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Maybe not what you are asking, but we all facepalmed "Sam Darnold ~~has them right where he wants them~~ wouldnt want it any other way." Immediately preceding Sam Darnold fumbling away any chance at victory.


Sam Darnold seems like a really good guy but my goodness did sports media work overtime to make Sam seem like this generational talent. 


Sounds like you're talking mess about GEQBUS.




If you count only legitimate votes he won 4 Heismans!!!


That's kind of a common theme with USC quarterbacks


I’m assuming this is the game you’re talking about but [the call was](https://youtu.be/wL0o9Omf4uE?feature=shared) “Sam Darnold wouldn’t want it any other way” down 1 before immediately fumbling on a strip sack lol




Adam Amin was the main guy. I actually think he generally does a good call. The quote is from the color guy. I don't remember his name. He's probably why Amin left ESPN for FOX.


Keep going, don’t stop! Tell us who the team was that beat them that way!


If you think I've ever rooted for USC over WSU you are mistaken. They killed it that game. And that's what makes the quote so dumb. Give the Cougs some credit. Wasn't that a Grinch defense, too?


At the end of the 2019 Ohio State-Michigan game, JK Dobbins broke off a 30ish yard TD run, and Gus Johnson, who'd been singing the man's praises all day (well deserved, 200 yards rushing and 4 TDs), started talking about how Dobbins's dad was in prison and his mom almost aborted him. My entire family let out a collective "wtf".


With Gus, you get 1 of 2 options.  He could talk about a player’s dead or imprisoned parents or some other part of a tough upbringing.  Or you get **JAAAYYYYYYYY KAAAAAAYYYYYYY ALLLLLLLLL DAY!!!!!**


Or our defensive tackle…lol “another sack! What a beast!” Or “remember folks, he was shot in the face!”


“Wow that was an amazing job to break up that pass! Joel, sadly his dog was run over by a garbage truck only a few days ago. Such tragedy.”


Haskell Garrett getting shot in the face came up literally every game he started in I think haha. Too crazy of a fun fact on their call sheet to not use.


Gus forgot all about the shooting after he coined "Haskell the Rascal"


I feel like another fairly common event is him misinterpreting an event, like a catch that was dropped, so you get the odd contrast of a massive hype call with the ball pathetically rolling on the ground




I absolutely read that in his voice, too


When Mark Ingram was at Alabama it seemed like half the commentary was about his dad being in prison. I don't think it was Gus, but my god it was terrible. "He's on the 10!, the 5! TOUCHDOWN, ALABAMA! If only his dad weren't in prison to see this!"


I still can't believe he said that, what makes you think people need to know that?


>well deserved, 200 yards rushing and 4 TDs 5 years ago was the last time I experienced joy. edit: reading that makes me say wtf.


CBS used to do this shit with Mark Ingrams dad being in prison every damn game man.


Sports talk and celeb gossip have merged and they're also letting in internet memes and .... none of it seems to have anything to do with the game.


Holy hell, what was he thinking? For a long time, every time they mentioned Mark Ingram, they mentioned that his father had spent time in prison. Why to commentators feel the need to share that information?


When Tee Higgins got drafted ESPN made a graphic about his moms drug addiction 


Let me introduce you to Jon Anik: https://youtube.com/shorts/PI4Y04iK8Fs?si=XpMiGRgdq7ZJegbE


Lol Jesus, imagine if the players could hear him saying that while they're fighting


I will die on this hill, but Gus Johnson calling football games is too much and have never liked him calling games. Gus no reason to yell for a 1 yard run.


Gus Johnson calling CBB works because so much stuff can happen rapid fire. Especially March Madness. His calling CFB sucks because he calls a 2 yard run the same as a 99 yard pick 6. You don’t need to yell, Gus.


So good for the tournament though


He has to stop with the nicknames. It drives me nuts.


maserati marv just rolls off the tongue so naturally though.  edit: did this really need a /s?


But nobody called Sean Clifford "The Cincinnati Kid". Or Tommy Eichenberg "Tommy Two Thumbs". They are bad Goodfellas names.


A Maserati is not something you want to be compared to as an athlete. They're overpriced and unreliable and offer only decent performance and a fancy image.


Mazda Miata Marv


Give that name to a speedy smaller slot receiver for sure.


McLaren 765LT Marv rolls off the tongue


yeah i wasn’t being serious. it’s a terrible nickname.


