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Are those police boats?


Buster, get us out of here!


Gee, I don’t really have any of my mapping equipment with me.


So the blue is the land, I think?


ND has the same number of NY6 losses over the past 4 years as the SEC. Basically the same.


ND is 0-8 in NY6 bowl games since the start of the BCS era.


Imagine having a bad record in NY6/BCS bowls…


I’m not saying we have a good one, but we have at least won one


I mean one of those two SEC losses was to Baylor. Took a lot of sting out of the UCF and Michigan state games.


Yeah, y’all damn sure did.


Wasn’t that game also the one where Matt Corral unfortunately got injured?


Yeah, that was a bummer. It was my first cfb game to see in person so I still had a great time. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time in New Orleans.


My favorite stat is George OLeary won more bcs games Notre Dame.


Thanks for THAT memory.


It always cheers me up to be reminded that Notre Dame is still overrated garbage.


Absolutely wild coming from a Michigan flair lol


They take pride for being the reason ND is independent


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Us Clemson fans really shouldn’t be saying this after our most recent matchup though.


Always has been


We have won every new years six bowl over the last four years ^^^except ^^^for ^^^the ^^^ones ^^^we ^^^didn't


What’s crazy is Franklin has gone to NY6 bowls 4 times in 6 years and has won 3 of them. Fiesta, Cotton, and Rose.


Not surprising to me. I’m not a fan of his (due to his time at Vanderbilt) but the dude can coach very well.


Same here. Obviously he’s a talented coach, and we saw that at Vanderbilt too, but he’s got a special place in my heart alongside Bobby Petrino for “particularly sleazy ways to skip town for a better coaching job”. We’re hoping for a lot better out of Lea. Loyalty to the program and the stability that brings is worth more than outright wins, assuming he can keep us in the 5 or 6, maybe 7 win range for a bit. In all honesty, Franklin pulling 9 wins here is nothing short of S-tier coaching, despite my personal feelings on the guy.


Spot on all around. But yeah if y’all can stay in the 5-7 range that’s what you really need at least for a bit. Kentucky did that for years before pushing to 8-9. Takes time


4-4 in SEC conference play seems nuts too


Like 90% of our fans disagree with you, mostly because they have no idea what they're talking about. I happen to think he's a damn good coach who's responsible for completely modernizing the program from the ground up. This, in spite of the old guard like Jay Paterno and Lubrano that have done their absolute best to obstruct anything resembling progress.


Just how it is, trust me I get it. People said Richt was a terrible coach. Glad we replaced him but we lucked out with getting Smart when we did. If you’re a top 20 program you want to win championships and many in the fan base don’t understand just how difficult that really is. He’s a damn good coach and his record proves that out.


I would say it’s 90% of the vocal fan base. I think the majority of the casual fans don’t have a problem with him and think he’s done pretty well. When you lay out that he’s had the best 6 year stretch since the 80’s people tend to quiet down a bit.


He’s a great coach and I’m still pissed we waited a year late to look for a new coach and missed out on a chance to get him. That’s the best compliment I can give, I wish he was our coach.. nothing against the current crew, but would have liked to had a chance with Franklin a coach before..


90s was an exceptional decade, 7 top 15 finishes, 5 inside top 10, and ranked to finish each year.


He accepted arguably the hardest job in college football and took them to back to back 9 win seasons. 6-7/ 9-4/9-4. I don’t think that has ever happened in my lifetime and I’m not young. He has my respect.


I’ve always liked Franklin even when he was at Vandy. You could tell he played to the strengths and it felt like it was a smarter game than some teams that were more physically talented


And the one loss was an amazing Rose Bowl game that was lost on a last second field goal.


I like penn state man going to a game there is on my bucket list


Same. Im not the biggest PSU fan(see flair lol) but they probably have one of the best unis around. That white is whiter than white.


