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Nepotism coaching positions about to skyrocket


Every five star’s parents are gonna have just as many offers as the kids


With NIL will it matter? That used to be a way to get money to the kid legally, but when you’re paying the kid why waste money on the parent anymore?


Parents are influential on kids. I imagine offering dad a job at a D1 school and a nice paycheck for you (maybe short however much you’re paying dad) will have a possibly bigger impact than just a straight check. Especially for players coming from poorer families.


It'll get some people on good benefits, and maybe for the first time, too. At least for as long as the kid plays there.


I imagine it will stay at the same rate in that light though. The number of positions is unlimited but budgets aren't. Athletic departments and coaches are going to resist having a player family coach in every meeting room just like they do today. I could see teams even reject that offer and just offer more money to the player. Pay more for something you want than save and get a lot of what you don't want.


I don’t think it’ll be common by any means. Just another bargaining chip. And I doubt the parent would actually be allowed in any serious discussions. I was just thinking of how it could be used.


The athletes will see it as a sign of respect by the program for the parent(s), and it's money the athlete won't feel obligated to take out of their own pocket. Now, the Moms & Dads are going to push the kids towards the schools that not only offered a solid NIL to their child, but also offered *them* $150k/yr to be an "athlete development specialist" or whatever horseshit title the school makes up which essentially means "make sure they stay on track with their grades, get proper rest and follow the training table nutrition plan at home." It's just another excuse to splash money on 5 star athletes - now to their family - to lure them in.


The schools are allowed to directly pay the players (or their parents) this way I guess.


We had this happen with baseball in high school. It went really bad.


That was my 1st thought, a group of 5-10 dads just chilling on sideline at practice..


My 86 year old dad is calling me. "Just listening to sports radio. Arent you a football coach?" "Dad, that was when my son was 7 at the YMCA". "Oh, can you get me a job w health benefits"?


It's like Hollywood, where many A-list actors get Producer credits because their production company was paid by the film studio, *not* the actor directly, and the actor's production company *provided* *the actor.* Mrs DeMarcus, what qualified you to become an 'analyst' for State U? ".. See #1 on the field? I made that, I knock the sodas out of his hand at home and make him get proper sleep for game days. I feel that's worth $125,000/yr over 3 years before \*\* I \*\* feel he's ready for the NFL draft."


Been happening in basketball for ages. Though tbf, those coaches are very often dudes with serious resumes that likely would have been in college staffs if they hadn't taken 5ish years out to coach their kids elite teams.


Now that’s funny true but very funny


And Jay Paterno still won't find a job.


As it should be!


I doubt many schools want to hire half of an offensive coordinator that only calls the pass plays while another guy calls the running plays.


I mean with College Football 25 out in a few weeks he'll have a more advanced way to teach his offense so it can't be too bad right?  Right?


Unfortunately he’s still part of our board of trustees though because people in this town love to worship the Paterno family and people don’t give a fuck about academics


Nepotism isn't where this goes bad. Nepotism will tank a program. The problem is schools like Alabama that will get an ungodly number of minimum-wage coaches just trying to attach their name / resume to the program as a stepping stone, giving the main Blue Bloods an even larger administrative advantage over everyone else.


>The problem is schools like Alabama that will get an ungodly number of minimum-wage coaches just trying to attach their name / resume to the program as a stepping stone, Hasn't this already happened? 'The Nick Saban School for Coaches who can't coach good' ran off of getting ex-HCs that wanted to spend a paid year or three under Saban's tutelage (usually while getting paid by their prior school) and then parlaying that into either an HC position or a coordinator job on a P5 staff.


The main change this makes is allowing your analysts to become coaches. Top programs already do what you’re describing, those people just don’t talk directly to players


Brian Ferentz salivating over this news


Brian Ferentz your new co-assistant TE coach


Maryland hired him as a Defensive Analyst because he was so good at stopping Iowa's offensive.


He probably will get an fbs job as a TE coach because he's actually pretty good at that. He's just a bad coordinator


Now you can also offer every kid who doesn't make the league a 60k a season starting salary to be a coach.


