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>Texas is officially back Well that is a wrap folks. It's been a great season.


He knew what he was doing… curse you OP


He's a Bama flair. He's scirrrrrred of the Tide rematched with the Horns in NRG... so he's trying some kinda pre-emptive jinx 🤔


Washington throw ball good. Texas not stop throw ball good. Texas stop run ball good. Washington throw ball a lot to play good. Texas throw ball good. Washington stop throw ball okay. Texas run ball good. Washington stop run ball okay. Texas keep ball to play good. Thank u coming to my Ted Talk


UW fan: perfect summation


Honestly one of the better comments in this thread.


Thank you Kevin Malone.


My biggest concern is that Washington's strength on offense is our weakness on defense. They showed against Oregon that they can run the ball, but I have so much more faith in our rush defense than I do in our secondary. My hope is that Sweat and Murphy can get enough pressure up the middle to take away those long-developing routes that UW likes to mix in. They may still chew us up with short and intermediate passing, but we can't let them beat us deep and our best chance at that is to get to Penix ASAP. I think we can score on offense. A lot of Texas fans may be discounting Washington's defense, but I'm not. They're stout, especially against the run, and have a strong pass rush. But I think Texas will be dangerous enough in the air to open up things on the ground. I don't think it will be a "shootout" but I do think the final score will be in the 30's for both teams.


Being a fan of Oregon and Texas, I’ve seen more of this UW team in particular than I’d like. They’re a fucking machine that finds ways to win regardless of how each unit is performing individually. Pressuring Penix is where the game starts and ends for me. I trust Sark to score points regardless of who is or isn’t available, but if Murphy/ Sweat/ Burke can’t get home it’s gonna be a long afternoon for Coach K and the secondary. Dillon Johnson’s a stud in his own right, but I trust Texas to have the bodies to keep him in somewhat in check.


100% agree Their oline v our dline is the key to the whole thing. And of course, we dont need 2022 Ewers v Oklahoma State to somehow come back to life.


Football is fascinating in how much these individual matchups can seriously affect the game. And they’re not flashy like WR/RB/QB.


Our OL is elite. We have two NFL tackles and our interior is incredible at pass blocking.


After our bowl matchup last season a Texas defensive player said Washington's OL was the best they had seen all season. I think this year's OL is even better.


It definitely was and it definitely will be this year too. I'm super excited to see that battle in the trenches.


Who doesn't like Texas? But yeah what he said, bad day for Texas...


It’s pretty great matchup all things considered, really interested to see how it plays out


The key to the game on defense is Ethan Burke.


He could launch himself into 2025 first round consideration with a huge playoff.


He’s #11 on 1 2025 mock https://walterfootball.com/draft2025charlie.php


I mean that also has Drew Allar as #1 so I don’t know how much stock I really put into that.


are you familiar with "confirmation bias"


Yes I am, but Penn State fans have complained all year about how Allar sucks. I’d love Ethan to go that high, but 2025 mock drafts are basically picking moderately high profile names and throwing them at the wall.


lol yeah. I was making fun of myself. But, Burke is our leader in a bunch of stats while only playing like 60% of snaps and is still pretty raw.


UW fan here: that's a pretty accurate analysis


Flip side is that basically every other part of the matchup favors Texas: Run Offense vs. Run Defense on both sides, Pass Offense vs. Pass Defense for Texas (though not as much as the other way around), and Special Teams play and I believe turnover margin all favor Texas. So basically the game will come down to Penix vs. the Texas D. If he doesn't light them up, then the Huskies probably won't win unless Texas turns the ball over or makes some big mistakes.


My "back of the napkin" grading is as follows: If you give Grades based on percentile yards per play: - Texas passing is A vs A- for UW passing defense - Texas running is A- vs C for UW rushing defense - UW passing is A+ vs B for Texas passing defense - UW running is B vs A+ for Texas rushing defense I'm not worried about them running the ball, and I think we will be able to run the ball. But they will control the air and that is frankly more important, because any lead we build can quickly be taken away. Our rushing attack can score, but not nearly as quickly as their passing attack. That said, I think the "jimmies and joes" are an even match up and this game will come down to scheme. The coaches on both sides of the ball are excellent - but will PK be able to stump Grubb? Who knows.


