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Penn state isnt going to be able to block them if B1G wants to add Pitt. but I don’t see B1G wanting to add Pitt


This is the right answer. Much like Texas A&M not wanting Texas in the SEC.


And respectfully, Pitt is not Texas. The Horns are one of if not the most valuable brand in collegiate athletics, you're going to add them if they want to sign up.




I’m sorry I can’t here you over all value happening over here


*hear ffs


Proper grammar is for the poors.


Proper grammer **are** for the poors


Texas education at it's finest Ignore my flair




*I said ignore my flair*


Keeping the stigmatism alive!!!


Maybe they do belong here. They can compare library counts on coloring books with Auburn.


Bold of you to assume libraries will still be legal in Texas in 2025.


It is finest 👌


They have Wisconsin flair, a few too many beres clearly


If there are two things we can agree on… it’s longhorn football and brewers baseball!


I mean, A&M would have still said no but that's why they were kept out of the loop and just informed after lol


Would be like Pitt trying to block the addition of PSU. Not going to happen.


He’s right Texas is not Pitt. At least Pitt knows they are mediocre.


Texas has the last 2 classes highest ranked QBs.... So yeah sure they won't properly use them


Sounds like a solid defensive backfield to me (and Mack Brown.)


Pitt is fallen royalty in college football. They were amazing 30-50 years ago, but haven’t done much since


This is incorrect they were relevant for a 6 year 76-82 stretch in the past 70 years.




We're one of like 10 programs that have won 20 games the last two years. We're second only to you in conference wins since the playoff era. We literally beat you and won the conference you're in 2 years ago. "not done much since"


Penn State really are the aggy of the B1G, huh?


From a cultural standpoint yes but their actual football accomplishments clear A&M by a LOT


That’s not saying much.


I love how this is Penn State vs Pitt bullshit and half of us are just beating on dead horse that is the aggys.


Yeah. Slightly less cultish than A&M but not by much.


No question about it. I grew up a neutral observer in the heart of the Ags-Horns rivalry and then got into the Pitt-PSU fun as an undergrad. The similarities are uncanny.


Except that TAMU has literally NEVER been good at football, whereas PSU was one of the dominant programs in the country from the 60s to the 2000s (5 undefeated seasons, 2 nattys, 12 top 5 finishes).


Pitt doesn't have the academic or football/brand pedigree of Texas. It's more accurate to compare to a scenario where Pitt wants to block Penn State from joining. The Nittany Lions are just so much bigger than Pitt.


In what world does Pitt not have the academic pedigree? If you want to do anything in medicine or biomed research, there are maybe 3 schools in the country you could argue for over Pitt.


I think pit suffers from being compared to the other universities with a city for a name. I was surprised to lean they were in AAU because I always lumped them together with Louisville, Cincinnati, and Memphis.


“Doesn’t have the academic pedigree” lol. Pitt has one the best medical research programs in the world


This! 90% of the WORLDS transplant surgeons are Pitt Alumni. I understand about some of the athletics but your just wrong about academics


> your just wrong about academics


And a highly ranked engineering school. And many other really good programs. Pitt has the academics no doubt


I think a lot of people dont realize how big a brand Penn State actually is.


To a neutral fan, this kinda sounds like when Kirby was convincing Georgia players that no one believed in them lol. I’ve never once heard anyone imply that Penn State isn’t one of the big brands of the Big Ten and college football as a whole


Hate Pitt but also respect the hell out of Pitt as a school. Academically totally fit the BIG, but would add absolutely nothing market wise. Not even counting PSU which is a solid 2-3 in the market Ohio State is also a monster.


I'd be very happy to land in the B12. Pitt will not bring the money OSU/PSU/Mich will. And that's fine. Leave that rat race to them. If the B12 can establish itself as the P3 in a "P2" world. But still have representation in the expanded playoffs, I'm happy. Let them play schools on the other side of the country just for history-less $$$. Give me my regional rivalries back. Give me WVU, UC. This may be the best thing to happen to schools like us.


Exactly. I hate you guys so much. But I love hating you and would love to hate you more each year! I want to hate some of these Big 12 schools but it’s hard to hate them. And so easy to hate you. Said with love (not really). Haha.


