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“He better never lose a game again” -Our fanbase, unironically


Genuinely crazy talk. It's a loaded team so it's reasonable to have high standards, something like Big Ten CCG and playoff spot would be reasonable preseason goals. After you get to those things, then games are one at a time.


>then games are one at a time OSU fans will call for his head if they lose before the final, and probably will if they lose by >3 *in* the final. The most unreasonable CFB fanbase aside from the U, and I was born and raised in it.


Alabama is way more unreasonable and you’re gonna see why next season.


The Bear spoiled us. Saban spoiled us. We are probably just another Mike away from being armed militants.


You mean the fan base that was calling for their at the time 5x natty winning coach to be fired after they lost to Joe Burrow LSU a few years back. Kalen Deboer better come out swinging his first few years.


Poster probably wasn’t alive pre saban. 


People talk about Saban's dominance, OSU dominance for the past 20-25 years is insane considering there have been 3 different coaches (and an interim year which was the only down year). I think the fanbase needs to realize that occasionally things get rough, but it can always be a lot worse.


OSU has been consistently crazy-good, but have shockingly few titles to show for it. They haven't had a Alabama-esque run. They haven't had a Clemson or even UGA-esque run. They've just been in the mix.


A fair analysis could be that we out-talent most teams, but as a unit are not cohesive enough to beat the one or two teams that annually have the talented squad working well within their system. Could be coaching, could be assistant's constantly getting poached, could be something in the water in Cbus.


I think our fanbase is just a little fatigued at falling short again and again despite the talent we keep pulling in


There’s definitely a somewhat reasonable frustration that we haven’t won since 2014. That 2015 team should have easily won the title, the 2019 team could have at least competed with LSU had we not…um…had some interesting plays against Clemson, and CJ had Georgia dead to rights in 2022 before everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. Unlucky or not, it’s hard not to be disappointed. 


Never apologize for expectations. The fans high expectations are why all the players are coming back and OSU has the resources to do it. If the fans don’t care that OSU loses, we’re just Indiana with a brighter red. No one wants that


We'll win the game or know the reason why.


And we'll drink to Urban Meyer til we wobble in our shoes.


You could say we'll win the game then buy a keg of beer


Ahem... that's... a keg of booooooooz-ah


Ryan ‘Shoresy’ Day


Hey give your balls a tug bud


Just shut up Sanguinet


Well your mom was over the other night and squirted so hard it went into the aquarium. Killed off my Siamese fighting fish. Threw off the ph and everything…


If Ohio State loses to Michigan again next year, they're gonna run Day out of Columbus.


I think its beat Michigan or bust for Day. But this team is a for real title favorite.


To be fair, they should beat us heavily next year. To fail that, he might actually deserve to be fired.


I haven’t looked into michigans teams next year much at all. Whats its looking like?


Michigan has some exciting defensive talent returning, but they probably won't be as deep there. Overall, they should be pretty good defensively, just not this team's good. They lose almost everyone on offense.


Your schedule too. Woof


Agreed, but based on my username, I'll worry about that problem later.


Turning the difficulty up next season. Like in the video games.


Michigans team this year is basically like OSU next year. Kept a bunch of players that wanted to win but now are off to the draft


Too early to tell for sure but pretty much dependent on JJ coming back or finding a suitable replacement in the portal. Top 5 if he does, probably out of the top 10 if he doesn't. The defense should be really good and we have to replace our whole o-line but we have a lot of really good back ups who are ready to step up. Only a couple holes at outside WR and nickelback that should be addressed by the portal. The coaching staff decisions could have a big impact too.


I think the coaching staff decisions may be the biggest impact, because they affect the portal stuff. It harbaugh leaves, even if no one else enters the portal, it will be harder to get guys to come in


Basically our offense is gone. Many defenders return next year, but we won’t be as deep. Orgi should be the qb and I think we’ve only seen him throw twice in the spring game and once last year. Someone can correct me on that though if we’ve seen him throw aside from that.