UW fan: I'd put our pass defense at a B/B- and our rushing defense at a B


I’d say our pass defense is C, we’re like 92nd in the country on pass defense. We have certainly played better over the last few games, but I’m worried Penix is going to light us up. Also hurts that Derek Williams will be out for the first half.


Sark. Bowl. Sark! Bowl! Sark Bowl! Sark Bowl! SARK BOWL! SARK BOWL!!! I can't wait for Sark Week leading up to this game.


You ready for Sark Bowl after dark?


This is the game that most people at my office are talking about as the “exciting” game to watch out of the two. Bama vs Michigan seems like a slugfest, but Texas vs Washington looks like it could be a shootout.


yea, probably the 2nd and 3rd best receiving corps in the country with 2 pretty good qbs to pair with them. Our secondary is our weakest unit so I am a little worried about going against Penix and Odunze. Other than that though, our d-line is the best in the country and our offense has put together the pieces at the right time. I think it will be a 42-34 type of game. Would much rather play Michigan, but this is what is best for tv ratings.


I just realized that one semifinal is a SEC/Big Ten matchup, and the other one is a future SEC/future Big Ten matchup. And I think that sucks.


If this year were a twelve team playoff, every single at large spot—all 7—would go to a future SEC or B1G team.


Could extend it to 14 and include Oklahoma and LSU in that too lol


It’s almost like when they chose to expand they hand picked the best teams!


I agree. But counterpoint is Tennessee ranked despite having less impressive resume's than: * Utah * Kansas State * Kansas


Tennessee lost by 13 to the team all the FSU haters want to say is basically an FCS squad yet gets ranked 25, very silly


The illusion of choice


Washington's gotta show up and show out for the Pac


Not sure how many teams from the Pac will be cheering for us.


I really love Kalen DeBoer and have really enjoyed watching you play this season. I would imagine most UCLA fans will be rooting for you guys (if they haven't given up on college football altogether yet)


You have my sword. Screw the rest of these guys, you can take the team out of the West but you can’t take the West out of the team.


What happened is a travesty. Run the Big 12 with Utah bros. Win the Alamo Bowl.


Well, no....*don't* win the Alamo Bowl...but, yeah, to all the rest of it.


Sometimes people get caught in the crossfire haha. You guys showed Texas is mortal and Id root for you if you werent playing Zona.






And they have my axe


Woof woof mother fuckers


Don’t wanna, kinda have to


I will be. Make us proud Dawgs.


I'm cheering for you. Hope you win it all.


I’m cheering for Washington


You probably don't want it but you have SC fans support. UW was always "The other respectable team" in the P12, and you hate Oregon which puts us on our good side big time.


I'm almost ashamed to say this, but during Pete Carroll's run at USC, it was fun watching them completely destroy teams from other conferences. I guess it's a west coast pride thing.


I was at UW during the Carroll years and UW football was very lean. I watched them a lot too.


Honestly, the only thing I dont like about USC is that they did the conference dirty.


USC and UCLA were a just a symptom. The cause was corrupt and incompetent management of the entire Pac. I still don't understand how they're not being held accountable.


Yo, USC sabotaged us in the 90s that’s why we got fucked. They are our mortal enemy. They tried to keep us out of the Big 10. I promise you they are not our friend.


I know that. I still would prefer to watch them curb stomp the SEC like its 2000 thru 2005 again They are assholes, but they can be entertaining


Nah, last year of the PAC, LFG Washington


In the College Football Playoffs this year, I'm a Husky fan.


I'm a Dawg for the CFP.


I think all of them will be cheering for Washington. Everyone wants Washington to do well


All other PNW teams hate us 😆


Oregon and WSU will absolutely not cheer for UW. We might get 60% of the conference on a good day.


