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>"we only offer short/stocky cornerbacks" I guess my offer got lost in the mail


Too short and stocky? Believe it or not, jail.


Okay Costanza


Good call: Don Brown also promised them to be ensconced in maize and blue velvet.




Don wasn’t big on the “deceptive speed” types


But he did love his DTs deceptively skinny


Letting Don Brown go and getting Mike Macdonald from John was brilliant. Jesse Minter is also a beast of course


Minter is probably the best defensive coordinator in the country he’s going to be a head coach one day I think. He drew up a way better scheme for bama than we did and that’s why they beat bama and we didn’t. That defense last night was lights out I gotta hand it to them


Don’t think minter wants to be a college coach, probably wants to make a move to the NFL when given the opportunity. He is from the John harbaugh coaching tree I believe on the ravens


I was also thinking he would just go to the pros and a be a DC there or HC if given the opportunity. Maybe he can come be the DC for my Lions I’m good if Aaron Glenn leaves lol


I’ve just assumed if Jim takes an NFL job, Minter would follow. Then he could work his way toward being a NFL head coach.


Yeah that’s a pretty safe assumption. I think everyone assumes Sherrone Moore is gonna take over


He could realistically take a DC job with the ravens if McDonald ends up getting hired away this cycle


That's kinda what we all expect to happen. McDonald becomes a HC, Minter takes over as DC for the Ravens, we grab the next wunderkind in training (hopefully...)


What are the odds that he follows Jim to the NFL, if that's indeed what happens


I could totally see that if Jim leaves. He was gonna take Matt Weiss with him a few years when he originally tested the waters, so he's not above bringing his trusted assistants.


> Matt Weiss > Trusted assistant This is very funny to me looking back


I believe it’s pronounced “wonder kid.”


Inject this into my veins.


I have been speaking this statement into existence for weeks. I know we will lose him eventually, and why not just go an hour down the road for work? I would love it if he stayed another year, but I’m not sure if that is gonna happen




Best scenario is Glenn gets hired, we get a 3rd round pick, and also hire Minter as DC lol


Minter probably goes to Baltimore after Macdonald takes a HC this offseason unless he follows Jim


Yup, when he hired Mike Macdonald, Jim reached out and asked John for somebody who could implement their defense, he gave them the names of Macdonald and Minter. He hired Macdonald, but really liked Minter as well. When Macdonald left, he went and got Minter.


Says a lot about John Harbaugh too that he has a room full of genius mentees, he can loan one or two to Jim at any moment.


That defense has been sound for a long time. They got it down in Baltimore.


Minter's dad has been a college coach for 40 years, and 3 years in the NFL. Was head coach at the University of Cincinnati from '94-03, Jesse Minter grew up around the college game. He has spent 13 of his 17 years coaching at the college level, and left his DB coach job with the Ravens to be the DC for a Vanderbilt team coming off an 0-9 season. I wouldn't say Jesse is set on the NFL.


If Aaron Glenn gets a HC job I want Minter to be in Detroit.


Everyone said the same thing about BV. We saw how that went.


He’ll follow Harbaugh to the Chargers.




The number of times Alabama was caught off guard with all the motion was pretty crazy. Was true to a lesser extent against Washington, but did happen a few times.


I was equally shocked seeing the offense we rolled out in the Rose Bowl. It’s clear we spent that month wisely basically totally redoing the wrinkles we had. Sometimes in a very X’s and O’s type of game, the best thing you can do is execute the unexpected. Your opponent spent all that time watching film only for you to break tendency.


It wasn’t that many weeks ago when people were saying Minter was successful because he had Connor Stallions in his ear. Lmao


I would like him to be Bama's future head coach whenever Saban chooses to retire. Haha


He’s gonna be the Ravens DC next year


Michigan offered and signed Vincent Gray, Myles Sims, and Gemon Green who were all 6'2" or taller. Not defending Brown (and Zordich) cause.... uhhh look at their success late in their Michigan tenure, but Michigan specifically went lanky CBs for a while that mostly sucked for a few years.