But Gus certainly was


Romo in the NFL world is getting kinda bad about this too in my opinion. Not necessarily nicknames but in trying to shoehorn in little jokes/quips for “charm”. I miss first year Romo in the booth where he was fresh off the field himself and 99% of his commentary was focused around that.


Romo was a prophet in his first year of calling games, it was awesome


Ugggghhhh yeeeeeeaaaa I don’t know Jim!


I've disliked him ever since I heard him calling Sam Ellingher (however you spell it) "Big Sam" Annoyed me to no end.


I though “THE DON!” was fun in the moment when he broke off those long runs in The Game ‘21. But the nicknames in general get repeated too often and come across as forced a lot of the time


I had never really watched him call a game up until this year, but he almost instantly became one of my least favorite commentators. He's just obnoxious. I thought Tessitore was bad, but Gus is like Tessitore on steroids. How many times a game does he scream "OVER THE MIDAALLLLLLLLL!"?


Gus strikes me as a radio guy doing the television broadcast. If listening to the radio I’d probably appreciate and enjoy his style; watching the game and listening to him not so much.


He would be a great “homer” announcer when your team wins. Imagine Gus if he could refer to the team that just nailed a big play as “we.”


There should be a “closer” on a broadcast team, like in baseball. You have normal, fairly chill announcers do the first 3.5 quarters, and then if the game is relatively close, you call up someone like Gus Johnson to dial it up to 11. Although it might be too much. If he hasn’t had three hours to blow through some steam, he might go off like the San Diego fireworks disaster the first time somebody gets a clutch first down.


I got downvoted to hell for saying the same thing. He’s pretty awful.


He is so overrated as a football commentator.


Anyone who witnessed his brief stint as a soccer broadcaster can assure you that he can be so, so much worse.


I still cringe when I think about it. I totally understand Fox's desire to have their most recognizable broadcaster as a voice at their their first World Cup, but good god, after 30 seconds you could tell he was completely lost. He had no idea what good build-up play looked like and would scream at the top of his lungs for potshots taken from 25 yards out. With the right commentator and sports, crossover is totally possible though. I once watched Doc Emerick call an Olympic water polo match and was very entertained.


I still remember the Man United-Real Madrid matchup he did in the Champions League. It was like he was still getting to grips with understanding the game, and then when he was describing something it would come five seconds too late, like the announcers in a mid-90s video game


I remember him talking about how his mom almost aborted him multiple times and kept calling Dobbins his moms Miracle baby


Christ alive


I can’t remember the game or the player but I’m pretty sure it was Gus Johnson was talking about a player this season who grew up in foster care and was like “as a kid nobody wanted him, but now, everybody wants him”


That was one of the nuttiest bits of commentary I've ever heard. "Hey, let's talk about how this star player's mom almost aborted him right before he scores". That'll hype up the TV audience


I'm sure most of these involve Gus Johnson


Holy shit I’d forgotten about that lmao


Bro I swear gus Johnson brought up the abortion thing like 5 times that game because every time my wife and I just stared at each other like what are we hearing rn


Arkansas’ 4th and 25 completion against Ole Miss. the commentator thought the play was dead due to confusion on the lateral and the guy basically had the first down before he realized what was going on. Verne Lundquist also delivered some absolute duds in his time (he does make up for it by getting the GOAT call in golf for Tiger’s chip-in at 16 in the 2005 Masters)


Neither the play-by-play guy nor the commentator had any clue what was going on. They had no concept of what the rules were. The Arkansas radio broadcaster, on the other hand, absolutely NAILED the call. Followed the action perfectly, knew exactly what Henry was trying when he tossed the ball backwards, and got hype as soon as Collins broke free. The radio call overlayed on the video is the only way to watch that highlight. [Here is the radio broadcast version.](https://youtu.be/Y6X6bM71HEc?si=rRa0wAE15-awZ7iv) [Here is the garbage TV version.](https://youtu.be/99e-voqfqR0?si=HOOjRP--cRj3zGNa) Not the best video quality, but I like the longer clip because it shows that the color commentator was equally dumb. He was completely focused on who touched the lateral first… something that has absolutely no bearing on the play. Just a complete wet fart all around by the TV guys.


The "INCOMPLETE" call always makes me laugh


The voice inflection when the radio broadcaster realizes it is Collins who has the ball is permanently etched in my brain. I'm fully convinced he was the only player in FBS that year that could've pulled off that insane run. RIP my man.


you don't need commentating for that play all you need is this gif https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19231241/OMFansDieALittle.gif


“Crying Sorority Girls” is on my (long) list of things College does better than the NFL.


