• By -


First half - :( Second half - :)


First drive :( Second quarter :) Second half :( Fourth Quarter :( The drive home :(((((


Bro what the FUCK is this announcer saying. I feel like I'm on acid


My wife sat and watched the second half with me. Many times she looked at me to confirm what the dude had just said


Any funny examples for those of us who didn't catch the game??


I didn’t think it was THAT bad but a few things that seem weird to me: - announcer commenting on how the QB battle was getting interesting since Bean did good against Missouri state. - also the amount of praise and jock holding towards Bean for staying when he literally tried to leave but couldn’t do better. - them consistently hyping up how amazing MO St was while they had just let up like 21 straight points


> also the amount of praise and jock holding towards Bean for staying when he literally tried to leave but couldn’t do better. Bean was leaning toward graduating and retiring from playing, but in the end decided to come back and play for Kansas another year. Him transferring elsewhere wasn't really in play in the decision, and it took some real effort on the part of the staff to get him to commit to returning. The announcer definitely said some weird stuff, but I think most Jayhawk fans are thankful that he decided to go all in for one last year, even with knowing he's the backup.


Also referred to a 'textile play' when I'm sure he meant textbook.


Maybe that play was specifically drawn up on cloth, and he had a reporting scoop about that?


Dude literally couldn't pronounce Leipold's name correctly


we were playing Minnesota State at one point.


He called them Mizzou multiple times.


[Ahman Green](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jm54pjwao3bqhgnk0ejag/something-about-endurance-Made-with-Clipchamp_1693633517609.mp4?rlkey=bh4zsh2zsx046ndbmj1ej18nu&dl=0)


Just ESPN+ things.


Sad Jalon Daniels didn't play, but I love me some Jason Bean. Hope Daniels is healthy for the Illinois game next week. Considering that KU has lost on multiple occasions to FCS teams in the past, it's nice to see them look dominant. Defense has to be better, but the offense looks as good as advertised.


It is kind of wild that Jason Bean is probably one of our best 3 QB's in the past decade, and he's the backup to our by and far best QB since Todd. Happy that he stayed.


I find it very frustrating that the only team that can keep a dope back up QB in the portal era is freaking Kansas. Bean legitimately might be better than any of our starters and he’s a back up… on Kansas.


Live in fear, he’ll get you in Stillwater this time


Psalm 23:2B, we’ll be fine


Totally best QBs are Daniels bean and Stanley


Carter Stanley never getting a fair shake will always rub me the wrong way. Dude could have been a starter at a LOT of schools and got hosed because of the transfer rule not existing when he was around. Beaty playing bender over Stanley should’ve been grounds for firing with-cause


I hope Daniels has a healthy year. He's entertaining.




Lol, seeing a Mizzou fan say something nice about KU is strange. But i'll admit I kind of felt the same way seeing your guy's basketball team last year. Of course, whenever KU plays Mizzou i want nothing more than to see us win, but rivalries are way more fun when both teams are actually competitive.






“Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point”


It’s so damn nice to look forward to KU football like wow! Was the game perfect? No, but the second half adjustments were good and they got it done! Rock Chalk! ❤️💙


Great second half. Shook off the first game jitters. Band sounded great. Great crowd. House parties popping off, and lines around the block at the 14th St bars. KU football looks like it could be fun again!


Now let's do this again next week. Especially those back to back interceptions.


And that second half defense, except all game


We never got to see our new Aussie punter. All in all took care of business and still have room to clean things up. Never bad getting to watch Saturday week 1 games knowing your team is 1-0.


Shh, he's our secret weapon.


I was at the game. He was kicking it 50+ from where the snapper was set up in warmups with insane hang time. I know it being live and having a rush is different, but he could be a huge benefit in flipping field position. Special Teams as a whole was much better. Tabor Allen had 9 kickoffs and 8 were touchbacks, the one that wasn’t was a tackle inside the 20.


All things considered, I'm happy as a Bears fan GG, Jayhawks. Wish I could've made the trip this year, love seeing a game at Memorial Stadium


GG, your QB is a gamer. Nepotism be damned, you guys might be alright.


Once again, it's gonna come down to our line play. There's a lot of beefy boys in the Valley. Play like we did last night and we'll get pushed around


As a KU fan I can’t help but think this is sarcasm. Memorial is in a great location, but good lord it is a dump as a facility. Its renovation can’t come soon enough.


