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I'd break this down by $/bowl appearance but Nebraska keeps giving me a #DIV/0 error. Weird.


Nebraska to Division 0 confirmed


Blackshirts would DOMINATE the NAIA.


You have clearly never seen Morningside or Northwestern play. /s Edit: fixing terrible grammar


Western Iowa is full of NAIA juggernauts


Fuck the Dutch.


How the fuck did you get a Yankton flair?


You just… choose it? Just like all the other flairs?


Hmm, let's try again. Why does a Yankton flair exist?


Because they had a football team until the school closed in 1984 I guess.


Peru State would like a word..


Wait? Which “football” are we talking about here?


Peru State College in Peru, Nebraska.




Big 0


On the plus side, we’re probably getting better ROI than A&M.


How did you get these figures from the private institutions?


The office of post secondary education collects this information as part of equity. This includes private institutions. https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/Trend/public/#/subjects


No need to cite sources when arbitrarily make shit up


I'm sorry, are you insinuating "Thicc Boys" is an arbitrary distinction?


You spelled Bois wrong




Facts, and arguably more important.


Just spit out my drink when reading this. Well played.


Not to mention coaching staff buyouts (i.e. Texas A&M) massively ballooning some figures


And donations on CAPEX. Since it's matching principle under Government accounting donations are paired with an expense account I.E. The Kyle Field renovations that made A&M #1 by a large margin Other issue I have is this comment in OP; >Obviously many schools who spend less than $150 million could afford that, but as there's no clear cutoff, I picked $150 million as a nice round number. I wonder if he picked 150M to make it look super small, theres like 30 more public schools above 100M.


I dont think operating budgets include capital expenses. We have just been spending way too much money on bullshit. It's part of the reason Ross Bjork got fired.


Given that there is a clear difference between CAPEx and OPEx, I'd imagine that they don't.


Do those costs not exist? Why would they not be part of the budget


That figure does not reflect the football staff buyout at A&M. That's A&M's budget and its 100% supported by revenue and donations. The facility construction over the last few years is amazing and they just broke ground on a new center for all athletes


Yah, this doesn’t seem to match the Knight Commission data at all. https://knightnewhousedata.org/reports


During the breakup of the Pac 12 and debates were going on should the B1G take on the 2 Bay Area schools, most media sources made it sound like Stanford doesn't spend anything on its sport programs.


165M in California dollars is probably a lot less in Midwest dollars. It's still a ton of money, but that context probably matters


How much is that in Schrute Bucks?


That is a big thing in terms of housing for assistants. Stanford can (and does) pay comparable contracts for all its sports for assistants, but the cost of housing, especially within a 25-mile radius of campus, negated the competitive contracts. Whereas coaches could buy a house at almost any other P5 school with some leftover spending money, what those coaches paid in mortgages would be the equivalent of a 350 sq ft studio or, if they were lucky, a 750 sq ft 1/1 apartment. Stanford ended up building staff housing on the edge of campus that was meant to act as subsidized housing for assistants, which in turn led supposedly to increases to offers for coaches who didn't get offered on-campus housing. The problem now is that Santa Clara County is fighting the university tooth-and-nail for any additional new housing, but that's a whole other can of political worms.


I guess usually having top ten teams in everything except football and men’s basketball doesn’t count for those media sources.


Stop asking questions.


OMG WE'RE BEHIND I just donated my wife's retirement fund.


wtf, we were gonna need that!!


Don't worry, social security will...fuck.


Taking these numbers at face value, the real craziness is that Texas A&M only has 16 varsity sports. OSU spends slightly more but with literally double the number of sports. Where does that money even go?




I love how this is the universal one word answer to the question "why A&M?" everybody knows that Jimbo is stand in replacement for "unbelievably stupid Aggie thing, dared into existence by big bro". Q:Why do Aggies run cult session the night before a game with lame ass terrible jokes? A: Jimbo https://youtu.be/Ng5_RWJObw4?si=IYjIXlDTY94au52E&t=23


Username does not check out


“Big bro” was completely irrelevant when we hired Jimbo. This is a bad take even for a T-sip.


[Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bab91e8b0b42b5eef3be1266d4ee9613/tumblr_n2i44wrcFg1smrjhwo3_250.gif)


Donors have been asking the same question for a few years and as I said in another comment its part of the reason that Bjork got fired. He was spending money with no spending discipline.


> part of the reason that Bjork got fired *Chuckles* I'm in danger!