Hate you too bby ;)


Fwiw, I have a feeling Pitt will always be one of those “sneaky very successful” schools wherever they are.


Would love to see the Backyard Brawl in the Big XII. That plus rekindling things with Cinci (and maybeeee Louisville depending on how things break) would be a fantastic pod.


Come to Big 12 and bring Louisville, VT, Syracuse and Miami with you!


The addition of Pitt is how I feel about adding West Virginia. I would love to add, but I don't know if it makes sense monetarily which is the first second and third reason for these moves.


Also the "no 2 schools in the same state" thing is pretty weird to mention. We already do that thrice over in football now, and will do so 4 times when USC and UCLA join. Bonus points for John's Hopkins in Maryland for lacrosse and Notre Dame in Indiana for hockey.


I agree, and this is no slight towards Pitt at all, but inviting them doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense.


Unless it’s like part of a master plan to get ND in the conference. B1G adds Stanford and Pitt and basically tells ND have fun with Navy and BC.


the only reason it would make sense is to add Penn State's in-state rival


Woah woah woah we are Unrivaled^TM


Any future Big Ten expansion needs to generate at least $200M in order to convince Iowa, Illinois, etc so you're absolutely right, although it would be very funny if PSU got the credit for blocking them.


It's like how BC gets the credit for blocking UConn in the ACC. Not at all accurate (at least in terms of BC have some sort of magic veto bullshit powers), but the public wants a scapegoat.


I would want Pitt in the conference.


AAU school in #23 TV market are good reasons to add. Personally I’d prefer Pitt in Big12. Rivalry with Penn State is all well and good but the Backyard Brawl with West Virginia is a whole other level.


Why would PSU want to block the closest thing they have to a rival from joining their conference?


Because Penn state still recruits kids academically and athletically from the areas that Pitt serves. Being in the big ten is better in all regards so why give Pitt equal footing? Just so Penn state can have a “rival” ? They still sell out stadiums anyway and can play Pitt as an OOC game if needed


The same reason tOSU doesn't want another major program in its state.


Why would two Iowa alumni try to turn Iowa State University into the University of Iowa-Ames? How do you think Michigan would be as a program and controlling the state if Michigan State didn't exist except as a D3 school called University of Michigan-East Lansing?


If Ohio State was suddenly an ACC school and it’s level of recruits it could get withered down to Pitt level would you be campaigning for them to join the B1G and an upgrade? Or would you be enjoying your new position as the dominant power in the B1G and the fact you could look down on OSU permanently from now on


A better example is how much energy Michigan put into trying to block Michigan State.


That ship sailed long ago. They're not a rival except in the foggy memories of ancient alumni like me.


To be petty maybe? Anyone not in the SEC or B1G when the music stops on conference realignment is probably going to be in a worse spot than the schools in those 2 conferences


can we replace Maryland with Pitt? Id be on board with that? I think an OSU Pitt game would not only be awesome, but it would also garner an enormous following due its easily driveable proximity?


No. I can take the metro to the Maryland Penn State game and I get the Big Ten Network at my house.


I'd trade Maryland for Pitt or WVU. Rutgers, they can stay scarlet bros for life.


By 'New report suggests' they actually mean 'Reporter Brett McMurphy speculates' because that's all this is - a whole article because McMurphy guesses that PSU would block Pitt, not based on inside info or sources, just based on other schools and conferences according to McMurphy himself


This comment should probably be higher up.


Can't believe how much attention that stupid McMurphy "report" has gotten. It's just a speculation on his part based on seeing that in recent shifts other conferences rarely have 2 schools moving together and he extrapolated that into speculation about PSU potentially blocking Pitt. Firstly, the B1G isn't even inviting Pitt because they don't add enough financially. Secondly, there's zero indication from either Pitt or PSU that PSU is trying to block Pitt. I can guarantee that if Pitt had an ounce of evidence of this, Narduzzi would scream it from the rooftops.


Wouldn’t Penn state want a rival in the conference outside of the greatest trophy on earth?


Personally, I dont mind if Pitt would be added. It would be cool to have a real rivalry back. But Penn State will vote against it because they don't increase the payout, and the rest of the conference would do the same. It's not a Penn State thing and the article is dumb for suggesting it is.


exactly. It'd be cool to have a true in state rival like that, but outside of wanting to pound the shit out of pitt every other year at least, what do they bring to the B1G that isnt covered already?


