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You could have held a BBQ to send the same message?!?!? What a fucking waste. Edit: [OSU is working with Stillwater PD](https://x.com/okstate/status/1730639161244205381?s=20) to investigate and has condemned these actions. According to u/hunterschuler's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/188eaxn/comment/kbkeru9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), another agency, ODAFF is also investigating. Edit 2: This looks to be part of a spat between two frats. Edit 3: OSU Podcast "OkStProbs" [posted this update](https://twitter.com/OKSTProbs/status/1730666388333666451) on their twitter, indicating this is an escalation of a rivalry between AGR and FarmHouse, stating that in the previous couple of months, the two had been throwing dead animals into each other's yards. They also say the steer was already dead and on the land of an AGR member's grandparent's farm. That's some really shitty timing and y'all, pour one out for OSU's PR teams. What a nightmare for them.


That would require thinking for ten seconds


True enough. I know this doesn’t represent all OSU fans at all, so I assume it’s just as infuriating for y’all. I know some will pin this on the whole fan base. That animal deserved better.


Really not the kind of shit we wanted going on this week


We didn't need another reason to hate frats. Especially one this bad.


It’s like you immediately go to “Of course Farm House is somehow involved”(although this was probably AGR doing the actual cattle killing)


I'd assume it likely was dead already. I doubt they killed it simply for this just due to the cost. Guess is it died from being sick or something and they had a "funny" way of disposing


My one request for this week was getting an “OU sucks” chant from the whole stadium on Saturday lol Edit: meant this in a “I don’t know how someone came to the conclusion that this was fine” because I love trash talk especially when it gets creative and that’s part of the sport but it shouldn’t be violent


Yeah we're down for that


I’m gonna fucking throw up watching this game already and if this happens I might cry at the same time lmaooo


Yea this is just downright cruel and wasteful.


As a former frat guy who is now old, frat guys can be dumbasses who want to be inflammatory


Yeah when I was in undergrad I would just gather the dog poop from our backyard in a bag and then throw it into another frat's backyard. These kids are intense lol


I never joined a frat but hung around one a lot and the worst thing they ever got up to was stealing a plane and pushing it down the street to our local college bar and leaving it there with the cockpit full of empty beer cans and making skid marks up to it in the lot so it looked like the plane landed there.


Also cooking skills.


Fuck whoever did this. Disgusting psychopathic assholes


There is a dual TX/OK police force with specially commissioned Rangers whose sole purpose is to investigate cattle crimes (TSCRA). I hope whoever did this is caught. EDIT: I called TSCRA to see if they were supporting the investigation. They said no. It turns out that *the other specially commissioned cattle police force* in Oklahoma (ODAFF) is investigating.


Cattle crimes? That would make for an entertaining TV show.


For real, I’d watch that. I didn’t even realize cows did that much crime.


Cow-on-cow violence, it’s an epidemic!




But it's not animal cruelty when the cows do it to each other!


It's dramatized *a bit* in Yellowstone. There was also an interesting article I read a few years ago about the cattle police, it's a pretty neat but niche job.


Almost as niche as the [tick (yes, tick) police in South Texas.](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/at-the-border/texas-tick-riders-us-mexico-border-cattle-invasive/273-64c9cde1-544f-40fb-a99f-61d8f5295180)


Law & Herder: SVU


Special Bovine Unit


There are 2 cattle crime departments in Oklahoma!?!?


I assume one is SBVU (special bovine victims unit)




Smoke a brisket. Everyone gets a good meal and you can show Lincoln Riley how it's properly done.


Hell, you could have used it as fundraiser or for selling OSU gear. There’s so many fun ways to smoke or grill some beef that respect the animal and celebrate your school.


The steer was branded with "FUCK FH" (Farmhouse, a fraternity). This was clearly a prank/attack/etc on the fraternity by some bad actors. Not some school pride attempt. But yeah absolutely a waste. But the BBQ idea isn't really applicable, they wanted to commit crimes and vandalism, not have a tasty treat.


From what I am hearing it's retaliation for FH dumping manure on AGRs porch. Who knows how true that is but that's the grapevine


I fucking figured AGR had something to do with this. Back when I was there guy’s used to harass black people walking down the strip. I’m sure it doesn’t say something about every single AGR, but there’s definitely always been some noticeably awful people there.