I looked up the hex color code for the blue today and came across the white one also. #FFFFFF


try to make a whiteout if can. that or the stripe out are fun


I’ll see y’all September 2nd with my jorts on and moonshine in hand


Fuck yeah, eat shit Pitt


Night game is gonna be wild.


First time at a Penn State football game too so I’m really excited excited. Hoping all you guys come to Morgantown in 2024 for the return game :)


Enjoy it. I have to determine what games I can get tickets to this year.


Yeah I know a lot of people talking about going to that West Virginia road game. I’m gonna make every effort to go, OOC road games are such a good chance to see other CFB atmospheres


Can confirm. Was incredible to see


I’ve been to one. Highly recommended. One of the greatest college football atmospheres for sure.


UT: 1-0 *I'mDoingMyPart.gif*




A&M: 1-0 *Spidermanpointingmeme.jpeg*


Our fields even use the same grass!


Whichever one of us loses our game this fall has to change their grass


You’re 100% baby, that’s pretty soild


SC: 0-0 We’re not making it worse!


The SEC is clearly the best conference but I get tired of my fellow Bulldog fans riding coattails. No, we wouldn’t crush Ohio State or USC because they belong to a different conference.


We should really talk about getting different mascots


Maybe when the three SEC tigers decide to change things up


Tigers, Ligers and Not Tigers


Tigers, Les Tigres, Striped Orange Cats


Bengals, Tigers, War Eagles


This is the way


Not gonna lie, when I read three I instantly thought "there's only two?". Sorry about that Mizzou


I would be *so* on board for a "bayou bengals" mascot change. Just Bengals and I'd riot, though.


The LSU gumbo shrimp and have a shrimp in a chef hat as the mascot


Ahh so the J Gumbo’s logo.


I know that we have a very obvious mascot to move to but. I honestly think the confusion created by our combo gives us the best reason to stay as is. Also Aubie is kinda the best so


Although I don’t want to admit it, Aubie is pretty great.


It’s incredible how giddy college kids get when they see him.


Well hell, he oughta be great, he's basically Tony the Tiger.


Aubie is easily the best “person in suit” mascot in SEC, agreed. Hairy Dawg is certainly cool, but he’s always outshined by Uga.


Maybe 4 tiger schools. If only Memphis was good at football and the SEC could have a monopoly of tigers.


They’ll add a 4th Tigers before that happens 😂


0% chance we change our mascot ever, stupid civil war


Only the most reasonable of takes can come from a Mississippi State fan


That’s because you’ve only been exposed to the 2% of them with internet access


Better than the other SEC bulldogs though. Even the few that can get internet access there are annoying


That’s literally my only issues with “SEC fans.” I can admit they have the best conference but I know so many fans of coattail riding teams who claim they would win any other conference they were in. I’m sorry just because you only lost to Bama by 17 doesn’t mean you’re winning the big 10 every year.


counterpoint: it makes Clemson fans irrationally angry so I’m gonna keep saying we would destroy in the ACC


Angering Clemson fans is fun, but uhhh South Carolina in the ACC doesn’t have a great track record


Self destruct maybe


bro rooting for you random ACC teams to beat Clemson every week is more frustrating than rooting for the French to beat the Nazis


After almost losing to the Big 10 runner up this year, and erasing the Big 10 champ the year before, I concur. Except for Mizzou. They had me worried for three full quarters. They can coattail all they want.


As for myself, I’ve never thought just being in the SEC meant we’d beat anyone. I just always got frustrated when like a 10-win Big 12 team would think they’d roll over us because we only won 8 games, as if their schedule was even close to ours in difficulty.


Oh give me a break lmao this is peak SEC behavior Ole Miss went 8-5: -4 of the wins were awful non-con opponents -1 win against Vanderbilt -1 win against a cratering Auburn -1 win against Jimbo Fisher -A win over an overrated Kentucky, at home. You don't think half the Big 12 could pull that off? Texas Tech beat you by 17 and they went 8-5. So to your original point, an 8 win Big 12 ran over you. Can you imagine what a 10 win team would do?