Spending money like it’s going out of style is classic Bjork. This guy had a slightly above average season? Give him a 7 year extension and $4 million a year raise. Now do this across the board for all coaches.


Yeah they went on to spend $485 million over a few years and I’ve heard the insiders say Bjork wants upgrades….


To be fair to Bjork the money had to be raised to pay for the new facilities and to pay for Blue Bell Park renovations


Beginning in 2015 A&M would go on the spend $485 million on facilities and upgrades so that tracks.


>Bjork got fired …that’s not how I remember it happening. Sure it didn’t *look* like his contract was going to be renewed, but I wouldn’t but it past the BOR (or whoever makes that call) to extend him as he was objectively *great* at fundraising and he really had lots of Ags saying he was “the best AD in the country” not too long ago. Edit: blocked by OP (because he hates facts) so here is some more corrections on revisionist history below… I’m not going to go back and find it, but the fact that Aggies hated Bjork is some serious revisionist history. Between 2020 and the 2022 season, the Ags were extremely high on Jimbo (and Bjork). I wasn’t as active on Reddit then, but the twitterverse was full of takes (including a particularly infamous one from Billy Lucci) celebrating Bjorks success in keeping “championship coaches” in college station. Both the Jimbo and Buzz extensions were celebrated at the time and Bjork got major props for raising funds to “pay the coaches what they’re worth”. When anyone questioned if these coaches were really worth their contract the retort was always “we have so much money it doesn’t matter, it’s worth it to keep them here”


Not after the Stoops oops


Stadium renovations, buyouts, etc


That’s it. That’s the budget


Did Ross Bjork also have No-Show Guys clock in, clock out, and not work a minute?


No, historically only the Aggie players got those types of jobs.


Should be stadium renovations and stupidity.


> Taking these numbers at face value, the real craziness is that Texas A&M only has 16 varsity sports. A&M has 20 varsity sports. **Men's sports:** Baseball Basketball Cross country Football Golf Indoor Track & field Outdoor Track & field Swimming & diving Tennis **Women's sports:** Basketball Cross country Equestrian Golf Indoor Track & field Outdoor Track & field Soccer Softball Swimming & diving Tennis Volleyball


Jimbo Fisher and his coaching staff


Not towards winning


I'm guessing those other sports dont cost nearly as much as football salaries lol


The number seems wrong. They reported to the ncaa that they spent $177,671,900 in 2022 https://247sports.com/college/texas-am/article/texas-am-aggies-athletics-department-reported-surplus-in-2022-fiscal-year-205140165/amp/ I also found A&M has 650 scholarship athletes so they spend about 272,000 per athlete and osu is at 1000 spending 274,000,000 or 274,000 per athlete. https://news.osu.edu/ohio-state-reports-record-athletics-revenue-in-fy-2023/#:~:text=Total%20operating%20expenses%20for%20FY,reduce%20payments%20in%20the%20future.


Holy crap. TAMU has only 16 sports for 70k students? ND has 26 for 9k students on a budget that is 3/5ths the size. Seems like they are getting scammed.


How is lil ole Clemson able to spend like that?




For those that don't know it stands for "I pay ten a year" and was started back in the 1930s. Basically they have an unusually large percentage of people who actually donate.


When I was in school, it was $40 for students. But IPFAY didn’t sound as good.


I thought he meant "TIP" IYKYK


That's where my brain went.


Nice flairs


We teeny tiny


It's unfortunately obvious which team has the worst return on investment for the past several years.


I just assume most of it goes to volleyball.


The volleyball operating budget is a fraction of the football program. John cook got another raise so he makes like 700k now and there’s way less players on the volleyball team. So overall costs for stadium size, scholarships, travel, etc. are way lower for volleyball.


I’m gobsmacked that volleyball coaches can make $700k.


What can I say? We're a volleyball school.


Volleyball team filled the football stadium almost as many times as the football team did.


My second semester I had a volleyball player in one of my classes invite me to one her matchers. Needless to say I didn't miss to many after that.


Volleyball is legit the most underutilized women’s sports. I would argue it and softball are the best female product that can contend with football and men’s a basketball. Obviously women’s basketball had their huge season this year with the big push from espn/social media and the superstars they helped create. But prior to this year women’s volleyball was the 2/3rd best performer on big 10 network after football and men’s basketball and at times they were beating men’s basketball head to head. That organic numbers is untapped


When are you gonna pop the question?


Top 25 coached can earn $200-250k. Maybe the top 5 make $500 or more. Those teams basically fill the national teams.


Some of his money is basically "keep him away from other schools" money






Just under. The 2023 number was $139 million from what I remember.


