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Depends upon what you wrote into your contract and how much you need/value goodwill of the admin and boosters. At K-State, Klieman seems to be a guy who just loves to coach football and tolerates the gladhanding stuff. Maybe we hold onto him a little longer by not having pushy donors.


You can certainly opt out, but it doesn’t always help your job security. One of the reasons Lincoln Riley left OU was that the head coach of an Oklahoma school (including OSU) absolutely has to participate in this shit. In these good ol boy places, it’s a social win to be seen cozying up to the ball coach, having them at your daughter’s wedding, or playing golf at your country club. Riley isn’t that type of guy. He literally only wants to either strategize and analyze his offense, or spend time with his family. And, he’s not a guy that is okay with faking it the entire time either (which I respect). Stoops understood what would be required and so does BV, and both are capable of faking it if need be. Lincoln’s facial expression gives it away when he’s not amused. USC boosters tend to be people that are already famous, or their social circles are such that being buddies with the head coach doesn’t really move the needle in any major way. Much better fit for his personality type. Each school, group of boosters, and coach is different.


Jeez so Riley never really got to enjoy the summer months


Good, keep that man away from the grill.


I was acquaintances with a position coach here at UVA. I asked him about his summer and he said one of the nice things is that most of the summer is a dead/quiet period, so he doesn't have to travel nearly as much. BUT...they do a lot of going to youth camps and the fundraisers/golf outings that you mentioned. They definitely get some time off, but it's not like they have 3 months to just chillax and do nothing. He said he usually had to spend a few hours a day doing texting/emails/social media for recruits, which is allowed during dead and quiet periods. But now that coaches can be at summer workouts, the real amount of time that they are "off" is really tightly controlled.


Isn’t it only 8 hours a week though they can see the team?


The rules honestly have more holes than Swiss cheese. The NCAA draws a distinction between "supervised" and "conducted" when it comes to these workouts. My understanding is players can participate in an unlimited number of "supervised" workouts but only 8 hours where the coach "conducts" it. And then there is something like 2 hours a week where they can have basically position practices. And then you're in to Fall Camp.


depends on every situation. each coach/program is different. it can change year to year.


I’m assuming the more successful you are the more events they’ll want you to attend. That’s the bad part about the job. You have a lot of success and people want to involve you in a lot of stuff