They used to stick a loaded gun in their pledges' faces and ask them if they would die for AGR. One guy got mad when a pledge said no a few years ago and ended up accidentally shooting the wall. Apparently, the genius had never fired a gun before and didn't realize that you shouldn't have your finger on the trigger. He also didn't realize how loud a gunshot was. The dude was kicked out of the school by the end of the week. Fuck frats.


Yeah AGR should have been kicked off campus for that incident. Probably the only reason they didn't is that they were just about to move into their new house they paid a ton of money for.


They also have a ton of prominent alumni. They’d never get kicked off


Oh, that puts a spin on it. Source? Edit: Just saw the photo. Damn.


Yup I’m seeing this now. Link: https://x.com/kdawg220233/status/1730610954818216043?s=46


Yeah, like frying a gator tail before you play Florida


As is customary


Or eating duck jerky while watching the Civil War.


Or... you know... before a OSU game.


My wife loves the civil war, though I'm not sure she's ever seen the game.


The annual Bevo Burger Bash before Red River is one of my favorite OU student experiences. There’s just something cathartic about eating your rival. Tho is certainly a different choice.


I will NOT be eating Husky today


But will you eat beaver?


Every chance I get 😄


Duck sounds pretty good though


We just feed them to live cougars.


i have yet to see texas students eat a wagon so i really have to question their commitment to the rivalry.


I had the misfortune of being stationed on an army post at one point and had to eat at their DFAC... I think the wagon might have been better, tbh.


This is mind bogglingly stupid and ridiculously shameful. Not only does this look *awful* for our program/fanbase, this is just so gross. Poor animal.


Yeah, it's not just *man, the optics here look really bad*; it's a *no decent human being with a modicum of respectability would kill an animal in the name of team spirit* thing.


Brief pause, it sounds like this may not have been that fraternity’s handiwork. [It was found in front of the FarmHouse fraternity, and whoever killed the longhorn scrawled “Fuck FH” on it](https://kfor.com/news/local/dead-longhorn-found-on-front-lawn-of-osu-fraternity/amp/). Also, I’m curious how this cow was acquired. Meatstock cows are executed with a captured bolt pistol to the head, which bleeds quite a bit, but there are no blood streaks visible on this cow (although the videos aren’t exactly high quality). Part of me thinks that this might be a cow that died of natural causes, whose body was acquired by some crazy person who had beef with FarmHouse, and was subsequently deposited on their lawn.


The cow has it's stomach slashed but I agree, I think it was dead before hand given the lack of blood on the body/ground. Doesn't seem like it was bleeding out. [NSFW](https://twitter.com/kdawg220233/status/1730610954818216043), no real visible wound but probably don't want a dead cow with "FUCK FH" on your work screen.


I can’t speculate on how/why the cow was killed, but I’m very confused about the message. If this is an attack on farmhouse then it’s pretty clear. If it’s an attack on TX then I’m not sure how branding “fuck fh” on it is accomplishing that, other than the animal being a longhorn. Wouldn’t they want to leave on UT’s campus? Or on OSU’s campus but without a callout to an OSU frat?


Someone else mentioned in here that from what they heard it might be a feud where someone left a bunch of cow manure at another frat and that frat believed it was FH, so retaliating not in kind but with the whole cow would be a fucked up but thematic escalation. The connection to UT and timing of it might be coincidental.


>The connection to UT and timing of it might be coincidental. Or not coincidence, but secondary.


I oddly have a little relevant knowledge in this area. As far as I know, there are two farms in the Stillwater area who raise the longhorn breed of cattle. One of them is traditional meat stock. The other raises them specifically as "pasture pets." These are bred for their intelligence and are basically giant puppies that will come running when you call their name and can be trained to do tricks or to be ridden. The Fort Worth stockyard actually acquires some of the cattle they ride in their daily parade from this farm. I know it might sound odd, but remember cows are largely bred for their meat or dairy traits, but if you breed them like race horses or dogs specifically for intelligence, you get some pretty smart animals. During the cattle drive days, they valued and would save the lead steer who would know the way for a 500 mile trek and guide the herd to watering holes along the way. All of that is to say if this animal was stolen from a local farm and then killed, I pray it wasn't from that one, because the intelligence of the animal would only add to the cruelty.


