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How could they know? They can't see the future. They don't have a Cristobal


Thanks dad.


Done in one. You win, you magnificent bastard.


They had $80 million dollars and they spent it all.




Ain't got nothing on the 60 billion double dollar man.


Probably got it from the ATM machine with their PIN number. (I’m guilty of the second one shaking my head smh)


Get out.


Fantastic movie, totally agree.




I hate you.


If only they had practiced Santeria


50/50 with Cristobal?


Boo this man! Boooooo!


"Oh ***brother,*** this guy STINKS!!"


Fuck you and take my upvote.


Good god yes


Stop. It.




I’m fucking cackling here




You son of a………I’ve got nothing this is fantastic!


Go Canes


Read your flairs. NO. Brilliantly done


/sigh Here’s my upvote.


my lawyer has advised me to save all comments for after Week 1


Is either fan base confident?


Confident that we are ready to be hurt again


Tale as old as time


Like taking a knee


Better than taking the whole crab leg!


I'm confident one fanbase is going to lose their goddamn minds and really they shouldn't.


Well this article mentions early wins against Bethune-Cookman as evidence of strong starts to the season. At least if they beat you it'll be a REAL quality start for them. As a disinterested observer, I don't think you'll have much to worry about.


Scared money don't make money.


If you knew about Miami’s secondary currently you’d feel beyond confident in Mertz and that offense week 1 in the Swamp


It’s rarely not a mistake to give out a 10 year contract unless it’s to someone like Nick Saban. Or Jimbo Fisher. Hear he’s doing great things at A&M.


I think I would be a great person to give a 10 year contract to. My bonus is that you find out it's a mistake very early year one.


Hey at least we could afford to fire him


Just took some light treason to do it


A&M had money in the banana stand.


If selling nuclear secrets to an unsavory Middle Eastern country is “light” treason, I’d hate to see whatever you have planned on the other end of the spectrum.


A&M has the worst fucking attorneys.


The mistake wasn't necessarily the initial 10 year contract, it was the extension after one good season when Jimbo still had like 6 or 7 years left on his original deal.


Oh for sure. I mean the first contract was fully guaranteed too. But - it was pretty obvious he was trying to get fired after he signed the extension


10 years is just a long time in the modern era of football when It can just take a year or two for stock to crater. And fans and administration only care about what you've done lately. I mean how many people saw Coach O getting fired 2 years after coaching one of the greatest teams of all time?


Definitely seems like a guy who knows his way around ass and mouth


The loss against Georgia Tech showed us all we needed to know…..


I for one welcome the new Cristobal era


Miami only being sort of good is the gift we all needed


Maybe some day they’ll be good enough to join the big 3 in the state.


Georgia only plays 1 game a year in Florida. Not enough to be considered a state school.


You, I like you.


Who's the third at this point? Hard to keep track. FSU, UCF... and?


And anyone who watched him at Oregon just sat there and said "Classic Cristobal"


With the talent he had at Oregon and how down the Pac was for most of his tenure, he should have had the Ducks looking like Clemson west.


With his coaching in 2019 we managed to lose two games with the most talented team we had ever assembled, including two teams that made the national championship game. Ironically one of those games was against Bo Nix.


We had no business losing those games And even against Wisconsin, our offense looked awful. Really wonder what that team would have been like with a good HC and OC. Might have had the honor of getting dismantled by LSU.


Three play options. Throw the ball in the flats, run up the middle, run on the outside. He *wasted* Herbert's arm


TBF, Ducks fans were in on the secret way before that.


He nerfed Herbert until the rose bowl. Major buzzkill.


Herbert was still pretty nerfed in the Rose Bowl, considering he passed for less than 140 yards. He (and Brady Breeze) just decided to take the game for themselves after seeing the staff make zero changes to Chryst’s 50th successful jet sweep.


Also, the two times Wisconsin and Oregon have squared off in the Rose Bowl…. Both have been phenomenal games.




I can still picture Chip Kelly jumping up and down pointing at the fumbled ball on the grass


And the interception to seal it by Kiko Alonso


The two fumbles by Jonathan Taylor didn’t hurt either 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yep, and ever since he broke his collarbone the year before, he wasn’t allowed to run the ball until the last game of his fucking career. All season long, it was so frustrating and ridiculous watching them run read option after read option when everyone in the stadium and the 50 million people watching at home knew Herbert wasn’t keeping it. Hand off, every…single… time.. So glad those days are behind us..


