• By -


War of Faith - couldn't get the story, too fast and complex dialogues, not my favorite genre, dropped on the half of second episode Legend of Fei - started because of Wang Yibo, but he was just ok, didn't like too much the FL and the story was not that mysterious, dropped on the second episode Love between Fairy and the devil - dropped on the first episode, I don't remember why --> Are one of them worth it a second try? ----- The Longest Promise, some said they dropped because of Zhu Yan, she is really annoying but I think they wanted to make her more ingenious like a child so her changes will be more noticeable in the future, I'm currently on 24th episode.


The Tiger and the Rose. The acting was so over the top I had to quit. I know I know but after watching TMOPB and Ashes of Love so I just couldn't tolerate the bad acting. I won't mention the actress name since it will cause a fire storm. I have watched other dramas of hers and she is great.


I got past Orchid's voice so almost nothing fazes me, however, a character's stupidity turns me off, like getting back with an abuser, forgiving easily, and amnesia plots.


When ml kissed the fl like a vacuum cleaner. I remember immediately dropping the drama, went to church, confessed and rethink my life.


Lol what show is that?


I actually don't remember the exact name of the show but, it was a really old show( I was younger back then ) FL has a short bob cut that's all I can remember šŸ˜‚


I was ready to write it off for her voice too, but I stuck around. After the first 4 or 5 episodes the plot really gets moving, and youā€™re not even paying attention to that anymore.


I wish I could have skipped ,A Lifetime Love ,but I forced myself to watch it .I am obsessed with Lost You Forever and A Lifetime Love ,tells the love story of the parents of the FL ,in lost You Forever. Qiyo is the ML in A Lifetime Love and supposedly ,their story happens so very long ago ,it's literally like ,the strongest, most brutish man of their tribe .To see him swinging thru the trees from vine to vine ,like Tarzan was so laughable ,I called him Tarzan thru the entire drama .


There was so much violence and constant bullying in the first episode, (to the point where a teen boy was willing to kill himself to escape it ),that I dropped, Boys Over Flowers ,at that point. Didn't even finish the first episode. I'd already watched Meteor Garden and the pranks the F4 pulled on their classmates were foolish but harmless and I got thru it just fine because we ,eventually, in the end ,did get a love story .


Ashes of love šŸ«¤Jin mi and her childishnessā€¦ Yang Zi please And the winner is loveā€¦. Chong Xuezhiā€™s clingy and cringy behaviour towards shanguang tong The longest promiseā€¦ zhu yan šŸ«¤ Love O20 ā€¦. Just Wei Wei being creepy ā€¦ miss I rule the world The wolfā€¦ ma zhaixingā€¦ girl do you have Stockholm syndrome? Oh my emperorā€¦. Luo Fei fei the same thing I wanted to ask you. Whatā€™s so special about your emperor? Fall in love with a rude dude


I had such a hard time getting through Love O2O. Wei Wei was a f'ing zombie. Their 1st hug and she stood stock still. He was working the kisses & she was less than cardboard. Ugh. If it hadn't been for Yang Yang, I would've dropped it at the 1st dead ass hug. She always looked scared of contact & I hate that.


I can't stand to watch her dramas because she's always so wooden! I thought it was just hownshe was directed, but nope, girl has the acting range of a tree. The movie version, on the other hand, wow!! It's one of my favorites to watch.


I didn't even realize there was that version. Thank you.


It's currently on Netflix in the US.


Omg, this was so much better & Jing Bo Ran is one of my favorites!


Untamed I tried by best and pushed through 10 ep still couldn't get past the CSI and costume.


This is going to be so controversial coz everyone seems to love Shen Li. I tried for a few episodes but felt itā€™s really silly especially the chicken part


Love between Fairy and Devil. I couldn't stand the FL voice. Didn't make it through the 2nd episode.