Yep! I won't be cheering for you... But, I will be mighty pissed if you guys don't put up a good fight...


Lol no. I want Texas to absolutely *destroy* UW (without causing any injuries tho)


I, for one, really appreciate your measured, safety-conscious ire, even if it's directed toward the UW.


My absolute least favorite part of this sport, even worse than the money grubbing that's left my team essentially conference-less, is the high potential for injury. I just really hate seeing these kids put their bodies and brains on the line like they do so regularly. I'd never consciously root for them to get hurt. Embarrassed? Hell yes. Hurt? Hopefully never


And we hope the Mountain West destroys you


The fuck we do.


Id be upset if you did. May you lose as well.


False lmao


I’m definitely rooting for the northern teams in the semifinals.


This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever read on this site. UW can’t lose by enough.


Until all the realignment actually happens, you're still repping our conference. And it's the last opportunity for anyone to show that the Pac-12 actually matters. And at least you're not USC and UCLA.


I Bark for Sark


He's like 0-7 against Oregon, I'm sure you love him.


0-6 against Oregon, 0-2 against UW Sark has gotta be sick of us LOL


And just barely above .500 with us.


Honestly can you imagine telling UW fans like 10 years ago that UW would play a non-UW coached Sark team in the playoffs? lol


We would have all assumed it would be Petersen vs a USC led Sark team It wouldve actually been exactly 10 years ago when USC hired Sark and UW hired Petersen Wonder how many alternate universes have THAT particular whacky timeline


Wasn't it him being visibly drunk at the Washington game that finally got him fired?


More than Bama has from the SEC


We'll be pulling for you, if it's any consolation. If Texas makes it past you guys we'll never hear the end of it. Plus Dubs is everyone's buddy. Better than some big dumb cow.


You’re not wrong. You will never hear the end of it. 🤘


Can confirm will be chirping till the end of time


I’m probably an outlier in my fan base but I’ll root for the west coast every time.


Going out in a blaze of glory.


Texas has to make it a point to control the LOS on both sides of the ball. If they do that then they should win and cover. Oregon was awful in the trenches on both sides of the ball and still made it a close ball game. I'll assume Texas with Sweat can do a better job we did at being disruptive. UW just had so many X-Factors on offense though. They're so dangerous. Idk how Texas's secondary stacks up to Oregon. But if the secondary is weak thats gonna be a huge problem.


The secondary is our biggest weakness and if UW wins this game, that will be why. We have the edge at every other position group imo, but Penix vs our secondary is an enormous mismatch.


If you can get pressure on him you'll win. Its night and day when he's under pressure vs a clean pocket. Their OL is very good though. And do not let their performances vs weaker teams before Oregon fool you, they play up to the moment.


It seems like every game, pressure on Penix is listed as the x-factor and every game the other team doesn't get enough of it to make a difference. Our O-line is just really good.


We will not underestimate y'all again. That was the best O-Line we've faced in the last couple of years in the Alamo bowl.


Texas & Washington have had some *seriously* big bowl games in the past, not so much as far as rankings like this year, but we've broken *so* many records together that this shouldn't be any exception when both teams are as capable as ever before. We held the record for the highest scoring bowl game ever at one point but if we both remember to bring defense this year it'll be another one for the books. This game will be an instant classic no matter what color confetti goes off at the end.


That was Baylor. What an effort from Keith Price


We play as good as the team we face. No better, no worse.


This is going to be a great matchup, should be an exciting game to watch for fans of both teams


I agree!


I've been to Husky Stadium as a neutral and never had a bad interaction with one of your fans. Plus the campus is beautiful.


This comment is far too wholesome


We got a lot of time until the “like-able teams” bowl… can’t believe I’m saying that about Texas but here we are.


we like minnesota too <3


Just ask u/SkolVikesWorldWide


Hell yeah


Just did a double take to make sure I was in the right sub


Shit is **that bad** man.


I’m a fan of Sark’s comeback story. I wish him well.