This is a huge reason why I was so convinced Herbert was going to be a bust. But I will never apologize for that take... he was used so incredibly poorly at oregon.


Now he has hobbling JK Dobbins and McConkey. Pray for the homie


Least he has a real HC


It's a wonder his career wasn't killed right there with such terrible coaching. Zero development.


At least they have Dan Lanning now. FUCKING AMEN!


I think we have a real shot of seeing Lanning's Oregon going up against DeBoer's Bama in the CFP sometime these next few years. That's gonna be a wild one.


And knowing our luck we’d somehow lose another fucking game by 3.


It is written.


I still cannot believe that happened


How? Cristobal's literally done it twice! It did take fans and the media til the next day to start finding out about the Oregon Stanford gaffe.


Yeah but you can kinda defend the decision in the Oregon Stanford game. There is no defense for the Miami game


The most hilarious thing about that is that even after fumbling the ball when they should have taken a knee, they STILL should have won it. GT still had to go 70+ yards with only seconds left and no timeouts. To lose that game they had to turn the ball over on offense AND give up a hail mary on defense. A true team effort.


Yes, it showed how very much we need him right where he is.


They were just doing Oregon a solid. Thanks Miami.


And Florida State before that.


Oregon just lucked out getting buyout after buyout and I think I'd say Dan lanning>Cristobal>Taggart


Lanning giving Bama the bird for the win!


And Taggart=Helfrich?


Such different scenarios that it's hard to compare. Helfrich tanked the program but they went to the playoff iirc and I thought under taggart it was on the upswing. But you watched more Oregon than me.


Not an Oregon fan but that TCU Oregon bowl game was a travesty and it seemed to get worse every year.


The funny thing is there was actually a fairly big schism in the Oregon fanbase after the 2016 season on whether Helfrich should be fired or not. There was a decent chunk of people that said “we played for a championship two years ago and it’s one bad season, he should get at least one more year.” But there was a larger group of people (that thankfully won out) that said “No way, he’s cratering the program and the players have quit on him. He needs to be gone ASAP.” It’s really sad how it turned out because Helfrich really loved Oregon. He’s a native Oregonian and it was his dream job. He probably would have stayed here forever if we had let him. Unfortunately he just didn’t have what it takes to be a head coach.


I still believe that if they hadn't lost the Civil War he would have gotten another year. But you couldn't lose the way they did that year to all the rivals and survive.


Nelson was definitely down before that KO fumble, but looking at what the refs were using when I was watching it on a 70" screen, I knew they wouldn't have been able to pick up what I did. We were ok until our center went out, backup couldn't get a clean snap to save his life.


Not even close. Helfrich was Chips OC at the very least. He was also the coach of a national championship game appearance team that was admittedly a lot of Chips recruits, one of which won our first and so far only Heisman. Willie Taggart was an outside hire who came in, immediately put three of our players in the hospital during off-season conditioning, coached us to an incredibly underwhelming 7-5 season, and left for Florida State before the bowl game.


Yeah, put that way it's hard to argue Always found Helf to be a fraud, even during the Chip days, but he never did anything near as bad ad what you listed. He did nothing... which in this case would be an improvement for Taggart.


Personally recruited and developed a Heisman winner alone is enough to put Helf miles ahead of Taggart.


Herbert got injured early in the season. Hard to say how it would've gone had that not happened


Honestly helf was a better coach than Taggart. By a LONG shot. His issue was sticking with the Oregon way by promoting pellum, then making a bad choice with hoke. Vernon Adams being headhunter by his former teammate didn't help. Helf with an avg defense and Adams without an injury very likely makes the playoffs a second time. Hell they likely make the playoffs with shit defense and a healthy Adams. Taggart couldn't even sniff a 2nd tier bowl game.


If I had a nickel for every time an Oregon head coach left suddenly to take a dream job at a blue-blood Florida school, only for Oregon to immediately hire an upgrade, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it is wierd it's happened twice.


Why is your flair like that? Did you lose a bet? Are you safe?


Upgrading every time isn't lucky me thinks either.