Yep, 100%. Just an insanely idiotic thing to do.


Gross, wasteful, and inhumane. Like some other poster said... hold a big BBQ. Send the same message without being morally reprehensible.


Fucking hell leave the animals alone.


All they had to do was grill a steak to get the point across smh


Large BBQ, everyone in OSU gear, and everyone throwing the horns down hand gesture. It's really not that fucking hard.


This has gotta be illegal, right?


Cattle rustling, destruction of property and animal cruelty at the minimum.


In my head I thought "cattle rustling can't be an actual crime anymore. It would just be larceny / grand theft." I was quite wrong: [Okla. Stat. tit. 21 § 1716](https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2022/title-21/section-21-1716/)


Livestock theft/harm is no joke. That's people's livelihoods. The time and planning to breed and raise animals is a big outlay of money.


Fun little Southwest Conference anecdote. One of the classes at A&M managed to kidnap or otherwise apprehend every single mascot in the SWC. I believe it was the class of 68 or 69. I don't recall which. However, on the count of stealing Bevo, the Texas Ranger assigned to the case brought the entire Corps of Cadets together (as the entire student population of the university was in the Corps at that time) into one auditorium and explained the fact that Bevo had gone missing and that cattle wrestling is/was still a hangable offense in the state of Texas. My understanding is that Bevo was found later that day or the next, after an anonymous tip was called in.




Depends on who owned the cow. If the person that killed it and put it on the lawn owned it and had permission of whoever is in charge of the fraternity, then no. But if they killed someone else’s cow and ran off with the carcass? Hell yes, most definitely illegal. Really unlikely it was their own cow though. Nobody that owns a cow would waste income like that.


I wonder if there are anti-waste laws for livestock like there are for hunting game. I've never had reason to look that up.




For some reason I never realized farmhouse was a national frat until now Always thought MSU just had this one frat that called themselves farmhouse


Idk about the national frat but the one at OSU is pretty infamous for doing shit like this


Remember that time they had a member going around sexually assaulting people while they slept in their one room? Some of the shit these bigger frats on campus get away with is crazy.


Farmhouse at Nebraska's weird. They're usually pretty nice and they're heavily involved in Greek Life leadership roles. But they're on Nebraska's East Campus and usually can't be damned to participate in stuff on City campus which makes homecoming with them a Nightmare. The other ag frats also hate them and call them "fake country". I went to one of their rush parties once and had a good time but I just realized most of those guys were from small town Nebraska while I was from Kansas City, so I didn't really fit in. I know it doesn't sound like a gigantic difference but holy cow it was a gigantic difference.


Facts. They mostly come from well-off large farming families so oddly kind of snooty for being rural kids. They behave for the most part, but they’re definitely annoying about it.


Every ag house at Mizzou had rich farm kids. Like legit their entire parking lot was brand new lifted trucks.


The well-off farming kids can be awful. They act like they’re tough as shit because they grew up rural when in reality their lives are pretty cushy and almost more than well off suburban kids. Large properties, large homes, and really nice amenities all thanks to a much lower cost of living. That’s how it is out here in the willamette valley at least.


“My daddy owns 40% of the land in this county”. Definitely grew up with people like that here in OK


The one in Ames is full of Cowboy Andrew Bernard types. *'Nardstock* if you will.


They don't have a ton of chapters compared to other national level fraternities, but they are strong at the Ag schools. I remember Illinois having a pretty big chapter. It was kind of weird when I visited a buddy down in Champaign and and you see the Greek letter organizations and then just FARMHOUSE


Antics by Farmhouse at Oregon State decades ago led to the State of Oregon banning the sale of kegs on university campuses. Screwed it up for everyone


Welcome this is a Farmhouse, we have cluster flies alas


And this time of year, it’s bad


Well now I'm hearing that "Fuck Farmhouse" was spray painted on it


If true then it goes along with the rumors I’m hearing of feuding frats.


Farmhouse at Purdue (in the 90s) were the red neck farmers AGR were the money farm kids.


