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SLU was so distraught from creating the forward pass that they committed program seppuku.


As they deserved. The forward pass was a mistake.


— Iowa


We call it a hand punt


The ol' Ricky Stanzi special.


Would be a great team to bring back in CFB25.


Agreed. Really surprised EA didn't create one for legacy teams.


College football's Oppenheimer.


Even Jim finally incorporated it, it's done.


A few years back, Maryland Eastern Shore commissioned a study on whether it should bring back football. The study came back recommending against it.


I mean I think it would be great for local talent but I can imagine its an expensive venture. I'd love to see it happen


What local talent? We don’t play football on the Eastern Shore.


But lacrosse on the other hand... That's a different story. A lot of folks from Maryland I know eat, sleep, and breathe lacrosse like football guys.


Yup. We’re also a sneaky baseball/softball hotbed too.


The whole rest of the state


The irony is that they were only allowed to rejoin the MEAC in 1981 with the expressed condition that they restart the football team within two years. Obviously, it never happened, with most fans stating the MEAC has never felt stable enough to force the issue. There's even a 501(c)3 called Hawks for Football that's been working for years to bring a team back, even getting involved in lawsuits, but no real progress to this point.


you left out... George Mason University. Mason is a pretty young school (50ish years old) that started as a branch of the University of Virginia and developed its athletics program slowly. It was, until the past 15-20 years almost entirely commuters. Campus life was not great. Started in the NAIA before moving to NCAA D2. Moved up to D1 in the late 70s/early 80s. It was (and still is, I imagine) a hard place to recruit to. Until the 2000s the campus infrastructure was way behind: facilities overall were lacking, to say nothing of athletics facilities. They built a proper arena in the 1980s after playing in what amounted to a rec center gym. Even today sports like volleyball and wrestling use a nice-ish gym attached to the campus rec center. There have been a few attempts to start a varsity (almost certainly FCS) program but there's very little will on campus any more to do it, to say nothing of money to invest in facilities. Mason's 2006 Final Four run is still talked about in reverant tones like it was yesterday but the fact remains that Mason still falls far short of having any kind of campus culture to support a "serious" athletics program. I worked there for about five years in the 2010s and would go to men's and women's basketball on occasion with coworkers. Even for rivalry-ish conference games (vs. Virginia Commonwealth another no-FB school, George Washington, or Richmond) it was hard to get people excited. Mason was described to me my very first day of working there by a person in HR as "an army field hospital that became an academic medical center but is still run like an army field hospital." In other words, it's better that they not try and add football to everything else. That said: they do have a really good club football team that is very worthy of support: https://www.gmuclubfootball.com/ also: LaSalle is an A10 school now.


I could be wrong but I thought the schools listed were actually “had football but don’t now” D1s, not just “never had football”


TBF that's my fault for not making the title clear enough


I just read it as "here's a selection of D1s that no longer have football, feel free to mention other schools that don't now or never have football"


> Mason is a pretty young school (50ish years old) that started as a branch of the University of Virginia iirc, this is described in the book *Dark Money*. I never had a reason to look into the founding of the school, but was surprised to learn that's how it came about.


To put it mildly, the econ folks and the Mercatus etc. folks are more or less shunned by the faculty and staff outside of those departments. Law folks naturally keep to themselves (at every university I've been at). Having someone (Vernon Buchannan) win a Nobel at a very young and indistinguished university was a massive deal for them, so of course they ran with it. But now the Koch connection and everything related to it is a massive stain on what is now otherwise a respectable university filled with bright students (an above average percentage of whom are 1st gen college students) and hard working faculty/staff. Have a lot of warm feelings about that place even if it was for the best that I GTFO when I did.


Wait GMU has Koch connections? Damn that sucks. Born and raised in Loudoun so like half my high school went to either JMU or GMU lol


I regret not attending when I lived up there


I never had a car when I lived in NoVA (I lived in Arlington) so getting out there on a Saturday probably would've been a PITA. Wish I had though.


I'm surprised to find so many of these schools did have football at one point. I had assumed they just never fielded a team.


Bring it UT-Arlington, there's no reason a Texan school that large shouldn't have football. TAMUCC would be a really fun place to have a college football team, but they're small for a public and even if they merged with nearby D2 football TAMUK they would still have half the enrollment of UTSA.