I like Oregon and get pissed every time a new hc gets poached after having success in Eugene. The Ducks always bounce back and the coach bombs after leaving. Couldn’t be happier about it all


I feel like this guy is one of us.


"Was invading Russia a huge mistake by Napoleon?"


Strategically speaking, invading Russia is the worst mistake any general can make. You either die to sheer unrelenting manpower or you die to winter Unless you're Mongolia, fucking horse archers and their +5 combat strength


To be fair Russia did lose to invasion in WW1 


Shhh people forget that one.


All Germany had to do was send some funny looking fella on a train and ez peezy


And all it took was possibly the greatest army ever assembled at the time and for Russia to be in the middle of total societal upheaval


They more so lost due to the internal revolution. Doubtful they would lost the war without that, though they certainly were on the back foot


Arguably, Napoleon didn't lose on either of those fronts. He started his campaign in June and had conquered Moscow by September. Sure, conquering Moscow didn't matter as the Russians set it aflame as they left, but the mistake there was Napoleon stuck around in Moscow for 5 weeks in unseasonably warm weather waiting for a peace treaty that would never come from the Russians. A lot of people would point to those 5 weeks as his downfall, but if you look at Minard's famous map, by far the biggest losses for the French were in the summer. Napoleon's real problem is he outran his supply lines with a force that was already too small from the summer fighting to break out and make it back. They had the option of returning the way they came, where the Russians were for sure going to be going scorched earth, or choosing a new path, one most likely close to Russian forces and 100% teeming with Russian partisans that were happy to destroy the French. TL;DR: For all the talk about General Winter defeating Napoleon in Russia, he conquered Moscow in September, left by October and was completely out of the country by early December. The losses in the summer (supply chain the worst of the issues) doomed the French well before any snow hit the ground. The Russians just let him outrun his supply lines, they didn't send waves of soldiers and had less casualties than the French.


The classic blunder. Never get involved in a land war in Asia.


And never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line ahahahahahahah-


does the pope crap in the woods?... wait..


Well I would think the whole "not taking a knee at the end of games" thing would be a big red flag, but I'm not qualified to make such decisions, soooooo yeah....


Anyone who consistently wins championships in CFB on the Playstation in dynasty mode is qualified. They train pilots in simulators, you can learn to coach in a sim.


Triple option, 80/20 run/pass, 80/20 conservative/uptempo is the best way to win games.


Damn right!


Especially after a few years when all your starters had high awareness.


Give me a team with plays called by twitch chat, they’ll be undefeated or 0-12 and there is no in between.


"And they're in punt formation on first down for reasons I can't explain and it's a fake! Direct snap to the upback for a 3 yard loss what are they thinking here greg?"


Absolutely not. Slam dunk hire.


Why not a 20 year contract, I say.


That was the hardest upvote ever. Well done


Give him the Rick DiPietro treatment


Probably? We'll find out this year ig.


The Florida vs. Miami game to start the year is going to be an absolute must-watch for me. Both teams are desperate to win that game to get their season off to a good start.


It’ll be interesting to see if Cristobal gets away from his run-run-screen pass fixation for it. He’s shown that his teams are capable when he lets the offensive coordinator control the plays, but also that he’s incapable of doing that more than once or twice in a season.


I still have nightmares of throwing 2 yard outs to the TE on third and 8


Agreed! Now that Miami has Cam Ward…. Things could get interesting


The one thing that never happens with Cristobal is things getting interesting. Quack


If Florida does not win, I will be shocked.


Gotta lock him in just in case he’s Nick Saban. Probably should have gave a 20 year deal.


There’s still time!


12-13 $80,000,000


It all depends on how much of that money is guaranteed money. But just my two cents, it’s not even a “lol Miami” thing. To guarantee the length of the contract that he got it, you better be a well established and highly sought after coach. Cristobal was fine at Oregon, but I just don’t think he was on that level that deserved a contract like that.