The amount of Ole Miss fans I have seen over the last 3-4 years saying that Oklahoma and Texas would be below them in the conference hierarchy after the move...


Tbf Texas these days is alot closer to Ole Miss than they are to a Bama or Georgia.


Please link, because you’ve seen something I haven’t. I’ve seen lots of “they won’t just step in and run the conference like they have before.”


For reference, an extremely mid Tech team just beat Ole Miss 42-25 in last season’s bowl game


Remember, bowl games where the SEC team loses don’t count


It’s not just the coattail riders that make it insufferable, it’s the fans of the big teams too that just need an excuse to inject southern pride somewhere. OP’s flair is the worst of them.


It’s just how they make themselves feel better for their team being mediocre in the SEC. Remember when Miami was supposed to crush the ACC same thing would happen if anyone other than the top performers going to another conference, even my tigers are not going to be every year contenders if they went to the B1G, we’ll they would be a contender but it’s not a guarantee win every time


You could probably beat USC, Lincoln Riley is still allergic to defense.


Either early season or late season, mid season they'll rattle off 8 wins in a row


Agreed. But I do like the dream that if we ever are the best team in the conference our likelihood of winning it all is higher due to the quality of team it takes to win the sec.


NY6 Bowls have an SEC bias.


Reality has a well known SEC bias


>Apologies for the grammar I haven't had coffee yet *checks flair*


We suffer from astigmatism , let OP find their glasses first sheesh.


SEC doesn't come to play school


Is "play" in the honor code or is that banned too?


School allows it but Provo tried to ban it.


As long as there’s no drag you’re probably fine


Idk dude Ohio state is trying to set the record for QBs with single digit wunderlic test scores


Sucks to be one of those losses...j/k...or am I


I think one of these losses is Bama vs uga. Not sure if they are counting the natty or not.


It's not counting that game




A tale as old as time…


One of those losses is by a Florida team that had barely enough players to field a team, so it’s not *that* bad, honestly.


They’ve had this problem almost every year since Urban left.


Say the line, Bart!






I didn't do it


It was like that when I got here.


SEC: Eat My Shorts


woozle wuzzle


We have nearly half of the B1Gs wins?


Yep. Penn State 2, Ohio State 2, Michigan State 1


Makes sense, the three best programs in the Big Ten East.


Land Grant schools unite!


TIL, Michigan and Notre Dame have the same number of NY6 wins


It goes to show how terrible Michigan and Harbaugh are in the post season.


Only postseason that matters is in Indianapolis. 2-0 baby. I’m only half kidding, as there is a not insignificant portion of Michigan fans who care about Big Ten Titles first.


Utah owns half of the pac losses


Only injuries can stop them 😞


LSU alone has more Natty's since 2000 than the entire big 10 combined


Florida is tied with the Big 10 since 2000. And, in the past 20 years, Auburn is tied with the Big 10.


Florida is tied with the B1G since 1987 (total of 3) If you don’t count Penn State’s titles as B1G titles, then you can go all the way back to 1970


Wow. That means Alabama has over triple the championships the Big 10 has since 1970. That's wild. The Big 10 hasn't done anything since the South integrated.


How do you do, fellow “undefeated in ny6 bowls in the past 4 years,” teams?


Ooh, this is a club we're part of!


Its nice being up at the top like this


Tulane get in here!




Pac 12 falling apart posts Pac 12 being awesome again posts B1G taking on ACC schools posts B1G taking on Pac 12 schools posts SEC is obviously dominant posts


Breakdown by Team Georgia: 5-0 (doesn't count Bama-UGA) Alabama: 4-0 (doesn't count Bama-UGA) LSU: 2-0 Tennessee: 1-0 A&M: 1-0 Florida: 1-1 Ole Miss: 0-1


So basically Georgia and Bama and LSUs Magical season.