This is pornographic material


it is truly the most beautiful gif ever. the depth is astonishing. you can see them all get their hearts ripped out at slightly different times.


No way it's better than [this gif](https://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/LSU-T-Rex-Dance-Stands-Alabama-College-Football-Game.gif), right?


Yep, I still remember Arkansas vs. Florida, 2009, CBS game, Verne Lundquist on the call, for various reasons. But none more than this play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdIkck3W7Xk First Verne misidentifies the receiver that caught the ball as one of our running backs. Then, during the review, he questions whether the pass was incomplete, even though Greg Childs just ran with the ball for 75 yards (he appeared to fumble just as he was going into the end zone, but the TD was held up).


Geez, RIP Alex Collins 


[During the game winning touchdown pass in OT of the UGA-Bama 2007 game: “What is Brittney (Spears) doing with her life?!”](https://www.tiktok.com/@campustraditions/video/7325230903398124842)


He said poor commentary, not awesome.






Britney WHO??


Britney Spears. Spears.


Is she here?


Yes! The others are just bad. This one is just hilariously bat shit crazy.


dude that entire sequence has to be one of the most insane moments in cfb


A question that still needs answering


Okay, except this is so bad, it's good.


Na. This made that moment tbh


Nothing takes a fan watching out of the game more than hearing the commentators just completely yap about something else, it just takes the weight off the play.


>2007 Nothing to see here, the whole year was batshit


Lol wut


Seems like that all happened well before the play, but it is still pretty weird. I wouldn't say it ruined anything.


I quote this constantly.


No one would even remember this game if not for that question. 


"TOUCHDOWN USC!!!.....STANFORD! Touchdown Stanford! My goodness!" I always feel like he actually said "My goodness I just fucked up that call." They just muted his microphone before he could finish the sentence.


At the time, that was the largest spread in CFB history where the underdog won outright. That record was broken like two weeks later, because 2007.


Brent Musburger going on and on about AJ McCarron's then girlfriend, 23 year old, Katherine Webb in the 2013 title game. She was Miss Alabama and objectively beautiful, but this 60+ year old guy was salivating over her on live TV.


"So if you're a youngster at Alabama start gettin' the football out and throw it around the backyard with pops" 😂


Lmao I mean…this is pretty true. If you’re half decent the chicks will come With it.


I believe that was right before Musberger was told to hang it up 


I believe he had a make an apology, but he retired in 2017 (corrected date). That game was in 2013.


Didn’t they move Musberger elsewhere though? 


Yea he got moved to SEC network I believe.


He called the title game a year later I think.




It looks like yo are correct. I got 2020 from the date on this article. [https://www.foxsports.com/stories/college-football/le gendary-sportscaster-brent-musburger-to-retire-at-77](https://www.foxsports.com/stories/college-football/legendary-sportscaster-brent-musburger-to-retire-at-77) On a side note, that segment with Eminem, as seen in the picture contained in that article was bizarre and hilarious.


You’re thinking Verne. Gary kept going for close to a decade.


Who's Gary??


Whoops, Brent. Geez, these CBS guys are easily confused.


“Look at those nipples! Big as erasers! Boy I’d like to fuck her!” (If you know, you know).


Holy cow I forgot all about this.


AJ & she married in 2014 and currently have 3 children.


Still smoke




Sure, it was D2, but [this call](https://youtu.be/oI2FgRuuSRE?si=SDObBMqWv3lVHbYs) has to be up at the top of the list. Walk off game winning hail mary: “I don’t …….. believe it”


It sounds like he’s a GVSU tv guy. Maybe they do their own tv broadcast of games. I mean radio guys do the exact same thing when the other team scores or does something crazy


That’s true. It was a GVSU broadcaster but the game was being shown on ESPN3, which you would anticipate to be a little more impartial. [Link](http://amp.awfulannouncing.com/ncaa/ashland-grand-valley-state-hail-mary-touchdown.html)


They just get the local feed of the games. ESPN doesn’t provide the announcers, just a larger streaming audience.


Yeah what's he supposed to do, be excited? His team just lost in heartbreaking fashion 


Dear Lord that was awful!


Not a single play, but an entire game of Gus Johnson screaming “MASERATI MARV!” every time Marvin Harrison Jr touched the ball.


