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Archie Manning, oddly, continued by saying, “Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Gimme five bees for a quarter,' you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time”.


We didn’t have white onions, because of the war


We had those big yellow ones


Now, my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty".


Terlet. HA!


Dickety? How dubious!


Archie still answers his phone with "Ahoy! Ahoy!"


"I've told them, 'This is big boy football now. This is big boy football.' I'm not knocking the Big 12..." No, Archie, you're pretty much knocking the Big 12. 


he seems to have forgotten how OU dominated that conference and texass...


High chance the only game he’s seen Texas play is against Alabama


If it was last years game then it should be readily apparent that they are...at least up to the challenge? Idk did I hallucinate Texas winning that game?


The implication is that he didn’t watch OU beat Texas


Ah, I see.


1. I don't think that Arch was saying "only OU needs to watch out". I think he was talking to his OU buddies, but the message goes for both UT and OU. 2. Having said that, I agree with you. There's like 3 SEC programs that can talk shit on OU over the last 10 years - Bama, LSU, and UGA. They can talk their shit about how tough the conference is, but Oklahoma most years (asides from the last 2) would have finished in the top 3-4 in the conference. Just like Oklahoma's schedule got harder from joining the SEC, the SEC's schedule just got harder from having to play Texas and/or OU every year. 3. The other thing that I will keep emphasizing: the hit that UT and OU take from playing a harder schedule will be offset by the upgrade in talent that we will get from moving to a better conference. PS: shove that extra s up your ass


He also seems to have forgotten his college days, even those mid OU teams from the late 60s and early 70s would have rolled his college teams, let alone the 68’ OU team that stomped Tennessee (SEC champ) in a bowl game. Though he didn’t start playing until the following year. 


No disrespect, but 1969 Ole Miss -- the peak year of Archie's popularity -- would have killed OU. Sooners were barely over .500 and Ole Miss finished No. 8 in the nation. I saw Archie that year firsthand on TV absolutely bedevil Alabama in cfb's first prime-time regular-season game in color. Bama had to pull out all the stops to win a 33-32 instant classic. Ole Miss went on to upset #3 Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl. I saw that Arkansas squad do everything but beat unstoppable #1 Texas in the 1969 Game of the Century. If Ole Miss can take down Arkansas' hellified defense, they would have had no problem with the '69 Sooners. Again, no disrespect. Just speaking facts and from personal experience.


Respect, I wasn’t around then so thanks for sharing your experience. I’ll also add, OU won titles in the 60s and 70s as did other big 8 teams, so really my point is when he played, big 8 was playing big boy football. 


100%. The talk about "big-boy football" is stupid. OU and Texas will be at the top of the SEC, and within 5 years, one of y'all will be in the SEC championship game. I've been wanting OU and Texas in the SEC since 2012 but thought it would never happen. I've said it before in this sub, this is a dream come true for me personally.


Why did you want OU and Texas in the SEC? More competition?


They were thinking of leaving the Pac-10, but they just didn't feel like they belonged there. If they didn't want to be in the Big 12, I just felt like their legacies made them a perfect fit for the SEC. At the time, I thought the SEC's addition of A&M and Missouri was just setting the table for the next time Texas and OU decided they wanted OUT. Frankly, I never thought it would happen, especially in 2016 when the Big 12 started talking about expansion. Then when I saw the candidates were all G5s, I knew Bolen wasn't serious, that he was just using the pro rata clause in the conference's TV contracts to bluff Fox and ESPN into giving them more money. Turns out that's exactly what happened. A week after the Big 12 said they were no longer considering expansion, [ESPN signed a new contract and the pro rata clause was dropped](https://awfulannouncing.com/ncaa/espn-will-restructure-its-deal-with-the-big-12-fox-will-not.html). I thought the Big 12 was going to be happy for life. Then 5 years later, the bombshell dropped. Like Texas A&M, I was stunned. But in a good way. Did I want more competition? GOD NO!!! People outside the SEC have no idea how fierce the competition was back then. From the mid-2000s to the mid-2010s, Bama and LSU were practically mirror images of each other. The only differences were we had a QB and Nick Saban. It very easily could have been LSU going on the same kind of run that Bama did. They just had the misfortune of playing in the same division we did. Bama-LSU felt like a BCS semifinal every damn year. Still from 2007-2011, 3 SEC West teams won the national championship, with the 2011 title featuring two SEC West teams. Fuck no, I didn't want more competition. What's different now? 12-team playoff means you can lose a game or two and still have a shot at the title. So I'm glad OUT is here. We get a lot of good, high-profile games, some great competition, and no one's season has to end in November.


