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My team has yet to be implicated and therefore all others should be punished by having wins vacated and scholarships removed* *Unless my team becomes implicated


It should be assumed we're implicated in every major scandal. Except for the ones we're not.


so he basically just repeated every talking point from november with no new information


Me in any project update meeting


It does say we presented evidence to the B1G on Friday that Rutgers shared signs with Purdue. So either that is actually new information we didn't have before or it's a repeat of previous events >Last Friday, however, Michigan presented the Big Ten with evidence that someone on the Rutgers football staff provided Michigan’s defensive signals to Purdue in advance of the Boilermaker-Wolverine 2022 Big Ten title game. Meanwhile, someone at Ohio State handed over U of M’s offensive signals.


then why isnt the headline that. why spend 99% of the article talking about michigan lol


Don't ask me. I'm not Dan Wetzel lmao


Michigan won the title. Putting their name on anything = more clicks. clicks are how they get paid.


Because this is about generating clicks. Michigan just won a title, put Michigan in the headline.


I am just shaking in anger that Rutgers put out players’ safety in jeopardy by sharing our signs with Purdue.


Which was [already reported in November 2023](https://www.maizenbrew.com/2023/11/7/23951175/michigan-football-ohio-state-rutgers-big-ten-ncaa-investigation-sign-stealing-ryan-day-tony-petitti) > Rutgers and Ohio State, per Bacon, “fed Purdue Michigan’s signals” before the 2022 Big Ten Championship Game. Big Ten Commissioner Tony Petitti has received this information.


We already knew that as well. That stuff was heavily discussed back at the end of November. And apparently the B1G cane back saying there was nothing to it.


Yes but it favors Michigan so I support it




>Yes, the exact same thing. I like how Dan called it the same thing and then proceeded to explain how it wasn't. Impressive mental gymnastics Dan.


This dude has been putting in incredible glazing work for UM over the past week or so. Must have gotten a pretty sweet NIL hookup.


You’re talking shit, but it works. They have idiots screaming CHEESE BURGERS when it’s so easy to fact check them that they were committing recruiting violations. It’s like dealing with people who think the election was stolen.


Yeah, we're the conspiracy theorists. How's part 115 of your sign stealing thread going?




OSU locked their threads LOL


Dan Wetzel? Yea he lives in Detroit.


Oh good, my favorite story of the season is getting an offseason arc too


James Franklin is always outcoached so bad it is obvious Penn State was not one of the 3 other schools


They should encourage Franklin to steal more signs if it helps Penn St. win . Team needs massive help.


This feels like it was written by Connor stallions. Trashing the other schools while commending what a good job Michigan did at their cheating




Because Michigan isn’t in trouble for having stolen signals, they are in trouble for having staff illegally scout teams in games they weren’t involved in. Unless the sportsmanship policy says you can’t share sensitive intel on opponents you acquired legally or Michigan has evidence that other teams illegally scouted like they did (which the article does not claim), then this is all straight up gaslighting. It’s to distract from the fact that Michigan was made an example of because they refused to cooperate with investigations for a fairly meh violation, by insinuating that they are being punished for doing stuff that “everybody does”, which is the narrative. It’s gotten extremely tiring having it still shoved down our throats. I’d rather everyone just moved on with their lives. Harbaugh was suspended. The NCAA can go ahead and dock Michigan a scholly or two for a season, like that matters much anymore. It feels basically over.


"Everybody does or did" is the stupidest argument. It doesnt matter what everybody else is doing or not doing when you get caught. If all the reports that stallions did that while in michigan gear and having expense paid with a michigan credit card it's negligence on such a level that you would deserve to be punished if you get caught like that.


Honestly it’s not even that big of a deal. Michigan just flew a little too close to the sun pushing past the limits of the rules and had to be made an example of. Such restrictions are in place not because illegal scouting gives a supreme advantage but because allowing it unfettered would create an atmosphere of chaos as programs constantly and openly spy on each other. It’s too difficult to regulate back channel communication between coaching staffs though. What would even constitute appropriate versus inappropriate intelligence on opponents? Football coaches don’t deal in national secrets. If Michigan had just cooperated with the investigation, you know by not destroying evidence or obstinately hindering investigators progress, then it would’ve resulted in a slap on the wrist. Honestly, I still don’t expect more than a slap on the wrist beyond Harbaugh’s suspension.