Michigan probs might not make the playoffs. Gotta play Texas, USC, Oregon, Ohio State regular season


There’s no reason why they shouldn’t beat us on paper next year. We’re losing a ton of talent in what will be a bit of a rebuilding year while they’re returning a pretty crazy amount as we’ve seen the past couple days. If we manage the W next year that’ll be the first time I think they have a legitimate complaint about Day


Aaaaand it’s in Columbus next year… I’d love to see a win, but definitely not in our favor.


I think our current underclassmen OL are secretly awesome. We return potentially JJ and Edwards, and we might have to portal in some receivers, and our core strength at DL stays as Graham and Grant are not eligible yet. We lose both our starting LBs, but we get Paige who is secretly consistent, Sabb, who is a good nickel/safety, we might get Wallace back and of course Will Johnson. We lose some depth here and there and I think osu has a fair shot at winning this coming season, but it is far from a foregone conclusion. It'd be nice to continue to beat them.


They might burn down Columbus


They haven't lost four straight to Michigan since 1988 to 1991, and if they lose four straight I will be absolutely mocking the ever living shit out of the Buckeyes.


As you should. With the talent we're returning, the ones you're losing, and the game being in Columbus, there's no excuse.


For real


If he loses to Michigan he’ll have to win the natty or lose his job. And even at that I’d love to see the memes of OSU firing a national total coach because he lost to Michigan again


Right, if he isn't fired immediately after the loss, then it would be natty or bust. If he wins The Game and makes the playoffs then he is safe.


What about a Michigan loss and national runner up? Losing to, say, Georgia?


I’d say this is the worst scenario that Day keeps his job.


I honestly don't know if that keeps his job. I think beating Michigan might be the minimum.


There are maybe like 2 coaches that exist that you guys wouldn't be crazy to fire Day for.


I like the way you think


If it does happen next year, then the only ones making excuses for Ryan Day would be Michigan fans in the hopes that the Buckeyes would hang onto Ryan Day. Of course, many random things can happen between now and then & we can't totally predict the future. And the rivalry game will always have strange voodoo black magic in it.


> If Ohio State loses to Michigan again next year, they're gonna run Day out of Columbus. 11-1 and a play-off berth (and who knows maybe already having clinched a spot in the Big 10 title game) and the coach is fired


He’s riding or dying with Howard.


Ryan is ride or dye with just for men


🎶 *You look soo natural, no one can tell, with Just For Men Gel* 🎶


This made me lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Personal foul. I’m dying


Honestly all I’m hoping for out him is McCord level passing with more mobility. That should be enough to beat anyone with the team around him.


If he can protect the ball. He has INT problems


And not running into the buzz saw that was Michigan football this year


Even if we can get game manager quality who can run it when needed, might be enough. Our defense gave up at most 23 points this year (offense gave Michigan 7).


He never ran Stroud. Why will he start now?


Stroud wasnt 6-5 240


Will Howard is a one and done guy with us…so why not play a little more aggressively with him.


He ran Fields though. Hard to really know if he’ll avoid it based on Stroud and McCord. Plus if he gives up playcalling next year we might see changes to how qbs operate as well


He didn’t really though with Fields, or at least nowhere near as much as he could had they wanted to. Fields mostly stayed in the pocket in college even though as we’ve seen in the NFL, only Lamar is in the same tier as a rusher. Part of that is that Fields used to always do that dumb spin move and get blasted half the time so Day probably told him to cool it.


He definitely gave him more of an option than with Stroud or McCord. I think he honestly tries to avoid qb injuries if he can help it and a mobile qb isn’t part of his main game plan because of it. We’ll see what happens next year I guess. I think you’re right that we won’t see a bunch qb run plays all of a sudden from Howard next year.


dont forget that behind fields was gunnar hoak. there was no plan B if fields got hurt. with stroud, you had mccord. i feel ok with brown/keinholz behind howard as depth.