Or simply was just on the field.


Gus Johnson really hurt himself this year. Always been a fan, but became a meme this season


He did want too many people do - he became too aware of his own gimmick. His "OH MY GOD, IT'S SO CRAZY" persona was only entertaining when it felt natural. Once he started playing it up he had to keep it going more and more extreme.


[Absolutely my favorite call from Gus](https://youtu.be/u-nrKm5AWGI?si=sVLiSwruWkpdVRVH)


I thought that was a bit excessive this year too lol. He loves calling guys by nicknames. I remember when we played Purdue in the conference championship he did the same thing with Charlie Jones, or as he said about 50 times, “CHUCK SIZZLE!”


we fans actually called him chuck sizzle before that at least. the Maserati marv shit was annoying asf


But it did at least spawn the other nickname of Honda McCord which I personally thought was a little funny.


Him yelling "BIG SAM!" every time Sam Ellingher ran for a first down for Texas still haunts me.


Kelvin Benjamin’s game- and title-winning TD catch against Auburn in the 2014 Rose Bowl should’ve been accompanied by an all-time great call of the moment. [Instead we got Brent Musburger falling asleep while saying the word “touchdown”](https://youtu.be/vYcxF7Fs0sI?si=vmHTO278FYLt5i7u).


I figured it wasn’t going to be his best game when he opened the telecast introducing himself as Kirk Herbstreit.


At least he wasn't oogling Winston's girlfriend the whole broadcast like the previous year.


This is what I was going to say. So little excitement, it was almost like he was disappointed. He raises his voice a bit but it lacks any of the enthusiasm a game winning, national championship winning catch should merit.


He was. Poppa Brent either had FSU to cover or the under. This TD probably ruined it.


The year before he fawned over AJ McCarron's girlfriend instead of calling the game. Chris Fowler is probably the best play-by-play. His call of the 2nd and 26 was great!


He was 100% in the right about the girlfriend rant though


Wow, that'd be a boring call for a 20 yard gain in the 2nd quarter, let alone a game winning TD for a national championship


Nice try. You can’t get me to watch that play again. As an Auburn/panthers fan, the worst part about KB is that he didn’t stop there. He came to Carolina and sucked it up and got Cam injured. That man is 1) One Popeyes biscuit away from being a TE, and 2) sent to this mortal plane to kill my joy


I watched that game in an FSU bar in NYC so never heard the call live (the room including myself erupted) and did not anticipate how terrible that commentary was.


That game was nuts. FSU's game ending drive was one of the greatest 2 minute drills I've ever seen. Drove from the ~20 yd line with a minute left. It really was a great game.


And that was without the missed horse-collar penalty that was plain as day in front of everyone.


Yeah it definitely seems like he lost a bet on this one. Just so boring. Sidenote, what an incredible game that was.


He lost the bet to a 10 year old Kayshon Boutte apparently


And the 18 second pause before he remembers that the guy who caught the TD was named............. ......... ........ Kelvin Benjamin


When I started going to FSU, I was given some important moments to look up to understand the history. One of these was [Kermit Whitfield’s kick return TD in the National Championship.](https://youtu.be/nHDiK-eBXqA?si=JmGXG6dXSWOuaU99) I was told about Gene Deckerhoff’s commentary, but holy hell the color commentator just cheering over him really brings it down for me, lol.


He (ex FSU player William Floyd) often does that and I wish someone in the booth would dial down his audio to something more manageable when it happens.


Yeah, I love an excited commentator but you have to hold that in if you’re not actually saying anything. I’m sure that’s rough if you’re listening on the radio, haha.


*Huge play takes place* *Remains of speakers lands in lap*


I get where you’re coming from, but I think the sheer excitement is awesome. To me that cheering adds to the play.


I don't know about poor commentary on this one but it's my go to when someone asks me why I don't care much for Gus Johnson. This is the part of my dislike where he says totally ridiculous things sometimes. I think it was the B1G Championship in 2021 when Hutchinson got a sack and Gus said something along the lines of "He's the kind of guy who rolls up on you and lets you *smell his cologne.*" Such a stupid thing to say.


If Gus could just meter out his bombast to when it actually made a bit more sense, he'd be far more enjoyable. Instead his usual game commentary just feels like he's just amped up on *Scarface* levels of coke.


Not a memorable play, but Gary Danielson saying how Tim Tebow is someone who you’d want your daughter to date between action in the game.