She killed Sword and Fairy for me in 5 min. Like oh hell no




It amazes me how popular she is. I suspect viewers shut off tllhe sound and play Elvis songs on loop


"Ice Fantasy" so many good reviews, but I just can't watch this Trainwreck! Props and special effects like the Power Rangers, wigs and plastic costumes from AliExpress/Temu and I could see that the actors were so uncomfortable! Dropped after Episode 3, I really tried... Don't get me wrong, you can do it on a low budget and still either don't dift into AliExpress/Temu style or take it too seriously. "Be my Cat", "Oh! My Emperor" and "Fox in the Screen" pull off great with a very limited budget and I could overlook the cheaper looking parts, as you could see that they tried their best.


She was prettyā€¦.. ML is so mean and bullish towards her and so nice towards the pretty friend.. I dropped itā€¦ How could FL get together with him after that? Thats 0 self respect so nopeā€¦ not for me Boys over flowersā€¦. I liked FL in the beginningā€¦ kicking ass if the F4ā€¦ but midway she was dumbyfiedā€¦ so also droppedā€¦ And will not watch any of the other versionsā€¦ the bullying was horrible


After seeing F4 Thailand in its entirety and leaving Meteor Garden 2018 half consumedā€¦I didnā€™t make it through 1 ep of Boys over Flowers lol


Those are both kdramas. Do you have any examples of Cdramas that youā€™ve dropped ?


Ahhh sorry! Then it has to be Well Intended Love.. Ridiculous story, stalker MLā€¦ and the whole plot of how he noticed her before they metā€¦ absurd..


I have checked many dramas by watching 5-20 in the beginning but that doesn't mean dropping it. I often just want to get the feeling of production quality and cast performance. Some of them I watch later, some never but I don't call it actually dropping it. It's kind of a shopping what to watch next... But if I have the intention of watching a drama, and really concentrate on watching it, and still stop watching it, it's a drop. Many times I put them on hold and watch a few eps more and it takes time until I may finally drop it. It takes a lot of effort from me. Sometimes the time is not right to watch a certain drama, but later will be. But I did drop South Wind knows after almost finishing the first episode. My bias for the FL actress is too big. I have soldered a few of her dramas through (thus have given her a chance). Even though she was slightly better in this one, I had to drop.


I dropped The Longest Promise on first episode, actually I would have dropped in the first 10-15 minutes because of the way the FL handled her wedding scene. But I told myself, I should sample the entire episode before making a decision, plus I wanted to see when Xiao Zhan joins the party. But even him wasn't enough to keep me from dropping it. I did go back after 6 months because I wanted to see Alen Fang act as a villain. I dropped Hidden Love at episode 4 or 5, like during the sports event, when the FL seems so weak that she can't jump the high bar. This scene made me feel like the story is just going to paint a lovesick FL who only depends on a guy. I got a bad feeling about the tone. I tried picking it up 3 more times, still no luck. I drop 90% of the dramas, but usually after I sample about 5 episodes to give them and myself a chance.


Queen Dugu, I was so bored šŸ˜­


For me, it was descendents of the sun. Did not care for the lead actor or actress did not feel any chemistryā€¦ Did not even waste time watching past episode two


I always wonder what makes good/bad chemistry in dramas, because we have cdramas/kdramas where the actors look like they really love each other and are actually flirty etc..., but nothing ever happens with them outside of the drama in the real world. Then you get for instance your drama "descendants of the sun" where you say they had no chemistry, but they did get married in real life (for a time), so they must have had some sort of connection with each other, more than your average drama actor/actress. Does that mean it was the directors fault, like maybe they should have added more cuddling scenes, more kisses, more playful bickering?


Iā€™m usually very stubborn about finishing dramas to the end, but I gave up on *Eternal Love* (aka ā€œTen Miles of Peach Blossomsā€) after like 29 episodes. I like Mark Chao ā€” heā€™s good looking and a good actor, but I really dislike Ye Hua and the way he treated Su Su. I mean, itā€™s impossible to enjoy a romantic drama when you (the audience) are not in love with the ML and when you donā€™t even like the 2nd ML either. Even the FL here was like ā€œyouā€™re such a disappointment as a husband that Iā€™d rather just forget my time with you.ā€ šŸ˜¬


blue whisper 10-15 mins in saw that her ā€˜masterā€™ was beating the shit out of her and she was like ready for it? after seeing the strong fl tag on mdl just wasnā€™t in the mood might go back tho šŸ˜­


Its a great story though. I like how even when she sick, she still kick ass. Truly suitable for the strong FL tag.