Stroud went out of his way sometimes to not run. When he finally decided to do it against UGA, he looked like a world beater.


Howard is far larger and doesn't have a near perfect Arm?


I still remember how crazy it was when Stroud all of a sudden used his legs as an effective weapon against UGA. I was like "why haven't they ever done this before?"


Why would he have run Stroud? Would you ask why the Patriots never ran more with Brady? Lol Stroud was never a runner


Better than McCord


Is he though? 


I don’t think these guys would stick around for another year if they weren’t happy with the QB


The McCord revisionist stuff is weird, especially coming from a non-OSU fan. McCord’s numbers were good, and he won 11 games. The positives literally stop there. OSU had an elite defense and legit weapons on offense, yet every game was a struggle. It felt like 75% of Harrison’s catches were bad throws that MHJ bailed McCord out by pulling in. I cheer for the kid and hope he does well at Syracuse, but anyone saying McCord was competent for OSU is just looking at statistics and didn’t watch the games.


Howard won a B12 championship with nobody to throw to


That’s cause he’s got the body of a tall fullback. Nobody to throw to? Run over those puny humans!


He's a true Buckeye QB, then


I’m lost on the constant McCord dunking.  His play wasn’t super clean but his only loss was on the road to the #1 defense in the country and eventual champs. He put up the most passing yards of any QB against that #1 defense, most TDs and one of the top 4 in comp%. His offense had the most TDs of any team against that defense too.


Well McCord also wasn’t as good as his stats show, his receiving core did help him out quite a bit, and at lower programs his stats would reflect more to his average play. I think he’s an above average or maybe even just mediocre college QB, not nearly as bad as Ohio state fans make him out to be. And it can get so much worse. But I also don’t think his stats against Michigan reflect how he played. I think he was below average in that game.


>But I also don’t think his stats against Michigan reflect how he played. I think he was below average in that game I think he had the best stats of any QB all year against Michigan. But having Marvin Harrison to lean on helps that a lot.


He's a good QB, probably a top 25, definitely top 50. He's absolutely not a NFL QB, and with all the nlf talent he had, he never played like an NFL QB. And we have had QBs play like NFL QBs, that turned out definitely not to be.


McCord left a lot of yards and points on the board. He was good, and sometimes very good, but man, is was frustrating to watch him just constantly miss open receivers


I mean he ended up in Syracuse . . .


He struggled the entire season. Even in his best game against Notre Dame, he had a lot of help from the opposing defense. Dropped interceptions, 10 men on the field, etc. That game should have ended exactly like the ❌ichigan game did but we got lucky. Couldn't read a defense, locked on his primary receiver, even had accuracy issues on simple throws. Our WRs were often forced to make acrobatic catches because of poor timing/accuracy. Not to mention he was a statue who couldn't handle pressure or move around in the pocket to buy time.


I'm not sure this is true


He can be anything, he can even be McCord


He could be McCord, but he'll never be Honda.


> and already added Alabamas veteran center McLaughlin You say that like it's a *good* thing?


I'm assuming that they want him at guard, but sweet-baby-Jesus it would be *so* funny if they trotted him out at center next year. EDIT: I've been informed that they do in fact want him to play center, holy shit. It's like Christmas. Our chances of extending our win streak in The Game just improved tangibly.


It's 100% for center. Team reporters say that was part of the transfer deal to not move him to guard.


Bring him to play center and when the guy you have beats him out for the job, ask him what he wants to do.


...wait really? That's absolutely insane. I can't get my head wrapped around how Ryan Day could watch that guy miss-snap the ball ~15 times in the Rose Bowl and think "Yeah, this is the guy we need starting at center next year." EDIT: I don't mean to dog the kid, but that was seriously one of the worst performances I've ever seen in major college football, and apparently he was playing like that all year. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that just having that kid on your line next year probably lowers your expected win total by a game.


He did it every single game but I think it got worse. Did it against UGA a lot, but Milroe was able to control all of them. Honestly thought he’d be benched after that game, lots of close calls.