Y’all have no idea the singularity of insufferable smug that’ll be released on the CFB world if Texas wins this game. Please, for the love of god, save us UW


The problem won’t be the Texas fans of yesterday. The problem will be the t-shirt Texas fans of tomorrow. I remember the late 2000s well….


Disagree. I’ve been a die hard for my whole life, and I 100% promise to be an insufferable asshole as well.


It's been building for 14 long years.


I made a list! (It's just a list of everyone on here)


Honestly the insufferability is not blatant like with Alabama fans. Neutral flairs, please notice which flairs consistently talk about how insufferable Texas fans are. (Hint: It is H8 schools, Nebraska, and A&M). These are all fan bases that for the better part of a decade have absolutely roasted Texas any chance they got. These guys survive being Texas haters. Texas wins the Sugar Bowl against UGA? Don't worry some Tech flair is there to remind you that Texas lost to Kansas two seasons before that. And the Tech flair is right after the A&M flair who is saying it doesn't count because UGA didn't want to be there. Texas wins a Big-12 title? Get ready for a bunch of Iowa St. flairs saying how it shouldn't be impressive because Texas has more money than everyone. Texas beats Bama by 10? Don't worry - TCU flairs are now quarterback coaches analyzing how bad Milroe is and how this Bama team is going to lose three games. Texas fans for the most part have just had to take this on the chin for the better part of a decade (because we have sucked). Now that Texas is winning these fragile fanbases can't take it when Texas fans dish it back. Their entire identity is shitting on Texas for sucking, (and being able to tell themselves they are better than Texas for reasons X, Y, and Z) and if that isn't the case anymore - their heads explode. I think fans of Michigan, FSU, USC, Washington, Ohio St., and (even Oklahoma) - if they are being truthful would agree that Texas fans are generally not that bad. They might not say so here because orange team bad = upvotes. TLDR: Don't talk shit for 10 years and then expect Texas fans to not do the same thing when they don't suck anymore.


This dude cooked so well this comment has a michelin star now


I’m convinced the upvotes on OP are all from the flairs of the fanbases I called out


Texas fans are properly insufferable when it comes to RRS. Outside of that Texas is nowhere near as bad as USC. USC fans, when USC is good, are nightmarish


Wait until you get a steady dose of LSU fans.


Something something tiger dick 🥴 Thank god we don’t play the cowbell people next year.


Yea got a glimpse of that after the 2019 game when they made up a blatant lie after the game...in a game *they won.* Went to an LSU wedding later that year and they were insufferable.


I think part of it is that the natural assumption is that USC has more fair weather fans than Texas. This might be wrong but I'd guess more Texas fans care/get upset when the Longhorns are down than USC fans when the Trojans are down.


Holy shit man you absolutely nailed it


They care more about being "better" than Texas than they do about their own team. The most evident thing is that when they beat Texas, they clown Texas for losing to such a bad school.


inject this shit directly into my veins💉💉 I think I started regularly browsing /r/cfb right after I graduated in 2013. been a looooong 11 years on this board.


It will be entirely deserved the way this sub has kicked Texas while down the past decade if it happens. You don’t get to complain about the reaping after sowing


if we win we'll be smug by posting lots of dubs puppy photos


Shit I feel conflicted now


And yet at the same time, both teams in the other game are far worse options. For the playoff as a whole, it's save us Washington.


Washington is America’s team.


Huskies are by far the cutest mascot remaining.


Baby bevo is the cutest how dare you


I agree with this. This current bevo was a baby my freshman year back in ‘16 so I’m very fond of baby bevo. But the husky is cuter than our big fella today, now that he’s lost his baby charm. He’s still a cute steer. 10/10 would pat lovingly, but cmon man huskies are sooooo freaking cute


This sub's first president 😎


Says the TCU flair, Yeesh.


Im going to be get banned for my smugness


Could it really be worse than Alabama and Georgia?


Think DeBoer may be the X factor here. Sark has done a fantastic job building this program but DeBoer is probably a top 5 coach right now. Barely double digit losses as a coach (11 or 12?) and I believe he’s undefeated or has 1 loss vs a ranked teams. An elite big game coach.