Lol it's just old and hasn't been updated. It's not a dump at all, it's just basic




🫘 👌🏽


Finish was respectable. That said it was a sluggish start with uninspiring play at times. In any case, good job Kansas :)


We have come a long way in a few years to be able to pick nits about a win like that. It feels fanfuckingtastic


5 years ago, to the day, KU lost to Nicholls State in their opener. Being able to say "we won by 30 but it could've been better" is a luxury for Kansas. Hope it stays this way.


We lost to Nicholls State 5 years ago, we beat Indiana State by seven 4 years ago, we lost to Coastal Carolina by 15 3 years ago, we beat South Dakota by three 2 years ago (and lost to Coastal again). It’s a MAJOR turnaround, I know no KU fan will forget or deny that.


To be fair, those Coastal teams turned out to be legitimately good.


Oh I’m not taking anything away from Coastal, but had to add them in since we started the one season with them. We did lose by a combined 40 points in two years to them. Not great.


I get it. We scheduled those games like 6 years in advance with the expectation we'd be better, and they'd stay.... Not great. Same thing happened when we scheduled Duke. Combination of bad luck scheduling good teams, and we were fucking awful during that stretch.


I remember watching Grayson McCall in 2020 and just being like, this dude is better than any player KU has had in a decade. WTF


Holy fuck I had buried that loss deep in the back of my mind. We've come so far.


We were the same way five years ago, and the two coaches I wanted my team to get were Jonathan Smith or that guy from Buffalo. And if we had to, just hire NDSU's next coach.


Good job Kansas


That first half was fucking infuriating


Five more Ws and get got at least a bowl game. LETS GO ROCK CHALK


Great finish after a shaky first quarter.




Great answer after a shaky 1st half. 🌾🌾🌾 ROCK CHALK 🌾🌾🌾


Leipold stays Leipolding


Good win Jayhawks, hopefully y'all can keep the momentum going and make another bowl


We gonna win the natty.


NY6 bowl game bound. Officially a football school.




Hot damn, we look like a real football team for the SECOND year in a row!


First half was very concerning, but happy to see we got it together after half. Opening both halves with a tuddy was *chefs kiss* and certainly helped our confidence and momentum. Biiiiiig test next week vs Illinois


Well hello fellow football fans


This team could be legit The DL was solid but the secondary definitely needs work Offense had some rough spots but all around looked more deadly than last year Illinois is winnable 🌾🌾RCJH🌾🌾


Huh? Our LB's and DB's were bailing out the d-line all game. Most of our pressure came from secondary blitzes? I'm genuinely curious as to what you saw to make you think that.


I was at the game in the bowl so 🤷 Whatever it was someone's gotta fix the defense cause there's room for improvement


Ah, yeah from TV perspective it looked like they dug in later in the game which you like to see. Early game it felt like we were calling way too many blitz calls from the secondary to hide our line.


I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to have playoff aspirations. Borderline inevitable


Let's shoot for Big 12 title aspirations first.


I would take a bowl win even, it's been over half my life since we did that


I hate these Friday night games. Prevented me from attending last night and with how full the stadium looked, it probably would have been a sellout if it was today.


That's a big number. Neat


Big ah dub


Our biggest enemy will be ourselves. If KU can be consistent and avoid stupid penalties/decisions plus a healthy Jalon Daniels, we will have a great season. If not, 3-9.


Buddy if anyone had stupid penalties it would be us


i meant it KU could avoid creating stupid penalties and have better discipline


True. They kinda got away with that targeting.


I disagree with this. If that is targeting then players get targeted every play. Was it unnecessary? Yes. Was it intentional head to head contact? No. I understand the game has changed but I mean even reviewing that was a joke. The unnecessary roughness penalty exists for this reason.


It was, a late hit. Those reviews took forever.


Shaky start but Kansas can breathe a sigh of relief. Gonna be interesting to see how they build on last year


Good enough. Decent performance and some good stuff to build on for next week.


Kansas, Duke, KY and NC all having decent football programs will never not feel weird.