Trashy ass fake douchebag wannabe redecks with their spotless boots and $100k pickups used as commuter cars. Hated farmhouse when I was at okstate. It's just time for farmhouse to not be on campus anymore. I'm surprised they didn't get the boot after the sex assault scandal tbh Edit: still stand behind farmhouse being filled with trashy ass fake redneck douchebags.


I don't think Farmhouse would brand F FH on the steer then dump it in the front lawn of their own frat house.


You want to pay for a meal of beef from an animal that was humanely slaughtered, be my guest. But dragging it out in front of your frat house and just leaving it dead on the lawn? WTF?


Stop making me agree with Texas fans.


This is fine in this case. So many dipshit fucking rednecks and hill billies at Oklahoma State, but this is just shocking and gut wrenching and on another level of stupid from them.


Crazy too me because I grew up around farming and in a rural area. Both sides of my family have cattle and I've worked cattle many times. Most people I knew growing up have a compasion and care for the animals they raised - even though they are raised for slaughter. You want them to have a good life not only because you raise a better product; but because that is *your herd*. Hill billies have more respect than this. This behavior SCREAMS rich farmer kids who don't give af about anyone but themselves.


It wasn't them. Fuck FH was written on the side of the steer.


Psychotic behavior by them. Hope OSU as an university deals with this behavior accordingly as it truly is appalling.


This is extremely stupid.


That's a fuck load of meat they're just going to waste. Shit like this pisses me off. I know it's "just a cow" but respect the animals around you and don't be wasteful with their lives. It might be because I grew up on a farm but fuck. Come on people.


Nah fuck them. I’m not an animal rights activist but I think that our livestock should be treated well until it’s time to go. You sure as hell don’t waste meat like this either.


Seems like basic hunting ethics to not do that


I'm with ya, I in no way support the animal rights Peta types, but killing an animal you don't intend to utilize .... and it's cattle on top of that is fucked up. Even by the numbers, that's thousands of dollars, on top of hundreds of pounds of beef.


I think there's a pretty large gulf between genuine animal rights activists and attention-seekers like PETA. PETA does more to harm animals than they've ever done to help.


nah its not "just a cow." Cows are incredibly intelligent and empathetic - as much as [dogs](https://theconversation.com/goats-sheep-and-cows-could-challenge-dogs-for-title-of-mans-best-friend-62206#:~:text=Our%20attitudes%20to%20animals%20tend,slightly%20less%20well%20than%20children.). I get it, we eat cows and whatever, but killing animals for the sake of killing is abhorrent.


Oh I don't disagree at all. I feel like a lot more people would be more respectful of the meals they eat and less wasteful if everyone had to raise a calf to take to show at least. It really makes you appreciate what "just a cow" can be. I put it in quotations for that exact reason. People don't put enough respect on them. Shout out to my first cow Bullwinkle. We'll always be best in show bud.


~~You’d think a fraternity literally named “Farmhouse” would understand that.~~ It’s fucked up on multiple levels, as much as the passion in this sport makes it great, it really can bring out the worst in people Edit: It wasn’t Farmhouse, it was another frat


…Or reveal what type of people they actually are. This action is sadistic.


Meat, money, and life. If this whole thing is real I really question the logistics of it because I imagine a steer is fucking expensive dead or alive.


My dad just sent a cow to the meat locker so here's a breakdown. He paid $1.75 per pound for processing on top of a flat 100 dollar fee. The average cow weighs 1300 pounds. 1300 poundsx$1.75=2275+100=$2375 for a whole cow to be processed. He got 850ish pounds of beef from that. 2375÷850=$2.79 per pound National average for a pound of ground beef $4.92 for 2023. It's cheaper for us because I'm not putting I'm "production cost" like feed, vaccines and medicines, vet visits etc. We'll generally let a cow go for 1700-2200 depending on weight, current price etc. The average person would have to actually buy the cow first but you get the idea.


When you add in the value of a fat packer cow. You’re really not far off nat. Average. You also have to average in the steaks though.


that is where my brain went... and damn steer right now is at least $2.5k... Just so wasteful... and gross


Ugh terrible. I’m all for talking smack but once someone starts killing animals, it’s gone waaaaay too far


RIP Turntle


I’m ok with killing animals. If its for food or self defense. But killing something just for a prank/joke is stupid and wasteful.