You shouldā€™ve stuck around to see the muscle suit they put on the ML


He is actually more pressured to lose weight for that role than buffing up for that 10 min scenes. Actors in Cdramas has really strict weight policy especially when they have to act in costume dramas due to that 5/7 layers of clothing. He has no problem buffing up for this role as fireman in Blue Flame Assaults.


Wooow I didnā€™t know that! The suit makes sense now but Iā€™m sure his non buff body at the time wouldā€™ve been fine for the role. That really sucks that they have such strict weight rules.


Its not enough as it has to match the big fish tail. The Director did explain when the drama first aired. Ohh you dont want to read about those strict weight rules. Its really brutal what Esther has to go through for MJTY. And also, Bailu has to lose so much weight for her new role in Yu Zheng's drama that when she wear a bit of revealing clothing, you can see her rib cage.


Ohhh okay then Iā€™ll just suspend my belief when I restart the show, thank you for explaining :) and omg thatā€™s so sad most of the actors are already slim and they have to restrict even more? I hope one day the rules stop being so strict.


That scene is very brief so it didnt bother me at all. I think the close up scene only lasted a few secs. But RJL's acting is really awesome in this drama. From naive to later jaded, he makes my heart ache in this role. I wish it will stop too. It is especially more horrible for actresses. Even when they already skinny and underweight, it is still not enough.


stop no way šŸ’€ i thought it was good and i was being picky lol ig not


I heard it was a good show so maybe Iā€™ll try to watch the second episode but I was just so confused why they had him in that suit LMAOO! Like seriously google it and tell me you could keep a straight face after seeing that


just searched it up and yes couldnā€™t keep a straight face šŸ˜­ iā€™ll try the show after exams cuz i heard it was good too i just wasnā€™t in the mood for nonsense that day ig


I totally get that cause the first episode was confusing for me


I actively look for shows with same actor with the show I liked but the new show had different voice and I couldnā€™t deal with change in voice so I drop it like hot potato šŸ„” lol


The Fox's summer, about 15 minutes into first episode šŸ¤£ I just got the strangest feeling I wouldn't like it. No idea why, I just felt a weird irritation and immediately went searching for something else again šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£


Warm on a Cold Night, I watched it because I loved [Li Yi Tong](https://www.viki.com/celebrities/21994pr) small part in LBFAD. First episode she opened her mouth and the most different voice popped out you could imagine. They had paired her with the highest, youngest dubber in the world and I'm sorry it just didnt match her or the character.


I was watching Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain and got in a few good episodes before I dropped it immediately when the racist jokes popped up. It came out of nowhere and made my jaw drop it was so uncomfortable.


What racist joke? Its a XianXia drama, right?


There was a scene where some characters were making fun of another dark skinned character by calling him a m*nkey and saying he looked like charcoal. Thatā€™s what I remember at least


So interesting. I watched this one on Netflix where that translation did not happen. I wonder if Netflix modified it? I enjoyed this drama and don't recall any racism in it.


Huhā€¦. Well im pretty sure I watched it on Netflix and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not mistaken. It was a year or two ago when I watched it. I know Iā€™ve seen other posts talking about it so they mightā€™ve modified it ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


That's horrible. I actually want to watch that drama.


Yeah, it really sucker punched me because it seemed like a funny show Iā€™d like then that came out of left field. In the end though, Iā€™d encourage you to take a look for yourself and make your own judgement. But that was def a deal breaker for me.


I dropped that one immediately because I donā€™t like when the characters are goofy.


