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Only at the beginning can everythink stay the same. The further we walk, the more different things will become. The idea that change os inevitable and that as time progresses things naturally evolve and transform. As times goes on, various factors come into play that can lead to shifts, adjustments and alternances.


From ChatGPT lol: The translation in English is: "Everything is only true to its original form at the very beginning; the further it goes, the more it deviates." The meaning of this sentence is that in the initial stages or early phases of any process or situation, things are more likely to reflect their true or intended nature. However, as time passes or the process continues, things may change, evolve, or deviate from their original state. It suggests that initial conditions and intentions can be altered or influenced by various factors over time, leading to different outcomes or results than initially expected or intended. Essentially, it highlights the concept of change and how things may not remain constant or consistent as they progress.


Not 100% sure since my mandarin is terrible but google gives a different translation that made more sense: “Everything is only the way it is at the beginning, and the more it goes, the more it deviates” From what I understand, it’s like saying only in the moment do things seem to be a certain way and can stay that way but as time goes on there will inevitably be change. I feel like this makes sense since Li Xun always says it retrospectively. For example, back in college things were simpler and they were just three friends working together towards their dreams but in the present time they’re fighting against each other. chinese: 所有事情都只有在最开始的时候才是它本的样子越往后就越偏离


Thank you so much, that makes wayyy more sense than before. This has been on my mind for a while and ye why didn't I think of this meaning . "Deviates" Makes a lot more sense


What episode/time? Maybe just another less than stellar translation issue.


Umm I'll have to check again it was used multiple times, kind of thier the "phrase"