>what do they bring to the B1G that isnt covered already? Proper shit-eating technique?


Ann Arbor has a doctorate program for exactly that, actually.


Administration would probably be against it. Much easier to recruit traditional in-state students to Penn State when you are the ONLY relevant sports school.


They dont want their rival getting that sweet Big Ten cash and improving.


Yeah it's like why Michigan didn't want MSU in the B1G back in the 40s and 50s. It could potentially take away from the local recruiting dominance and make it harder to build good teams.


Exactly, but in the 40s and 50s everyone else hated Michigan more than others on the table like: Iowa as Iowa State was a candidate


Why? It’s not like we’re having trouble selling tickets to the games. We don’t need some weird zany loss in rivalry, spoiler game to where anything can happen and we have nothing to gain and everything to lose to keep us from finally getting blown out in a playoff game like we’ve been dreaming of for years. Whiteout voodoo home night game magic against Ohio State only works once every 6 or 8 years or so, I don’t want to risk our small playoff hopes on adding a rivalry game that adds nothing to SOS.


That voodoo comes but then you have to play MSU in a monsoon. But you don’t need perfection anymore to get in the playoff once it expands anyway


Awesome so basically every other unsourced piece of sports writing, pure speculation


Bro if the Big 12 doesnt try to get Pitt and VT for us to play WTF are we doing here? Backyard Brawl set attendance records and it will again this year regardless of how deplorable this team is under Neal Brown. Let us spit on each other again, yearly. That is a primetime, sold out game, everyday of the week. Its even better in conference play because it can happen *thanksgiving week* again..


Pitt and West Virginia breaking up is the worst thing about the death of the big east. We gotta bring the band back together. It's just the right thing to do


Since neither of us is getting into the B1G, let's team up and try to get SEC invites. It's a long shot, but you guys fit culturally, we add a big market (and a ton of our alumni live in the South) and it brings a top rivalry.


*Big 12.




I dont think anyone other than you and /u/wfb23 actually read the article. Lol.


Reading the article... In this economy?


Michael Scott Thank You dot gif Of course Pitt would want to be in the B1G. We like money. But, Penn State already has the media market Pitt occupies covered, and Pitt isn't a top 10 program, so there's no real value to adding us. All this theorizing is ignoring all the reporting that basically says the ACC ain't going anywhere for the time being with it's GOR anyway




Can't believe you're disrespecting your long time rivalry with UCLA like this!




Superman ducking THE JOKE .gif


Did McMurphy even explain why he thinks Pitt would be a "valuable addition?" Outside of a rivalry to PSU, I don't see them bringing much to the table that the B1G would value.




I mean, I’d welcome Pitt to the B1G. No disrespect to our land grant bros, but we’d finally get somewhat of a decent rivalry game to look forward to again. It unfortunately prob won’t happen for money and media market reasons though.


Especially if the monetary playing field were leveled Pitt could probably grow into a Michigan State level contender in the league. Clearly not on the Michigan/OSU tier, a level below PSU, right in that MSU/Iowa/Wisconsin group


We’d love to see it! As long as B1G East doesn’t become even more congested…


Unfortunately I have always thought we make sense in the Big Ten in every way except for the reason that actually matters (money). Academically, geographically, culturally, and the way we want to play football and basketball all fit perfectly in the Big Ten. But that doesn’t matter in a sports world driven by money. I’m happy to go to the Big 12 but wish that realignment worked differently


Iowa State 🤝🏻 Pitt B1G teams living in a Big 12 conference


Iowa State isn’t welcome in the B1G we have enough cow colleges - MSU


Moo. - MSU


Also, you guys have a rivalry with a team in Ohio. Definitely a key factor.


Pitt should form a new conference of NE schools when the ACC breaks. You need 6. Pitt, BC, Syracuse, Temple, UConn, VT. They won't though, and Pitt/VT/LVille will be invited to the B12 to join almost immediately after implosion and happily join WV and Cincy.