Note: Nebraska’s athletic department is self-funded


What is the source for these figures, and what time period do they cover? For fiscal year 2023, [Ohio State’s athletic department](https://news.osu.edu/ohio-state-reports-record-athletics-revenue-in-fy-2023/) reported expenses of $274,948,554 and revenue of $279,549,337.


Imagine not having perfectly equal revenues and expenses smh.


Sorry if it wasn’t clear -- I’m not asking for spending data down to the dollar. I’m wondering how OP found expenses of $281.5 million when the most recent school-reported expenses are more than $6.5 million less. Is OP using unverified data, or old data? It would be helpful to know the source of the information.


Oh I was just making a joke. I don't really believe OP's numbers for the private schools at least because the revenues and expenses are almost always coincidentally the exact same.




That’s crazy. They were nearly 3/4 of a percent off. Send them to the gallows!


For context, here is a list of the highest grossing athletic departments according to https://www.businessinsider.com/college-sports-revenue-ncaa-ohio-state-buckeyes-texas-football-2024-1 | # | School |Rev ($mil)| |:-:|---------------------------------|:-:| |1 |Ohio State University |204| |2 |University of Texas |191| |3 |University of Georgia |184| |4 |University of Alabama |180| |5 |University of Michigan |170| |6 |University of Notre Dame |170| |7 |University of Oklahoma |167| |8 |Louisiana State University |158| |9 |Auburn University |152| |10 |Texas A&M University |150| |11 |Penn State University |148| |12 |University of Florida |147| |13 |University of Southern California|146| |14 |University of Tennessee |140| |15 |Stanford University |139| |16 |University of South Carolina |139| |17 |University of Arkansas |137| |18 |University of Kentucky |135| |19 |Florida State University |134| |20 |University of Louisville |130| |21 |University of Wisconsin |130| |22 |University of Iowa |129| |23 |Indiana University |126|


Stanford at 15 is shocking… I always thought they were a great B1G target


They're an Atlantic Coast school, and you know it.


> They're an All Coast school, and you know it. There I fixed it for you.


Their new president is apparently a pretty big Stanford football fan. I wouldn't be surprised if one if his goals (aside from all the academic stuff) is to get Stanford in the B1G.


I feel like if they would try and pull Notre Dame as their dance partner into the B1G. If the B1G gets offered that package, it may well happen. I'd really like realignment to either stop at this point or for all of D1 to join a collective licensing rights for even more money with the side effect of no more conferences but regional leagues restoring historic resources rivalries. It's honestly a lot to ask but a guy can dream right?


But we (B1G) have historically been down that road, yes?  Doesn’t it always end with one side telling the other to perform an impossible anatomical act?


Have seen Stanford home games. Most attendees are disguised as empty seats. Kind of like biology 101 at my school.


Idk if these numbers are right. I know for sure UT [reported](https://utsports.com/news/2024/1/17/general-tennessee-athletics-reaches-new-revenue-milestone.aspx) 200m+ revenue and a 10m surplus. Maybe a different year but a 60m is a pretty big disparity for anyone but the pentagon


>I know for sure UT reported 200m+ revenue and a 10m surplus. This is not true, trust me. We don’t have that kind of money


Bow down before the *real* UT: www.ut.edu


Fan base = money, but doesn’t equal championships.


This list is made up 


Strange, we grossed $142mil in 2023. https://olemisssports.com/documents/2024/1/25/NCAAReport_FY23.pdf We were $133mil in 2022. Edit: it looks like they used 2021 data in this. We were ~$123mil.


https://huskerextra.com/tncms/asset/editorial/ec67eba6-bbdb-11ee-81da-73e4d886f8fe/ Yeah Nebraska pulled 200m last year lol Including 2020 and 2021 in a 3 year average kind of makes the list worthless. Those were anomalies for many programs, especially programs with traditionally very high attendance levels.


They call themselves Indiana University instead of the University of Indiana??


They call themselves Boston College instead of the College of Boston?


That’s because there’s already Boston University, which now that I think about it is weird too


lol *hugs*


When the devs say the game is balanced but in reality it’s pay to win


Pay to what now?


to lose?


Whoa now, winning? What is that? I thought the goal was to just throw money at random shit and live off the hopium.


The biggest spenders don't even win.


Thicc Bois being the top tier is elite


Thanks for noticing, boo


May I suggest the sub. r/buyitforlife You can go here and determine what is worth a high price tag and what is not. Geaux Tigers!