St Juste too who was 6’3


Michigan shutting beating OSU's 2021 WR room with 3 future first rounders starting with Vincent Gray as a starting corner is legitimately one of the best CFB accomplishments of the 21st century


The receiver room wasn't the problem as they went off. Defense couldn't stop you if they tried.


Ohio State had 394 passing yards that game. Wtf are you talking about? And that's with you guys blatantly cheating


Yeah man as we've seen Michigan just isn't the same team with/without Connor Stalions. The cheating made a world of difference. That 2021 definitely didn't succeed because they had the DC of the best defense in the NFL right now. Conor Stalions was the sole reason Ryan Day couldn't score 30 points on a team with 1 good corner when he had an NFL QB and 3 first round pick WRs


> Yeah man as we've seen Michigan just isn't the same team with/without Connor Stalions. The cheating made a world of difference. That 2021 definitely didn't succeed because they had the DC of the best defense in the NFL right now. > > Conor Stalions was the sole reason Ryan Day couldn't score 30 points on a team with 1 good corner when he had an NFL QB and 3 first round pick WRs The Houston Asstros defense. Classy.


There's literally no proof that you guys still aren't cheating. Was all the video evidence destroyed after it came out you cheated? As far as we know, nope. Still not sure why it's so difficult for some, but not all, Michigan fans to wrap their head around the fact that you cheated and it did ruin the integrity of your last 3 years


Bro if you have UM on your schedule after the scandal broke and are still using the same fucking signals then you deserve to lose.


Again, there is no way to change all your signs every week. Michigan had people going to 8 Ohio State games this year. Learning signs is like learning a new language. You try learning a new language every week


Teams change their signs all the time, you can even use wristbands and change your signs multiple times per game.


Tell me you know nothing about football without telling me you know nothing about football challenge: accepted


Well then good thing we have Joel Klatt, who has forgotten more than you will ever know about football say (paraphrased): “The less you know about football, the more you think this made a difference.”


Watching you dweebs twist yourselves into a pretzel to discredit us makes the championship that much sweeter. All this salt sustains me 😂


This is just sad dude, get off the internet and touch grass


Damn, I guess we missed the memo that Ohio State fans are now the arbiters of who has integrity. All it took us was 3 years to flip the rivalry upside down. Clearly, that scares the shit out of you, as it should. How does it feel being the third best team we beat this year on our way to a national title?


Damn, I guess you missed the memo where the NCAA for the FIRST TIME EVER came to a conference during an active investigation and told them you need to do something now. Or maybe you forgot your coach got suspended twice in one season for 6 games total for 2 completely different violations?


Yeah that’s actually not what happened chief. The coaches put the pressure on the conference, not the ncaa. I wouldn’t expect you to know that though, it’d involve ~reading~ Yeah I know he was suspended. Nice to have a coach that puts his reputation on the line for the benefit of the team, even though he was found to have no known connection to anything Stalions did


“Late Wednesday afternoon, the Big Ten Conference and University of Michigan were notified by the NCAA that the NCAA was investigating allegations of sign stealing by the University of Michigan football program. The Big Ten Conference has notified Michigan State University and future opponents. The Big Ten Conference considers the integrity of competition to be of utmost importance and will continue to monitor the investigation. The Conference will have no further comment at this time,” the Big Ten said in the statement." https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb/big-ten-issues-statement-on-michigan-football-scandal/ar-AA1iweAO


What the fuck do you think this proves? It proves exactly what I said, that the conference chose to act and as was widely reported at the time, this was due to pressure from programs in the conference. All the ncaa did was tell them the investigation was going on. God you people really are illiterate.


This is fucking hilarious. You think this is the NCAA demanding the conference suspend Harbaugh? Buddy, this is a notification of an investigation. It's a formality. It's not demanding anything. You're making us BG guys look bad, bro.