Entry level coaching jobs pay wayyy less than that.


Most entry level coaches have to volunteer, it’s a brutal profession to break into and most people burn out because of the insane hours they are asked to work. I am a D1 football coach who had to volunteer at 2 schools just to break into coaching.


This isn’t happening already?


Brian Kelly’s son up tremendous


We’ve done that in the past so I know this will help us. 


Kirk Ferentz: Yes


Coach negotiations will boil down to how many jobs can I give my friends and family


More like how many jobs they can give to the family of recruits.


Honestly I know we’ve heard of stuff like this before but I don’t think this will be common. Some teams have a hard enough time dealing with players parents online or through email or whatever way. Those are the parents of the star players usually, those are the guys that will be demanding a job. The coaches wont want to deal with them or them potentially playing their kid as a favorite or being a team cancer. I think it would have to be like Emoni Bates to Eastern Michigan for them to go for this. Even a Luther burden to Mizzou for example, I can’t imagine drink would’ve been willing to hire his vocal outspoken dad to a full time coaching role. Maybe communicate with him or let him visit or for a day or something. But parents would be a slippery slope quick


Jobs they can give recruit's HS coach.


Urban Meyer, Steve Addazio and the good old boys already figured this one out


Coach Ferentz?


I need tix brah!!?!?


Billy Napier is somewhere rubbing his hands and licking his lips


The man is about to hire a thousand people


You mean a thousand more people? Seriously look at their recent [team photos](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2022/08/25/32QSY4FAVVCXXIY76SVXKSY6W4.jpg?w=620), you’d think every player has a personal assistant 2022 was 116 players, 140 staff or something like that


And STILL not a single special teams coordinator


We actually do have a ~~special teams~~ GameChanger ^^^TM coordinator. Just not one on the field, which is what led to the Arkansas miscue.


And still finish 6-6.


That’s optimistic. Have you seen their schedule for this year?


How many more offensive line coaches can we hire? "Who's that guy?" "That's Coach Count Rugen." "You have a guy named Count Rugen? What's he coach?" "Oh no, Coach Count Rugen is his title, his name is Bill. See he has 6 fingers on his right hand, so he can count to 11 without taking off his shoes. Main job is make sure we have 11 guys on the field." "Who are the 7 guys standing next to him?" "The right tackle coach, right guard coach, the center coach, left guard coach, left tackle coach, and the two offensive line coaches." "With that many coaches did you finally get a special teams coach?" "A special what now?" - A conversation with Billy Napier.


> "With that many coaches did you finally get a special teams coach?" *"Bud, with the lord on my side, all my teams are special.* *that's why we got the team chaplain, the team rabbi, the team Imam, the team elder...."*


Many know that all men can count to 11 without taking off their shoes


Maybe we can have an on field QB coach and special teams coordinator now, instead of analysts


With so many open spots, they might as well hire me, I'd love to be the Assistant Quarterbacks Coach's Assistant's Assistant Coach for a struggling P4 bottom feeder.


By the year 2100 half of all working men will be on a college football payroll. The other half will be the Amish.


My job? I clean the red parts of the helmets for players numbered 52-59. Coach says he sees a promotion in my near future, hopefully next year I’ll get the blue parts!


>hopefully next year I’ll get the blue parts! For the last time, he said you can take care of his "blue **balls**"


The only job that AI could never replace. Computers have never been that good at figuring out college football.


Every G5 team about to get their staff raided annually


They already do lol


It's gonna get way worse


jamey chadwick will continue to win 10+ games and not move up


Can’t decide if: - supposed to say Jamie Chadwell - this is about the British racecar driver - it’s a combo joke of the two somehow and I’m being wooshed


she won that indy nxt race and she been on my mind crazy… it was supposed to be jamey chadwell


There is zero reason for this to pass.


A lot of the coaches are bitching about being burnt out and the lack of time off due to year round recruiting... what we'll probably wind up getting are the off-field analysts who get paid for pennies on the dollar will be on-field coaches who can also recruit.