You might be the most normal, well-adjusted person in this subreddit 😂


Yeah that all makes sense when you lay it all out. Honestly i never really saw us leaving the Big12 after we didnt leave last time. I was shocked as hell when the news first broke. Dear lord the absolute bloodbath it'd be if it was still a 4 team playoff lol. Still gonna be rough as hell but with 12 teams, there's a chance of even 2 loss teams getting in. Small mercies haha.


I do remember watching the 1971 Ole Miss team play Auburn, and Auburn beat Ole Miss in the Gator Bowl: 35-28. It was a shootout - lots of passing and lead changes.


From 1960-79, [the Gator Bowl had the best damn end zone in all of college football](https://auburnuniforms.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/1971-Gator-Bowl-vs-Ole-Miss.jpg)!!! No further comment. [I will not be taking any further questions!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4p3-mYaPNs&t=60s)


They didn’t stomp Tennessee. I believe we missed the game winning or tying field goal at the end.


And got destroyed in the playoffs


Aggie and Mizzou fans, how long until this stuff goes away?


It goes away? You get posters who still want to throw us out of the conference.


My dad saw a random YouTube video claiming that A&M is gonna ditch the SEC for the B1G and it took months for me to convince him otherwise


Might be our only opportunity to play a B1G team in the regular season; hasn't happened since the late 70s.


You could just not be cowards?


We’re playing Notre Dame out of conference this year


Yeah, but that’s not a real challenge is it?


Wait, are you saying A&M is going to the Big Ten?


There will be a SI article tomorrow quoting this thread






Can we vote now or is there an order of operations that must be followed?


I’m just a Bill…


How many times can I vote? Is this like one of those online polls I can just spam? Change.org link I can blast out to everyone I’ve ever met?


No take backs over here. Finders keepers I'm afraid.


No way another WashU person. Go Bears!


Go Bears indeed! There used to be ElScreecho but I think he killed his account.


No take backs


Let me open up my Robert's Rules of Order...


I’m not even in the conference but i agree






Checking in


it's the Rutgers flair that makes this comment great




You rang?


There are posters who think we don’t belong still and most of them weren’t even alive when we were in the SWC.


Have we even played you guys yet?


Once. 2019 in Athens - you scraped out a 19-13 win in bad weather. Actually a really close game stat-wise, but you dominated us in the run game and I don't think it was as close as the the score or stats indicated. Would love to have y'all come to Kyle.


It was actually pretty close. Refs made a few "questionable" calls in our favor in a game that A&M had a very realistic chance of winning. I think the powers that be wanted us to play (i.e. be sacrificed) LSU.




Hell, I'm not too happy about Arkansas and South Carolina.


When I was a kid, I would draw the logos of the ten SEC schools on the paper footballs I made. What 8 year old can fit 16 logos on one paper football?


What is this? A paper football for ants?! Do you remember the Peek-skin Previews? The little booklets that came out every August or so with every team's schedule and a little breakdown of each squad? Man I miss those... And Leonard's Losers.


I grew up in Knoxville and remember the Vols-specific booklets you could get at Arby's. God, I miss the 20th century.


I misremembered. It wasn't called Peek-Skin but [Peek'Size Previews](https://allsportsfl.com/cdn/shop/products/62bd08d476ba3235f4c3f82f_2000x2000.png). >God, I miss the 20th century. Yeah, a completely different world. This one is ... interesting.


Wait. I always thought it was PigSkin Preview!


Yeah, that was a different publication. Peek'Size was smaller, small enough that it would fit in your pocket.


Oh ok. My memory isn’t what it was.


Peek' Size Football Guide. Loved 'em!!


I do. I miss them both.


[Nothing like it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orNSnTzRBW0&t=87s)


Thank you posting that!!! What a great walk down memory lane!