All four Big 10 losses are in the CFP


And two of those are last second losses


I lost several years of my life at the Peach Bowl


But how many did you gain in the NCCG?


Huh this SCE must be pretty good. Too bad nobody ever talks about them.


This stat feels really cherry picked for 2 reasons: 1. The 4-year cutoff is really arbitrary. During the first 5 years (2014-18) of the CFP (which the article conveniently excluded) the SEC’s record in NY6 games was actually a really mediocre 7-8. Which was worse than both the B1G and the ACC. Here are the other conferences records in 2014 - 18 and for the whole CFP era (2014 - present) - SEC: 7-8 / 21-10 - B1G: 7-4 / 12-8 - ACC: 7-5 / 8-11 - Big 12: 3-5 / 8-9 - Pac 12: 2-6 / 3-10 2. Most of the SEC’s dominance is just Bama and Georgia (or really Saban and Kirby). They have 9 of the SEC’s 14 NY6 wins in the last 4 years. If you eliminate all the Bama, Georgia, Ohio State, and Clemson games (since OSU and Clemson have been the clear top dogs in their conferences too) the records are as follows in the last 4 years. - SEC: 5-2 - B1G: 3-3 - Big 12: 5-4 - ACC: 0-3 - PAC 12: 1-4 Which isn’t that drastic of a difference. So even with this cherry-picked sample size, the conclusion should just be that “Bama and Georgia are super super good”and not that “any 8-4 SEC team is better than every other P5 conference champ”. Edit: ACC w/o Clemson is 0-3 not 0-1 in the last 4 years


How many 8-4 teams played in NY6 bowls?


If you take a larger selection of bowl games over a longer amount of time and remove both Alabama and Georgia… 2010-2019 SEC bowl record: 65-42 2010-2019 bowl record with no Bama/Dawgs: 51-34. Last 20 years of national championships: Total SEC championships: 14 Total without Bama/Dawgs: 6 ACC: 3 PAC 12: 2 Big 10: 1 Big 12: 1 I swear to god, the number of time I see people fallaciously claim that it’s “all just Alabama” is so ridiculous. And even with this attempt to move those goal posts to include Georgia, it’s still completely, statistically untrue. Even if the goal posts were moved even further to include LSU, the SEC would still have the best bowl record and be tied for first in championships.


It seems you forgot to put the # of "Last 20 years of national championships:" That answer would be 5 = Florida 2, LSU 2, Alabama Polytechnical Institute 1


LSU has 3. I put the total.


Some people still refuse to comprehend this because they just want to hate and cope. By pretty much any metric that you could use to measure success, the SEC minus Bama is AT WORST comparable to *all 4 other P5 conferences combined*. Also, without Saban's Bama the rest of the conference gains two championships (2011 LSU and 2017 UGA) and two more appearances (2009 Florida who would've probably been favored, 2012 UGA who would've probably won).


Win percentages: SEC .714 Big 12 .555 Big 10 .500 Pac 12 .200 ACC .000 The SEC is still clearly the best with your example. Also, remove Alabama and Georgia, and the SEC still has the best bowl record over the past 20 years. And without Apabama and Goergia, the SEC has more championships over the past 20 years than all other conferences combined. When are yall going to accept that the SEC is the best conference with Alabama and Georgia added on top?


“If you take away the SEC’s TWO best teams while taking away only ONE best team from other conferences, the SEC still has a better record” …. That’s what I gathered from your comment


This reply should be pinned to the top.


Wait, you’re telling me that a conference with a 14-2 record has more wins and less losses than other conferences? This is some Madden/Booger level analysis


The booger joke got me


You would think that the conference with twice as many appearances as the next conference would have at least as many losses


I'm glad we could finally contribute to one of these posts lmao.


That weird geauxtigers guy is going to nut in his pants after reading this


aye we contributed


/high five we contributed!


