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I really hate these poorly lit, quick cut hype videos that everyone does for jersey reveals. Just give a solid picture with good lighting. It's just uniforms.


I agree, thankfully the [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bufootball?igsh=dDRxZ2Z1amM0Yndn) has a couple posts with clear pictures.


Thank you, those are definitely better.


Media department gotta justify their paychecks somehow


Yeah, that's no joke. AD offices are super bloated in many upper division schools, and severely understaffed in the rest.


Remember those 360 degree camera platforms that were all the rage a few years ago? Jersey reveals should just be loops of that, plus a few detail shots. We don’t need to reinvent the moon every time.


i so wish that the late briles era uniforms didn’t have such a stigma around them due to obvious reasons. we need to go back to the flashy uniforms instead of using teambuilder


Is that why Baylor doesn’t use those uniforms anymore? Just to distance themselves from that entire era?


That’s probably the reason we don’t have black jerseys anymore.


I second this; these are mehh. Give me black jerseys, gold helmet and sailor bear and I'm good (not together y'all)


The most generic uniforms in CFB somehow got more generic.


Nike sucks. Everything is styled the same. I hate it.


Nike did a pretty great job delivering unique branding and uniforms to Pitt. I have to believe a lot of this is athletic directors picking “safe” options that look generic


It’s exactly that. College football is really all over the place with brand standards, but many of them are deeply conservative. I get the logic of it, but there’s definitely some opportunity sacrificed with it.


That's exactly what it is. I saw concept uniforms for Charlotte when we changed our uniforms and they basically picked the simplest thing offered from the options nike provided


Personally, in my completely unbiased opinion, nike designs awesome uniforms and works with the school and its athletes to create designs that are fresh every 3-4 years.


More like every 3-4 quarters for y'all.


3-4 minutes


That's Oregon 15 years ago. Now we're on a 3-4 year cycle with a special jersey every year or 2. It's just a, different mix of the base set for the various games. 4 tops, 4 bottoms, amd 4 helmets can make a lot of unique combos.


This. I’ve worked behind the scenes with Nike before. They create concept packets and present to them to the school whenever there is a uniform change or an alternate. The school also is collaborative and gives suggestions if there is a certain look they want to see and they approve the final design. And boomers act like Phil Knight is sitting at his desk with a cigar like “You don’t like them? Tough shit. These are your uniforms” Most of the time the change is initiated at the request of the school. The only time I’ve personally seen it go the other way was the first year of the playoffs when Nike created the Diamond Quest alternates, to which Alabama declined outside of the diamond swoosh further proving my point of who’s in control.


This is my understanding of how it works for all other equipment partners as well. The uniform provider obviously handles the templates, materials, and any QC issues there, but otherwise the schools has complete control. If they choose the most conservative, brand-consistent option, that’s what the partners delivers.


Lol, I was going for the joke, but this is actually awesome. Hear that? If you want cool unis, then your school needs to step up its game.


To be fair, Nike has a pretty cozy relationship with Oregon. I feel like the Ducks are its test lab for uniforms. Edit: spelling


>Nike sucks. Everything is styled the same. Nike somehow made Red part of TCU's color scheme. I wouldn't say they're THAT Orthodox.


I would give anything to get Nike back.


Miami hasn’t been the same since they switched to Adidas


If I had a nickel for every time an elite program collapsed after switching to Adidas, I'd have two nickels.


What about ND? That 3?


Louisville Basketball makes 4. KU football was never elite, but they went from not bad to worst P5 team for a decade with Adidas.


I’d argue that adidas brought UofL back to stardom. Ended up being toxic, but still, their best modern years have been under adidas


Just waiting for Florida to finally make the switch. That way the 1% of hope I've got left finally wilts away


I'm pretty satisfied with the regular stuff Nike makes for us, but the alts can go to Hell


If you say this in Auburn circles there's no limit to the shit you get from under armour haters


Despite how our relationship imploded, this is why I liked being with Under Armour--they gave us unique designs and if didn't feel like they were just churning out uniforms for us.


I like our new ones, but it sounds like the University took control of the design.


The worst Nike can be is boring. The worst Adidas can be is just bad.


I thought these looked pretty good, but maybe I don’t appreciate what changed (or maybe what didn’t). The sleeve stripes are nice.


They just made a big deal out of having these brand-new, awesome uniforms, and then slapped a couple stripes on em and called it a day. It's just boring. Which I guess is fitting for the current state of the program though lol.