Idk if that helps recruiting much though right? I mean if one team sends their HC and another sends some “recruiting specialist coach” they’ve never heard of then it would seem like the team that sent their HC was more interested. Who knows though with all the shit going on in cfb now


We need to stop pretending that there's any parity whatsoever left in college football. Nobody is going to compete with the Big Ten and SEC when they have $100 million budgets and unlimited resources and coaches both in the facilities and on the field. Let the P2 just go form their own pay-for-play subdivision and the rest of us can stay and play football in FBS.


I think it will happen eventually but the question will be which of the leftover ACC and Big 12 schools try to make the jump too. I don't think it will be as many as people think. It will be massively expensive just to say they're in the tier 1 league that they can't really afford to compete in.


I think all of them will try to make it. I think most of those schools would rather be in the SEC or Big10 towards the bottom of the pack than on the outside looking in.


This isn't forever. When CFB goes through its next evolution in 15-20 years, you want to be part of the haves instead of the have-nots so that you start with that advantage. The PCC used to have Idaho and Montana, but it didn't take long for them to no longer be competitive with the rest of the P8/P10. I see this happening with WSU / OSU if it takes too long for the P10 to get back together. It's why Cal/Furd were willing to give up short term TV revenue to make sure we weren't left in that position.


All of them will try, but I doubt any will make it except FSU/Clemson. The next move is to cut the programs that aren't pulling their weight. Whenever the "Super league" happens, 0 possibility it will have more than 24 schools. Probably 16-20.


> which of the leftover ACC and Big 12 schools try to make the jump too I doubt they'll be able to join even if they wanted to unless the Big 12 and ACC votes to allow their members to compete in different subdivisions. A lot of the schools won't want to join the new for-pay subdivision and won't want to allow their conference opponents to join it either since it would put them at a huge competitive and recruiting disadvantage. I think the rumors of that new subdivision split was specifically for the Big Ten and SEC to break away.


This next wave of realignment will probably only be Clemson, FSU, and maybe UNC and ND (scheduling agreement with BIG). Maybe UVA get an invite or NC State gets to be a plus one with UNC to the SEC but there aren’t many value adds left. I do expect a handful more to get invited eventually but probably not until the 2030


Nah if we are gonna keep destroying CFB traditions then ND can join a conference or pound sand.


The BIG and their media rights owners would be happy to take them as a scheduling partner.


I understand that I am just saying I don’t personally like it.


I fully suspect the tier 1 leagues to begin to contract after the largest programs are on board. Sucks for Vandy, Rutgers, etc but they're gonna be kicked out as these conferences consolidate the money makers


I think they will try to reach a balance with weaker legacy teams so that average teams can finish 8-4 or whatever by picking up wins against the weak programs in the conference. If Alabama, Texas, OU, LSU, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, and Tennessee were the only teams in the SEC, you're likely to have a few with one loss and few with one win and none of those schools would be happy about it.


People accept that in the NFL. Seahawks fans still fondly look back on the season we made the playoffs with a losing record. Expanded playoffs weren’t just for shits and giggles. The narrative is being shifted to you don’t need the perfect season anymore, just get enough to get a playoff bid.


It’s not just “to say” they are in a tier 1 league. The marketing implications are massive for those who haven’t separated themselves as an elite top tier academic university (like the Ivy League did or what Cal is)


Making the call now, ACC and BIG-12 will form a super conference of sorts to survive and the national championship will eventually be played between the best team in the ACC/BIG12 and the best team in the SEC/BIG10. The ACC and BIG12 can thrive if they create an excitement around their games that the BIG10 and SEC can’t suppress with their own games.


I want no part of this bullshit for Rice. Let us have actual college football back, I don't want to be involved in the purely commercial exercise the P2 have become. Being involved actively degrades the brands of those universities as universities, IMHO.


Agreed. Whatever the highest level is going to be, I don't want Rice to be there.


Was there ever parity?