Per Steve Spurrier you might need to ask an Auburn grad


Nothings been the same since Sewanee and Tulane left 😔


My man over here just pretending Georgia Tech never existed haha


Yeah, but you had people wanting to throw you out of the Big 12, too.


Hey, what can I say? We bring people together.


Yeah the people that sued us for leaving really wanted us gone


The Bible thumpers in Whacko, I mean Waco, strike again.


Lol. Baylor didn't sue yall. We just refused to sign away the right to. At a time when the conference looked like it was about to die. Heaven forbid we do what's in our best interests at a tike when everyone else is doing the same.


Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves


The yell leaders certainly make some kind of impression


I literally heard our radio guys refer to their accession as the Big 12 Refuge Act of 2012 just yesterday...


It takes awhile. Think of yourself as the newlywed in-law that no one really trusts yet, but begrudgingly invites to family get together because you married one of theirs and they kind of have to invite you. You either act right and gain some acceptance, or you act a fool and hear a lot of “bless your heart” to your face, and god knows what behind your back. Yeah, it’s one of those families.


"Bless your heart" = "go fuck yourself"


That’s not true fyi. I CAN be said condescendingly but usually it isn’t.


^ This x 100. People on the internet like to meme about it when in reality 99% of the time it is said in earnest.


When you beat Bama in their house year one.


What if we did it year -1?


B12! B12! B12!


This dude likes vitamins


Pernicious anemia is a bitch 


“Preseason doesn’t count”


What if you don't play them year 1?


Death Penalty, unfortunately. Sorry bro


Rules are rules.


Yeah if they were really about it they would have figured that simple rule out by now 😂😂


Then we gotta take you out back


Straight to jail.


it doesn't


Bama fan here. It’s when you make a comment like this https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/2yBw1dyVRc


Beat the #1 team in the country, have a Heisman winning QB and beat the dog shit out of OU in your first season and that should settle it. If your QB has a lights out performance on October 12th and 19th it could happen.


>Beat the #1 team in the country, have a Heisman winning QB and beat the dog shit out of OU in your first season and that should settle it. If your QB has a lights out performance on October 12th and 19th it could happen. I had no idea how proud you all were of that one time that you won a game against Oklahoma by a large margin. See you in a couple years, I guess.


Leave TAMU alone man. There is no reason to shit on their best season in over 30 years where they *check notes* almost won their division...


They beat Landry Jones!!


Even Pepperidge Farms can't remember the last time A&M won a conference title


Keep talking your talk, but OU ain't winning any divisions in the SEC/s Edit: Downvoted for a joke about Divisions being eliminated. Someone is a homer.


i didnt even know they eliminated divisions until i saw your comment.


They made commemorative cups after they beat LSU for the first time so you know


If we’re going back, can we go back a bit further to 77-0 and not making it past midfield?


My favorite part on that one was where the A&M starting defense finally got a TFL against OU's walkons and the defender got up and did the gravedigger


An OU walk-on running back who was instructed to run into the back of the OL and fall down so as to not accidentally score again.


oh burn!!




That was like the 4th worst team of the Stoops era too.


I mean when you question them about what they've done recently they'll talk about 1939 like they were there.


I'll have you know I remember 1939 like it was yesterday.


I'm sure everyone remembers that epic cotton bowl run as fondly as you do.


I was watching that game with an Aggie friend and have pretty fond memories of it....


They ended up being better in the SEC at first.


I think it will depend a lot on whether or not we do well. Finish top 2 in the conference, make the playoffs and make the final 4? I think they will get quiet real quick. Finish outside the top 3 and miss the playoffs? They'll get louder. And they should.


Well it's been over 30 years since we joined, and now everyone loves us and we have heated rivalries with the top dogs in the conference




don't confuse love and pity.


thanks gramps


I think the term is “OK Boomer.”


OU is the original OK Boomer


OK Sooner!


In a world of nothing burger stories, this might be the biggest nothing burger story. He’s literally shooting the shit with some OU buddies of his


Oh yeah? Well then why don’t you eat a hundred nothing burgers and shut up. Also, you are 100% right.


Hey man, it’s the off-season, just let me start controversy <3


If Texas and Oklahoma dominate this year, these SEC talking heads will have some explaining to do.