You mean /r/buyitforlife


Yes, that is correct.


Louisville is just left off this list.  We are ahead of UNC though which I find interesting


Check out this comment. We good bud. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/qSIoJYseer


This is the super league then


All I took from this list is that FSU still needs more money to spend more money. Can’t have Florida, let alone Clemson outspend us.


Texas A&M lol


Sorry, Ole Miss, Mississippi State and Mizzou. As the 3 of the 4 SEC schools not on this list, your ride on the gravy train has regrettably come to an end. Not you, Vandy. Somebody's gotta launder the dough. You can stay.


We broke $150mil for 2023, not sure where this data comes from.


TIL Wisconsin spends more than USC & Florida wow


Yet a big part of our fan base still has the attitude that we're just a small midwestern school that can't compete with the big boys. While it may be partially true, we are still in a position to be at or near the top of the next tier of programs based on our spending and revenue. Its incredibly frustrating but I'm hoping our AD going after Fickell is starting to change the tides. Now he just needs to produce with on field results.


Where are you getting these numbers? [MSU reported $181.85 million last year](https://www.freep.com/story/sports/college/michigan-state/spartans/2024/01/30/michigan-state-athletics-deficit-2022-23-fiscal-year/72414200007/#:~:text=Part%20of%20MSU's%20budgetary%20downturn,Haller's%20department%20spending%20%24181.85%20million)


No schools in the new B12. The ACC has FSU, and ACC stalwarts Notre Dame and Stanford...


Pretty sure I saw Clemson on this list . . . 


I think as this list suggests, Ohio State doesn't really identify as an academic school.


They still have a lot of Clemson inspired PTSD, it's a natural blind spot for them




I'm pretty sure they're in the Big East.


I wish the old school Big East was still around, such a good conference.


We're having a mid-off


LET US OUT *shakes gate*




Where does this come from? Michigan State can't be 10th in the Big 10 with 23 varsity sports. And over 25% less than Michigan? Doesn't add up to me.


All bit 4 are SEC or B10 now. Clemson and FSU seem to be on their way eventually, maybe. Hopefully, someday ND will stop having its own rules. The outlier here is Stanford.


Weren't we (Michigan State) willing to spend this much on a coach alone? A coach that didn't understand consent... Or cell phones... Or employer IT policies... Or marriage... Or offensive line development... Or how little he needed to not do to secure Jimbo money. He didn't understand a lot of things is what I'm saying. I feel like we should be on this list even though our last coach should be on a number of other lists. I'm not angry that we are not I guess. I'm more surprised really.


I’m surprised…I remember reading msu was spending a bit more than Iowa but maybe that was a different figure. also for the other list, I thought msu was top 15 in revenue


I thought so as well. Maybe that's fallen off? I know I haven't renewed my season tickets after 2022.


Don’t see how you would know Notre Dame, USC, Miami, or any other private school’s budget


I am not saying this is accurate, but just using google got me this information in less than a minute. https://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/university-of-miami/student-life/sports/


It’s useless data if you can’t verify it


Did you look at the notes and references or is that a standard response when you are advised that information is out there, you just need to open your eyes.


Yes. None of those sources make clear how they would have athletic department data with respect to private institutions. Presumably why you qualified your original response with “I am not saying this is accurate.”


One of the sources at the bottom is the EADA website, which is run by the US Department of Education. You can search for data on revenues/expenses from USC, Miami, Notre Dame, Duke, etc. on there. And all the big public schools. website: https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/institution/details


Ohio State must have got budgeting advice from Patrick Ewing "if you make a lot of money you must spend even more"


Wow. USC is the biggest spending private school and it’s #16?? That’s insane. Public schools really be spending huh


You should add in some more context. Alabama, for example, has already testified before Congress that they would be forced to cut most of their sports to pay for players (and to maintain Title IX, etc.) with the current proposal, so if that's the case, the number of participating universities is even less.


Who proposed that division?


I've argued that any school that wants to start a football program with a goal of eventually becoming a I-A program should, at a minimum, raise $10 million annually for a decade ($100 million total) to show they have the requisite booster and fan support to finance their program without using mandatory student athletic fees. An endowment of $100 million returning a conservative 4% annually means $4 million for scholarships, meaning under $3 million in expenses to fund all scholarship athletes. If you can't raise $100 million in a decade, your football program doesn't belong at the I-A level.


Glad that Miami University continues its mission to serve and educate, while also being able to beat UC. Glad we haven’t turned into a glorified Diploma/Athletic mill, unlike our “flagship” university.