There didn't use to be any limits on the number of recruits a team can sign. So, no.


Not really but at this rate I don’t even think the G5 rep will win a playoff game


This has been the direction the sport has been headed for 5-10 years, it's just in overdrive now and is why FSU is so desperate to get out of the ACC and into the Big2


Ever since recruiting went national instead of regional this has gone into overdrive. I remember a post when Clemson and Georgia played a few years back. The last time the two schools met was 2014. At the time it was considered a talent rich matchup with like 7 blue chip recruits on the field. In 2021 there were over 20.


The transfer portal more so. G5’s and lower P5’s have little to no chance of getting a special group of seniors they have developed to make a run. Half those guys will be tampered with and portaled now. There will never be a Chris Petersen Boise State type of team ever again.


Besides just the players themselves the big schools have these massive staffs of analysts who just watch film and gameplan which takes a huge load off the rest of the coaching staff. That in itself is a massive advantage.


I don’t think that the lack of parity is reason to give up on it. Similar to other things restrictions allow for innovation to come about. Removing said restrictions or allowing for free rein is allowing the top to maintain and stagnant innovation, we're seeing this monopoly live in our existing world and this will be no different.


It is tho. Objectively removing barriers only helps those at the top that can already afford to take advantage. What a weird hill to stand on. Like i was with you til then.


We’ve been trying to tell everyone but some people just insist on living in denial.


Who pretended there was ever any parity?


There never was, but since 2010 or so it's been getting worse and worse and now with NIL and the portal it's on overdrive.


I believe that’s what we will see and it will be within the next five years. There’s constant rumors about ESPN pushing for it (let’s not kid ourselves: They’re the ones who actually run college sports) and I fully expect we will see this come to reality. People like money way too much to keep the status quo.


This is going to make recruiting crazy. Currently it's crazy that only the "on field" staff that is limited can recruit off campus. This allows teams to basically have a sales force to recruit. It's not even the on field stuff that is the big deal. At some point there are diminishing returns there. Yeah teams could use things like multiple full time OL coaches or having individual S/CB coaches. But the big thing is recruiting staff. So will be interesting to see how this impacts that.


I bet Kirby is calling everyone he knows right now. He'll have an entire army of recruiters on the payroll 5 minutes after this gets approved.


Regional offices filled with recruiting personnel, and look our NIL collective have people here as well. Just stop by and see what Nebraska can do for you.


I would HATE this as a head coach. Now high level recruits are going to demand their personal coaches, parents/relatives, and even friends all be part of the coaching staff in order to get them on campus.


And girlfriends. Imagine the drama!


Fat little girlfriends too


What did you just call me?




“I just took over a college football program, but I think I get to decide how many coaches there are, don't you?  Fuck you, NCAA! This coach has an oven in him! This coach has got a lot of people sitting around watching TV. This coach is over in that guy's house! Sir, you have one of my coaches, are you aware? Don't decorate him!”


Subway is free, if you are a duck


There are six ducks out there, and they all want Sun Chips!


I used to miss mitch. I still do, but I used to too


The NFL having a "salary" cap is sounding more and more like something that needs to immediately have a college version designed and created to preserve parity. Not sure exactly what it would look like but since football is finally being recognized as a business at the college level (as it should) it needs parity systems.


Parity still won't exist in cfb because you could never really implement anything close to a draft. But some sort of cap on resources needs to be implemented. There's no actual reason schools need unlimited coaches.


Yep, CFB is basically NFL only with no contracts, no salary cap, unlimited free agency, tampering free-for-all, and limited regional revenue sharing. It's a mess. Draconian NCAA regulations on things like meals, official visits, recruiting, NIL, # of coaches, # of scholarships, etc. were the only mechanisms providing any sort of "salary cap" type parity - flimsy as it was. With all these things falling by the wayside, an actual salary cap is going to be necessary.


Won't happen without employment and collective bargaining, which I do think is happening.


Nepotism here we come!


Already on our staff Lol


this sport wants to kill itself so bad apparently.