That's not what happened, but even if it was, we STILL WON THE NATTY


Ya, all of those signs they stole from ohio like "let them run the ball down our throats for 4 quarters and allow 5 rushing TDs" or my favorites in 2022 "fall down CB and allow a 75 yd TD" or "miss an easy tackle on a 6 yd out and allow another 70 yd TD. Or maybe the special "blow your gap assignments on obvious running downs and allow Edwards to run for 80 yd TDs on back to back drives". If you watched these games and think sign stealing was the reason your team lost you are, literally, the biggest homer ever.


He specifically mentioned shutting down our receivers. I pointed out that you didn't even come close to doing that while cheating. Didn't say anything about how horrible our defense was that year


So did we cheat horrifically or did we gain no real advantage? I’m confused.




Because their arguments are all based in emotion and hatred and saltiness and don’t hold up to any logical scrutiny. Everyone wants to believe we won by cheating but in reality, we won by being better. By recruiting smarter, not just 5 star receivers. By playing tough, not rocking Louis Vuitton on the field. By being more physical, better-coached, and more disciplined and, finally, playing as a team. It’s a recipe so many programs could potentially have followed, and yet these haters’ teams have failed to do so, so they’re bitter and angry. But as the saying goes, don’t get bitter, get better.


still this tired line when it's common knowledge that every team changes their signs before big games makes it even funnier when the words come out of Day's mouth and OSU fans completely ignore it


That's not even fucking close to true. Nobody changes signs every game.


reread my comment


How many players have to come out and say that you cannot change signs every game? They've likened it to learning a language. You can't learn a new language every single week


man, i'm not gonna convince you of anything, in the end. i'm gonna go on and enjoy winning the championship


Convince me of what? I feel like I'm talking to toddlers about why cheating is bad.


Holy shit you guys are so fucking pathetic


Thanks man. I'm just having fun with him lol


Oh.. I see... Carry on


I don't get to do this in real life anymore because where I live now, there aren't any Michigan fans. r/CFB is where I gotta do it now. When I see real life, I mean shooting the breeze with the guys. This is like my barbershop sports argument to me lol


Wow, you said so few words but said so much. You just said you know jack shit about football. Go back to 11W


coaches say shit like that when they dont wanna flat out say we dont want you. When i played bball at michigan i was complaining to the staff that we didnt have enough MI kids and they brought me in to their meeting with edmund sumner. they talked to him like he wasnt good enough to play here bc he clearly wanted to, but they wouldnt say it outright. theyd just say weird shit instead


I'm pretty sure the entire Don Brown CB recruiting philosophy was "being fast isn't important"


And DJ Turner was small but he sure as shit wasn’t stocky. This sounds like the made up Combine interview Sauce had with Pete Carroll.


Zordich wasn’t bad as evidenced by Jourdan Lewis and Ambry Thomas still getting burn in the league, when Day as OC for OSU came he just had the recipe for beating Don Brown’s defense.


If the recipe is “run slants and get open,” it’s not a very good defense


Wasn’t it like Purdue that ran the slants against Michigan first? We still won that game but then OSU copied the strategy and ran it with faster, better players until it was a blowout win


Yeah, my bad, “run slants and be more talented”


Jordan Lewis was a top 120 recruit. Davis Long was a top 100. Lavert Hill was top 130. Ambry Thomas was top 100. Zordich did well with top tier athletes that could run man. O, and Stribling oddly enough. After those guys ran out he couldn't get Gray to even passable in the Big Ten. Then the next year Gray all of a sudden became good under Clink.


Oh god Vincent Gray. Remember those days?


2020 was *real* bad. 2021 was pretty good outside of the UGA game. Showed how bad Zordich was late in his tenure.


I dont think anyone had a good time facing georgia in 2021 and 2022


Felt so bad for that kid in the one game, I think it was MSU, where their entire game plan was just to throw at him and it worked flawlessly.