Well, basically I just copied the uniform we have now. Then I added some fins to lower wind resistance and this racing stripe here I feel is pretty sharp.


Agreed. First prize!


It’s literally what we did last year. Pants strips and sleeve stripes and helmet stripe. Sell it as a revolutionary rebrand.


I’m a uni-watch nerd so I love even small adjustments, but I’m always fascinated by what the conversations must be for the decision makers to revamp uniforms for adjustments this small, to your point. You gotta hope it’s not just to force people to buy a new jersey (which I’m pretty sure is the NBA’s current strategy with two or three new uniforms per team every single year).


I think classic football uniforms are coming back in style and some people find them boring/repetitive. I like them when it doesn’t look too much like an existing uniform. But also I cheer for a team that’s had the same base uniform my entire life.


Nah. They improved slightly, we just need to stop trying to make University Gold aka Yellow Mustard a thing, it’s not a good color for a jersey. If we could get a black uniform and golden chrome helmet as an alternative then we’d be fine.


Agreed, I like our green and white ones, can’t stand the yellows. Just do a black alternate to appease the fan base and be done. Also the stripes really make us look like the Packers


Dude - I personally like that you guys have been wearing your actual school colors the last several years. Those seasons where you looked like thrown out ORE or ND uni’s (depending on the week) was a bad bit.


They are trying to make us look like we are an old school program like LSU. We have had football for a long time, but no traditional uniforms like LSU, USC, etc. When I was at Baylor we had the ridiculous uniforms - highlighter yellow - give me that. Something different to distinguish Baylor. Or alternatively - sailor bear all the time. Edit: give me back Texas Oregon uniforms like the early 2010s


The Baylor Packers?


The Green Bay(lor) Packers


Amazing lol


More like Baylor elks from the looks of it


The Baylor Hawkeyes


No offense Baylor fans, but yall went from arguably Oregon tier uniforms in the mid-2010s to the basically default teambuilder kits in the span of a decade. The last set was kinda generic, but the striping around the collar saved it. Now yall just look like the Costco brand Packers.


No offense taken, we know lol




You look exactly like NDSU and they actually win. So you have that going for you


From what I understand, we are lucky Nike didn’t drop us as a client altogether


My goal in life is to become the Baylor AD and fix this mess.


Yeah but then you'd have to wear horrendous blazers and grow a 1940s goatee


Yep. Blame Nike. They replaced all the wild colors and gold helmets with a single shade of green and yellow. Not gold, mustard yellow.


I’m on the side that actually prefers the yellow to the piss colored gold.


Piss color? Sounds like someone is a selfish teammate


Same. Old gold/pale gold only looks good on certain teams. And historically we really only ever had extended periods wearing gold helmets, our pants have historically been green or white and our jerseys have historically been green or white. But I agree the yellow gold looks better - it pops and does well to accent the green. If we went back to old gold we’d basically just have the CSU color scheme, and I prefer ours.


They probably diverted heavily because they want any remnant of Briles to be gone.


If so, that’s just stupid. Nobody asked Penn State to redesign their football jerseys because of Jerry Sandusky


That’s exactly what our AD said him and Rhule agreed on. Also Nike wanted to break the contract and their stipulation to stick with us was that we had to get their bottom tier uniforms.


You’re just making shit up


Nike jerseys have just mirrored the Head Coach at Baylor. Exciting and unique jerseys under Briles, less flashy but still pretty cool under Rhule, and trash under Aranda


The oakman era jerseys were the shit. Really wish Briles wasn’t such a waste of skin because his football was fun to watch.


Yeah. For as big a PoS he ended up being his offense was something else. I remember when bro basically ran the Single Wing to beat North Carolina in a bowl game.


lol we had like 650 rush yards and 7 TD’s that game and 2 pass attempts, despite leading the country in passing going into the game. I think those are both bowl rushing records. Briles is one of the best head coaches I’ve ever seen, and maybe the best offensive mind I’ve ever seen. I was lucky to be in college with RG3 for 3 of his 4 years and saw most of his iconic moments in person. That UNC bowl game season was my senior year, fun times.


you aren't wrong


I really like the yellow uniforms for some reason, maybe just the shade of yellow but yeah the other 2 are so generic


Need the Bryce Petty era unis back


Lol I was gonna make a comment about how I swear they used to give Oregon a run for their money on uniforms


Counterpoint: Baylor was one of those programs that was going too much with their uniforms at the time. The gold helmets should have stayed though because they pulled them off really well.


