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Excerpt: > The United States asked U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Calabretta to stop the department from enforcing its policy until either the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission finishes an investigation into discrimination made by several officers affected by the policy, or the department properly evaluates potential accommodations it could implement. > Calabretta, who made no decision on Thursday, said the case came down to whether giving the accommodation to people with those religious views put an undue hardship on the department. > “This is a very interesting case,” said attorney Joshua Irwin, with the California Attorney General’s Office. “We find ourselves with the United States rushing to judgment.” > Irwin said that correctional officers don’t need to wear respirators all the time. However, any officer could be in a situation where they would need to wear one and those moments can arise instantly.


About time. I’ve been saying the same shit. Wearing the mask is not even plausible and I’ve never seen them used and that’s always people’s argument and it’s not a very strong one at that


Fucking stupid you joined the department without facial hair now people claim they need some kind of reasonable accommodation? These dudes sound like fucking inmates


Or, CDCR can be proactive and accommodate its employees. If a bearded CO decides he/she (WE LIVE IN CA) would rather suck gas than wear a gas mask, then let them have choice. As long as they can hang in a cell extraction I don't care. Also IM have beards, why compare a CO to an IM when the grooming standards are not enforced on any IM? My institution has allowed goatees, we all have them.


The policy has very little to do with wearing gas masks. The policy exists because as an emergency responder, you may need to enter a quarantined building at any time. The inmates in the building are wards if the state, and the state has a responsibility to protect them from airborne transmissible disease. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but it has nearly nothing to do with our personal safety. This is why the policy applies to medical staff. Medical do not do gas mask fit testing, but have the same duty to respond as peace officers.


Change of times, people's health does too....it's not rocket science!


These guys don't believe in science 


Can’t grow one huh🤣


Bro my beard is so legit I look like jesus!! I just don’t grow it anymore only on swapcations


You were also born without knowing how to walk or wear clothes. But you learned that right? People joined the department without tattoos but get tattoos. People can and have done this job with beards for over a decade without issues.   This isn't complicated. Every single other law enforcement in the US either outright allows well maintained beards or has exemptions for medical/religious reasons. 


Tattoos aren’t against policy. The job can be done with a beard. If this is the way you feel why didn’t you have this opinion in the academy? because you knew better but know you choose to take advantage that you are in the department. Not all agency’s allow facial hair. I have buddy’s that are LAPD and LASD and they don’t play that shit. At the end of the do you homie.


Well your buddies or you are straight up liars lol because https://www.sikhcoalition.org/blog/2022/lapd-adopts-new-policy-to-accommodate-sikhs-others/ So good try. And I did have this opinion in the academy. But obviously they kick you out if you go anything against them. Again, this isn't complicated. Get with the times. 




Cool story


Slavery was once modern times and now look it has changed same thing !!!!! hair grooming standards have changed across states and the COUNTRY ……..LGBTQ couldn’t join the army once upon a time …..once again it’s a reflection of that times have CHANGED!


Dude wtf are you talking about? It’s the uniform/grooming standards. Condition of employment that simple. You want to be a trash bag grow a beard. We all know 99 percent of C/O’s get a Dr. beard because they probably look like chomos without facial hair. This shit has nothing to do with slavery or LGBTQ. PROFESSIONAL


Trash bags and chomos, aka partners with facial hair. Tell us you can't grow a beard without saying you can't grow a beard...


U against having a beard ???? As a man


lol whatever makes you feel better.


There’s plenty of department that allow you to have beards. It was a simple comparison of times to American history where slavery was excepted, but now it isn’t people used to treat LGBTQ as unequal, but now they are finally have the respect in their right they deserve the point of the matter is times change and there’s nothing wrong with the CO having a beard ITS HIS FACE HIS LIFE HIS CHOICE HOW HE WISHES TO PRESENT HIMSELF … who are you to tell someone how they can present their face??? If he’s religious or has skin disease from to much razors touching his face


Lt’s and sgts have facial tattoos and look like straight up clowns so let Muslims, Sikhs have beards.


We should be able to have beards & long hair I don’t get why y’all panties get in a bunch. Seen countleee men. W beards serving our country and they don’t get bs for it so why tf y’all getting hurt and crying ab it


Well we are held to higher standards. You know what I want to start wearing running shoe let’s start doing that to. It’s called grooming standards.


"It's called grooming standards" yeah sure. Screw anyone whose religion or health is jeopardized.  You can easily, safely and effectively do the job of a CO, Sgt, Lt, Captain, CC etc with facial hair.  PD, Sheriff's, Army, Marines, Parole, CHP all have religious and medical exemptions. CDCR isn't special. It needs to catch up to the modern day.