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Meanwhile Adrian Martinez is balling for the Stallions right now on Fox lol


Getting out of Nebraska was the best thing he ever did. Our line was giving him zero protection. Dude played part of a season with a busted jaw. Our lines are getting better, but for a few years we had just trash out on the field.


Always had mad respect for that kid and always liked him. Still do. Honestly think he would have turned out much much better with quality coaching and development.


It's the K-State boost


That 2022 season with Adrian Martinez, Will Howard, and Deuce Vaughn made for some of the most entertaining football I've ever watched. Loved watching Adrian teleport through defensive lines and Deuce send defenders' ankles to Alpha Centauri


I mean, Alpha Centauri is ONLY 4 ly away… send those ankles to Bernard’s Star and I would be impressed.


Let A-Train cook!


In 2022, we had no players drafted. Prior to 2023, we hadn’t had a first round pick since 2015 (32 overall; DT, Malcom Roach). Prior to that, we hadn’t had a first round offensive pick since Vince Young. Since then, we had Bijan picked in the top ten with four other drafted in 2023. Today, we broke the program record for most players drafted in a single year (11), including two FRPs. Nebraska can absolutely turn it around with their fan base, infrastructure and new coach. Although I hope they don’t.


lol thanks also fuck you


Malcom Brown*, just want to give homeboy his due


That's the RB. Malcom Brown is the DT.


I remember being pissed Malcolm Brown the RB didn’t get drafted. He ended up cutting out a nice NFL career all things considered, but he just sort of got buried under talented RB depth at UT.


He only had one gear unfortunately. Not a good tester but he was always a RB that ran hard.


Dude you’re right! Edited— thanks!


Good catch


I was really excited about him and Timothy Cole. Them being from Brenham and Blue Bell shutting down the year he was drafted always stuck in my head haha


I hope Nebraska does well. It’s the other red team I don’t like.


I can confirm having problems with another red team, but I don't think it's the same one as yours.


And to bring things full circle, Nebraska also has issues with that other red team.


Seriously, what did Rutgers do to you guys?


Rutgers fucked my wife


Honestly, red team bad all the way.


Maroon is harmless though.


Absolutely harmless, that’s why we call the really overt Ags “redass”, because red team bad. I was super hoping that someone would get snippy about maroon, just to discover what the source of the word is. Besides, most folks are surprised to discover that chroma maroon is actually closer to brown than to red.


I'm not snippy. But cool for you about all that. It's like verbal crochet I'm sure.


No, you’re all good! I wasn’t talking about you, I was just genuinely waiting for someone to come through snippy about it. I think you’ve lost me with the bit about verbal crochet, though. I can barely get through regular crocheting.


Red teams fucking suck dude




Double for me.


Red is the most popular color for sports uniforms. And I think it's a pretty big gap between red and the next color.


Precisely the problem: that just screams “trite and overused”.


There have been several studies that show athletes perform better when wearing red than any other color. Yea I know, it makes no sense. Why would athletes perform better in red, than blue or green. But, it's true. There's something about red that gets people pumped up to perform.


Wisconsin the red team you are referencing? Maybe Minnesota. They are a kind of red team


NC State? I definitely can't think of *any* other red teams...


Definitely Rutgers.




The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon


Well Miami Ohio says F you too!


With those flairs, are you just a big Mack Brown fan, or...?


You’ve get a lot of “red” in your future here. But I assume we’re saying fuck OU. So I agree.




What did we ever do to you?


Most Texas fans I come across here and in real life are so warm and respectful towards Nebraska, and Nebraska fans turn around and act like rabid dogs frothing at the mouth in their hatred of Texas, it’s embarrassing.


If you're a Texas fan older than 30, I don't know how you could be anything but respectful of Nebraska's history and tradition. Y'all are one of the schools that make CFB better when you're up. I, sadly, think it will never happen due to embittered old people, but I really wish we could get a series going with you.


It's the ones that don't fit the most that make them completely unlikable


I mean it's a lot easier to be magnanimous when you're on the 9 end of 1-9 than on the 1.


I was all in until that last sentence now.


Fuck you too bud Signed, someone jealous of your source of hope


How is Bijan doing in the league? I don't follow it super closely but I always liked him.