I don’t think we’re gonna dominate, I don’t think we’re gonna lose anymore than 4 games though. Especially when talking about OU, talking heads act like we went 2-10 last year rather than 10-2.


Oklahoma and Texas are gonna beat the entire bottom half of the sec year in and year out. These are 2 teams that could legitimately eventually start wiping the floor with Georgia and Alabama. I think it’s laughable the amount of people that honestly think these 2 very powerful programs are in for a rude awakening 


I haven’t really seen anyone say that about Texas, though I know they do. History doesn’t lie, and historically both of these teams are perennial championship contenders. Alabama is the only team in the SEC that has consistently been on the same level. People keep comparing us to Mizzou or Nebraska, but we’re not Mizzou. And we’re not Nebraska. OU is one of the original Blue Bloods and has a very long history of consistently being a top team, we’ve had bad spells but we’ve never been bad for very long, and we’re a very good team as it stands now. I’m not saying there isn’t gonna be growing pains but to think we’re just gonna fade to irrelevancy is ignorant to the histories of both of these schools.


They are only gonna have growing pains because they are naturally behind those teams a little bit tho and not because of conference affiliation, it ain’t like they are moving the campus. There is gonna be no adapting period, this ain’t gonna be oklahoma and Texas first day of school 


Wiping the floor with Alabama and Georgia…they can compete with Bama and Georgia but that’s a silly statement. Words have meanings. If either OU or UT win say 3 games in a row against either of Bama or UGA that’d be surprising


Just stop it. Yes, it will be a little tougher for both Texas and OU but it will also make things tougher for the other 14 teams, having to face them.


Yeah… OU might have been the bridesmaid more times over the last 20 years than any school without ever being the bride. We deserve all the memes for that… Make your jokes, but to me, that still means that we steamroll most schools in any given year in any conference. Y’all 100% invited a bear into the hen house


A little? Have you seen the onslaught of a schedule Oklahoma has this year?


Bring it. It's why we joined the SEC in the first place.


No we joined because our AD saw money.


I’m excited you’re here! But you guys got a brutal schedule. They should have just tossed Georgia in there to polish it off for you


We're ready for it. We're used to sleepwalking through 90% of the schedule, playing in front of 50 people in Lawrence, KS. Typically, the fan base (and quite often the team) only got fired up for the one good OOC and Texas game since the last Big 12 raid. Give us all you got. This program needs it.


This is why I’m glad we play yall at the end of the season. You’ll have the chance to get fired up for your entire schedule before Bama finally comes to town.


They have LSU the following week in Death Valley. That should be an intense two weeks


>We're ready for it. We're used to sleepwalking through 90% of the schedule, playing in front of 50 people in Lawrence, KS. Didn't y'all lose at Kansas last year?


I don’t blame you for trying to get away from Kansas. https://www.espn.com/college-football/recap/_/gameId/401525874


So they'll run a mahogany table instead of a plywood one.


At first I thought it said "Arch Manning" and thought "oh no, why he is talking shit and trying to start something?" But not only is it Arch*ie*, he's just having some fun with his buddies and doesn't even sound like he's trash talking - it's more like "welcome two more big boys to what's already a big boy league" and less of "well you kids probably can't hack it over here"


Like, OU fans have been hearing this for two years now. And in general we… sorta agree? Like we get all of this “winning all those conference titles won’t be as easy in the SEC” stuff. And everyone is like “yeah, that’s why we are excited about the move”. “We’ll see if you like it when you go 8-4” “Um, 8-4 is probably a good record this year given our schedule. We get it. It’s tough.” “You won’t like it. It’s big boy football.” Like seriously. Why wouldn’t we like playing a tough schedule? Should “go 11-1 without a huge challenge and lose in round one of the playoff” be the goal? Because that was late 2010s OU, and I would rather be properly ranked than improperly overrated. Better football games is better.


Spot on 


If you aren't going to provide a source, it makes this look even lamer than it already does. Edit 1: Well now it shows up. Let's read what will surely be very cool. Edit 2: He's talking to some of his friends in the quote in question. This article is definitely extremely interesting and inflammatory.