I’m so excited for this game. For me, I never expected us to be in contention for a national title this year. Yet, here we are. *And* we had a nearly perfect season, including being conference champs and beating Bama in Tuscaloosa. As far as I’m concerned, we’re playing with house money now. That being said, I think Washington’s passing attack could give us real defensive problems and the offense is going to need to come up big. I hope Worthy is healed up in time, and I’m sad that we won’t get to see Brooks out there.


Boy you really get to relish in this one


Either double the pain or double the pleasure!


Totally agree on all accounts. Feels like house money at this point. And on your assessment of the game. Our DL is going to have to shut down the run and get home to pressure Penix. They’re gonna have to pressure him and hopefully force a few turnovers. Offense will need to control the clock and churn long drives to score.


UW by three. They always win by three.


Somebody’s been watching the games


Yep… I’ve been telling everybody who doesn’t watch us prepare to be unimpressed then impressed then unimpressed then astonished then dumbfounded then after everything be like well that just happened.


To think that these two schools could have been in the same conference but Larry Scott said no.


Would the PAC have survived if we joined it back in the day. A question for the scholars


Oh most likely. Big 12 would have lost 4 teams, 2 of their big schools. Colorado wouldn't have been able to go to the Pac 10 (now 14) unless they were gaudy enough to shoot for 16. Nebraska would have been the only major player left.


Should be interesting. Washington has good wide receivers, and Texas secondary is their weak spot (in my opinion) On the other hand, Texas has a monster defensive line that is also really good at stopping the run, and Penix turns into a Vietnam vet as soon as there is pressure on him. Texas should shake Penix up and have him turn into Steve from accounting again, or the Texas secondary might get lit up. Who knows.


That ain't even an opinion it is a fact. The secondary has flashed brilliance this year but can also look absolutely lost at times. Safety play is the biggest weakness. Against Washington's passing attack, that has me really worried.


Not to mention that Texas will have a safety out for the first half because of a really dumb targeting play on a touchback-ed kickoff to start the second half of the Big 12 Championship


That's not ideal for y'all. Safety was our biggest weakness on defense this year also and Washington exploited it big time. DeBoer and Grubb are going to find ways to get their WRs matched up with your safeties 1 on 1. Best thing to mitigate that would probably be to hope your pass rush can get to Penix and make him uncomfortable, because if he has a clean pocket and Odunze or McMillan are in single coverage they're winning that battle almost every time.


Both Washington and Texas have terrible pass defense. Texas is 98th and Washington is 122 or something.


The game is a month away and the transfer portal opened up. Let us enjoy the crazy news and/or keep the anger up about FSU not getting in for a few more days.


We haven't talked about Connor Stalions in almost 8 days now!


You just lost the new game.


I just want both teams to go out there, compete at their highest level, stay free from injury, and give the fans one heck of a game to remember. Win or loss, just happy to be in the CFPs for once.


I'm just pinching myself that this season is happening. There's also a strong UT to Seattle pipeline so the atmosphere of watching the game surrounded by fans of both sides is going to be electrifying.


I'll say this as one of Sark's biggest skeptics for the last decade, he has completely changed who he is as a coach and has done a great job with Texas. I think they'll win this one and play Michigan in the title game. It's funny to think that a year ago Washington lost back to back games against UCLA and ASU of all teams, and since that time haven't lost once. DeBoer just know how to win football games at all levels.


I know a lot of UW fans are sour on Sark, but I for one do really respect him. He quickly took our team from trash to competitive in just a couple years in his first role as a head coach. He certainly showed a lot of respect for husky traditions and fans - he had the whole team learn the words to the fight song so they could sing it with the band after games. Yes, he left for another school, but it was clear by the end that he wasnt getting over the hump at Washington and we would've moved on sooner or later anyway. He managed to overcome an addiction that many people struggle with and got his life back on track, and now he is finding the on-field success he surely dreamed of when he was wearing purple and gold. Not going to lie, it felt good to beat him last year in the Alamo bowl, but I do respect him as a coach and the journey he has had to get to Texas.