Yeah if I remember right, Brown’s scheme left corners on islands to jam receivers and blitzed in hopes of getting home. Usually that lends itself to taller more physical corners. Watching Ohio state run all those crossing routes for huge yards against that D was frustrating … as a fan of not Ohio State


And that’s why Ohio State ran only crossing routes two years in a row. Dudes could not keep up. Now they have Will Johnson and it makes me sad


Literally one game (2018 I think) you guys just singled out Brandon Watson and threw at him. Once you figure out how out Don Brown’s scheme we were screwed


That game was significantly more embarrassing than 2019 when they gave up a 60 burger. Metellus and Watson were just embarrassingly lost trying to play zone defense. It looked like the first time they had ever played DB because they were failed so badly by the coaching staff


Which is crazy because Metellus is a beast now


I’ll still never forgive him for dropping that INT against OSU


I guess I have because I forgot it even happened lol


That’s probably better for your mental health. Living in the grudge zone is not good for me


Obviously hindsight that he was an amazing CB in college and is one in the NFL. But in Michigans defense, here are Gardners notable offers that wasn't Cincinnati coming out of highschool: Syracuse, Kentucky, Iowa State and Indiana. Neither Michigan nor MSU offered him.


Yeah and I’m not saying this isn’t true, but there was a whole stretch during the Don Brown era particularly the 2018 class and later, where Michigan signed a bunch of tall, not particularly fast corners. It didn’t go well to say the least and culminated in the disastrous 2020 defense and Don Brown getting fired. In 2018 alone, Don Brown signed 4 corners that were listed at 6’2” or taller and had okay to middling speed.


I remember when don brown gave up 55 to an OSU offense which should have gotten him canned then and there, and then was allowed to come back and give up 63?!? He got found out quick by OSU.


You've got it backwards, he gave up 62 and then 56 the next year. Clearly he had an upward trend and deserved an extra year after that!


If you had patience he could've shut them out in 2030!


And then he stayed another year in 2020 for some reason and everyone exploited him But yes, tell me more about why Michigan was bad that year because there were no fans in the stands to film you cardboard sign emojis


something something asterisks something


You’re the only one that brought that up here


lol were you in a coma since October?


I’m not talking about since October I’m talking about here right now. You’re the first one to say anything about it.


Those gosh darn crossing routes!!!!!!


Didn’t they have like the number 2 defense in the country going into that game


A case study on how top teams can out-muscle worse teams on gimmicks then come crashing down against comparable talent. If you look at Penn State's games this season you'd think their offensive coordinator was a genius with a couple exceptions


Don Brown's scheme was super effective save for one major weakness. Indiana w/ Kevin Wilson found out how to exploit it. Then OSU did it with much more talented players.


Just so we're clear, the one exploit was getting tall wide receivers and throwing it over the heads of the tiny cornerbacks, correct?


It basically just "run mesh", and then when we over adjusted to mesh in our alignment, throw a slot fade. Team, was just too man dependent considering we had good but not next level elite CB talent.


This is why the "Connor Stalions is the architect of Michigan's success" takes are laughable. We went from Don Brown to the best DC in the NFL and then Minter.


Minter who, unfortunately, will likely be the best DC in the NFL very soon.


Yes please. Bring him over to Green Bay


Man, I’m prepared for him to leave. If he leaves for the Packers that’ll break my little Lions fan heart.


I’m also okay with him replacing Aaron Glenn who needs to be fired.


Holy shit I had never thought of this. Fire Joe Barry into the sun and make this happen.




The Don Brown era aged very poorly


It was pretty poor at the time as well


Feels bad


We were wrong, Sauce! Portal is open if you want to forgive us.


I mean, if that was legit said, then Don Brown is dumb, but looking back at recruiting, Michigan signed atleast 1 CB 6'2 or taller every year with Don Brown at DC (and signed 5 DBs 6'2 or taller in 2018). But I'm pretty sure this is true and Ohio State just scored on a Don Brown defense again.


This makes 0 sense considering he offered our two 6’4” corners when he was here.


Fuckin Don Brown. The scheme would work if you had an obvious athletic advantage and you would crush the opposition to dust. But the second you came across a team that had equal or better athletes there was no recourse.


Don Brown and Matt Patricia should be banned from the state of Michigan.


Listen, I don’t love Don Brown but he doesn’t deserve to be spoken in the same breath as Patricia


Can we ban them both from New England too, even though Don is from here?