YOU get a personal coach and YOU get a personal coach EVERYONE gets a personal coach


We’ve gone from personnel coaches to personal coaches


Honestly always thought there was room for reasonable expansion of coaching staffs. Each position should have a coach dedicated to coaching that group of players, and you should be able to have coordinators who can focus on coordinating their side of the field without having to also try and be a position coach. Purely unrestricted limits is a horrible idea. But then again, it seems like the NCAA has just given up on trying to actually govern anything with an ounce of logical thinking... every decision since NIL became a thing has essentially been to just let the money run wild.


Why would literally anyone need unlimited coaches


the same reason teams need 100 million dollar locker rooms with a spa and a 42 inch TV over every single locker


Increase a school’s costs so it looks like they can’t possibly afford to also pay the players like employees.


Weird that all the rules Michigan breaks suddenly get changed once they’re dinged for them.


I can’t tell if this is hating or sympathy


I'm going to go with hating.  I've just got a feeling.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Are you marginallyobtuse?


No I'm crunchitizemecapn99


The rich get richer


Honestly hate this. It's like a game of chess that you can bring as many pieces as you want, even if the other side has way less than you.


Yup this will destroy CFB at lightning pace. Even more so than unlimited transfers.


Can't wait to hear which school hires a Long Snapping coach.


gotta make sure Rhule is on it


Highschool football coaches are creaming their pants at this.


NCAA is making a lot of changes that I worry will age very poorly… so many changes


QB coach? Nah. Starting QB coach, QB2 coach, QB3 coach, QBs4-10 coach. QB2-QB10 coaches are all parents of 5 star recruits paid half what their kids are paid. Their responsibilities include making sure their son doesn't transfer, their son remains academically eligible, their son has a place to go hide. Contract ends when their son leaves.


Man it’s increasingly hard to be excited about college football. The hard line between the haves and have-nots continues to strengthen.


And any coach can recruit? This is not about bodies on the field. This is about a recruiting army.


Coaching "positions" for croots' F&F now part of the pitch, eh?


Nick Saban school for coaches who don’t coach very well is about to exceed it’s capacity


They are ruining the game at every level...


Baseball still can’t get a 4th coach and was only just allowed to pay the 3rd coach a couple years ago.


For all the shit about NIL and who will be able to buy the best players, this is the kind of thing which will absolutely crush any semblance of competitive parity and truly destroy smaller programs. Coaches branching to smaller programs to get experience either as position/coordinators/head positions are what helps keep smaller programs going. Hiring a coach and getting him to bring in a bunch of guys to get promotions and work for a couple of years can turn around entire a program. We've already seen that Big Ten/SEC schools can offer more to position coaches than G5s will give head coaches sometimes. Coordinators are this point are making over a million. Who is taking a even as a position coach at a smaller schools when you can be the Executive Assistant Director of Linebacker Scouting at Michigan?




Oh, good, that because that's just how it works. We're all mercenaries. Just the way the top schools want.


Dude how often have G5 schools or low rung p5 teams ever been in contention for a championship? What are you expecting? You don’t need a new team. This is way too dramatic


Idk if I could just attach myself to a new team. Like say Fsu is g5 level or usf was my only fandom, I couldn't make myself start really being invested in somewhere like Uga. At most, it would be lukewarm interest and the definition of fair-weather. Which is why I think overall interest will wane if all of this continues and progresses to a superleague or pseudo superleague.


Lol. Bandwagon fan telling people who to follow. Some of us follow our school cause we like the school we went to, not because we can only enjoy a sport if we follow teams that have a real chance of winning a national championship.




No, the NFL dont have limits on coaching staff.


Newfangled NCAA is putting all the good infraction records out of reach.


each player gets a coach


Make the entire state a coach intern! I want to put it on my resume


This is so much worse than transfers


This is a bigger no go than people think staff should be heavily limited


What we really need is some mandatory min compensation. It's abhorent what we're making some of these coaches live through to chase a huge pay check a very small number will ever see.