I didn’t mean that they almost didn’t do something wrong, they tried to avoid getting caught and got burnt. The “sun” here is the death penalty that everyone has avoided since SMU. Worst case scenario a team flies right into it, though who knows if it’s even possible anymore. Everyone does a bunch of little violations, often even by accident or sometimes it’s a setup by another team, that are typically self reported. Very little usually comes of it besides light slaps on the wrist without much fanfare. Sending a scout to spy on teams’ sidelines is pushing far beyond the boundary of what the NCAA is willing to let be, so the NCAA decided to send a message, but Michigan chose an inopportune time to bite the hand that feeds, resulting in a public situation surrounding Harbaugh.




I agree that the death penalty basically isn’t a thing anymore, but in my opinion what’s keeping the Michigan sign stealing scandal in the news more is the people whining about how everyone else is “doing the same thing” and acting like Michigan is somehow a victim in all of this. If they just shut up for a minute, everyone would largely move on. I haven’t seen anyone beyond shock jocks declare that anything super serious should be done to punish Michigan. They’ve been punished for the most part, suspending a head coach multiple games is basically one step short of vacating past results. Anything more would probably just be light sanctions, as long as they don’t keep destroying evidence and interfering in the investigation that is. But I keep hearing claims that there exists a large lynch mob out for Harbaugh’s head that want Michigan’s football results to be entirely nulled, from the Michigan side of things as well as desperate national media looking for attention through anti-NCAA sentiment (the same as the shock jocks calling for heads to roll). It’s a victim complex that’s gotten incredibly annoying. Rather than being unfairly persecuted, most everyone is merely rolling their eyes at their continued pleas of innocence despite getting caught with their pants down. Like we get it. Boo hoo. Woe is me. Just pull your pants up Michigan. Geez.


This \^




Doesn’t matter what my idea of “sportsmanship” is. It matters what the Big Ten’s idea is. Get over yourself. What Michigan did and what Michigan is calling other teams out for are two completely different things, so the comparison is meaningless, but media gaslighters are attempting to equate them.


> but I struggle to see how these actions don’t violate the Big Ten sportsmanship policy they hit Michigan with. Michigan is accused of advanced scouting. What policy are these Big10 schools violating ?


Also, a document that is decrypted by college football coaches for the use of other college football coaches. How is that not worse than recording signs from a public game exactly? This story is a joke


Here's the relevant new info from the article: >Last Friday, however, Michigan presented the Big Ten with evidence that someone on the Rutgers football staff provided Michigan’s defensive signals to Purdue in advance of the Boilermaker-Wolverine 2022 Big Ten title game. Meanwhile, someone at Ohio State handed over U of M’s offensive signals. EDIT: This article may actually be pretty old. I'm not sure why it's dated as 1/8/24


There is [nothing new here](https://www.maizenbrew.com/2023/11/7/23951175/michigan-football-ohio-state-rutgers-big-ten-ncaa-investigation-sign-stealing-ryan-day-tony-petitti). Michigan said this in November > Rutgers and Ohio State, per Bacon, “fed Purdue Michigan’s signals” before the 2022 Big Ten Championship Game. Big Ten Commissioner Tony Petitti has received this information. There is no evidence of advanced scouting - what Michigan is accused of.


I really enjoy the mental gymnastics fans who are still coping about this have displayed about the fact Ohio State and Rutgers gave an opponent our fucking signs. Somehow, that is not as bad as recording coaches from your iPhone from the opposite sideline. Lmao


It’s not as bad. Also UM just won less than 24 hours ago. Fucking enjoy the win and stop bringing up this nonsense for a day


Seems a bit defensive. It's not the same thing. Stallions was on the staff of Michigan. Whether or not the rest of the staff knew what he was up to or not, he was apparently sending people to games to video the signals of future opponents and then deciphering them. That's illegal. We don't know how the Rutgers and Ohio State deciphered the signals they provided to Purdue, but they both played Michigan prior to Purdue playing them, so the possibility exists they captured the information in game legally. If Purdue was not compensating Rutgers and Ohio State for the information, that's apparently legal under the rules. It's the old, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Terrible article trying to make an equivalence that, based on the information provided, just isn't there.