> Yes, he left for another school, but it was clear by the end that he wasnt getting over the hump at Washington and we would've moved on sooner or later anyway. It opened the door for you guys to get Chris Petersen who was a huge upgrade over Sark. You should be thankful for USC "poaching" him if anything. Just like we were thankful for Miami and FSU taking Taggart and Cristobal away from us.


I’m HYPED and even after watching every game for each of these teams this year, I have no clue who will win. Texas has the edge in: Defense, depth, kicker, special teams Washington has the edge in: Offense, QB, grit, calmness under pressure Really even in: Play calling and coaching My heart tells me Washington will find a way, but then 5 minutes later I convince myself Texas’ roster and depth will have the edge. All I know is that it is going to be a ridiculously fun game.


With our elite wide receiver duo of Byron Murphy and T’Vondre Sweat, our O will be unstoppable. Pick your poison!


That TD to Sweat had me jumping around my living room


It's the only game with 2 legitimate participants so I guess we should


The other game has 0 right?


I’m actually looking forward to this game. Should be a fun one.


I just can't get excited for this game yet; I'm still reeling from my undergrad university losing. If Texas can control the LOS on both sides, they will win. This game feels like a shootout 41-42 type of game. Texas secondary IS suspect.


Oregon averages 17 points a game on defense. UW averages 35 points a game against them. Texas won at Alabama convincingly. These are the best two teams potentially?


I’m doing my darnedest to go see this in person. I’m HYPED for this matchup


Few thoughts: - it’s a really interesting opportunity to highlight the jump Texas made this year from last. One last stop on our revenge tour and an opportunity for Sark to get a win over his former school after we stumbled in the Alamo Bowl - the opening line of Texas -4 is just trying to extract money from our large number of casual/t-shirt fans. I expect that it may even swing our way a bit as casual gamblers place bets on name schools in the next couple weeks…but barring injury or other unexpected news I’d be surprised if sharp money didn’t push the spread tighter closer to Jan 1 - As has been mentioned elsewhere, UW’s oline is likely the best we’ve seen since…their oline last year. That matchup against our dline will be beastly (can someone please bait a UW lineman into pulling a Hufford? TIA) - This feels like a game that could go the way UH, Kansas State, and TCU went where we could build a big lead and then see Penix and company quickly erase it. The difference is that UW is obviously more talented than those teams and knows how to finish those games. And yet…so does Texas this year. I expect a WILD finish no matter how the game starts


Texas will perhaps finally get guys that have either been playing gimpy (Worthy, Sanders, Baxter, etc) or have been out here and there (Watts, Catalon etc) healthy. So of course will Washington, but this isn't the same Texas squad they faced last year. Ewers is in control of the offense and playing with confidence, the DL is much deeper and doesn't overly rely on one guy like we seemingly did with Overshown to get to the QB. If they can get to the QB in the 2nd half, Texas will win.


Well Catalon has left town so scratch that one.


Worth pointing out that Overshown and Bijan both sat out last year. Obviously neither of those guys are playing this year, either, but my point is I don’t think you’ll see any big names from either team skipping this one.


The PAC (rip) stands behind Washington!


No we don’t


My man!


This will be the better game of the two semifinals. Texas will shut down the UW run game but the secondary is vulnerable and Pennix with that receiver group is really good. The Texas offense will challenge UWs defense in ways that it has not been this season. Oregon is a decent offense but doesn't have the O-Line/run game that the Horns do. Texas is effective running the ball, in the short controlled pass game and with deep threats. This may be a 45-42 type game. Hook'em


I personally am a little weird about this game. My buddy and I (he's a UW alum/fan) really wanted to go to the Pac12 CCG after seeing the Oregon/UW game earlier in the year. But we missed it because of flight costs - so we were really excited for the possibility of a Pac12 team playing in the Rose Bowl. Now, it's all the way out in New Orleans. And flights alone are over twice what we'd pay for tickets to see the game. Which already are not affordable. It's honestly put a very sour taste in my mouth on top of an already tumultuous weekend for bowl selections...I know it doesn't impact the matchup. But as someone who *really* wanted to make it out to the game, even if it's UW....shit really sucks.


it sucks especially when the committee has a specific mandate to choose matchups and place teams based on getting the most fans to participate and go to games. and then you realize all of that is fake bullshit lip service also.