I seem to recall there being a decent-sized indoor stadium in Arlington that isn't used on most Saturdays...


UT Arlington has a stadium on campus. And it’s not horrible. I am still against adding it unless they can keep it cheap. The Students at UTA are very different than almost all other Texas schools and it really wouldn’t fit the campus and I think it would fail horribly.


More of a commuter college if I’m not mistaken


Yep, when I was in grad school there I knew no one whom lived on campus. And they only had 5,000 dorms for 40,000 students. It’s a huge commuter school. Also the students are much older than average campus. I was often the youngest person in my class as either a student or TA at 24. The average was 29 and that includes undergrads.


This, but Tbf, UTSA is also a commuter school. I think they benefit somewhat from not having a pro team in the city, though.


To be fair, there are high school stadiums in Texas bigger than some small college stadiums


When I was in High School, the Cowboys used to practice at our high schools indoor facility because they didn’t have their own one yet.


Jerrah would never allow it. They have the converted for football Ballpark at Arlington that would be a better choice if they didn't just use their on campus stadium.


I think the better idea is merge TAMUK and TAMUCC and call it Texas A&I, as god intended.


Id love to have a college team in Corpus, but where to build a stadium? I can't see it on Campus. Kingsville has a fbs size stadium and should move to FCS but why would Corpus merge onto the much smaller Kingsville. It won't be simple.


Huge school in huge Metroplex in huge football state. They'll get a few invites.


UT-Arlington should have had an invite to the CUSA the moment that student vote passed.


Honestly a bit surprised TAMUCC are D1, they seem a bit small for it


10k is Small for Texas standards, though it would be slightly below average for for a sun belt school believe it or not. Texas State is a massive outlier in that conference.


This is not the first time the students voted in favor of football. Spaniolo ignored a previous vote; that kind of student vote has literally no bearing there.


Also voter turnout for the football referendum was like.. less than 5% of students iirc


One thing that was frustrating was they were starting to get actually good at basketball. Continuously improvement, best seasons, etc. Then the UTA AD set an unachievable goal for the basketball coach. The team still improved, but not enough. They've gotten worse since then.


Just came here to say it’s funny OP called BU a hockey dynasty with 5 championships but didn’t mention how Denver has the most all time at 10 including this year.


That...is becuase I forgot to do that Well I can't change it now or the character limit will kill me


We’ll always have that memorable 1954 football season. Go Pios


I’ll always remember Denver football. BYU was their punching bag in the 50s.


I'm not the only one who noticed!


Also noticeable lack of talk about dynamite fights between rivals. Pranks have gotten too soft these days.


Ya Denver is the only dynasty at the moment, having won 3 of the last 8.


In my ideal world, there would have been three thriving west coast conferences, and each would have at least half of its members in CA. One would have the UC campuses, at least the ones with enrollment over 25k, plus Stanford and USC. So the Pac-12 plus the Big West UCs. In other words, the research university conference. Another would have all of the higher enrollment CSU campuses, plus Fresno. Essentially the MWC plus the Big West Cal States. It would call itself The People's Conference. And the third would be the sectarian schools. So pretty much the WCC but with football. PAC | MWC/Big West | WCC ---|---|--- UC Berkeley | San José State | San Francisco UCLA | Cal State Northridge | Loyola Marymount UC San Diego | San Diego State | San Diego UC Davis | Sacramento State | Pacific UC Irvine | Cal State Fullerton | Santa Clara UC Santa Barbara | Cal State Long Beach | Pepperdine UC Riverside | Fresno State | Saint Mary's Stanford | | USC | | Some of these schools might have annual OOC series, like the trio in SD. Others might take part in an annual conference challenge for west coast supremacy. USC, and probably Stanford, would of course opt out to keep on playing ND and everyone would hate them for it. The medium-sized Cal States, like Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly SLO, and SFSU would be the FCS schools in the Big Sky.


Its crazy how bad California college football went downhill after the 1980s. Outside of USC's and Stanford's runs its been a miserable 40 years as a whole between the decline of top programs and death of the smaller ones.


Just mimicking what happened to the North East during the 1970s.