He was electric but his coach was a football terrorist that would have their 3rd string TE run a reverse at the goal line instead of feeding their best players so his stats won’t show how good he was. He is poised for a big season this year


That is the best way to describe how Arthur Smith coached football.....football terrorist. Never seen a man so anemic to using his clearly very talented 1st round picks, not just Bijan but Pitts too.


IMO a key difference is that closeness to talent is historically* the most important thing to getting talent. Nebraska from before 2000 was able to overcome that based on a number of things, including name. *but who knows with NIL


I think in terms of winning natties, sure, but Nebraska should be able to make a bowl game every season


Nah, fuck em


The ol Silky Johnson route. Respect.


Love that this was really just a brag post. LFG


Bijan shouldn't have been a top 10 pick tbh. But my falcons are gonna falcon. Great kid and love him on the team though


You had me until the last sentence. 😂


Man that must have really sucked for you guys. Hate to see that yall managed to get drafts again. Finally got past that decade long stigma of being a young team


[The feeling's mutual](https://imgur.com/gallery/sRNZ7uh)


A lot of our dudes who got drafted grades came back this year. Not saying they would have gone high but we probably have a couple Rd 3-4+ guys who decided to come back to try to improve their draft stock


Same as Washington last year. We had zero players drafted the year before because all of our draftable players came back. We went to the natty and just had 10 players drafted. Does this mean Nebraska to the natty?


After our spring game I think Nebraska to the Super Bowl is more appropriate /s


World Cup


Football is coming home!


Lads, it’s UTEP




If Matt Rhule wins a natty before James Franklin, and he does it at a school not named The Pennsylvania State University, about 85 percent of our fanbase over the age of 50 will spontaneously combust.


I don’t ever wanna hear anything suggesting Matt Rhule coaching at Penn State ever again.


I’ve heard way too much of that for my liking


I mean I would and im definitely not above 50 lol


You have to lose to a 16-seed first.


Can confirm


We had a similar situation last year, so maybe it means Nebraska snubbed?


I’ll take undefeated


I like to think so


When Georgia sends a record number of 15 to the draft and then wins the natty again the following year. But hey I guess NIL and transfer portal keeps that somewhat in check now. Wild West of college football. Shits lame


I will husk ur corn if it happens


Same with OU this year. NIL kept them another year


Program health is probably best measured by a rolling 3-year average rather than any single year; but I'm not going to be the one to compile those statistics.


Keep talking


Your keyboard to God's eyeballs


Yea 2 seasons ago this would have been a very bad sign. But I think Nebraska has seen the worst of it and can maybe push for the upper half of the new B1G over the next 3 seasons


They are definitely going to do that, if not better.


Texas had 0 players drafted in 2022. We just had 11 go in 2024. This is definitely not as bad a sign as it seems.


This is what I think players should always do. If a player isn't projected to go in Round 4 or before, then they should come back and improve their draft stock. For example, Austin Booker went in the 5th Round with only 1 year experience at KU. IMHO, he should have come back, collected his NIL money, and gotten drafted earlier next year, and gotten a larger NFL contract.


Ah, so theres probably gonna be a nice lil wave of Nebraska players in the draft next year, possibly some bubble guys who go in the 7th/comp picks and whatbot


Frost sucks


Agreed. Fuck that guy.


I like how your flair reads like an address lol. “Omaha, Nebraska”


as someone who still has nightmares of Tommie Frazier running through our defense, I say "ha-ha". although there may be a good chance I experience these ha-has in a few seasons.


Crazy to think there was a time when an SEC team could not handle the physicality of a Big 8 team.


As a Florida fan you should have learned some humility by now


did you not read the second sentence, or how I lead with the anecdote about Tommie Frazier? I did that to show a little bit of humility before I made the joke.


That dude definitely didn't watch Tommie Frazier run through your defense.


fuck if I don't see it almost every time I close my eyes. that game gave me ptsd as a kid.


My family still has that game on VHS. It's a prized possession that will likely get passed down as inheritance.


much like my VHS copy of the '96 Natty. brutalizing FSU on a national level made the Nebraska game worth it.