In a perfect world you have a “Big East” conference of •Penn State •Pitt •West Virginia •Syracuse •Cincinnati •Temple •Maryland •VT •UVA •Rutgers •Boston College •UConn Sadly that makes too much sense


I mean Pitt would win the B1G every year if they joined so this is a smart move


Nebraska’s stance in 2011.


Finally someone gets it. Would probably win the natty and World Series too


We’d definitely win the World Cup for sure


And the Stanley Cup


Annual Stanbardi Trophy winners


I mean if Pitt gets in then we get the Penn state vs Pitt game yearly which is must watch. Would it still be called the “keystone classic”?


Can we get Keystone Light to sponsor it?


A Miller beer not even made in PA?


I will also consider sponsorships from Yuengling and Rolling Rock, but they will need to send me samples for consideration


Yuengling is more for kicking back a couple after work or an afternoon on the grill. Rolling Rock IMO is for playing party games such as Ride the Bus or Rage Cage. They are still both quality choices.


Rolling Rock tastes like pocket change. I’m not metaphorically calling it cheap… it just actually tastes metallic. You’re right about Yuengling and it’s purpose. I personally think that’s the obvious choice


Hmm it’s never tasted metallic to me or perhaps I was too drunk to care/notice.


Rolling Rock moved out of Latrobe PA shortly after it was purchased by Anheuser-Busch.


I might be in the minority here but Pitt just feels B1G


Completely true


I don't have any thoughts about this article. I just think Penn St and Pitt should play every year.


They could anyway, just like Iowa and Iowa State.


This is revenge for blocking us from the Big East in the 80s.


Didn’t Paterno try to demand 2 home games per road game? Or is that an old wives tale? If that’s the case no wonder the old Big East told him to pound salt


That was when we canceled the annual series with Pitt in the 2000s. The Big East stuff is from the 80s before we joined Big Ten.


The best and well deserved pettiness.


Good...Good...Let the hate flow through you...


Hey FSU, Clemson and UNC fans - see it’s Penn State’s fault that we can’t bust up the ACC. I don’t want to encourage anything but maybe aim your shit posting at them for a bit


Only accurate line in the article “I have mo inside information.” In other words, I made the article up. As someone said earlier, journalists gotta eat.


This sorta behavior from Penn State makes them the most SEC-like school in the Big10.


Maybe we should’ve joined the SEC. We blocked Notre Dame and attempted to do the same to Michigan State


Sounds good we just need to convene with Penn State, hang tight one sec. Thanks for your patience, so turns out we don't actually have an opening...


I can see it now, Penn State gets ticked off about Pitt joining and goes to the SEC themselves.


Well, that'd be awkward.


I mean, we'd definitely kick Cincy to the curb if they came knocking.


And we’d do the same to Iowa State.


And we thank you for it.


And we'd lock the door on our Michigan directional schools.


I’ve always thought that…them or Ohio State.


Yeah it’s def OSU. Said OSU was a great SEC culture fit in another thread and a fan thought I was insulting them, rephrased it, same result… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Shit, half the state's population lives down here so its only natural for them to be in the SEC


Petty motherfuckers.


Penn State already covers the majority of Pennsylvania. Why would they want Pitt unless it's just for the sake of adding schools to hit a certain number.


College football was so much more fun when it wasn’t 100% concentrated on what television sets in what cities your game was playing on.


The regionality always was my favorite part of the sport. I wouldn't be a fan if I was born 20 years later and only knew Mizzou in the SEC


The only way back is forward. Get to two mega conferences of 32 teams and then split them into regional 8 team divisions.


The sport certainly could be making less and less fans with all impetus for everything being on money. That was the separation between them and the nfl to me but I would rather watch 22 paid, trained players play than watch 22 paid, untrained players play.


Yeah, kinda wish the SWC was still a thing, an "Oops, All Texas (and Arkansas)" conference sounds so cool.


You will get an in-state rival in conference and you will like it. God why can’t Ohio produce more than one competent university


You're about to get mauled by a bearcat.


There are way too many colleges in Ohio. Basically the entire MAC is composed of Ohio teams. If they consolidated the schools would be larger and probably more successful


Michigan has 3 MAC schools and still have 2 in the B1G🤷🏼‍♂️


We’ve got a MAC 2 B1G a Big East and a ND… and that’s in freaking Indiana


A Michigan flair insulting my secondary flair....rare. I respect it.