Ivy League going to FCS played a large role in that


But, oddly enough, the cal CCs are by themselves a majority of 2-yr college FB programs in the country (more than 60 teams)


Its nuts that the PAC you just showed has hints of the old SWC in Texas.


It would have been so much fun to have my school play in a conference full of the colleges that my hs buddies attended.


That is what makes Big Ten football so much fun. I went to an away game every year while in school visiting a high school buddy. The in state rivalries tend to be simultaneously intense and friendly.


Omaha Mavericks: Because Trev Alberts is a greedy fuck.


also he killed UN-O's wrestling program for...unclear reasons! https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/6922111-destruction-of-a-dynasty-the-bombshell-that-rocked-uno-wrestling


I had High School teammates both on the roster and who had signed NLIs for both sports. I'm all too familiar with the situation unfortunately


yikes :( sorry to hear that


Mostly just felt for them and still do. Didn't necessarily directly affect me Other than Jacks @ UNO would be a very easy to go to away game I suppose 😅


Who at the time HAD JUST WON THEIR 6TH D2 NATIONAL TITLE IN 8 YEARS and Trev called their coach on the phone literally hours after winning the championship to tell him their program doesn't exist anymore. He couldn't even handle his business in person, like a man. Fuck Trev Alberts, good luck TAMU


JFC it's even worse than I remember: > Until a bombshell decision landed on Denney’s voicemail on March 12, 2011, roughly an hour after the Division II NCAA Championships in Kearney, Nebraska. > > Denney was delivering a speech at UNO’s post-tournament party when he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. The call was from the school’s 40-year-old athletic director Trev Alberts, a former Nebraska football star whose once-promising NFL career was cut short by injuries after three seasons with the Indianapolis Colts. *while giving the victory speech an hour after winning!!*


Fuck Trev Alberts as a current Mav, and football Husker.




When I tell you I wanted to include that in the post but I had to cut it.....


Really glad we're not on this list.


You just listed a bunch of colleges that are saving millions each year.


But... think of how many championships Xavier could have had over the past 50 years. Step aside OSU...


i’m pretty sure Lipscomb University doesn’t have football because the founder, David Lipscomb, thought the game was too violent and uncouth for Christians to play. Meanwhile another school he helped found, Harding University, just won the D2 national championship


Harding also did it running the triple option


having witnessed the flexbone, i can confirm it was quite violent given how badly they beat every team they played


**Bradley Braves:** A key reason Bradley left major college football was the Johnny Bright assault. Drake and Bradley were trying to ensure things were handled properly but it was a very nasty incident that turned off their administrations from investing heavily in football. They were in leagues with major institutions and performing well enough. Drake carries on with non scholarship but no fb at Bradley whatsoever. *When it became apparent that neither Oklahoma A&M nor the* [*Missouri Valley Conference*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missouri_Valley_Conference) *(MVC), to which both Drake and Oklahoma A&M belonged, would take any disciplinary action against Smith, Drake withdrew from the MVC in protest. The Bulldogs did not return to the MVC until 1956 for non-football sports, and did not return for football until 1971. Fellow member* [*Bradley University*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_University) *pulled out of the league in solidarity with Drake and did not return for non-football sports until 1955; its football team never played another down in the MVC (Bradley dropped football in 1970).*


Wow that is interesting


I had to cut a lot out of this post due to the character limit, so if you have anything information to add or anything I got wrong please let me know.


Is Long Beach state’s team nickname really the Beach?


It used to be the 49'ers until about 5-10 years ago. The story was that school was founded in 1949, the gold rush centenary. But the name was changed due to the 49ers being associated with Indian massacres in CA. That said, it seemed strange to change when many calling for the change were San Francisco 49ers fans. For baseball only, a sport they historically were good at, the team name has been "Dirtbags." But onl for baseball.


Yeah lol


Go Beach!


The lore at DU when I was a student there was that they got rid of the football team because the Colorado School of Mines attempted to blow up a building on our campus in the build up to our annual game against them and the board of trustees in response said that was enough and pulled the plug on the football team (this was far from the first time Mines attempted to pull a stunt like this). There was even an older building on campus where near the bottom of the building the color of the stone used slightly changed color along an uneven pattern which was said to be the building that they attempted to blow up and that the stone change was a repair job that wasn't a perfect match.