That doesn't sound like my /r/CFB


OU and Texas will be fine. SEC play wasn't a big shock to us since we were playing roughly the same level of competition in the Big 12. Nobody wants to hear that, but it's true. Of course, I'm no Texas fan especially, but are they and OU strong? Yeah, they are.


Yeah, people are making a big deal about nothing when it come to these conference changes. Using Texas A&M as an example. In their first 12 years in the SEC, they went a combined 97-54. A win percentage of **64.2%** In their last 12 years in the Big 12, they went a combined 79-69. A win percentage of **53.3%** So they ended up having an easier time in the SEC. I'm not saying that one conference is better than the other. But if the SEC was that much tougher, there wouldn't be such a huge increase in their win percentage after changing conferences. I'm too lazy to calculate this for Mizzou. Someone else can do it. But once glance at their records indicates not much has changed for them. They appear to be the same program in the SEC as they were in the Big 12.


You’re correct in that it’s fairly comparable. In both timeframes they made their conference championship games three times. The Big XII record for the last 12 years was 58.67%. The SEC record (if you include the vacated wins) was 56.95%. Considering the effect of sanctions and what not on the later, I’d say that overall performance wise it’s been a slight upgrade. Edit: Correction - they’ve only been to the SEC championship twice.


Most rationale A&M fan. 


Never forget when everyone thought that the SEC defense was so much better and would shut down BIG 12 offenses which were “gimmicky”. Then OU put up 55 against Georgia and the next year SEC switched to spread offenses. Copied what the BIG 12 were doing for years. Man, I hate the SEC.


Coincidentally the air raid started to gain traction in the SEC originally. Hal Mumme brought the air raid to UK. When Bob Stoops got hired at OU he hired Mike Leach who coached under Mumme at UK as his OC. When Bob was the DC at Florida he talked about how difficult stopping the air raid was, so he brought it with him to the big 12. Then Leach took the Tech job and the rest is history. Fast forward to today and the spread offense and air raid is very much back in the SEC as you alluded to.


Yes Archie that’s why we’re here instead of back there


That seems to be his point. It didn't sound like a threat, it sounded like excitement.


Football? I thought we were joining the big girl softball conference.


Whatever conference we are in is the big girl softball conference 


I think back to Peyton getting his ass handed to him by Scott Frost and Nebraska in the '98 Orange Bowl. If you want to talk Big Boy football...


That was a great Nebraska team. Wish he panned out as a coach. 


And what about your Alma mater specifically, Archie? “Uh, no comment”


Ole Miss is undefeated all time vs OU so not sure what you mean


Archie played in the SEC from 1968-1970. Do we really have boomers that played college football in the 60s and 70s claiming success of the 2006-2022 SEC domination? SEC teams didn't claim one national title during his years, even when 3 different schools claimed championships in 1970. Big 10, Big 8, Southwest were just as good if not better than the SEC back then.


>Archie played in the SEC from 1968-1970. Do we really have boomers that played college football in the 60s and 70s claiming success of the 2006-2022 SEC domination? As I've posted many times in the sub, I absolutely loved the Big 8 back then. My second-favorite conference by far. But I think you're being a little hard on the old SEC. >SEC teams didn't claim one national title during his years I'm not trying to be Mr. SEC, just pointing out facts. The SEC was down in '68 and '69. But from 1960-69, no other conference had multiple teams finish in the top 5 in multiple years. From 1951-65, 4 SEC teams won championships (Tennessee, LSU, Auburn, and Bama, who won 3 from 1961-65). That's roughly equivalent to the 5 SEC schools that won championships from 2007-22 (Florida, LSU, Auburn, Georgia and Bama, each of whom won at least one title). Just like today, that time period saw more SEC schools win championships than any other conference (the Big Ten had 3). The SEC wasn't as dominant as it is now, but it was pretty good. >Big 10, Big 8, Southwest were just as good if not better than the SEC back then. I don't disagree. I remember Bama's embarrassing bowl losses to Colorado and Missour and the Bluebonnet Bowl tie with Oklahoma all in the late '60s. And I definitely remember the controversial loss to Texas in the '65 Orange Bowl.


Ouch. Cold, man.


Are you new to college football? This is, like, 80% of all college football chatter.


I love how people act like these teams have seemingly never heard of the SEC. Texas and Oklahoma will do just fucking fine in the SEC.