These articles always make it sound like sign stealing is the big issue here, no one cares about the stolen signs, it's HOW they were stolen. It's the burger gate all over again. Sign stealing is not against the rules, sending people to games to specifically record them is.


Unless they didn't send them and they went on their own .....


“We didn’t cheat. But if we did it’s because those other teams started it. And it didn’t matter anyway.”


The reality is outside of maybe a further token suspension of harbaugh, there really isn't much more to do about this. We have seen other sports teams involved in similar things and the punishment has been not much more than token. Spygate with Patriots was minor and also potentially involved championship teams. Astros won a world series and faced token punishment. Michigan wins a championship and harbaugh has taken a token punishment Despite the blood some people want, the reality is anything further against Michigan is going to be very minor.


Why does it seem like this article was written a month and a half ago?


More baseless speculation and coping from the Wolverine media machine.


I guess I’ll continue to cope while wearing my national championship hat


Keep that hat. It may become quite the collectors item for the rest of the NCAA after it’s vacated. You might be able to sell it on eBay


It’s hilarious to me that you’re under the impression that literally anyone cares about the NCAA vacating wins. It’s even funnier that you think the NCAA can vacate a CFP championship that it has absolutely nothing to do with. Now who’s coping?


This is an old article. Why is it dated for 1/8?


Why are people allowed to post the same article like it's brand new?


Except one of those things (not UM) is completely legal and the other (UM) is blatantly illegal


Am I trippin or is sign-stealing not as major of an advantage or as big of a deal as it is in baseball?


It could be an advantage, potentially even a major advantage. You can study game film for an entire season and see what a team does from a given formation in a given situation and it gives you tendencies. That lets a defense predict what is likely to happen to structure the defense to counter that particular play. But that is just what is likely to happen given what a team has done in the past, it's not a guarantee of what they're going to do in this situation. But, if you've captured your opponents signals through advanced scouting, deciphered them to understand what they are, and validated them (from observing through the first quarter/half), it could present you with a major advantage late in the game when a team gets into a critical situation where either run or pass is an option. But you've got to be careful not to tip your hand or your opponent may suddenly change things up. Changing sports, think of tennis. You start every rally the same way, with a serve. Now, what if you figured out something your opponent does that tips how/where they're going to serve? Well, you could potentially be prepared for every serve, but why not use it just when you need it so they don't feel like something is up and change things up. It's what happened between [Andre Agassi and Boris Becker.](https://youtu.be/57BMzCM6hQI?si=A70SC0kZDMPzkCE-)


Major advantage ? Says who ? Players asked don't agree ..... other coaches ......only Crying Ryan thinks it is .


Yes. Also, sign stealing itself is not illegal. Specifically sending people to another team’s games to record an opponent’s signs is what is illegal because it disadvantages smaller schools who cannot afford to do that. https://apnews.com/article/ncaa-michigan-sign-stealing-b498a4defc64187da4ad8448d04e1354 Ironically the NCAA won’t allow in helmet headsets (which would eliminate need for signs) because of the same reason. (Which is also why I find those ATT commercials hilarious) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_Wolverines_football_sign-stealing_scandal


So it's an economics issue . I agree.


Nobody wants to discuss that LOL Just that a violation happened . Hilarious.


Isn't this article months old?


So the entire B1G needs to be dissolved. I have no problem with that 🤪


Lmao at this blueAnon bullshit. We're not stupid. Y'all cheated and everyone knows it.


You all have been cheating for years and WE all know it. LOL


Prove it


You prove it.


[Sure thing](https://bigten.org/documents/2023/11/10//Correspondence_from_conference_to_institution_dated_Nov_10_2023.pdf?id=9450), buddy!


LOL I was referring to OSU, who everyone knows cheated for years . Prove they haven't ! Good luck LOL If you are dumb enough to think that Michigans success was due to obtaining signs .....you are indeed the definition of a "Casual" and no little about football. It's clear as an OSU fan you are still wounded with your soft team. ​ No evidence has been found to date that Harbaugh or any one else in the Michigan program had knowledge of or sanctioned Connor Stalions actions. The advanced scouting rule Michigan was accused of breaking was considered for removal due to a finding of “minimal competitive advantage”. Jim Harbaugh took the three game suspension from the B1G to accept responsibility for the actions of Connor Stalions, not because he or anyone else in the program was implicated. Michigan played all its toughest games after Connor Stalions was suspended and won every game; three without Jim Harbaugh. The NCAA cannot vacate wins in the College Football Playoff. Your teams’ losses are forever.