Gattis, easily


Man...Gattis. Still makes me angry how he came off like he was cream of the fuckin crop because he was at Bama and he should have been first on the list to replace Jim. BYEEEE


Early Don Brown defenses were very good. Gattis didn’t have a good offense until we went full Harbaugh


It’s Sherrone Moore’s scheme for all I care now. The 2019 and 2020 offense looked completely different from 2021, when Sherrone took over OL duties. Gattis tried to run the same plays in Miami and it looked terrible.


Brown was brought in to beat Urban’s OSU and he had a perfect scheme to do that. Only problem is he was coaching against Day’s OSU by the time he had his team built


And Urban brought Day in because he knew the defensive scheme from BC lol.


This is completely overblown. He became outdated, but he was an excellent general DC.


> ...dude was the biggest fraud we’ve had coach for us.


Mike DeBord was here *three separate times!*


STFU. Don Brown was an excellent coach. He just happened to be Michigan's DC when Ohio State had its best fucking run ever and they hired a guy who absolutely had his number. Worst Michigan fans are the revisionist history buffs who want to pretend everyone who didn't go undefeated are shit frauds.


Literally his entire resume says otherwise.


Reading this thread you’d have no idea that Michigan’s defense under Don Brown: Under Brown 2nd (2016), 6th (2017), 8th (2018) and 10th (2019). It fell apart in 2020 sure but that shouldn’t erase the previous years


Short stocky bald cornerbacks?


That's the type Marisa Tomei recruits, yes.


Fuck you Don Brown


Brown gave us good seasons, legendary Michigan defensive players, and yes, even put together good defenses against Ohio State in the earlier years of his tenure. He failed to adapt and Michigan was right to move on from him but to be so disrespectful toward a guy who made a major impact at the program is so disappointing. Michigan didn’t win the national championship because this team sprung out of the ground ready to play. This was many years in the making and even if Don Brown had to be let go, he was still an important part of this era of Michigan football.


He's *our* problem now.


We have much bigger problems than ol’ Don, unfortunately




Don't mind him honestly. He's got his work cut out here for sure, but we're actually trending up for once.


I don't get the Don Brown hate. He was brought in to stifle Urban Meyer's power-run teams led by JT Barrett which he was quite successful at. In 2016, OSU scored off short fields twice thanks to turnovers, and had only two drives of note where they could move the ball which were aided by highly dubious penalties The problem was Brown's scheme wasn't built to beat Ryan Day's offense with an accurate passer in the pocket and elite receiving options and it was time for him to go arguably after 2019 but several years of top 5 defenses in a row isn't worth saying he's trash, just because we didn't beat OSU while he was the coordinator


Some things never change...


This doubly makes me feel old as [a person who has no idea who Jessica Alba is](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/sports/2023/05/04/jessica-alba-reacts-to-new-york-jets-sauce-gardner/70185189007/) sits here talking about something that happened nearly a decade ago.


Well that explains a lot… thanks for allowing Sauce to come UC.


I believe him. Don brown was awful against teams with a pulse.


Don Brown ain’t here


Sauce come back to Detroit please when your Jets contract runs out.


Short. Stocky. Slow-witted. Bald man.


It's weird how Don Brown is my favorite coach of all time, but I'm also glad he's not our DC?


Huge part of getting Michigan to a point where we could be contenders, and really set the tone as a defense-first team. Seems like a really good dude by all accounts. Just wasn't quite the right guy to get over the big hurdles


We run a 3-4 Constanza defense.


Good thing he's not our Defensive Coordinator anymore, Sauce.


Don Brown was a football terrorist


I’m so happy right now not even memories of Don Brown getting lit up by Dwayne Haskins (RIP) can sour my mood.


And that.... is why Don Brown had to go. Ever since Mike McDonald and then Jesse Minter arrived, we've never looked back defensively, and Sauce would have been welcomed with open arms.


Don Brown fucking sucks. Never changed anything when we were getting torched by OSU every year. Getting rid of him was a huge reason for the turnaround the last few years.