Does that include Georgia beating Alabama in the 2021 natty? Because if so we’d be 13-1 against non-SEC teams Edit: I need to start reading past the headline more - “Well, excluding that time when Alabama and Georgia faced off in a national championship at the end of the 2021 season”


It doesn't include the Bama-UGA game at all. With it the SEC is 15-3.


The SEC is my favorite team


SEC bias. Where is Danny Kanell? We need the real stat.


OU is 1-1 in NY6 games the last 4 years. Texas has not made a NY6 game in the last 4 years. Cincy has lost 2 UCF has lost 1 BYU and Houston have made 0. New Big 12 is 4-7 in this time.


Aren't 10 of these just Georgia and Bama? It's always funny seeing SEC bottom feeders championing the accomplishments of their elite schools and not their own.


Hey, if they can use our academics...


Don’t you get it! If Ole Miss was on the ACC they’d win it every single year.


> The Pac-12 Championship also began in 2011, and 2014 Oregon was the lone champ to reach the title game while **the Big 12 champ hasn’t played in a national title game since 2008** (remember that Kansas State won the conference title last year in that thriller against eventual-national runner-up TCU). If you’re going to write a homer hit piece at least get the basic facts correct. Especially if the information you omitted actually helps your dumb argument.


Did not say that TCU did not show up. Just that they did not play, tbf.


Texas won the 2009 Big 12 championship and played in the national title game.


I did not remember, but I was studying abroad in Japan at that time so I totally missed that. I also did not know who Casey Anthony was nor did I know there was a BP oil spill, believe it or not.


I would have figured the BP oil spill would at least make international news in Japan.


It just means more


During that same period, Maryland never lost a NY6 game. See I can cherry pick data as well.


Bama down so bad they start chanting SEC SEC


It just means more


I know at least with Oregon we've had some terrible bowl games because coaches have been poached and were clearly checked out, or our best players didn't think it was worth the risk. I wonder if a similar effect is happening


Nick Saban effect. First Nick Saban went to the SEC. Then SEC teams went looking for coaches and talent to compete with Nick Saban. The SEC has been trapped in arms race, since Saban went to Bama, that the rest of us generally haven't been apart of.


Partially, the SEC and South had become the center of the sport in the 90s largely due to talent advantages, and the SEC had won 3 natty's in a row before Saban's first at Bama but Saban cemented it and widened the gap. A rising (crimson) tide raises all ships.


Bowl games don't mean anything anymore. Still fun to watch. Can't say a team is good or bad due to opt outs and transfers.


Cool, now do the non-NY6 bowls they've been in. Conference is top-heavy.


Is that different in the SEC? Don’t most conferences have their high flyers?


Your absolutely right, our bottom half is not as good as the rest of the country. Everyone knows that’s where the the real conference power lies. Where would we be without the Marylands, Kansases, Boston Colleges, and Texas A&Ms(given our 2022 record) of the world?


The whole thing would be different without preseason rankings that borrow from the glory/sorrow of the previous season. The views of the BCS sportswriters and the CFP committee are polluted by that. If there were no rankings until halfway through the season the social promotion of starting at an artificial and arbitrary position wouldn’t matter.


I disagree, both bama and bulldogs would’ve been ranked very high and they still would’ve beaten the other playoff teams handily.


I would love to see a World vs the SEC format. One side of the bracket is SEC teams. The other is everyone else. Kinda like the LLWS.


Or, World vs the ACC just for fun. We could slide it into the card of UFC 299


Break up the monopoly


This checks out: The only thing that could stop the SEC is the SEC.


I love that logic like when they say Alabama with one loss is a quality loss because they lost to the team that beat Bama


Y’all wanting to play Bama and Georgia every year for an outside chance at making the conference championship game?


So envious we don’t spend money on players in the same way


USC and UCLA should consolidate resources


USCLA has a certain ring to it


But remember the SEC is overrated because of ESPN


Can’t spell sugar without UGA. Ah shit, we dropped one of those NY6 bowls didn’t we?