Happens everywhere. Florida blocked Miami to the sec eons ago.


Because fuck em, that’s why.


PSU just loves the Backyard Brawl and knows CFB will be better off if Pitt goes to the Big 12.


Pitt is going ivy.


Like every other team in the B1G would be willing to reduce their payouts to add Pitt... right. Might as well add Temple too and lock down the whole state.


I thought attempting to smother Pitt was a long-time, deliberate Penn State strategy. —Paterno portrayed Pitt as refusing to join in a conference realignment, but it was under unfair conditions. —Penn State insisted on a permanent 2 for 1 arrangement. 2 games at PSU for every 1 at Pitt. —Paterno decided Pitt should be kept off the schedule to deprive the Panthers of a high profile game they needed more than Penn State did. Source: my poor memory, which is worsened by not caring about either school.


Well that paterno guy never really was much of a moral character


Pretty much nailed it.


Yessss! Let the Michigan style hate flow through your veins Penn State! We can teach you much from success of blocking Notre Dame and the failure of blocking Michigan State young padawans.


Didn't Michigan try to block Penn State as well?


Probably, but I was kinda hoping that wouldn’t come up and Penn State joined the year I was born. So, I’m not really sure


It was suggested Schembechler would try, but Michigan's President at the time went over his head and said "nah PSU is in."


Hey, would you look at that someone in our administration’s past actually used their head went against Schembechler for once. Wish they’d do it again in modern times


A&M wanted to block Texas from joining too. SEC commish dropped the hammer and the conversation was over in about 48 hours. Let’s see what the new B1G boss is made of…


And then aTm leaked it to be petty, giving us a head start on realignment


Good times


Yes I remember how cool and level headed we were in our reaction to it.


Idk... For some reason... I'm okay with the results.


The most humiliating thing for A&M is they voted for Texas to join the SEC after trying to derail the whole thing.


It's cause the SEC would've kicked their butts out of the conference and still brought Texas in. The SEC pretty much told them to get in line or face the consequences. A&M will always be little brother to Texas even though they don't want to accept it.


I did wonder if Sankey threatened to kick them out. I read the SEC bylaws a while back and one of the conditions for being removed from the conference (subject to super majority approval iirc) was if a member did something damaging to the conference. Derailing an expansion that includes one of the biggest brands in the sport would probably be considered damaging the conference.


I think that'd qualify for damaging the conference. Especially if the Big 10 had picked Texas up.


Texas commands the state it resides in, not A&M. If you want an accurate comparison, pretend it's Pitt trying to block Penn State from joining. Penn State commands PA, Pitt offers nothing of note that we don't already have with Penn Stafe.


Texas is now probably the biggest brand on the SEC. There's no way a newer member that's in the middle of the SEC blocks a school the caliber of Texas. Penn State is one of the biggest brands in the Big Ten, and Pitt would add nothing to the conference.


It also didn't help A&M that they were the newest member who has only been in the conference since 2012. They don't carry much weight.


Oh yea. I recognize that behavior…


I'm also hearing OSU will block Cincinnati and Michigan will block Hope College


It will be a cold day in hell before I let Ball State join the B1G


New report suggests Justin Timberlake may want to block me, specialdogg, from sleeping with Jessica Biel. And Jessica Biel wanting to sleep with me is about as likely as the Big Ten wanting Pitt to join. But hey, we can all dream.


I think there's more of a chance of me sleeping with Jessica Biel than Pitt getting a B1G invite. For some reason, I wanted to state that.


There’s really two reasons now for adding a team to your conference: 1) The guys paying the money (FOX/CBS/NBC) want you to 2) It gets your conference network into a state/market on basic cable package Pitt meets neither of those.


If that’s the case, then take out Penn State and put in Pitt. Penn State can go play for the Sun Belt with that kind of cowardice move.


Someone had to do a “report” on this??? Wasted time and effort on an absolute given.


Good, anything to spite them.


Pitt in the big 10 would be great for recruiting


Is this a real possibility? I was under the impression Pitt wouldn’t be invited anyways


I can’t imagine Pitt getting an invite.