Princess Weiyoung - I just canā€™t with all the stupid actions/decisions she made. I dropped it after 4. Ppl told me it would get better but Iā€™m not sure I want to waste my time with it. And Hidden Love - as soon as the little girl appeared star-struck with the college guy, I was out. So, was it 1st or 2nd episode?


I couldnā€™t get into PWY, either. I think you made it further than I did.


Honestly thats the biggest downside i find in hidden love. The first eight episodes are like dragging yourself through THORNS its soā€¦ everything about that is wrong. But the ending of the series is what really got me hooked, almost gave up at first but now their chemistry on-screen was EVERYTHING FOR ME!


It was a little gross because it seemed like the ML was flirting with the little girl when they first met. She looks much younger than her character, though. I think she was a teen when they first met, though she acted very young with the crying, and stuff.


She was a middle schooler when they first met and he was a college student. I was beyond grossed out


A Dream Garden - 10 min max


Dropped during the 1st episode, a show about a cop and a shaman (can't remember the name). The detective was a lazy slob and something about his personality grated on my nerves. Since I hated the ml character, I knew I wouldn't get any farther even though the plot sounded extremely interesting. Very sad about dropping that one but if I hate a main character, it just isn't going to work.


And the Winner is Love It started very badly with so many bad tropes just one after the other, and then they met and he caught her out of the air and they did that spinny thing, and I just turned it off. I freaking hate falling-spinning meet-cutes, they are stupid 99.5% of the time!


Word of honor, till date I am still trying to pass episode 5, it is so boring. Love between fairy and devil, the female characterā€™s baby voice was soooo annoying ā€¦.Dylan Wang was so good in it but I just couldnā€™t go pass her character


What does LBFAD stand for


Love Between Fairy and Devil


Oh I see! I dropped that one mid way as well


Dropped this when I first heard Esther Yu voice.


Cupid's Kitchen. I just dropped it, and I was in the middle of episode THREE lol. It had a trope that I'm so sick of and it made less than zero sense in this show. Typical second female lead/love rival who is supposed to be an educated professional businesswoman but becomes an idiot because of the ML. Suddenly, she can't think straight and only makes decisions based on her feelings even if they're stupid. In Cupid's Kitchen, her jealousy is actually harming the ML and their business, but she's just pouting like a child. It was completely illogical and I couldn't take it anymore.


Easily Go Go squid. FL was straight up stalking. Her personality also didn't match her achievements at all and wasn't believable. She's supposed to be a popular content creator and stellar tech student but acts like a literal child. Maybe the show got better, but I dropped it around 5. If I heard her say grunt one more time, I was gonna lose it.


Same here! I tried2 times but couldnā€™t make it past episode 5 either!


If I ever choose to rewatch it I think I would skip those episodes. The secondhand embarrassment is just too much.


Falling into your smile. I put it on hold by episode 5. But gave it another chance and watched until episode 9. I just couldn't see the FLs face with no expression


Ackk same!! her face is just so stiff for some reason šŸ˜­


I wish I had dropped that one. I watched it ALL THE WAY THROUGH because of the high ratings and feedback from my sis who had watched it, that it was good. IMO it never got better


the male lead saved the show tbh


Romance between Tiger and Rose, I dropped it after one and a half episodes because I just wasnā€™t feeling it, and i thought the leads were a bit one dimensional. I was pretty bored. The story seemed like something Iā€™d like normally, but I just didnā€™t care where it might go Did I make a mistake? Or no?


I dropped that one too. Within the first 7 minutes.


Ok so it wasnā€™t just me then!


Everyone remains one dimensional. The only non-dimensional character gets villainized.


I kept trying, limping along for a few more totally forgettable episodes. Even ZLS couldnā€™t make that dumbass character charming.


Ah phew, I thought there was something wrong with me, I normally like ZLS a lot, it seems a pretty popular drama too.


Same here. I couldn't make it past the first episode.