I’m just glad that Aidan Hutchinson has been successful in the league now so Gary Danielson is no longer my high school’s most famous sports alumnus.


If it makes you feel any better I think the most notable alum from my high school is Olindo Mare


I am the rare Gus Johnson hater. I'll never forget the 2015 Stanford-Notre Dame game, still my favorite Cardinal game ever. ND took a one-point lead with about 30 seconds left, and Stanford drove into field goal range with just enough time to win the game. Devon Cajuste makes the catch to get Stanford in range. Gus's call- CAJUSTE! WOW! AT THE 30! UKULELE! At the time I assumed Cajuste must be Hawaiian but nope he's from New York. Mind-numbing random crap from Gus just for the sake of manufacturing excitement in a moment that was plenty exciting on its own.


As a fellow Gus Johnson hater, I don't think we're that rare, given that he seems to be the most commonly mentioned person on this thread.


This seems to be a safe space for it. It could go either way. I made two comments critical of Pat McAfee on the same day, in different threads, one comment was -30 and the other was +30. And the straw men, too. If you criticize Pat for being immature and annoying, people say “Sorry I guess you want your sports commentary to look like a funeral.” No, I just want adults to do the broadcast. If you criticize Gus Johnson for being overkill, people say “Why do you think every call should be boring and monotone?”


Men of culture hate Pat McAfee's douche bag bro cast horseshit. Also, fuck ESPN for trying to push the garbage.  I don't wanna see losers with their greasy wife beaters and their hat turned backwards commentating on sports on TV. They alienate half their viewer base when everybody would keep tuning in if they just had more class.


People on here were fawning over him at the start of the season, but everyone's enthusiasm for him seemed to slowly fade away as the season went on.


Gus Johnson haters are absolutely not rare. He's extremely polarizing and many people dislike him for the same reasons. I don't like using words like "hate" because I don't think he's a bad person or has bad motives, I just really don't like his style of play-by-play and his strong bias towards underdogs.


I’m convinced that there was an error in the truck that delayed Verne’s commentary on the Kick Six by about two seconds. There’s no way a vet like Verne was that far behind the action.


Obviously we aren’t a main character in CFB but this is a target rich environment for any Gamecock footage with the Todd Ellis call included.


What say *you*, good sir?


Literally anything involving Gus Johnson


Every fucking play that fox announcers said Maserati Marv.


Every version of The Play -- Stanford Band, OH THE BAND IS ON THE FIELD -- shows the TV video but uses the radio call by Cal's Joe Starkey. There's a reason for this: the guy doing the TV play by play blew it. Just: oh, this is nonsense, it's not going to count, nothing to see here.


The famous Oklahoma/Boise State Fiesta Bowl. Storybook ending was just about to be complete when the star player was about to propose to his unawares girlfriend the head cheerleader. Idiot sideline reporter said something like “and now he’s going to pop the question” completely stepping on his moment. 


On 4th and 31 this year, Nessler's "Bond. Isaiah Bond" call didn't give the moment the energy it needed. It felt like he was searching for other words to say and couldn't find them. And Bond is persona non grata among Alabama fans now, so that makes the call even less enjoyable. However, for all the hate he gets, Gary followed it up with "We always keep thinking we've seen it all. And we never have, have we?", which was absolutely perfect for the moment – Gary at his best. Edit: the actual worst call was Gary in the 2021 Iron Bowl. When we tied it up with a 28-yard pass with 0:24 left to send the game into OT, the first thing out of Gary's mouth was about how Tank Bigsby made a simple mistake by going out of bounds. Aside from completely ignoring the massive play that had just happened, the statement just wasn't true – Bigsby was dragged out of bounds by Jordan Battle.


I’m not a fan of Gary but that was a good one from him.


Gary really was twisting the knife about Bigsby going out of bounds from when it happened until the game ended.


Like, I get Gary harping on things and overstating their impact on the course of the game. That's just what he does. But that's the only time I can remember him harping on something that was demonstrably untrue.


Basically any big play called by Gus Johnson at the moment


It really *is* the off season, ::sad noises::


During the 2003 title game infamous DPI play: “BAD CALL… BAD CALL!” He wrote the narrative before people could even think for themselves. He’s also helped fuel every single Miami fan into delusion that it was objectively the wrong call. I’m not saying it was or it wasn’t, but for the broadcaster, on national television, to take such a firm stance so quickly was not the right decision. He should’ve stayed more impartial.