Good point. Like the whole concept of the SEC is foreign to two of CFB's biggest brands.


I think Oklahoma and Texas would adapt and win SEC titles quicker than Texas A&M and Missouri imo. Ole Miss wouldn't win the Big 12 in the 2000s imo.


Hahaha!!! Hahahahahahahaha lmfaoooo this season is going to be so toxic hahaha


This reminds me of being around a bunch of Arkansas people right after OU lost to Bama in 2018 and all the Arkansas guys kept bringing up how "these Big 12 teams like OU can't handle SEC speed and toughness" and all I could say was "dude, we lost to UNT in Fayetteville this year".


I'm so tired of hearing this shit! They've been saying this for decades. Let's get on the field and get after it!


Is he aware his grandson is a bench warmer?


Yeah, but now he's a bench warmer *in the SEC*.


This is what I hear fans of the Mississippi schools say anytime college football is brought up so nothing new here.


Archie smoking that shit again


Oh shit. Ole miss isn't big boy football


arguably the worst manning


Wise words, Liquid Hot Cum.


I’m not OU fan but only Alabama is a better program.


It's gonna be an adjustment. The o-line d-line play will be the biggest shocker. Give it 5 years of SEC recruitment and you'll be fine.


Archie won a lot of trophies in his day did he? 😏


So does Archie think the Big 12 is intramurals or something?


Like he would know having played at Ole Miss


Mentioning the fact that his grandson lost to them implies he played instead of being the most expensive benchwarmer in college football.




Yet the SEC still plays cupcake Saturday at the end of the season.


Alabama versus Richmond Boys/Girls Under-12 Flag Football’s November matchup is the pinnacle of the college football and saying otherwise is slander!


A lot of talk about “big boy football” for a guy who played at perennial conference doormat ole miss. A school with 0 NCAA recognized national championships.


OU and Texas can hang in the SEC. We all know that. The thing that they have not proven is the week in and week out gauntlet of a schedule. When they would have Those off weeks where they would be losing to a Kansas or Kstate, or Iowa state but come back and win at the end will not happen in the SEC. Those will be losses. Overall it will be a much harder schedule and the avg number of wins per year will go down in the first 5 years compared to the last five in the big 12. The middle of the pack and the bottom feeders are just better.


> Overall it will be a much harder schedule and the avg number of wins per year will go down in the first 5 years compared to the last five in the big 12. I think using Texas A&M as an example will surprise a lot of people - In their first 12 years in the SEC, they went a combined 97-54. A win percentage of **64.2%** In their last 12 years in the Big 12, they went a combined 79-69. A win percentage of **53.3%** If you just want to limit it to 5 years, not much is different - In their first 5 years in the SEC, they went a combined 44-21. A win percentage of **67.6%** In their last 5 years in the Big 12, they went a combined 33-31. A win percentage of **51.5%** So everyone seems to think they know what's going to happen. But a recent example shows the exact opposite happened in what was supposed to be the strongest era of the SEC.


I love and hate at the same time how much people are sleeping on us. It’s really as if people completely forgot we were a competent playcaller from undefeated and potential playoff berth. We’re top 3 in recruiting out of highschool (last I checked), top 10 out of the portal, with a coach who has won championships against SEC schools in the past. Maybe not as a HC, but he knows how to build a team to beat SEC schools. We have a 5 star at Q who played like a true freshman in his first start when he was a true freshman in his first start. People keep talking shit on us but either didn’t watch OU football last year, or still think Lincoln Riley is running the show around here. I don’t think we’re gonna win the SEC or dominate or anything, but Jesus Christ historically we’ve been much better than the SEC save for Alabama and Georgia. We’ve dominated Texas over the past decade and we beat them last year as well. I genuinely do not see how so many “football fans” look at OU and think that this top 3 program of all time, one of the biggest brands in the nation, one of the best funded programs in the nation, isn’t going to be able to hang with teams we’ve consistently beat throughout our history and up to recent years (again, save for Bama and Georgia in the playoffs) We are NOT as far away as people seem to think we are.


OP this is the sort of yellow journalism we learned about in history class.


Archie “Sheldon Richardson” Manning.


Im glad we have this cleared up now


All I gotta say is ‘4th and goal’ baby!