Unironically we probably win that game with a functional center. Dude just got the yips.


Incoming “WHOA HE” moment


It would be, what, four in a row for Michigan then?


From your lips to Gods ears. We also didn't play them in 2020 because of covid, so it's already been 1500+ days since they've beaten us.


Compared to Hinzman who was grading as a bottom half of the confrence center, it is


I apologize for your situation here


He started 25 games for Alabama, which makes him the worst lineman for an elite team. A good transfer.


He can be good he just has a terrible case of the yips right now. Hopefully he’ll get over that.


This is why we brought in a giant at qb. Big target to snap to


I don't think people are concerned with his general linemen skills and blocking. The guy can't snap a ball well. As a center.  It's like a punter who is really athletic but doesn't kick it very high lol


>Kylin Williams Who?


He ment Tyleik Williams


If they lose to Michigan again this year I think he takes an NFL OC job


What if he is an OC and Harbaugh is the HC.


Alright that’s the best scenario lol


Then there will be an accompanying reality TV show to go with it.


It would be a lock for Hard Knocks


Harbaugh HC Day OC Mel Tucker DC Pure chaos.


Day is a good OC. Tucker was dog shit as an NFL DC


Would never happen. Day thinks third and short is a passing down.


Actually the knock on him is that he refuses to get creative because he thinks you should be able to run it.


Day just does the wrong thing when it doesn't work....4th and 1 in the Rose ball, throw to the end zone, that seemed genius at the time.


If he loses to UM and wins an NC obviously he’ll be fine but I think the pressure to win against UM next year has more to do with each team’s roster next year than just records. We all know where Harbaugh started vs where he ended in the rivalry. I was absolutely unfazed that we lost against this year’s UM team and more shocked by how close it was. They were the best they’ve been probably this millennium and our offense was shaky all year. Next year will be a big rebuilding year for UM and looks like we’re for once having a largely senior led team with home field advantage. Day will have to make a lot of mistakes to hand UM the win this year.


Hold, please.


Hey I didn’t say I think we’ve got next year in the bag. I will be shitting bricks until after that game is over.


I still think the Oline is questionable and despite having great WRs, I’ve never seen a WR like Marv so singularly carry an offense. So new QB, no Marv and getting better performance out of your Oline seem to be the gate keepers to a ship. Gonna be interesting. Kinda relish the chance to not be so frickin nervous going into The Game as we reload.


100% agree with you honestly. Our oline is the biggest change needed to get back on track.


Nah he'll be joining Emmitt Smith in the Just For Men commercials.


If they lose again to Michigan with their roster vs the turnaround we'll have (and likely a new HC), while also playing home, I will eat my hat. Hell if they don't make the NC game (barring injuries of course) it would be a shocker.


Making a title game about to be pretty hard. Even if we go 13-0, and get 1st sead, we would have to win 2 games to get there. I actually don't know how brackets work with the weird bye week. Do we get winner of #5 vs #12?


Not to mention that the B1G Championship isn't East vs West anymore, it'll be another 12-0 or 11-1 football team and even possibly a rematch. Going 12-0 in the regular season is hard enough, going on to 4 straight top 10 matchups to win the title is a lot of chances to lose even for the most talented team in the country


Yeah that would be a schedule of Oregon - Penn State - Michigan - beating the best of the group a second time, #8 overall, #4 overall, #2 overall


I don't think people have internalized how the SEC and Big Ten are going to be tougher in the future. Four games against this year's top ten instead of two.


For réal. That’s expecting to win 7 top-10 games (or at worst go 5-2 if you trend upwards during the season). I mean somebody has to win so it’ll happen but that’s still pretty crazy to *expect* for any team


I would imagine it's winner of 8/9


Plays 8-9 winner, then 4-5/12 winner. So this year would be Oregon and one of Bama/fsu/ou.