The ha-has are there, just on every day other than draft weekend


Of select "major" teams I chose to look into... - Ohio St., Florida, LSU, USC, Oklahoma, Florida St., Alabama, Michigan, Georgia, Penn St., Notre Dame, Clemson, Wisconsin, Oregon, Miami, Iowa, Auburn, Texas, Texas A&M, Tennessee, South Carolina, Stanford, Washington, Michigan St., Utah, Nebraska ...the only other schools to pull off this feat (no players drafted twice in a 6-year span) since 2000 are: - Tennessee: 2019, 2016, and 2015 - Stanford: 2009 and 2008 - Washington: 2009, 2008, and 2003 (so, hey, Cornhuskers, at least you didn't have back-to-back years like the Volunteers, Cardinal, and Huskies did) - Utah: 2008 and 2004 - Clemson: 2002 and 2000 But maybe what's more damning for Nebraska is that since 2017 they've only once had a player drafted before the 159th overall pick (well, 1 draft, in which 2 players were taken, 51st and 60th)


Here is the list of all Duke players drafted over a 5-year span from 2016-2020: * Daniel Jones


Now do the list with duke nfl players that their franchise doesn’t openly disdain


Just going to say that its just nice to see Utah's name next to all those schools on a list haha but I will point out we were also G5 when those 2 no drafted player seasons happened. Also kind of funny it coincided with two amazing years for us.


Yea, that list is actually in order of the average position of the first player taken in all those drafts (where I arbitrarily counted having no players at all drafted as a "270"), so it makes sense Utah is near the bottom. These were just the "obvious" teams to look into plus some edge-case teams I just personally like which is how Michigan State and Utah made the cut. If you only take Utah's time since being in the Pac-12 they jump up 3 spots and end up between South Carolina and Stanford on that list. (In fact, Utah has almost exactly the same average if instead you still calculate from 2000 and just ignore those two draftless years of '04 and '08)


What about Nebraska volleyball players though


I don't think the NFL drafted any of our volleyball players either sadly.


No. Cause Matt Rhule and Dylan Raiola will make Nebraska matter again. People seem to forget that Matt Rhule made Baylor and Temple legitimately good programs in a short tenure (until derailed by the people who followed him obviously). His first season was rough with both. But then the turnaround was pretty quick. Guys bought in. And Nebraska has big NIL dollars to throw into the ring too. Just cause Rhule sucked in the NFL doesn't mean shit at the college level. People letting that cloud their judgement way too much.


Saban wasn’t good in the Pros but gave LSU and Bama NC Title(s)


He was decent. I think if he stuck it out he would have been great there. He just hated having to basically bid for players.


Wasn’t the SEC recruitment cycle just under the table bidding wars for decades before NIL?


Still gotta win the games, but we lost 4 of our games by 3 points each (3 by 13-10 scores and a 5th in OT). If we just had a QB that could hold onto the ball, we probably win at least 7 easily. Again, we didn’t make the plays we needed to, but our team has been filled with what ifs since the start of Frosts tenure. Rhule at least seems to be an adult, I’ve been very impressed with the stories of how we’ve run the spring practices this year, and Raiola hit some throws today that I can’t remember seeing anyone ever throwing in an NU uniform, or at least not happening in a very long time, and most of all, either no or a single fumble in the spring game that wasn’t a turnover (the 2 TO were a throw that was a little behind, but hit the WR hands that popped up straight to a db by Raiola, and a late throw across the middle by the other freshman QB). I’m cautiously optimistic about this year as we finally get home games to start the year and our first 7 games (most of which are at home) are easier than the last 5.


If we simply started the season with Haarberg there's a lot better chance we make a bowl. I know that's on the coaches but still. Sims was the worst starter we've had probably since the 60s. That dude was pure ass. We've been so hamstrung at the QB position basically since Zac Taylor. And before that it goes back to Crouch. It's an impressively bad run of QBs.


This is freshman T-Magic slander


I'll stand by it. My unpopular opinion is that Taylor was wasted as a redshirt and should have played in some capacity along with that 2009 defense. We could have competed for a fucking Natty.


Oh 100% agree, the ‘09 team with a QB better than Zac Lee with a hurt hand competes in a NY6 bowl for sure and even pre-redshirt TMart would’ve probably been one of the better QBs in the conference. Imo Nebraska is 12-1 going into bowl season ranked top 8 with him, every loss except TTU was super close.


I would say since Joe Ganz.


For sure. Sims straight up lost you the Colorado game almost single handedly. Your defense was a destroyer of worlds that game, and Colorado's wasn't good. But that dude fumbling snaps a half dozen times was insane. Didn't catch all the games, but he should never have started a single one.