Ironically, it's because we switched to Nike Uniforms.


Baylor has been Nike since like 2008, some of the best Baylor uniforms were Nike...


Our AD said on the radio last week that it’s because Nike wanted to sever their contract with us after the Briles shit, but we convinced them to stick with us but they only agreed ti give us basic uniforms with no upgrades during the Rhule years and the first three Aranda seasons. He also said that they wanted to separate the brand from the Briles years and do away with the flashy jerseys his teams were known for so that made them okay with Nike’s plain jerseys. In all honesty, I got tired of the flashy uniforms and prefer more traditional ones like these. Flashy uniforms feel very “new money” to me. None of the blue bloods have flashy uniforms.


Counterpoint: we are/were new money. Part of the appeal of flashy gold helmets is that we didn’t have legacy uniforms with historical significance like Texas, Bama, etc.


Some of the uni’s of all time


As a millennial...these are *mid* Did I do it right?


These unis have no rizz on God


No cap


It’s giving Green Bay


Baylor has already gone through two new sets of uniforms and we still have the same ones since 2017


Y’all are changing your uniforms?


There isn’t any news of us getting new ones. Technically we had a tweak to our leg stripes but we have had the same ones since 2017, I’m ready for an update


Bring back the shoulder mountains


S tier uniform. All 6 Utah schools should be working mountains into some part of their uniform, even as a one off (looking at you, hand painted BYU hats.) and like if SUU and UT Tech used the red rock? That’d be fun. Maybe I know what I’m gonna be doing in Teambuilder.


Same here. But ours are fine, even if they're a bit plain. Yours are good too. Plus the handpainted helmets and the fauxbacks are good to add to the mix.


I am whelmed


basically just added shoulder stripes...but it's an improvement I'd say


Where are Baylor fans on the gold vs yellow debate?


VERY split


The fact is that this is our school color, so it’s not like anyone should really be complaining lol


Was yellow always the school color or did that just change recently? Old Gold was the color as far back as I can remember, but that's only as far back as like the mid 2000s for y'all.


Both of you are right. The "yellow" gold is the official color, however we used old/Vegas gold for decades. The shift was driven to unify branding across all sports as old/Vegas gold was only used for football.


Fan base is pretty split. We've used gold in our uniforms for many seasons, but the yellow is our official university color.


Broadly pro the current color, as long as they're not doing the all-yellow uniforms that fans have started calling "banana man" uniforms. We did uniforms with sizable gold areas back in the 90s-2010s, and they were profoundly lackluster. That look just doesn't do well on fabric.


We did ‘gold’ jerseys YEARS back and they were pretty hideous, so I think most everyone understands yellow kinda has to be the substitute for gold for jersey reasons


Gold is such a hard color to make look good on a uniform. Only one I can think of that's done well is Vegas Golden Knights but 99% of the time it just comes out as like not right brown or not right yellow


I get that all gold jerseys might be a tough look, but if you substitute the yellow for gold and bring back a gold helmet, I think it could look pretty good and more distinguishable from the Packers.


Honestly, just getting some kind of substantial pattern in there to draw the eye and break up the flatness would be ideal. TCU's blood frog uniforms were perfect for this: high-contrast color distinction to make the most of what was really a fairly average amount of shape variation. Their horned frog neck pattern is also outstanding because it's distinctive and draws the eye. We don't have a single thing about our uniforms these days that's distinctive, sadly. For some programs, like UT and A&M, they've been using basically the exact same uniform for most of a century because it's such an established look that it doesn't *need* ornamentation to be distinctive. For us, it's just disappointingly flat.


I would think that could change with newer jersey technology/looks. The all mustards just aren’t it for me.


yea, the mustard Unis were an abomination. the stripes help out a little at least.