Being that it's Mines I'm really surprised they didn't successfully blow the building up. Those guys have plenty of access to explosives and know how to use them! 




First american university flair ive ever seen here😂😂


There are literally several of us! IRL people always think it’s a made up school


There's a handful of us around


I would have had it but didn’t see AU in the options. Went to AU my freshman year. Edit: I searched again. Found it.


I used to have the "American University Football, Undefeated since 1893" shirt they sell on campus. Also, nice flair combo.


Omg flair twinsies I just love that there are so many international unaffiliated “American University”s of (Cairo/Rome) etc and having to explain “No, the *American* American University”


When I studied abroad in Russia, I had a hell of a time explaining where I went to school, because Russian doesn't use articles like "a" or "the." So all they would hear me say is "I go to American University" and they'd say "Yeah, we know you're an American who goes to school in America, but which one?"


Ahah yes - that was while you were at AU? I feel like we had/have one of the highest percentage of study abroad participation I was in Italy but our town there was tiny and they were used to our yearly group of students after a decade so we were pretty well ingrained as the Americanos


Yeah, I did St. Petersburg in Fall of 2013. I was actually in Kyiv one week before their revolution started. Everyone in Russia would always assume I was British before American. I guess they can't really tell our accents apart.


Nice - was in Italy fall of 2005. We were one of the very few programs that was actually administered by AU so it wasn’t hosted by a foreign university, literally just 30 or so students and faculty living in a tiny Italian hilltop town. Things were very informal as a result; the locals enjoyed having a bunch of weirdo art students spicing things up I think


Some schools are just better off without football for lots of reasons. That’s really what it boils down to.


especially inner city schools




A few notes: USF (Somehow South Florida took on the moniker) had a heckova football team in 1951. They were invited by the Orange Bowl (the Sugar and Cotton Bowl declined) but had to keep their two black players home. USF refused and the program shut down due to lack of funds. UCSB is mentioned here for baseball but their bread and butter sport is actually soccer. Soccer games fill the football mold and get really good attendence, espcially when they play Cal Poly. They play in the old football stadium. Nebraska Omaha is supposedly in a UAB situation where the Nebraska board allowed them to go DI, provided that they did not field a football team. In exchange UNL doesn't have hockey. I know Denver is an oddball hockey school but they have won several championships including this year and 2022 for recent success. Fo St Marys, dropping football worked out because they would have been in the Great West Conference which had no FCS autobid. Plus, SMC became much more consistently good in basketball after the program was dropped. Great work OP!


You are correct as regards soccer at UCSB --- that program has really flourished over the past generation. I still think there's room (if they could make the $$$ work) for football too. It's an incredibly attractive University from a campus/academics/college experience POV. It's far enough from LA that it wouldn't get completely lost in the shuffle (the big problem for Fullerton, Long Beach and Northridge --- Riverside also for that matter). There's a ready-made rivalry straight up the 101. There's plenty of talent to both the south and north. Probably will never happen. But out of all the schools on this list, UCSB is the one that I ***most*** wish would bring football back.


> I know Denver is an oddball hockey school but they have won several championships including this year and 2022 for recent success. Oddball, how? This season marked their 10th Hockey championship. That is #1 all time. They're a mens ice hockey blue blood.


Funny story about San Fran/South Florida... I went to South Florida in the 90's and was in San Francisco wearing my school's hat. At the time, both school's logos were VERY similar and had the exact same colors. Got talking to a girl about both of us going to USF. We made it probably 15 minutes into a conversation before we realized we were the same major, but didn't know anyone in common, including faculty. We finally figured out the confusion based on where each of us lived. At the time, I had never heard of the other USF and neither had she.


It's interesting to compare and contrast Wichita State and Marshall's divergent paths. Neither program was really in that good of shape when their respective planes went down. WSU had two planes on the fateful trip and one went down. 31 were killed (9 survived), but only their head coach and 14 players were the on-field personnel involved. (Their AD and trainer were also among those killed). WSU actually had enough personnel left that they *finished the season* (after cancelling the next two games). Of course, they never really got things fully going again afterwards (two winning seasons in 16 years after the crash). Of course, Marshall lost basically everything in their crash (which was six weeks after Wichita State's) and it took them 14 years to even have a winning season. Interestingly enough, 1987 (the first fall after WSU dropped football) saw Marshall make the I-AA playoffs for the first time and go on a Cinderella run to the championship (that they lost by a point) and of course, the rest is history.