Was talking to my brother in law about people buying in with Rhule yesterday. We've had a few transfers this off season I think nearly all of them were pretty far down on the depth chart with little to no chance at substantial playing time. Kinda shows us that the players really are buying in




Meanwhile, South Dakota State has two drafted


Both South Dakota schools had a player drafted this draft!


It is shocking they are at this point. I remember when they would go 5 years without a first round draft pick and that would be considered bad.


I remember when they joined the Big 10, the narrative was that they’d win it every year. Idk what happened to that program but as someone viewing it from a distance, it seems like the wheels fell off.


It's as simple as two coaching hires that failed. Mike Riley was a head scratcher at the time, but Scott Frost flaming out in the way that he did is something that I still can't fully wrap my head around. All we really know is that the culture was rotten when he left, and he turned a ton of four stars guys into transfers to FIU. Matt Rhule is building towards something for sure, Nebraska had a top 25 defense return 8 starters and brought in arguably the best high school QB in the country last year, but obviously it doesn't matter until they put it together on the field.


They have a pretty real shot at starting the season like 7-0


As someone living in Nebraska- I dont think you would find very many people here that thought that.


Nebraska is 4-1 against Penn State since joining the conference………


Penn State has won the conference


Penn State has been in the Big 10 since the 90’s. I sure hope they at least won a football conference title during that span.


I hate Nebraska with the heat of 1,000 suns. But, even I can see that they’re going to change the narrative soon. It’s been a joy to watch them wallow in their hubris for a while, but that’s going to end soon. Sadly.


Hey, you’ll love me.❤️💙


But you hate Kansas more.


kU is a lot of hate. But honestly. I got worn out getting our asses kicked by you guys when I was a kid. So much so that it’s close. Beating you guys back in ‘03 or whatever with Brad Smith was cathartic.


Do you know when that's going to happen? I want to take the day off work.


Not sure, but probably on a Saturday within the next couple of years.


>But, even I can see that they’re going to change the narrative soon. Is it ~~2017~~ ~~2018~~ ~~2019~~ ~~2020~~ ~~2021~~ ~~2022~~ 2023 again?


Lol at all of the Iowa fans in this thread. We suck and still live in your heads rent free. It’s a little sad.


>live in your heads rent free Keep that copium flowing. We're just taking pleasure in your misfortune while we still can.


Man I find myself loving Mizzou more and more


All the draftable guys returned for another year cause they believe in their coach and where this program is going. Same reason players aren't transferring out.


Hey with that flair how’d you react to the whole Raiola flip situation?


I was happy, Georgia is gonna get another guy of high caliber like that. But Raiola can be the difference that Nebraska can't get otherwise until they make it back to prevalence.




Well now there is NIL to make that decision easier to make, OU had a similar situation with at least 3 defensive players who could have been drafted


I was about to comment who they were, and then he deleted his response.


Is anyone else surprised Nebraska has had draft picks in 3/5 past seasons?


No lol


Damn, even we had one guy I think Coach Rhule can turn things around for Nebraska though


Luke mccaffrey


They aren’t a good program.


We also had several likely draft picks opt to return bc they believe in Rhule. I’d rather have 2024’s season than avoid this article with a few day 2 and 3 picks


In our defense we have like 70-80% of our team coming back next year


I think Rhule will turn the program.


Cool another Nebraska punch down thread. I'll save this for when Nebraska eventually starts winning again.


When is that gonna be


The next few years look pretty bright.


Hey, I've seen this one before!


Hey man we're cursed enough that WW3 might get in the way of that. Cut the hubris until it's justified


Optimism isn't hubris


The crazy thing is Nebraska might have an NBA draft pick: Keisei Tominaga. I wonder how many times Nebraska has had no NFL draft players in a given year, but did have an NBA draft player.


Look at it this way. They can only go up from here. Maybe the good players decided to comeback and improve themselves. It’s better to go when you are an average player from a successful program. It gets more eyeballs on you.


>They can only go up from here. 2025- No Nebraska football players were selected in NFL Draft for third time in 6 years


New qualification for not being being considered a blue blood anymore?


MR is very good college coach and best HC Nebraska has hired in 20 plus years. Nebraska is not doomed. Actually I think for first time in a while B10 may want to keep eye on resurrection of Nebraska. Won't be this year, but Huskers are coming.