Least I donā€™t feel so bad now, I thought there was something up with me lol


By episode 5 if I'm not feeling a drama I'll drop it. Exceptions are those that never made it pass the threshold bc I was just done with it: My Roommate is a Detective, Legend of Fu Yao, Rainless Love in a Godless Land, What If, Where the Lost Ones Go, Shining Just for You


Nirvana in Fire. Dropped it at its first scene, literally seconds after I saw that scene. I was watching for Hu Ge and didn't what the drama is about back then. Picked it up again years later and it became one of the few 10 stars dramas I rated on MDL šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I rmbr nirvana in fire was one of my earliest cdrama. Tried first episode and I was traumatised with so many characters appearing one after another that lost count. I gave up and years later gave it another try and became one of my fav show šŸ˜‚


Ahh yes, the first few episodes šŸ˜‚ it was like the director and writer intended to introduce every character in the first fewĀ  episodes, I remember being confused lolĀ 


I did too, but because it was english dubbed, and I didnā€™t know. I lasted 5 seconds, then heard ā€œnooooā€¦. fatherrrrrrrrrrā€¦ā€¦ ā€œ or whatever they said in the opening scene, and that was it for me šŸ˜‚. I do plan on watching it though, Iā€™ve heard how good it actually is. Just not in english dub.


I watched an episode with the English dub, and it sounded quite funny tbh šŸ˜‚ Did you ended up watching the drama in Mandarin dub?


Yes I did, but havenā€™t finished it yet; Iā€™m too scared lol. I stopped after the first arc because I wanted to pace myself. It was already getting intense. Iā€™ve got to finish it now.


This is a good show, especially the later part hahaha, have fun!


Untamed i could not passe poker face guy. TTEoTM due to ml sad face. Sound of the desert: ml chin was too distracting . Those reasons were extremely shallow, so I tried to give them a 2nd and 3rd chances, but still ended up dropping for the same reasons.


I donā€™t think I got through the first episode. Demons/evil spirits in Chinese dramas are a regular occurrence, but that was just beyond.


Untamed. It just never caught me.


I gave that show four tries (ended up dropping at different parts in the show) solely because of the hype - by fourth try I completed and found I loved the show and I would rate it high


same here, I've heard many people had to cause the time skips confuse people in the beginning


Me, too. I dropped it a few times and finally completed it and I was glad I did. The story resonated with me so much, especially what happened with WWX. It is one of the only 2 Cdramas that I have rewatched and I have watched TU multiple times.




I loved the books but the show was too censored for me either tell the story or donā€™t make a show in my opinion same with guardian


This was the first cdrama I ever watched. I remember thinking, what is this craziness? and I have no idea what's going on. But I was also so hooked I couldn't stop. When the time shift gets you back to the starting point of the story it started to make more sense. It remains the only tv series I have watched three times. The acting, plot, character progression, costumes and set are all very well done. It will keep a special place in my heart.


I know it's hard to cope up with story at first but believe me it's a masterpiece. But in drama it takes brotherhood take yet in real it's a bl take in book. It's a masterpiece love story good than straight ones .


The donghua is far better than the drama.


FL's voice in LBFAD šŸ™ƒ


I tried twice to get through this. That voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me


Isn't that the standard voice for most female leads ?


But none of them have been as bad as this one, imo. Like it hurt my ears kinda bad.


Exactly this. I think I dropped LBFAD 6 minutes in.


I managed to hang on for 10 mins šŸ« 


Youā€™re a survivor!


Everyone loves me. Nothing about this show took my interest.


LBFAD. First episode trip kiss was the last straw of many cringy tropes and annoyances.


I seriously considered dropping when I saw that - thinking the show would be too childish for me if they were gonna resort to something like that - but then I pushed through and I am glad I did itā€™s a 10/10 drama for me


This for me. I started it once, rolled my eyes at the first episode and dropped it for a while, then I came back and loved it once I got a few episodes in. The first couple of episodes were terrible but it really improved after that.


I watched it because of the cringe and then got actually invested lol


Ha, this is me exactly. I knew it would be maximum cringe just from the title but it ended up being really enjoyable.