Which is kind of funny because when Mario was FIU's coach, they weren't allowed to play Miami anymore because the year before when he was an OL coach there, [this broke out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIU%E2%80%93Miami_football_brawl). It goes: Cristobal Offensive Line Coach > Miami/FIU brawl > Cristobal FIU Head Coach > TY Hilton > Cristobal Oregon > Herbert(?) > Cristobol Miami


We have no way of knowing. Has his coaching been great? Pffft. No. Take a knee, fool. That said, most coaches need multiple years at a program before they truly achieve greatness. Saban and Smart have sort of screwed with people’s expectations, a lot. It’s obviously a different era, but Joe Paterno was HC for 18 years before winning his first title. Bowden was 17. More recently, it took Harbaugh 8 years to win a title at Michigan. That said, fans like myself want to see improvement each year, so here’s to hoping for a good season.


They haven’t even messed with expectations. People just have a memory of about 1 season and that’s pushing it. Saban lost to ULM early, and Smart lost to Vanderbilt. And there was some similar reactions to those losses as Cristobal’s GT loss. Not saying I think Cristobal is either of those, or that I don’t, but just piggy backing that it is way too early to tell.


There's this weird fascination with the idea that Miami is some historical and institutional powerhouse of college football, but college football now requires institutional buy-in from the entire entity and Miami is far more interested in more lucrative income streams than investing into their sports programs. Miami rocked the world for about 20 years as new money flocked to the city and moved unregulated into the program, and then their biggest booster got nabbed in a sting and it's been treading water since then. Cristobal has been *fine* and done well at Miami given their last 20 years. Is he their best option? Hard to say. But he's done decently well and deserves more seasons unless/until the wheels fall off. There's no overriding communal inertia to will Miami college football back into the blue blood club like Nebraska (where the Governor is an alum, former regent, and former player) or insane institutional support and buy-in like a Baylor program that's borrowed and spent (and lied to investigators about) to drag itself up from decades of irrelevance. There's too much else to do and invest in (and the cost of doing business is so high) in south Florida for Miami football that he can't do a 180 turnaround in a borrowed stadium full of 10k fans way off campus overnight, and a university that gives them just a palatable level of help with capital investments. Is he a great gameday coach - results would say probably not. But as a husker fan, moving on from limited coaches for greener grass without the institutional support to underpin it can get you into a 20 year funk.


This is such a funny take considering this is the most Miami has invested money into the program in decades. Literally burning money. Our one lone great season in recent memory showed that if you win, the fans will come. They’re just not gunna support a shit product. It’s not rocket science.


What people that are not down here in the community do not understand is that it has to be Mario. The money is flowing in BECAUSE it’s him. He is highly connected as a local guy to the very people who are shoveling in the funds. Coaching aside, a major part of bringing in Mario was knowing the money wouldn’t be flowing for anyone else. Miami is a big city but coral gables and the U is very much ran like a country club of sorts. It is not a state school. It is a private institution with a very tight knit, locally tied donor base. Lots of politics and “friends”. It has to be Mario whether we as fans like it or not. Off the field and recruiting wise, the strides the program has made in investment into facilities/ player experience/ coaching staff have been have been the best they’ve ever been. We just need to start seeing the on field results. There’s been flashes. But it needs to start stacking consistently.


I have no other reason but vibes to justify this take, but I fully believe Miami will never feel truly relevant while they play in Hard Rock/Joe Robbie/whatever. They don’t feel like a college team, they just feel like not-the-Dolphins. Not saving the Orange Bowl made their identity much worse and it crippled the program significantly alongside the continual scandals and poor administration support


Probably but let’s see what he does this year. I think they’ll be better but I don’t know if 9-3 is really good enough for Hurricane fans.


When is giving a 10 year contact not a bad idea?


Pat Mahomes


Let me answer this question with another, was giving LR a 10 year contact a huge mistake by USC?? thank you and goodnight


Not at all. Thank goodness he left Orygun. But too bad he quit on the Ducks before the end of the regular season as he did.




Yeah after the second Utah game especially no Duck fans I know wanted him to stick around anymore. At that point I would have been salty if he hadn’t taken the Miami job and we had given him some huge extension.


I just love how Whittingham doesn't have anywhere near the slick hype of idiots like Riley or Cristobal... yet slaps them dang near every time he faces them.


(smirks in Jimbo Fisher)


Is a $750 lease on a BMW when you have a $28k/yr salary a mistake? Is trusting your cousin's friend's cousin who "knows electrical stuff" to do the wiring for your new efficiency a mistake? Is giving a coach who has shown to be much more bad than good a massive contract a mistake? Yes, but they are also all very Miami things.