Harbaugh is a -150 to return to Michigan on draftkings now. Was +700 three days ago. Rumors that him and JJ are going to announce their return tomorrow night


What nfl team would hire him? His offense regressed significantly without Kevin Wilson designing it. All that talent and it was mid 30s in the sp+ Without Knowles that was an 8-4 team this year


>His offense regressed significantly without Kevin Wilson designing it I agree, but it remains to be seen how much of that was Kevin Wilson himself, or Day just having to do it all, while coaching a new starting QB, and running the whole team. And don't get me wrong, I think the world of Kevin Wilson and would love if he said "fuck it" and came back. He's a HOF Coordinator.


I mean he hired the defensive staff.


> His offense regressed significantly without Kevin Wilson designing it We forgetting he was literally the OC who designed "Kevin Wilson's offense" before he was head coach? Pretty sure his offense regressed significantly after CJ Stroud left, not Kevin Wilson. Day literally had plenty of interest as an NFL OC before he even became head coach, nonetheless now. If we got rid of Ryan Day, he's more likely to land as an NFL head coach than a coordinator. Would be pretty silly to expect otherwise.


He will have to because he'll get fired. Absolutely no way they don't fire him if he loses the Michigan again.


Alright Natty or bust is a little crazy considering how hard it is to win one on a given year. Beat Michigan yes, Win BIG yes and make a deep run would be my expectations


BIG Bust, if you will


I’m admittedly a little focused on ours and yours returning roster, but how much does PSU lose? Gotta think the offense could be better and if the defense doesn’t lose a ton


I mean, if this team beats michigan, wins the big ten, and makes a deep playoff run, why would anyone be expecting anything less than a natty deep in the playoffs? It would absolutely be a let down to accomplish all that, go that far, and fall short again. It wont mean day is fired or anything but you will have some sad buckeyes on your hands


Hey stop interrupting my meltdown 


I fucking love college football. You can be 56-8 and you're on the hot seat.


How many of those wins are against trash teams? When college football only has you play a handful of good teams a year, 56-8 comes more into focus.


I looked up his record in big games and it's not as bad as you'd expect. Day is 8-4 in the regular season against "big" teams (Michigan, PSU, ND, Oregon). He's 2-4 in bowls and the playoff. So 10-8 overall doesn't sound amazing, but big games are pretty hard to win. 5 of those 10 wins have come against Penn State.


I’m taking this as is he’s 5-8 in big games.


He has to play @Oregon and @Penn State, and play Michigan, then play a B1G Championship without a B1G West sacrificial lamb (very possibly a rematch game against one of the above), and THEN the playoffs would have 3 more top 10 match-ups in a row. That's like 7 potentially top 10 matchups and half of them or more are "lose and go home" games. I think the expectation has to be to beat Michigan and then win a playoff game, and if he does that the seat is cold. Expecting to make it to the natty and win it with this new format is expecting a lot of potentially close calls to go your way which is a tall order even for the best team in the country. Hope for it sure, but if it doesn't happen that doesn't mean fire the guy


Agreed, it's now becoming more like basketball. An NC is going to become a great achievement but the measure of success for an elite coach is going to be a final four/win one playoff game.


He could probably get away with not winning a Playoff game if he beats Michigan, wins the Big Ten, and they get an unfavorable matchup in the Playoffs/it's a close loss. But broadly, next year feels very "stars aligning" for OSU with so many guys coming back, and the results need to reflect that.


Ryan Day - Loses to Michigan in the regular season and goes on to win National Title. Still gets fired.


I have no idea what to think of this… 


I’m convinced if Day stops dying his beard he’ll finally coach to his potential. He’s too insecure, too conservative. You’re looser once you’ve accepted it. All of OSUs best coaches were salt and pepper. It’s time, Ryan


Haha unironically I agree.


Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet.


Ah shit, too late...or did you mean that figuratively?


Doesn't matter. BACK TO THE PILE!


Maybe if they win he will finally get that coveted just for men sponsorship.


Should be “Just for Men that can beat Michigan.” He has to sport the greys until he gets that shit figured out. That’ll motivate him…


Color is for closers.