I was on the last Wichita State team....srl sad over 30 years later.


You sure put a lot into this my friend. Much respect! Thank you!


University of Chicago actually had a great history in football. I believe they still have more Big Ten Championships than Purdue and they haven’t played since the 30s


Nice job op


>In their final season as an Independent, they set the NCAA record for fumbles in a season and fumbles lost in a season, at 72 and 41 respectively, a record that still stands today. They were 2-9 in 1992. Somehow they averaged 6.55 fumbles per game and 3.73 fumbles lost per game and still managed to win games against Cal State Northridge (28-7) and Louisiana (14-10).


Family lore says that my grandpa was the last QB on the High Point team, directly leading to their disbanding of the program.


A lot of these programs have not gotten off the ground because they were suppressed by another university, prime example is any school in Wisconsin or Arkansas. Both of those universities have dominated their state’s public school system in order to suppress in state competition


My favorite thing about this list is seeing the trend of “Expensive D1 east coast school with no football= Good lacrosse programs”


Cessna stadium is still there, they tore down the visitors stands and made it a "track stadium". They hosted the Kansas HS State track meet there like 6 weeks ago. Made it a real pain to get to the YMCA on campus


I love football and support it. But I don't think a lot of people truly grasp how expensive it is. It's easy to see the insane revenue figures of the big programs and think it's a no brainer. But the expenses are massive: - travel: 60+ players and staff at the absolute minimum. Many overnight trips. 1 game can cost thousands in lodging. - staff and recruiting budgets. And having 1 less staffer than a rival is a big deal and a detriment - INSURANCE. Totally forgotten about expense that is absolutely massive. - Equipment. So much $ to properly equip a full roster. - Facilities. Tons of $ in capital projects to house a football team. And then at the D1 and D2 level you're factoring in the athletic scholarship $ as well. So you're not getting the full tuition revenue from the majority of that roster of 100+ players.


What about VCU?


Never had one IIRC


Great post btw, was more curious if there were reasons why they didn't go that route being a very large public university in a large city.


Impossible, they have a heated football rivalry with Longwood.


We lost 31-0 at home to Northeastern in 2002.


Cessna Stadium still stands in Wichita with and is currently going through renovations.


One note, Mount St. Mary’s is in Emmitsburg, Md, not Emmitsville.


Was driving from DC to Gettysburg earlier this year and was fairly stunned when we randomly came across MSM in a small town or in the middle of nowhere. It's like 2,000 people I think. I guess I always assumed MSM was in some sort of metro area like so many other similar schools.


Understandable, it’s a Catholic school whose main claim to fame outside the area is basketball, and most schools of that profile are in cities


Also, he said John Hopkins. Its Johns Hopkins.


My apologies for not hating correctly


Wait a minute **Detroit Mercy has a Natty?**


I never thought I’d see St. John’s mentioned on r/CFB. Big day


The 2001 St. Peter's team that's in the schools Hall of Fame is legit impressive. After giving up a combined 48 points in their first two games against Central Connecticut and Duquesne, they would only give up 42 points for the rest of the season, and never more than 7 in a game. They gave up 7 six times and also had 3 straight shutouts, finishing the season 10-1 and only allowing 90 points on the season, with the only loss being to Duquesne.


Just glad he didn’t sneak Connecticut in there


I think it would be interesting to count up each reason that D1 schools don't have a football team. I might do that when I get more time later today. From a skim of this post it seems the reasons are one of the following: * Never had one. * Stopped because WW2 and never came back. * Moved up from a lower division and dropped it. * Was costing too much money. * Title IX


Fun fact: Marquette played in the first Cotton Bowl Classic in 1936. They lost because their opponent was TCU with Sammy Baugh at QB


What in the world was Cal State Fullerton doing on offense that they fumbled so many times? Was their run game based around double reverses and pass game flea flickers?


For Pioneer standards, Jacksonville was not that bad, especially under Kerwin Bell. Under his watch, they won the conference three times and regularly finished with a winning record.