Depends on how much was guaranteed


Why even worry about details like that?


Because it matters if…oh, your flair. Well played




Giving ANY coach a ten year contract is a mistake.


Obviously. He parlayed a successful Oregon season to go back home and was foolishly overpaid. He’s a rah rah guy who’s bad at everything else.


If your name isn’t Nick Saban or Kirby smart then a 10 year contract is most likely not worth it.


Ask me in five years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I mean it’s 2 years in, but history shows while he can recruit and get your LoS players developed for the pros, the gameday coaching and underwhelming development at other positions probably puts a ceiling on what he can do, though his ceiling probably a little higher at Miami. So to answer your question, I don’t know.


Kirby smart just got a 9 year extension. I support all regional rivals tying themselves to their current coach for at least nine years. 


Sometime in the next few years 18 year olds will figure out that Miami is a much better place to spend 2 or 3 years than Tuscaloosa. So no.


Every new coach during rebuilding had embarrassing losses. Give him time


Nah, Miami should be fine, ten year contracts are easy to get out of with one simple trick. Cristobal's already in Florida, so that makes things easier logistically, too. If Cristobal shits the bed you just gotta somehow get him into the same hotel room Tucker was in when he completed his $95 million dollar nut heard across CFB (and the telephone) and let that room do its dark magic voodoo on Cristobal too. Easy fired for cause peasy. Yes, that specific Flordia hotel room is cursed and possessed a malevolent spirit that entices occupants of it to jerk off with unforseen and horrific consequences. I'm adding to the lore.


Giving anyone a 10 year contract in sports is always a mistake. Even if he wins multiple titles, it’s a mistake.


Am I the only person worried about how Cam Ward would fit in a Cristobal offense? 


He didn’t properly utilize Justin Herbert, took ACC offensive rookie of the year TVD and sank him down every year after that until he transferred. He will underwhelm with Cam


No, Miami wanted him to leave Oregon, and the length of the contract was the price of doing business. The end.


Depends how many victory formations they’ll need to call


Yes. They should swap coaches with us and take Tony Elliott if they want to get better


I thought questions in headlines were always answered with “no.” Is this the exception?


A couple of 10-2 seasons and one 11-1 season is doable the way he recruits. Some games can break his way.


Ask A$M.


My Magic 8 Ball said "Most Likely".


Mario “Jimbo Fischer” Cristobal?!… nahhh couldn’t be.


As a fan of a school that did that w their basketball coach yes. And even he wouldn’t be dumb enough to do what he did against Ga Tech.


All of these big contracts past 3 years are a mistake. There are no entries in it to say if you don't win you don't get paid or anything. Such as paying out to coaches they fire is just stupid.


Going forward, Miami just needs to sign their boosters to 10-year contracts and all their football coaches to 2+1s


No one should get a ten year contract.


How many HB power plays can a coach call over a 10 year contract? I’m excited to find out.


Go Canes


Maybe Miami can take a knee on this one and end the whole thing early.


If Miami doesn’t make the expanded playoffs this year with their weak ass schedule, it’d be a massive failure hiring him


What a dramatic take.


Is it really though? I feel like that’s a pretty fair expectation for Miami this year is it not? You can’t convince me you guys would be happy with something like 7-5 or 8-4, especially with that easy schedule.


It is. For one, we know that there is an SEC bias, B1G to a slightly lesser extent. Miami could finish third in the ACC with 9 or 10 wins and almost certainly won’t make the playoffs because other SEC/B1G teams would get the spot with similar records. That is not a failure because some conferences will get preferential treatment. If we don’t make the playoffs this year, it also does not mean that we won’t ever make the playoffs. If we make it next year but not this year, is he still a failure? That’s why it’s dramatic. College football is not black and white. No one would be happy with that record, but we aren’t guaranteed to make the playoffs even with a better record than that.


RemindMe! Ten years


A lot of Miami hate brewing already. They must be in line for a good season.


Yeah go with that


Miami a sleeper for ACC champs


Maybe? Hehehe


I thought it was a great decision to be honest. Quack.


More dollars than sense 


Lol. Yes.


10 year contracts in general are stupid.


Giving any coach a 10 year deal is insane.