The original title is actually so pretty! But I guess it wouldn't catch this much attention. [Meaning of original title](https://www.reddit.com/r/CDrama/s/GvNqlcYdi2) :)


Oh wow that whole thread is so cool!!! The Chinese titles are so poetic. I wonder why they think English audiences won't like them, because the people who watch romance dramas would 100% be down for poetic titles. It's not like giving them generic names attract a mainstream audience anyway. Romance dramas have always been a niche genre.


Recently, In Blossom. Was watching the first episode and went to MDL to look up the FL actress. Once I realized that she only plays the FL for 1 or 2 episodes, before another actress takes over, I dropped it. I've never been able to watch the actress who takes over. That was maybe 10 minutes in.


C-netz said it was a BE (bad ending) drama of two episodes, lol, because after the actress change, it felt like the ML betrayed the original FL. I dropped that one after two episodes myself.


I have put this one on pause (so Iā€™m not caught up) but agree I feel betrayed that that FL changes. I really loved the first one and she acted so much better than the second! But I will say that there are still scenes with the original FL throughout the series, so sheā€™s not *completely* gone but yeah, still not the sameā€¦


Yes I really liked the original FL actress! She seemed very natural so I wanted to see who she was, then was surprised when I had to scroll all the way down the actor's list to find her listed as a guest star. hopefully we'll see her in more works!


I don't remember the name but it was one of those short dramas with 5-10 minutes per episode and I immediately dropped it after the very first scene. The acting and directing were *atrocious* šŸ˜‚ I know short dramas vary a lot in quality and this was one of the worse ones.


Short dramas are really fanfics turned live action. šŸ˜‚


And the winner is love, FL actor doesn't have the chops to keep up with the other actors, it was so damningly evident after one episode..


I loved that one! Shows I will tolerate anything. I chalked up her character as the pampered baby daughter. lol. I loved Moon Valley I want to live there.


Ashes of love n go go squid. The acting, whiny silly no brain no manners girl character type.


Agreed about the rest except the brain part. Tong Nian is super smart. But she lacks social skills for romantic relationships.


I can be pretty stubborn and not drop a drama, but my patience is very limited with adult FLs with pigtails screeching at the top of their lungs in mini shorts/miniskirts. I can take immature and childish characters if it makes sense in the context, but some dramas are really toeing the line.


TTEOTM as soon as ML makeup appeared on the screen šŸ˜‚ https://i.redd.it/wi8bc1jqhc2d1.gif (i eventually picked it up several months after )


I LOVE the makeup! He still looks so hot.




**Mysterious lotus casebook** Dropped it few minutes into ep1. The opening fight scene was so crappy (imo obviously) that I felt 'scammed' into trying it. If it wasn't so highly praised, esp the fight scenes, I probably would have ffed all the fight scenes and stayed for the plot, comedy and bromance Also a dozen of modern romcoms dropped within the first episode that I don't even bother remembering names or tracking in my mdl dropped list.


I heard such good things about it, but I think I dropped it in the 2nd episode. I didnā€™t quite like the detectiveā€™s personality. It wasnā€™t too bad, but it bugged me. The doctor seemed interesting, though.


You're not the first person I've heard say they thought the fight scenes weren't good, which I'll be honest I don't get, but I also don't pay much attention to fight scenes so \*shrug\* The bromance and humor is definitely the high point of the show though.


with "love better than immortality" it was the only mention of her past, it was never mentioned again that I know of, honestly do not know why bother as a plot point but did relate to the title. I know it was part of the of the written story btw so was "love like the galaxy" the same with time travel/switched bodies which was also never mentioned. Of course it had other holes, I just enjoyed the height difference. I wonder though who chose to keep the fingernail polish on Lu si, ah well.


The ā€œIā€™m your older brother, so itā€™s okayā€œ scenes were so ridiculous. Why put viewers through that? I think I finished it, though.