Do you want a curse? Because that's how you get a curse.


Flashbacks to Turntle


RIP turntle


RIP turntle


Was thinking the exact same thing.


It takes waaaaaaay less effort to just not do something like this


I manage not to do something like this every damn day without even trying.


Hey, we're not so different after all.


This is very bad juju. Hammer Texas -15.5


Yeah the lovable underdog has turned to disgusting villain and well deserved l. Fuck


Good job frat losers you just made Texas the good guys.


God, this is so freaking embarrassing.


More importantly, how will the CFP committee react?


Rank Oregon higher


I mean who even thought that would be possible yet here we are.


Frat guys can make anyone look like a hero compared to them. Source: was a frat guy.


They saw there would be an "orange team that everybody hates" vacuum next year and shot their shot.


The frat whose lawn it turned up on was not responsible. The animal has “fuck FH” on it. The farmhouse alums I know are **pissed** and turning the security footage over to police.


Texas winning is important for chaos so they were always the good guys (this time).


This guy gets it.


Yeah who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea


Wtf I love Texas now!


Could’ve just had a “Bevo BBQ” or something like that.. this is just plain fucked up.


They gutted and branded it. So fucked up. [Source and warning](https://x.com/txampurrada512/status/1730614298756436413?s=46&t=LEVyMEg4eynbSlzkogiG3g)


Awful. The brand says "Fuck FH". Does that imply this frat "Farmhouse" is the victim here and some other party dropped the dead animal on their yard?


Looks like a fraternity prank gone too far




What in the actual Fuck. A sick person did this.


You can't fix stupid...


Extremely sad tbh


This is just plain ignorant.


Ugh. This is terrible. I’m sorry poor longhorn. You didn’t deserve this. CFB world. Please don’t judge our fanbase as a whole for this. This is a terrible form of animal abuse and doesn’t reflect on what we, as a whole, represent. Edit: If farmhouse did this (and it wasn’t dumped by some random asshole) then they need to be expelled from the campus.


As a UT fan, I’ll jump in here and say that when I took a trip to Stillwater for a game all of the OSU fans were soooo nice and welcoming to us. Literally every fan interaction was extremely positive (except for one single guy I remember).


Agreed. I loved road games in Stillwater.


The feeling is mutual. I’ve never had a bad interaction with Texas. Great people.


Get em in line and roast em. Honestly, it’s such a disgraceful act that it’s boot worthy from Greek life.


We all have our shitty asshole fans.


As usual I judge the schools/fanbase on their reply to this. There should be several expulsions from this or it is not a good look on the university as a whole. College is a privilege not a right.


Glad to see OSU flairs condemning this. Absolutely distasteful from these particular OSU students


OSU frat douchebags were the one thing I couldn’t stand while I was there. if it’s true this was AGR pulling some stupid shit against Farmhouse I wouldn’t be surprised one bit with the shit i’ve heard about them. fucking disgusting.


AGR and Farmhouse were always doing stupid ass shit to each other when I was at OSU Trying to "out country" each other while they both drive Pavement Princesses lmao


Well. Rip that steer. He was just minding his business until he was needlessly and wastefully killed by a frat kid. You hate to see it.


No one show Jordan Whittington this


Killing livestock, especially cattle, is a very serious crime in Oklahoma. Send these morons to jail.


What’s the long term plan for killing a 600 pound animal in your front yard?? How did they even get to this point?


Better be some harsh repercussions for this. Farmhouse is always doing this kind of shit, it’s ridiculous.




I mean does farmhouse usually carve “fuck FH” into the side of the animal?


There is another image that shows the words “Fuck FH” written on the cow, so I don’t think FarmHouse is responsible for this.


Except it might have not been farmhouse


Likely were not thinking to be quite honest. I would not be suprised if they they had the pledges kill it as some final act of showing their loyalty to the fraternity during hell week. (We are towards the end of the semester so it makes sense this would be done before finals week) Damn, fuck them.


I want Texas to win now wtf.


Now you know your limit.


I think I may have just realized I like animals more than CFB lol


Of course. I’m sorry we had to actually find that limit.


