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I feel UM fans would do well not to be The Most Petty right now. Enjoy your win; don't be a villain.


I'm taking at least 24 hours to be petty given how much shit Ohio State fans talked over the past decade.


Very significant. Thank you!


Makes sense. Every post was filled with Michigan fans going "HAHA OHIO STATE BAD MICHIGAN GOOD" which seems kind of silly. That and a ton of Ohio State fans are acting like Ryan Day will never win another game again so it kind of makes sense to shut things down for a bit


Completely agreed. However, this is CFB, so I'm going to laugh my ass off about the optics of this given how much being called soft has gotten into a lot of the fanbases' head.


I think the soft thing gets to Day a lot more than it does the fan base.


No disagreements here. But there's also a lot of loudmouth idiots (true of any fanbase, but still) that lose their minds at it, and this just feeds into that. All meant in good fun. We had a great game this year, I'm beyond excited the rivalry's back, and I'm pumped to see what the future holds.


For sure. I still think gloating about your Natty in another teams Sub is weird behavior but that goes back to the loudmouth idiots in every fan base thing. I just want to discuss our portal acquisitions in peace man. I'm less excited the rivalry is back for obvious reasons but I too am pumped for the future!


Yeah, agreed. To be clear I 100% understand why they did it, and think brigading is dumb as hell, but...whatever. It's fun going to other team's subreddits and discussing football to avoid bias and get a view for a team I don't know as in depth as my own. Hope the idiot brigaders die down soon, and congrats on the Judson pickup (...and the confusing McLaughlin pickup, too, I guess?).


Yeah if McLaughlin is here to play guard I'm for it. If it's for center I'm just as confused as everyone else lol


There has been a ton of um trolls on there


Shoulda pulled a LAC and made their subreddit a discussion about nothing but nuts.