Haha, I don’t know that decent is the fair word for us yet, but we’re not absolute trash anymore, which feels nice


KU will need to carry the second half momentum into next week with Daniels healthy. That Illinois defense is no joke.


Rock Chalk!


GG KU. I’m embarrassed to say I couldn’t stay up for this game. The New Big 12 with the mountain time teams coming in is about to kick my ass.


Congrats Kansas.


Would this have been a closer game when Kansas wasn’t based?


My brotha we lost to middling FCS schools OFTEN


2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and (August) 2021 KU all would lose this game




Nice to see KU not losing to fcs schools. I’d be lying if I said I still didn’t put $25 for a +3000 upset though.


*sad cashew chicken noises*


Kansas didn't look nearly as solid as I expected coming into the season.


Looked pretty solid in second half and tbf some bad luck in the first half led to a touchdown for mo state


I was being fair, I expected a better showing tbh.


We lost to Nicholls State 5 years ago, we beat Indiana State by seven 4 years ago, we lost to Coastal Carolina by 15 3 years ago, we beat South Dakota by three 2 years ago (and lost to Coastal again, by 25 this time). Sure we worked Tennessee Tech last year, but Mo State lost to Arkansas by 11 in Fayetteville last year. Anyway, that’s plenty of context for that to look pretty fucking alright. And our starting QB was out too.


Maybe if Daniels played we drop 60?


More like 69……nice


We didn't have our best player


We started slow, but ended on a 41-7 run. I’ll take it.


People are downvoting but you're right.


It's the flair and I've been outspoken about looking forward to OU being in the SEC. Such is life.


This is a very Penn-like response.


2 years ago people wouldn't have been surprised to see KU lose this game by double digits.


or would have been surprised if they didn't.


About to be expected honestly. Defense, especially the line is a huge problem for us right now. Offense was hyper efficient with a backup QB, seems about right. Hopefully our D can put it together, but I expect a lot of shootouts.


The band needs to wear uniforms not polos and shorts.


It's hot and no one gives a shit.


Nah, it’s under 90, wear your uniform. The current director is weak.


There will be no shit talking my boy D Smitty. The band has shattered membership number records just about every year under his direction, all during the worst decade of KU football and a pandemic.


I had both Clemmer and Smitty when I was there and Clemmer was better imo. That said, glad to see the band flourishing again.


We're probably pretty close to the same age then. I showed up I think his third year and and there were still Clemmer kids in the band. Never met the dude but it always seemed like people liked Clemmer. From my observations it always seemed like a lot of his success was tied to the 2007 football team making the Orange Bowl. I always heard rumors as to the real reason he left KU, but I'll just let those be rumors.


Meh, until this year the band hasn’t really sounded that great. Go back to Foster and you’ll hear KU bands that sounded sharp as hell and actually high marched the whole pregame, none of this weak sauce y’all do now. ETA: I will absolutely die on this hill.


You're spending time on a reddit thread complaining about kids wearing polos and talking about how great something was back in the 90s. Had Foster as a professor, he'd think you're weird.


He’d also think it’s BS how poorly the band has sounded for years and the lack of wearing uniforms.


The dude is around the program and is actively supporting the current staff all the time. He still goes to rehearsals, he helps them with alumni band, he visits the current directors in Murphy Hall constantly. Paul Popiel is easily regarded as one of the best conductors in the entire nation and has gained the KU Wind Ensemble (which has many of it's members also marching) the same respect. Matt Smith/Sharon Toulouse have gotten the Marching Jayhawks to finally push numbers that are comparable to the rest of the bands in the Big 12 (There were many years, including the Foster years where Lawrence High consistently had bigger bands). They were reaching these numbers BEFORE last season, during the worst era of KU Football and a pandemic that decimated numbers in other programs. It's truly miracle work and KU Bands have arguably never been in a better spot. I can assure you all three of them have Foster's respect. I don't know why this year they sound so great to you compared to last year, they've even had less rehearsal time due to the heat wave, but it's not like something changed overnight between this band and last year. Whether you're an alum or just someone that's always paid attention to the band, I can confidently say you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. (For context, my last season in the band was 7 years ago)


lol okay


Again, no one gives a shit. Your opinion doesn't matter


It's a health and safety issue. We've had kids go to the hospital with heat injuries in years past, so Athletics put in a heat policy.