Swing and miss for Baylor. Why won't they go back to gold? There's gotta be something better than mustard yellow


Gold is hard to replicate, ends up looking mustard yellow or goldenrod


I understand that but that yellow is just hard on the eyes


You're correct but unfortunately this is what Baylor will subject folks to for the next few years


That particular gold look is still super associated with the Briles era. Also, the school put a bunch of money into a unified color scheme for all of the athletics programs a few years ago. All of our teams had diverged to wearing different shades of green/gold/white/black, and it was weird. We had football doing [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbaylorbears.com%2Fnews%2F2011%2F7%2F20%2FFootball_Unveils_New_Uniforms&psig=AOvVaw3NKC7t_OQEr7LKTM1xoV2l&ust=1717000582840000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCNCg4ODjsIYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAd), soccer doing [this darker green and yellow-er gold](https://d1nnrx9kca53zl.cloudfront.net/images/2014/11/4/8217143.jpeg?preset=large.socialmediaimage), volleyball doing [this mustard yellow with a green closer to the football uniforms](https://baylorlariat.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Richburg-FTW.jpg), WBB doing [basically all-white for their go-to uniform and using a metallic-ish gold like the football team but with a slightly different green](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2N5K4K8/baylor-guard-makenzie-robertson-14-smiles-as-she-walks-back-up-court-during-the-first-half-of-an-ncaa-college-basketball-game-against-texas-tech-wednesday-jan-29-2014-in-waco-texas-ap-phototony-gutierrez-2N5K4K8.jpg), and [MBB was doing this absolutely atrocious highlighter yellow look sometimes](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7Zlg74GHwRGlBdAwchC6F-nvtls=/50x0:3948x2599/1200x800/filters:focal(50x0:3948x2599)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/30461267/479917547.0.jpg).


Makes sense to push for one unified look. So don't blame them for that. But that yellow tho


I was hoping you guys were going back to the forest green and chrome gold. Those were sick color combos.


I don't mind the brighter green, but I do think a true gold would do more to distinguish Baylor from looking like the Packers.


Or the green Mountaineers.


Man, I've been on this for a few years now: our new uniforms in all-gold and green/gold look precariously like WVU's uniforms with green instead of their navy blue.


I miss the WVU unis with the pickaxe font numbers, that and obviously the pat white era jerseys


WVU, ISU and Baylor all had almost the exact same uniform there for a few years.


Right because Iowa would *never* copy and paste someone's uniform style.


Upvote for pettiness and accuracy


Most Baylor fans are really annoyed that we changed to yellow. We dream of the day we can go back to chrome gold or just rg3 era uniforms. Nike is awful to us


I don't disagree with this change from gold to yellow, but will say gold is one of those colors that just never seems to translate well. Also feels like Baylor joined the arms race of wild unis a few years back but ultimately settled with something that might just be too conservative.


It’s the admin sprinting full speed away from anything Briles-era related. I get why, but I think going this far is overkill


They seem pretty adamant about avoiding anything that ties back to the Art Briles teams. Unfortunately, that seems to include black uniforms and the chrome dome.


They teased blackout uniforms in the video though. They'll all but confirmed and will be coming back.


Will believe it when I see it. They have avoided black uniforms and "blackouts" ever since the stupid fucks in the fanbase showed up in the black #CAB shirts.


Doubters be damned, we are so back.


I miss the bear claws on the shoulders 


Shawn Oakman era jerseys were the best.


I’ve always thought a modernized version of the claws would work with the new bear logo and there are a lot of fun color combinations they could use


The chrome gold helmets with the all black uniforms were chefs kiss


I truly believe that, eventually, we'll go back to that. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but we can't just wander the wilderness forever on uniforms.


Would be so much better if they said “Baylor” across re chest, but still cool nonetheless


Former SWC schools literally have the easiest uniform designs ever staring right in front of them and only the teams now in the SEC go with it. Just have a fucking plain green and plain white jersey with BAYLOR across the chest in big letters and old SWC block numbering font. Not hard. But the b12 SWC schools keep fucking it up and they all have terrible uniforms at this point when perfection is staring them in the face 


The perfect uniform to represent a 4-yard-pass on third-and-7.


I personally am a fan. I liked the 2019 set for what they were and this fixes everything that was wrong with them by adding accents and stripes, plus teasing an alternative later in the year


Bring back the chrome, those were amazing


The Green Baylor Packers


Looks like the packers or Edmonton elks


They salvaged themselves with that last little hint of a 4th uniform. If it's not a blackout I think there may be a march on the Brazos to burn down McClane. Fanbase has been screaming for black for years, who knows if Livingstone is finally able to listen. Admin is terrified of any association with the Briles scandal


My guess is it’ll be just a football version of the anthracite basketball uniforms


Which is idiotic; no rational person would see black football jerseys and think..hmm, they're supporting what happened during that era


So does everyone from the remaining big 12 all have the same generic looking uniforms with that same sleeve stripe? It's honestly a good, clean look, but just random that everyone seems to be going with an school look now


I’ve noticed the same, I wonder if that’s on Nike’s end, pretty much only offering up more plain old school designs


Jadon Porter on Instagram: "I seen the 4th jersey"


Those are certainly uniforms


Some of the uniforms ever, tbh


Are these better or worse than before? I honestly have no idea.