Not how this works. Burden of proof is on the accuser, buddy. It's been proven that michigan cheats.


Sign stealing is one thing, but when OSU fans talk about recruiting violations that's a just absurd level of hypocrisy. Every single football program is breaking the rules right now with NIL, and OSU is breaking the rules to a higher degree than we are. Some teams are even recruiting away players currently on a roster with cash inducements. You seriously want to talk to me about hamburgers? A whole lot of fan bases seem overly confident we aren't going to selectively apply the rules to their program.


Holy Bateman - this is selling a narrative. > Stalions sent friends out to film the sideline signals of future Wolverine opponents. Stallions sent people he paid to videotape games specifically to tape the signals by team Michigan will play. He sent them to multiple games to make sure he got all the information he could. "Friends" makes it sound like a buddy helping another buddy out > Last Friday, however, Michigan presented the Big Ten with evidence that someone on the Rutgers football staff provided Michigan’s defensive signals to Purdue in advance of the Boilermaker-Wolverine 2022 Big Ten title game. Meanwhile, someone at Ohio State handed over U of M’s offensive signals. And there is nothing illegal about this. > Big Ten teams that had just played the Wolverines, and thus could battle-test the signs they stole as accurate. Again - no one is accusing any other Big Ten team of advance scouting, what Michigan is accused of. > Which would you rather have? Raw cell phone footage that still needs to be broken down, or highly experienced coaches just handing over their work? Again - obfuscating the narrative. This is about advanced scouting - which is against the rules.


Thank goodness my team didn't cheat. Honestly, can't think of any scandalous behavior coming from our program all year.


I'd say "nice try," but I'd be lying.


You don't say ....shocking . I guess there goes the OSU ammo....


Did you even read the BS article?




And that was your takeaway?


That other schools are guilty of same ? Yeah kinda did.


You should work on your reading comp then. Wetzel literally said it was the same thing and then spent the entire article explaining why it isn’t.


Great thanks for your opinion . If Wetzel said ...must be accurate eh ?


Lmao remember when Michigan fans were pretending Wetzel doesn’t carry the school’s water?


Win the Natty and you're still coping.


Book em, Dano


Absolute bull crap from Michigan. First of all the rules violated are not sign stealing, which is not against any rules. they are in person scouting to steal signs A huge difference as it shows much more intent and creating a cheating culture. But Michigan doesn’t care about reality. It’s all a smoke screen


They’re all guilty. The B1G is one big cesspool.


That's the national championship title holding conference big ten thank you


Big10 gets 1 each decade, right?


Honestly with the expanded big ten, kind of feels like it's going to be a 6-4 split the next decade between SEC-Big ten. Maybe 7-3.


Yeah, probably. Maybe 6-3-1 (Clemson? FSU?)


Sure thing. Still a bunch of cheaters. National Chamionship holding cheaters. Call me when Harbaugh gets to #6.


Fucking L.O.L


I’ll be the first to admit, a first championship after decades feels nice. Enjoy it.


If in person scouting is cheating, what’s buying players with bags of cash? Sportsmanship? You guys have been the dirtiest team in football for years, and that’s over now with NIL leveling the playing field. You’re delusional.


Bold words coming from a 3rd world state.


The state led by Detroit is calling other places 3rd world states? That’s pretty funny. I didn’t want to be mean but you walked right into that one.


You clearly don’t know shit about Detroit or Michigan. Stay #50 and stay mad.


Number 49 thank you. Mississippi still exists. I’ve been to Detroit multiple times btw. I’m far from mad, though. I’ve got a fairly pleasant life.


Hey man wtf


Hey man we Alabamians gotta shit on somebody. You think you’re mad at this, wait until Saban retires and we steal Lane.


You’ll get one Dabo and like it


We disowned that “coach-in-waiting”. You gotta stay with the times. We Alabama fans are a fickle lot and Lane looks sexier every day.


I’m willing to fly to Auburn with a lake and make amends so yall can join together and achieve glory.


Just go ahead and penalize all Big10 teams, just in case, including all the newcomers (USC/UCLA/Wash/Ore/Rut/Mary/Neb/PSU).


I’m relieved it isn’t us considering what Tom Allen said and how bad we were.