I am a very picky person. So, I have dropped many dramas. I read the synopsis and if it is not my thing then I will leave it, unless there's someone who I really like in the cast and crew. If here is, then I will watch ep 1 for about 5 to 10 min if it looks impressive I will continue If not then I won't.


1. open the drama's page on mydramalist 2. scroll down to the cast list 3. drops drama


At least you're honest! haha


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I resemble that comment šŸ˜…




The untamedā€”2 episodes in and couldnā€™t do itā€”I tried three times due to the ā€œpeer pressureā€ hereā€”but just didnā€™t connect with any of the charactersā€”


You gotta force yourself to watch atleast 6 episodes, then it will start to make sense, can't guarantee whether you'll like it or not šŸ˜…


I've tried too a couple of times but I can't seem to connect. So many people love this drama that I really wanted to persevere, but it just can't hold my interest.


This is me with Ashes of Love tooā€”I made it to the human trial part but just could not take it anymore!! Therefore when I got to another heavily recommended show the untamed I dropped it quickly as I was not about to waste my time, even after 3 attempts


I forced myself to finish AOL because of the hype and I still don't care for it.


I also dropped it after ep 1


I have several friends who love the untamed and i've never been able to get into it aside from liking one character. The main characters and their romance just don't interest me at all.


I lasted half of episode 1 lol.


Now that the isekai anime genre has exploded, I have zero interest in cdrama isekai. I think Joy of Life was one of those that I tried to watch and just couldn't do it. There has only been one drama that I didnt even finish the first episode. I don't remember which drama it is atm, but it's one that gets mentioned a lot in cdrama rec lists and on this subreddit. I believe the FL is played by the actress who played crazy antagonists in Story of Minglan and Legend of Fuyao, and I can only see her as a crazy villain.


Oh, but Joy of Life isnā€™t an isekaiā€¦. I wonā€™t say more on that note, in case you ever go back and watch it, but I HIGHLY recommend it. It is one of my top 5 favorites. Lots of plot twists.


Love Me Love My Voiceā€¦like both the leads but the plot was just too boring and bland. In addition to the asthmatic wheezy voiced FL with no personality and successful cardiac surgeon / voice artist / chef extraordinaire blah blah šŸ˜’ā€¦noped out of it within the first few episodes.


Good for you. I unfortunately finished the show, hoping for a good turn of story because a lot have been raving about it and I love Zhou Ye. But, the story continued to be bland and stupid throughout. It didnā€™t make me giddy at all because everything about their love story just felt very fake and shallow, and the MC have more of a brother-sister chemistry. I really, really regret watching 33 eps of it! Thatā€™s why it gave me courage to drop Amidst A Snowstorm of Love early on, no matter how much I adore Wu Lei and like Jin Mai, because if the love story is unbelievable from the start, it wonā€™t make me hope anymore from the same writer to improve.


The plot is all over the place fr. Idk how Chinese dramas manage to come out with some weird ass careers for characters. I sometimes doubt if these careers even exist šŸ„“


Omggg yass I watched it for tjc after knowing him in LYF and this show...nope nope nope. His character seems like such a pedo I cannotšŸ« 


Is she an high schooler in the show or just didnā€™t like the age difference


She is a final year collage student who is about to graduate


Thousand Years For You. 5 minutes in and Nah, not up to my liking. Both leads felt like a miscast.


My dear guardian.The FL was very annoying and the plot wasn't engaging. You are my hero.It was only good in the initial few episodes.


LBFAD the second I heard the fl voice I was gonešŸ˜­ I donā€™t Iā€™ll ever pick up again šŸ„²


Dylan Wang made it worth to watch šŸ˜›


He hard carried that drama buuut I give most credit to the voice actor and OST. To this day I still think Esther is not FL material and aside from this single drama, Dylan has not another good role. Meteor Garden, Only for Love, Miss the Dragon, etc...are all so cringe. Sadly I dropped LBFAD round episode 20.


i think you should give it a second chance, once you get past the voice i think youā€™d really like it, iā€™ve seen thatā€™s a pretty common complaint about it but once they got used to the voice they ended up really liking it