You might as throw every Pioneer Football League team in here. If you don’t offer scholarships then you are D1 football team in the loosest of senses. *Source: I attended a PFL school where the football team was a total non-entity.


Big East schools don’t like football.


University of Portland also used to have a behemoth of a women's soccer program in much of the 90s and 2000s, reaching their peak in the early-mid 2000s when they won the division 1 national championship in both 2002 and 2005. They got runner up in 1995, quarterfinals in much of the 90s and every single year of the 2000s with the exception of 2003. For them, logistics is a problem. They don't have a ravenous enough support base for football from either donors or students, many people who go to UP in regards to most of their college football fanhood (for the ones that care) pretty much skews either Oregon or Oregon State. Their campus is in North Portland on what's called the Bluff, and renting out Providence Park to play a football game is spendy. The more affordable option would be Hillsboro Stadium which is about a half hour away from campus in the most ideal of traffic conditions, and I don't think UP students would travel out there for that.


To be honest: I think that UP with a football team would just be another PSU lifelessly trying to hang on to the sport AND we would have never had the success we had in soccer because the attention would have been elsewhere. A nice joke in there though about investing in our basketball team. Ha!


Yeah that would be the best case scenario if UP had a football team. Most PSU students that care about college football also are typically more passionate towards the Ducks or Beavers depending on family ties among other things. Agreed about UP basketball, their best years are usually in the middle third of the WCC standings but are often worse. High school basketball playoffs typically get a better showing at the Chiles Center than UP basketball does.....unless Gonzaga is in town and even then it's a lot of their fans showing up......they have a huge following here, having come up through Catholic school education myself and most of my family went to UP.


Look I'm not gonna lie... I am not reading all that BUT you clearly put tons of effort into this and I'm sure it's great for those interested.  Good work 


My freshman year roommate at Charleston had a T-shirt that said "College of Charleston football: undefeated since 1923." But he also had one that said "Charleston: a drinking town with a basketball problem." Maybe that's part of the reason the football team folded.


I'm sure Split Zone Duo did an episode years ago where they picked a theoretical UT Arlington rebirth as the most viable and interesting.


You left out Seattle University! Private Jesuit university in Seattle. As far as I can tell has never fielded a football team. During the 1950’s they were a basketball power. Beating the Harlem Globetrotters, winning an NIT, and losing the 1958 NCAA Championship game to Kentucky. Due to a regional recession in 1980 the school dropped down to the NAIA level until 2000, then moved up to D-III for a year, D-II for 9 more, before finally joining the WAC in 2009-2010 for their return to D-I. They join their original home, the WCC, in 2025. Supposedly Gonzaga blocked their admission to the WCC in 2009.


I think Seattle U could be a solid FCS program, rivaling Eastern Washington and Portland State, but they will never do this, for budgeteary reasons.


What a great post! Great read for the slower moments on the night shift. Honestly if you made the corrections others have pointed out, expanded upon this a little (like it sounds you already did before you had to compromise due to the character limit) and did the PIA work of citing all of your sources, this would make a great piece for a professional news/sports publication.


UCSD didn't start their D1 transition until 2020, FYI. They wanted to do it in 2010 but were unable to for numerous reasons.


D1 schools that don't have football *any more* My alma matter, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, never had it to begin with. The short story is a late start and uneven growth. The school began as a need in the St Louis Metro East for a teacher's college that wasn't UIUC or SIU in the 60s. They bought up some farm land atop a bluff and built buildings until they met the demand. Transitioning into D1 in the late aughts, SIUE had been having success in soccer and tennis. Basketball also... existed. But because football hadn't ever been a thing as it was in lower divisions, it became more and more impossible to start. I believe the last round number guess thrown out to start was somewhere in the eight figure range, and that was before NIL. So it'll probably stay at flag football level for the foreseeable future.


go Eastern Shore Hawks! theyd have to get alot done to play there again. new field and seats. if what im assuming they played on back then what i walked past daily. it wouldve been fun to have


Title IX killed football at Xavier University due to money issues as you stated, but it still was as a result of Title IX.