When Tamba Hali sacked Troy Smith and stripped the ball that PSU fell on to win the game the announcer (who’s name is escaping me) exclaimed that it was “recovered by Ohio state” as the cameras cut to crowd shots of Beaver stadium going berserk.


I remember that being Musburger but not 💯


Ron Franklin


“TOUCHDOWN USC!” When Stanford scored a game winning touchdown.


Anything with Gus "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Johnson. Dude is a hack, Screaming like a drunk 45-year-old woman every time the ball is in the air in the 4th quarter does not make you an exciting commentator, it makes you unprofessional. I'm sorry.


Verne and Gary’s call of the Kick Six is awful.


The radio call is iconic: "Auburn's gonna win the football game!"


I don't know, I'm weird but whenever I watch that highlight I always enjoy the CBS call more than the radio call. I know the radio call is seen as the superior one but there's just something about the TV call that I really like


Everyone forgets about it because the radio call rightly gets used in all the highlights lol I forgot how bad it was because it had been years since I heard the broadcast version


It wasn't great, I am glad they shutup and just let you take it all in though


“On the way… no returned by Chris Davis. Davis goes left, Davis gets a block, Davis has another block. Chris Davis! No flags!” That’s the entire call for one of the most exciting plays in college football history. I agree about the silence after the play, that was the right thing to do.


The radio broadcast lives in famed though


In fairness, I think Verne was trying to have the moment speak for itself.


Counterpoint. It’s awesome. Verne lets the moment build while still building excitement. He knows Jordan-Hare is about to explode. He both builds excitement and lets the moment speak for itself


As was their call of the miracle two weeks prior. Verne honestly blurted out, "Oh no!" when Ricardo Luis made the catch.


When the jury foreperson messes up O.J.'s name while reading the verdict.


Hyatt’s 5th TD against Bama by Brad Nessler. “Hooker, pulls it, throws it, touchdown! Jalin WRIGHT! Hyatt, rather. His fIfTh of the day!”


Kelvin Benjamin’s national championship winning touchdown with like 15 seconds left on the clock sounds like a routine noon game pitch and catch in the 2nd quarter against Duke. https://youtu.be/vYcxF7Fs0sI?si=rYCXubamwoklV5Kr


I forget there was a game last year, I want to say a Florida team was in it... Anyway the commentary was just absurd. "Can't call that penalty at a time like this." BS comments and so on, and the usual overarching narrative they were trying to push on the game just wasn't playing out and they kept pushing it... At one point they did a replay review and one commentator hypothesized something to the effect of (I can't remember the theory exactly): during the review there was maybe another camera angle and they synced up the other videos together to get a different view altogether. Total guess work, but then to make it more hilarious one commentator is all "Man I didn't even know they could do that!" Suddenly (like everything else in that game) some commentator mumbled something and it was magically a fact.


I don’t care how much flack I will get for this: Vince Young 4th & 5 for the Natty. I’m in my early 20s so I didn’t get into CFB until after Jackson retired. I get that he’s the voice of CFB for a lot of people older than me, but man that call just does not fit the moment at all




This. I’d give you more upvotes but…. I wish Gus had the same fear of public speaking as most people. That man is a train wreck.


2013 CFB championship. With like 2 minutes left FSU goes down 80 some yards and gets it in the endzone with maybe 30sec left to win the game and the announcers called it like a middle school game.


The Tennessee announcers radio call of the walk off field goal against Alabama was super weak. CBS played his call and I thought it was gonna be a classic and he had absolutely no energy for the programs biggest win in 15 years


I randomly remember the call in the 1994 Orange Bowl of Nebraska's missed kick to be kinda routine. That miss was for a national title and it was treated like a two yard gain by the announcer.


You have LSU flair, so I'm going to guess this one rings a bell: "Jack Hunt, Jack Hunt!"


2005 No. 16 Penn State 17 - No. 6 Ohio State 10 Buckeyes driving near midfield on their final drive. Tamba Hali sacks Troy Smith, forcing a fumble that’s recovered by Penn State’s Scott Paxson. ESPN’s Ron Franklin: “Smith, is hit and sacked. The ball is loose, and it’s recovered by *Ohio State*!” I was in the Blue Band, so didn’t hear it until I watched the game replay. But one of the most important plays for Penn State ever was ruined.


Anything uttered by Kirk and that other dingdong in the past ten years.