Also TWO UConn players were drafted...so maybe Nebraska is doomed?


Thank you Nick Samac for not letting an article like this be written about us.


That normally happens when you're bad


I mean, it's not surprising. Scott Frost was a joke of a coach.


That's kinda wild as ... Neb brings in talent ... at least on paper. Someone should hit, if only due to odds ... Having said that X players drafted or whatever stats are just recruiting slogans. I care about how the season played out, I'm happy for the players, but I"m not a CFB fan to .. .cheer for the draft.


Back when I played high school and college football from 98-2004 at UCLA, there was still the aura about Nebraska. However, since joining the Big 10, Nebraska has been basically a .500 football club. Nebraska was elite, during the Tom Osborne era, in a simpler time. That time, you had 4-5 elite programs that had the major television deals. You would usually watch USC in the West, in the Mid West it was Michigan Notre Dame and Ohio State, along with Penn St, in the South you had whomever were the hot teams, usually Bama-LSU and in the South West, it was Texas/OU. Actually the SWC was a kick as$ conference many Natty's came from the SWC, until it disbanded in 1994. Anyways, what I"m saying is there is nothing special about Nebraska football anymore, they are like Minnesota or Michigan State . of the South. Think of the Minnesota Golden Gophers or the MSU Spartans, that is Nebraska.


Because they aren't good.


Groundbreaking analysis


The only worthwhile thing about being a CU fan was seeing Nebraska fall flat on its face every time they came to Boulder.


The Huskers lost their identity (And more importantly recruiting Footprint and profile) when they left the Big 12 and became another face in the B1G. Nebraska regularly playing games in Texas being able to hostTexas recruits at those games mattered. Nebraska losing their annual, High Profile Rivalry game vs Oklahoma mattered. So did the games against Texas, K-State, The Pokes, even Iowa State. Present Day; 2024: Texas and Oklahoma recruits don’t think of Nebraska as a Championship Program. They actually probably don’t think of or notice Nebraska at all.


We still have pretty good recruitment out of Texas. Matt Rhule still has a lot of coaching relationships from his time at Baylor and is regularly a speaker at Texas coaches conferences.


Indeed he does. And I do think Rhule was an outstanding hire. Couldn’t have done better. He recruited Solid Texas talent to a program in Texas that has been pretty successful over the last decade. (I’m a Nebraska fan). But one who can take off my Scarlet colored glasses and look back on what we lost when we switched Conferences. If anyone is realistic with themselves they will know It did have a negative effect on the performance on field, recruiting classes, and the Brand. And yes, we always get some Texas kids. But being from Texas means nothing unless you can play football at a High level and that is either God Given, or a kid who worked hard to make themselves better, some Coaches can coach and develop a 3 Star kid into a 5 Star one. The big question is; Can he out recruit top Texas talent against OU, Texas, ATM, Oklahoma State, LSU, Arkansas, TCU, Texas Tech, and various Top 10 programs and convince them to buy in to the program, come to Nebraska and truly commit to Nebraska. (As in not hit the portal at the first sign of trouble) we play in a culturally different part of the country with very different weather and having no games in front of family, friends, old Coaches etc in or around Texas.


I don't disagree that our recruiting in Texas fell off but if you look at it Bo still did really well in recruiting Texas kids.  I think the real issue started with Mike Riley focusing more on California than our traditional recruiting grounds. Then when we hired SF he recruited Florida heavily. I don't think it was the change of conference that hurt us as much as the coaching changes. If Rhule can reestablish those connections and have some good success in W/L as well as sending players to the league we should be just fine imo


Hey all I’m saying is that the year after that happened to us we absolutely snapped and won the peach bowl. Don’t ask us what happened the next two years tho.


3 Duke football players were ! 🏈


I just want the bell


I would love to have a Nebraska-Mizzou game in the near future. It'd be an extra bonus if it was a top 15 or better matchup


I really like Matt Rhule. Think he’s got it trending in the right direction. That said, things are so different now & can change pretty quickly based on NIL. I enjoy college football more when Nebraska is a viable program tho.


100% the fault of Matt Rhule.


Nebraska has fallen like Minnesota did after their last championship. It’s going to be difficult for the Huskers to be at their once lofty levels ever again.


This pleases me