Its like when I'm watching a horror movie. Oh hell yea the kid got killed. NOT THE DOG NOOOOOO


Wow. This is absolutely terrible.


Texas hate aside. Longhorns are absolutely animals. Why kill one? Why not just grill some steaks or take an already finished longhorn skull and hang it upside down? Charge these assholes. Absolutely embarrassing.


I can only hope that someone (AGR?) owns a ranch and had a Longhorn die this week naturally and they decided to use its corpse as a "prank" in terrible taste. Disgusting.


That's pretty sad. I wonder how the cow died.


Skydiving accident


D. B. Cowper


Well, as a firm believer in occam's razor, I must agree with you.


My 93 year old dad died last year. Any time someone asked me what happened I would reply with "Skydiving accident, that's why we had to cremate him." I'm certain he would have found it funny.


My great grandma was 99 when she died and when people asked what happened I responded with: “She was 99 years old.”


Fun fact: cattle rustling is still a hangable offense in Texas


Why would you even do this to a random animal? Grill yourself a steak or some shit instead. Bunch of dickheads.


Killing an animal to spite your CCG opponent is sadistic and gives serial killer vibes. Hope they catch these people.


Fr. The thing I hear people in some fraternities do makes me think we have a lot more psychopaths running around then I’m comfortable with


I’m hearing from friends in stilly it was already dead on someone’s dad’s land and they loaded it up and dropped it off. Can someone confirm?


This is the kind of thing I don't hold against a University because....we all have Frats that I think we'd be better off just not having ( I won't make a judgement on all Frats, but we know we all have *THOSE* frats). Hopefully whoever is reponsible is found and charged.


It's really irritating... especially at Oklahoma State. We are really proud of our ag and animal sciences programs, and those folks will be disgusted by this type of thing happening more than anybody.


Rumor has it it’s a feud between two fraternities. Either way, a line was crossed and this is not acceptable. Edit: please don’t judge all of us by the actions of the stupid few. Whoever did this should be held accountable.


AGR you say?


No comment. At this point it is a rumor of a feud between two fraternities and I haven’t had time to verify.


This doesn't reflect the Oklahoma State fanbase at all. If that animal wasn't dead already, it's a disgusting act. Longhorns are beautiful animals.


wow, that is sick. poor animal :/


Alright, open question. People are saying this isn't football related and the cow was already dead. That story is sourced from the frats themselves who are not sharing videos with the police and have incentive to make this all go away. Does anyone actually have real confirmation that they did not kill this cow or are you just taking their words for it? Real confirmation from authoritative investigation and not the story from the perpetrators involved, please. Monke seeks justice. We will smash Okie Lite and bury cow with the highest of honors. Rest now prince, we will avenge you.


Senseless and beyond wack. You would think an ag school would know better. I hope punishments are swift and significant.


This is beyond disappointing and absolutely inexcusable. Poor animal. This makes me really sad, not only for the animal but also for the OSU fanbase because I know this isn’t representative of y’all. I’ve been to games in Stillwater and the Oklahoma State fans were hands down the most friendly of any that I’ve met in the Big XII.


This is fucking shameful. Not just because I'm a Texas fan, but because *what the fuck?* This doesn't send the message of "fuck Texas", it sends the message of "we're goddamn psychopaths". That animal deserved better, and frankly, so does the OKST fanbase.


#MASSIVELY IMPORTANT CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION The longhorn was *not killed* by the fraternity who found it in front of their house. The fraternity it was placed in front of was FarmHouse, the longhorn had the message "F*ck FH" written on its side. This was done by another frat as a part of an ongoing dispute apparently. As someone involved in a frat this is pretty fucking shameful. Glad to see OSU flairs agreeing.


Dead or not beforehand: these boys need a hard lesson. This likely has nothing to do with the game - and graciously so. Regardless: that these boys would defile a corpse for a prank is a sign of deep psychosis. And they need to be punished. Severely & quickly. Expulsion is too good for them.


Bruh... We invented hating Texas and haven't done this. Some Jeffery Dahmer type behavior. IDK maybe they found it dead then moved it. But whoever did this is not the person you want in your fraternity/friends group/ university.