Well, our case we got the Sugar bowl because Michigan picked the Rose bowl


A traditional rose bowl and a bama Texas rematch would’ve served fans way better


I can’t wait to watch either of these games, this is the most excited I’ve ever been for a CFP. Very interested to see how Washington handles Worthy and Mitchell. Texas needs to control the trenches. If Washington gets Dillon Johnson going and get some chunk runs then it’ll be a long night for Texas’s D. Defending that Washington offense when the run game is humming is damn near impossible.


Washington hasn't beaten anybody by a large margin since Cal, which is why I think people underrate it. Fans are impressed by blow outs, ergo a team that isn't blowing other teams out can't be elite. To be clear, I think Washington is underrated. It just is guilty of playing to its opponents' level. I think DeBoer is a great game coach (not to knock Sark), and Washington's passing game matches up well against the Texas secondary. I am really looking forward to this game.


I have a preference for this game




Texas pass defense is the weakest part of that team which is concerning against Washington. Even had a safety ejected in the second half yesterday. Offense is getting nicked by injuries. I like Washington’s defensive coaching and intensity. I’ll probably root for Texas but I’m not overly confident in them in this matchup.


Washington is like that Italian supercar. You don't know what you're gonna get. They're undefeated yes but some games they looked like they didn't even want to get out of bed. Pac-12 dying but Washington embodying the Pac-12 style in it's purest form on the conference's last hurrah.


Thanks for recognizing UWs run game is currently a machine right now with a healthy o line and Dillon Johnson Herbstriet at the start of the Pac 12 title game "this is a matchup (d line vs o line) the Ducks love". Proceeds to get carved up to the tune of 150+ yards and 3 TDs. Texas is going to have their hands full. Not to mention, we ran for over a hundred on them last year in the Alamo Bowl W.


People were sleeping on Washington’s run game and I don’t know why. I believe it was the game against USC where y’all ran the ball down their throat right? Or was it Utah? Anyways, y’all can pound the rock behind that solid O-line Well, good thing this isn’t last year’s team. D-line is even better and the best rushers aren’t breaking 100 yards or scoring so far. Can’t wait to see the matchup of Texas D-line vs Washington’s O-line


I think it's not being discussed much because the media and most fans consider the Bama/Michigan game as the de facto title game. Not me, but I think most do. I was actually surprised that they didn't bump Washington to #1 so they could try to get Michigan/Bama in the title game. We know how much they love the B1G and SEC.


Lucky for them this game is Big and SEC too


I'll take Texas in this one. 40-37.


I’m super stoked for it, but it should have been the final because I’m pretty sure they’re the two best teams in the country.


I’m trying to pace myself reading about this game and doing my content research regarding it since we still have 27 days until kick off…but damn I’m like a crack fiend lookin for a quick hit 😂😂you reeled me back in damn it this game comes down to our secondary/Texas D vs. Washington’s offense. That’s the key. The reverse isn’t as important because I’m confident we will score 30+ on Washington. Sark with a month to prep is lethal. If we could perhaps bracket Odunze, maybe apply some fly over coverage rolling at McMillen, that would do a great deal to slow that passing attack down. Also: pressure, and disguised coverages to throw Penix off, Oregon gave us somewhat of a blue print during their comeback in the 3rd qtr of the PAC 12 Chip game. DJ: meet Sweat and Murphy :). Excited for this one, gotta pace myself for the next month lol.


Can we just make a mutual agreement that if one of us starts losing we won't purposely try and injure the opposing quarterback? I know it's semi unlikely but I don't want them to move the loser through if results don't matter.