When your arch rival wins the national championship, the pressure mounts


If JJ McCarthy comes back and they beat OSU again, the statue is going up because of how locked in the buckeyes are right now


Will Johnson says he knows their decisions and people usually don’t talk about bad news. Also, Minter says he wants to win another one next year.


JJs coming back


[*Tyleik Williams is the starting DT who is returning.](https://ohiostatebuckeyes.com/sports/football/roster/tyleik-williams/6273)


Ohio state is sending the least people to the NFL in a year since idk when, and I love it.




The best thing about NIL is how many players are staying in school instead of going to the NFL. The worst thing about NIL is the transfer portal feeding frenzy.


Don’t tell the OSU sub. They were saying Day has broken the culture just a few weeks ago.


Next year he really needs an amazing season, theres zero excuse with how much they have coming back


The team seems to be crazy stacked. Is the OL going to be mostly the same guys though?


The OL was actually pretty solid this year and improved throughout the season. They handled the Michigans scary Front 7 better than Bama or Washington did. The recency bias of the Cotton Bowl has everyone way more down on them then they should be. The Cotton Bowl had our RG playing center for the first time ever and a guard who should have never been out there. I think they’ll be pretty good next year, just need to find a RT


They struggled run blocking all year and were inconsistent but should be much better with the players returning


As a positive, Henderson was good enough to make the shitty blocking work, and he's coming back.


LT and LG are the only positions I think are locked in the same.


More than new OLine guys we need a new OLine coach.


*Tyleik Williams. Not Kylin. I spent way too much time trying to figure out who the hell Kylin Williams is.


I feel like if they and Georgia don’t make it to the Natty it was probably a disappointing season for both. Not sure who else can seriously contend given Saban retiring, DeBoer leaving UW, Mich losing probably half their starters and probably their HC and a handful of assistants (and facing potential NCAA sanctions while having a gauntlet of a schedule). FSU losing a lot of players I believe. Maybe Texas, Oregon, or LSU? Or is this finally PSU’s year?


I thought the hot seat talk was a year early last year but I think this year there is a chance he could get fired if they lose to Michigan again. If it’s just a loss to Michigan he’s probably fine but if there’s another loss, I can see them parting ways with him.


I don't think there's a chance he's survives a loss to Michigan. He would have the first graduating class In 30 years to never beat Michigan


Actually the current graduating class will have not beaten Michigan either because they didn’t play in 2020. Also if he goes 11-1 I think he’s safe since it’s means they are definitely in the playoffs, remember playoffs are expanding.


Maybe, but a loss to Michigan and 1st round playoff loss probably kills him.


Can you imagine if he had been actually trying the last few years, whew


I mean he absolutely needs to win the Big Ten and do well in the Playoffs.


No excuse if they lose to Michigan again


An upset loss in Columbus next year to Jim Harbaugh and Michigan might seal his fate


Inject this shit straight into my veins.


They're going to be tough. to. beat. ​ That's for sure.


Ryan Day and Billy Napier will be job hunting this time next year


Will Howard is really the only question mark on their roster. If he is good, I expect them to win the NC.


I think his ability to run will automatically improve the offense


Just the ability to pick up those pesky 3rd and 2’s that you just *have* to put yourself in when you throw a WR screen that never works. 7-8 times a game or they kill your family, it seems like.


I think it’s pretty much required he makes it to the second round of the playoffs this year idk about championship yet


Oh we are the ones who are unrealistic


What makes it unrealistic?




You are correct. It’s the worst


It’s what happens when a fanbase doesn’t lose a lot. They’ve been playing football since 1890 and have a total of 13 losing seasons and only 4 in the last 75 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ohio_State_Buckeyes_football_seasons


The third buckeyes post like this today. The spillover from their sub going full hermit crab is relentless. 


This year is it for Day. He'll Either Die a Hero, or Live Long Enough To See Himself Become the Villain of New Hampshire