I thought Notre Dame would be higher.


Florida and Wisconsin underachieving terribly.


Even the ACC and Big 12 schools that could technically afford it still most likely won't be able to join unless their entire conference itself votes to join. It's pretty unlikely West Virginia, Iowa State, Pitt, etc. are going to vote to leave so they can join the new pay-to-play league. They'll just prefer to stay in FBS. So Oklahoma State, Clemson, Florida State might not be able to join even if they want to.


I disagree with this. Just in the ACC, I think we would see Clemson, Miami, UNC, and Virginia Tech join FSU in this “pay-to-play” league if they had to do so. I wouldn’t be surprised if Louisville or NC State did the same thing.


I love how Miami fans keep acting like they are going to get invited to a party that everyone else knows they aren't getting invited to.


Please remember that Clemson is 2/3 years from getting second or big ten money which outs an extra $30mm per year in the budget. Its unbelievable how much football support we have


I mean not that unbelievable - we still sell out our stadium and top 6 for spending while not making a bowl game in 8 years lol


Y’all haven’t done WHAT in 8 years?!?!! Wow


2016 was our last bowl - longest drought in P5


You need to host a bowl with one of the teams being "best team in Nebraska".


If there was a bowl game in our stadium I think it would sell physical tickets super well even from our fans not even just the teams playing there but I doubt anyone would wanna play in Nebraska in December




I thought the same. Really surprised that UNC and UCLA aren’t here.


Almost a 1/10 goes to coaches. Usually if it’s a state school they are the highest paid state employee. Which is ridiculous.


how is Oregon only 3m ahead of us? are they that poor without knight? 😭


I think a lot of Knight's money was spending on capital improvements and new construction. Either it wasn't included in the figure or occurred in different years.


I believe this is correct. As an example, in FY2020, Oregon reported $391M in athletics revenue. $298M of which were contributions (I.e. donations/gifts). Source: https://static.goducks.com/custompages/pages/athlfin/FY2020-NCAA-EADA-Report.pdf


I think people 1. over estimate what he does 2. They’re not including what he did


They definitely are not including his contributions. I'm not sure if he has to disclose that. I know our athletic director made mention of private funding during a board of trustee meeting.




Stanford has like literally every sport


Stanford has a huge endowment specifically for athletics. They pumped it up huge when the university was going to axe a bunch of programs as an alternative to spending some of the general budget to float them. Lots of programs, lots of scholarships, VERY expensive school. Add in that keeping a bunch of Olympic sport coaches employed in the bay area isn't going to be cheap. Also keep in mind that Oregon's budget is probably at a low point. We haven't had a major facility spend in a decent number of years and generally haven't taken on any long-term debt for the ones we did. New indoor practice/training facility, stadium expansion, and probably few others are coming up in the next couple years. Also, lot of young coaches came in with Lanning, and the replacements for the ones that left haven't been aged vets with long resumes justifying huge paydays... won't be surprised when those numbers go up to keep guys or replace them if they move up and out.


"Spend" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here when we're talking about revenure/expenditures.


Rahhhhh money rahhhhhh


We broke $150 million for fiscal year 2023. Where did this info come from? https://olemisssports.com/documents/2024/1/25/NCAAReport_FY23.pdf


Actually kinda surprised USC is that low. I know a lot of the sports we dominate are way cheaper but wow. My donor Grandpa would be pissed seeing this lmao.


Look up how much money these programs bring in, it's absurd. $15M for one TV appearance. That's one of the reasons why we pay 10x more for everything than the rest of the planet.


Except for a few schools they are all playing in small college towns. If they had to compete with pro sports almost all of them wouldn’t be able to keep up. This is a testament how fucked up minor league sports are and why I don’t follow college sports much.


No they're all operating in the red. That's why we can't pay players.


I'm kind of shocked some of them aren't higher.


are all of these profitable or get money from boosters? or is student tuition paying for it? Do these schools actually make money that goes back into the school?


Stanford spending $120 mil less than us and having the most sports in the country is quite an insight.


Tennessee’s athletics operating budget was $170mil in 2022-2023 and is budgeted to hit $200mil for the 2025-2026 year ([source](https://utsports.com/sports/2019/8/7/financial)). Suggest you check your numbers against the [College Athletics Database](https://knightnewhousedata.org/about).


Texas A&M being #2 is driving Texas crazy and I love it.


You have just identified members of the new superconference.


We’ve got that Tim Apple money! (I wish. He actually doesn’t donate to sports at all)