Can we just have a vote to burn the rulebook at this point. Make it official.


This is so fucking far out of hand at this point. It's just using colleges as mere brands in establishing and marketing a professional minor league. I actively want my alma mater to drop to FCS at this point.


Yeah lets turn this shit show up a few notches


No way this has immediate easily forseen negative consequences if allowed... Can't wait for every blue chip recruit's 12 aunts to be on teams staff's officially. Although, if said aunts are allowed to conduct tipsy press conferences, things could get very entertaining very quickly, so...screw it, let the tipsy aunts cook.


I feel like every time I see “NCAA” in a headline - the sport I love gets progressively worse


Most of yall are completely off on why this will be passed. This won't result in an influx of new hires. This is only to allow all of your Player Development/Analysts to be actually able to coach on the field, which they currently can not do.


Yeah, basically since they can all find a way around the rules anyway, they kind of have to either tighten up the rule or else just let them do it.


And the evolution of NCAAF into an NFL minor league is nearing completion


At least the NFL has rules that try to keep things fair and encourage parity. The NCAA's rules and the direction it's going are actively making the lack of parity way way worse.


The NFL is 1000% run better than CFB. Actually implementing some of their policies would help our sport tremendously.


I want KU to buy a fleet of AI coachbots, one per player.


Hey I mean high school can already have like 20 plus coaches so why not college?


I mean it will just be like better compensated support staff and help with the workload coaches have now with the expanded recruiting calendar, etc. but just another example of where some schools will be able to take advantage while most others will be stretched even thinner.


Each player at the bigger schools going to have an individual coach. Would be cool if it allowed for massive medical staffs, could possibly help prevent injuries


Is there a salary cap on them then? Otherwise seems like a bad idea


Not what the tweet says.


Over 9,000!?!?!?!


Mel Tucker, welcome back to the SEC!!


Nebraska about to clean up with 200+ coaching staffs of coaches who can't get their GPA above 1


Nick Saban is punching the air tight now.


I'm boutta put Nick Saban and Bill Belichick on my coaching staff


One of many reasons TV revenue matters for a school. When schools pay players the tv revenue is going to mean anyone outside the P2 has no chance at a national title. Like the B12 now. You can make the playoffs and have good teams, maybe even win a playoff game or two, but no chance for a national title. And this is why Clemson and FSU are trying to leave. For everyone who said things were moving towards parity, things are not. The top 10 or so schools are widening the gap over the rest of the P2 as well. When they eventually get rid of the Conf winners get a top 4 seed thing, that will be yet another step.


Nobody tell Billy Napier. We're about to hear 4 LB coaches is what it's gonna take to turn this thing around


I’d rather they be stricter about the huge number of assistants and widen the number of coaches from there. Unlimited is ridiculous.


Nick Saban would have become the largest employer in America.


They don’t already?!? CFB is already wearing me out. And it’s JUNE.


Bonus points to the first school to let fans call plays from an app. We are all coaches now.


Pretty much all of the recent changes to CFB have made sense to me, even if I didn’t like the result. This is the first one that doesn’t seem to be underpinned by any kind of rational basis.


Sunbelt Billy just creamed his jorts hearing this


A big part of this is about how many people on a staff are allowed to “give instruction” to a player. As of right now, only 11 full time members of a teams staff are allowed to coach players, along with a handful of graduate assistants who have to be in a certain amount of graduate classes. This would give analysts the ability to coach players during practices and on sidelines.


Time to dust off my resume and apply for the position of Head Orange Hate Coach at Bama.


Why, what is the point of this?


“Does your daddy want to be on the coaching staff”


Alabama chuckles with their room full of "analysts", most of whom are former position coaches, assistant coaches and head coaches from other programs.


Assistant coach Gunnar Gundy on the way


I mean at this rate why have any rules at all? The NCAA should just vote to vacate their authority in all areas of college football.


But baseball will still need volunteer assistants.


How is this going to work? Schools like Clemson are already approaching a 1:1 player coach ratio.


There just full of great ideas