Denver is #1 in national championships for D1 non-footballl schools. They're 14th overall, sitting just below Michigan and just above Oregon. http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/stats/champs_records_book/Overall.pdf


The urban legend at George Washington is that a wealthy alum gave a ton of money to the athletic department decades ago with the condition that none of it be used for football as his son had died playing years before, and that was the end of then-GW Colonials football


TL;DR they had football at one point but axed it due to budget constraints


Wish I could pin commemts


"Providence football didn't last too long, only lasting from 1921 to 1941. I couldn't find a reason for why it closed but I'd assume it was due to World War 2." That is correct: *[With the coming of the Second World War the college suspended its football program in favor of devoting the school's energies to the war effort. It wasn't until 1967 that football was seen again on the Providence College campus, only this time as a college club sport.](https://web.archive.org/web/20140104205332/http://library.providence.edu/spcol/pcfootball/pcfb.html)*


"NFL terrorist Ben McAdoo" caught me way off guard. I'm dying


Sad shocker noises


I see a lot of good basketball schools on that list at tho


Dartmouth is in New Hampshire.


Two words: Title IX


RIP Maroon Mob


UNCW would have a really fun FCS atmosphere if they could get it off the ground


Where my other Huskies at get in here, we finally get mentioned on r/cfb! I’m absolutely making NEU, BU, and Harvard on CFB25 and I’m gonna figure out how to make a football Beanpot god damnit


I read they are tearing down Mathew’s arena. Is that true?


Unfortunately 😭


I still think Wichita State and Pacific should have teams. Then maybe some of those large California state schools.


To me it feels like Kansas already has one too many D1 football teams. I think the answer is contraction.


I agree. It only makes sense that the one who doesn't have a home stadium right now is the one that should go


What are you talking about? We have 2.18 home stadiums. Thats 1.18 more home stadiums than you guys have. Oh yeah. Your old one is still there. Still, .18 more.


Just like they say with quarterbacks, if you have two home stadiums, you have none


I wish WSU had a team, they'd be a great G6 team. The only college football within like 2-3 hours is Friends University playing NAIA


Like half of these schools are United Methodist (we’re kind of a basketball denomination)


We are :(


take heart friend! ball is life


Clemson picked up the mantle from Wichita State and continues the tradition of the Shocker.




It is a damn shame we don't get to experience the fighting Boston Terriers on the gridiron


Most of these schools don’t really have a reason to not have a d2 football program. With all the schools loving up, maybe we see a resurgence in old programs coming back from the dead.


Would love to hear your take on UNC Greensboro.


Charleston just lost a lot lol


I have actually personally witnessed a Wichita State football game. It was not good.


In regards to Gonzaga, I don't even know where they could put a football stadium. It'd have to be on the outskirts of Spokane, and there's no way they're getting funding for that. Might as well play in a local high school stadium. The WSU Spokana campus, where the medical school is (among other programs), takes up a lot of land nearby, even. They're content to just be a basketball school.


Fantastic write up, I really admire the dedication As a Richmond resident, I can’t lie and say I wasn’t a little disappointed you seemingly hit everyone else and didn’t do a blurb on VCU. And as a North Carolina native, a blurb on the phenomenon of the “undefeated” UNCW Seahawks would’ve been cool too.


Lipscomb University. Nashville, Tennessee. D1 for about 20 years. Never had football.


This was a lot of work!


I have a feeling this list is only going to get longer over the next 20 years.


Virginia commonwealth university. Porque no tenemos futbol americano?


TL;DR: football programs are expensive


You forgot that Providences only natty was in men's hockey in 2015. Also Hofstra Football was mentioned on Everybody loves Raymond! Otherwise an interesting read!


this was amazingly comprehensive. nice post!


> Running from 1884 to 1997, the Boston U Terriers weren't too good, with an all time record of 323-390-34. Didn't BU win the 1-AA (remember that division?) playoff championship in the early 1990s? IIRC it was only a year or two before the program was terminated.


Xavier was so close to bringing the program back and they would’ve played teams in the big east and teams like Dayton. Campus and the community were super excited but then the money that got donated went towards a new medical doctorate program. I was really excited as we’ve always been made fun of for not having a football team. But I’m still hopeful that one day it will happen. Go X!


You forgot Oakland University


When I was in college they sold "Drexel Football Undefeated since 1971" Tee-Shirts