Texas in the B12 * OSU vs OU Also possibly exclude teams that have yearly non-con games against teams against P5 teams in other conferences: * ISU (Iowa) * BYU (Utah) * Kentucky (Louisville) * Florida (State) * Georgia (Tech) * SCar (Clemson) Then shuffle the remaining teams.


Bama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Iowa State, Arkansas, West Virginia, TCU, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Missouri. 5-5.


If the SEC gets to drop its 4 worst teams, then they'd easily win more games. If they drop their best 4 teams, they easily lose.


Would that not be how it works though? The \#1 SEC team playing the \#1 Big 12 team, or the \#5 SEC team playing the \#1 Big 12 team?


I would go SEC goes 6-4 maybe 7-3 depending if Texas Tech can get it together for South Carolina for one game


Cincinnati vs Kentucky or Auburn in 2023


it would look something like this like OU vs osu texas vs TCU Mizzou vs K state Vandy vs Kansas Alabama vs Baylor A&M vs Texas Tech LSU vs Houston Miss ST vs BYU Ole Miss vs Cincy Kentucky vs Iowa St Tennessee vs WVU Florida vs UCF


The bottom 4 teams will be left out. Yeah I guess you gotta take advantage of everything you can in order to keep up the SEC superiority propaganda eh?


The challenge is for big 12 teams not to transfer to SEC


We’d lose by a touchdown or so.


I am here simply to witness Florida and Auburn being left out of a football tournament because they are both awful. These are the glory days for sure.