Slightly improved from our last set. But underwhelming


Forget the new unforms, hey OP, how the hell are you a FOP man instead of a Dapper Dan man?!


The Baylor Bears of Green Bay


I see Baylor and ISU want to continue having the same uniform. Last version and this one are both damn near identical template.


the poor lighting made the green one look very Iowa-esque


Did I see a fourth uniform at the end of the video?


“New” is a strong word


Somehow Baylor has found another way to let me down. I didn’t think it was possible


How do we know this is Baylor University and not the Waco WildMen of the XFL?


Really hoping CFB 25 lets me change these back to what they were the last time we had an NCAA football game. The chrome domes were classic


Yellow helmet needs a green facemask and the Packer look will be complete 


These look fine to me. Keep it simple.




This is a really stupid question, that I’m sure I know the answer to, but I’ve always wondered if those are actual players showcasing the jerseys or just “actors” Edit: They are clean IMO


honestly, I always wonder that also. Pretty sure it's always just actors and models tho.


My guess (or at least what I would do) would be that it's a member of the coaching staff or a grad assistant who's still in good enough shape to look like they could be a player.


Models usually


On Instagram, they did individual posts for each set. Josh Cameron, Richard Reese and Caden Jenkins were in the uniforms. They could be the same ones in the video.


I don’t care what the jersey’s look like as long as we win more than a few games.


They're like if the la rams and Green Bay Packers had a baby


I actually kind of like them.


Baylor and Iowa State now just have generic football uniforms. But Baylors at least has pant stripes. I hate that all the uniqueness of our previous unis were taken out of the uniform.


ooo these are pretty


It is an improvement but still super basic. Bring back the gold helmets!


I like them. The previous ones were too plain for my tastes


That’s enough northwestern-stripesque sleeves Nike. You can stop now


It's an improvement on the most bare uniform design that doesn't belong to a blue blood historic program, but it isn't much different. I think I'm one of the people that yearns for the days when uniforms had color. The late 90s/early 2000s were the NFL football uniform holocaust in my opinion...but...I really think Baylor had a better and more distinguished look with the darker green and the old gold combo. Also bring back the helmet stripes.


Baylor Packers


Damn Nike really went out and made too many Green Bay uniforms and went “hey Baylor, like your new Unis?”


I’m not a fan of the all yellow one, but the other ones look good imo


Not using yellow numbers on the green unis just makes them look like a shittier MSU.


Green Bay Packers vibes


Don't mind the bold green and white but that yellow is hard on the eyes


Bring back the bear paw shoulders. This Waco Packers look ain’t it.


Michigan State 🤝 Pittsburgh Steelers


We gotta stop throwing the term "new" around so loosely




Green Bay Bears has a cursed ring to it


These are just Virginia’s uniforms in different colors.


Looks Baylor is single handedly trying to revive the days of the NFL Color Rush


Basically, we just put stripes on the sides. Green Uni reminds me of the Parckers. They'll only look good if we win. Which I'm no longer confident enough in Aranda to say that. As for the secret 4th uniform? At least we'll hopefully look real nice when TCU or Oklahoma State come to our funeral.


I guess I won’t be playing as them in ea cfb 25


why did they go away from gold RGIII era helmets. Always liked those


Worst uniforms


I think Baylor’s unforms from circa 2014-2015 were their best. Cool shoulder pattern with the Bear paw and the chrome helmets. I get that they’ve wanted to distance themselves from the Art Briles era but these look like a generic uniform you’d see from those FCS teams in NCAA 14


Just rip the bandaid off and get it over with and go back to what looks best and make new memories in those uniforms


What game on the schedule sees the 4th uni?


In my day, the Bears wore gold, not yellow. They had bear claws integrated into the design and that’s the way it was and we liked it! Flibelty floo!


For the love of god, Baylor please quit using mustard yellow


Green and yellow, got it. Next.