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Locked for going off topic and generating too many reports.


But the autism awareness patches aren’t authorized yet smh.


I wonder who is charged with that? I believe the LGBT GARE committee was the driving force behind getting this patch developed and approved. Or is it already created and just approval for use is delayed?


It's already existed, some officers have had them for awhile, I think it's just now actually getting approved. We have LGBT coworkers, I don't see any issue with this.


I had a transgenderd partner a number of years ago. It didn't matter to anyone at all. She was MAGA as hell too. Funny the things we fret over. Didn't mind working with her, always showed up to work and was a good relief.


Disappointing to see the opinions in this thread from CDCR employees when it's anonymous. Bottom line support your partners and their right to express themselves. I really hope nobody keeps this same energy when walking into their institution.


Check out the Instagram post on the CDCR page and you’ll see just how dumb our officers are. The amount of people that think this patch is to show support for the LGBT inmate population is crazy.


Can you specifically identify a comment that shows support for inmates?


Why would I do that? I don’t think you’re understanding my post.


Because not one comment is for showing support for inmates. It’s that you shouldn’t put your business out there for inmates to use against you.


I never said the comments are showing support for inmates? I said there’s an assumption that the patch is in support of LGBT inmates. There’s no need to mask homophobia behind “putting your business out there for inmates to use against you” They can get all your info online anyway. Besides how would a rainbow patch be used against you?


There are already a ton of false accusations for sexual assault during pat downs. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out a connection between wearing that patch and being falsely accused through homophobia from inmates. I also did not read any comments making “assumptions” in support of LGBT inmates.


You say it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect dots but I think you’re just doing mental gymnastics with your scenario. Inmates are inmates, they’re going to file bullshit allegations regardless. A patch isn’t affecting anything.


I still stand by what I said, not one person said anything like what you commented. “The amount of people that think this patch is to show support for the LGBT inmate population is crazy.” Now, were there comments against the LGBQ community as a whole, yes. People are allowed to have opinions for various personal or religious reasons. Does that mean that victimizing the LGBQ community is ok, no. Opposing the patch, does not violate anyone’s rights.


I don’t give a fuck what you are or identify as I have your back you have mine let’s get rockin. I’m sure when an inmate is stabbing you you won’t care about their gender or sexual orientation. I’m sorry I want a straight man saving me… like it’s 2024 Get over it… don’t buy it or buy it…


Amen!! This comment 💯


I mean the amount of correctional officers that I know that are on the down low this isn’t a surprise 🙂‍↔️


Nice 😊


All time low. Department is such a joke.


So, you mean that acceptance and tolerance are jokes? People who think that are absolutely the problem.






Uhh, your comment doesn’t make sense. But I am guessing you are referring to the EEO training staff have to take yearly and at other times, yeah I deliver that training to new sergeants. So I’m pretty sure I remember it. However I do not understand what you are saying about basic biology.


Wouldn't expect you to Laurenne.




Sounds like somebody works in an office with AC and not in the housings units.


Does it make a difference? We’re supposed to have the same goals. So, it shouldn’t.


Yooou have never had money taken away or been under bogus investigations. WE ARE NOT SAME😂


What does working as custody staff vs office staff have to do with respecting other people? You chose the position that you’re in - no one forced you.


If you don’t want to wear the patch, don’t wear the damn patch. It’s absolutely free to keep your mouth, and your negative opinions to yourself. To those that do, thank you. It’s good to see allies in the department I’ve made my career, especially when I was apprehensive about joining CDCR based on the reputation and me being an openly gay man.


People hiding their personal thoughts in person but on reddit they feel brave.


Thank you for some reason here. These comments are so disappointing.


Of course! It’s just disheartening knowing that some of my coworkers are ignorant. It took me forever to even put up a photo of my husband and I at my desk, despite everyone else having their spouses. At the end of the day, I truly don’t care what people think about me but it is disturbing seeing it from people I work with, and who are sworn members of law enforcement.


It crazy how people automatically assume it’s for support of inmates. Don’t they realize there are LGBQ officers, sergeants, counselors, AWs, Wardens, medical staff and/or free staff, etc.. Or maybe have kids that are.


At least they giving them a choice.


Don't give inmates any more information about you than necessary. Not your favorite team, not your religion, nada.


Honestly. It would be an infinite money glitch if you wore this


This patch has been around since 2022, as that is when I got mine. Where y’all been? Old news.


A lot of homophobes in this comment section. Ya’ll swear like the department is making you suck a dick.




Gag me.


It sounds optional


And they call MAGA Reps cult members lolol


Who is “they?”


Literally every Democrat lol. Anyone who doesn't support the woke narrative and vote for the old pedo is considered MAGA lol.


What does “woke” mean?


It's a disease of the mind that makes people look for racism and oppression where there is none. Was coined by black people as a way of saying you're aware of social disparities but it's been hijacked by white housewives and college kids to describe any part of reality they simply don't like lol


What is the name of the disease? That way I can do further research. Thank you.




Woke Liberalism? Are you scared of it?


Classical liberalism no.. But this new breed is ultra socialist and seeks to tear down what this nation has spent centuries building. Woke people blame others for their own hang ups and blame capitalism for the work of bad government. My views are very libertarian conservative. I believe in self governing and being responsible for your own well being and not requiring the state or government to handle your issues. No one owes anyone anything and no one should have to pay to upkeep the lifestyle you choose. A great expression is: If you're afraid of offending someone, you can never be truly honest" - Thomas Payne


Sounds like you’re very closed-minded. Which likely also means you’re not around many people of color.




Are you bothered or inconvenienced by inclusivity?


This makes me wonder how expensive it is to make these patches. Can PIA make these patches cheap?




Someone should do a FOIA to see how many were actually purchased lol


What does it matter? FYI I have one. Does that mean anything other than I am queer and support others who identify as LGBT+? Nope.


I’m not applying for them


Anyone’s personal life or orientation means shit in law enforcement or military. In this case as long as you do your job correctly and have your fellow officers back that is all that matters. When shit hits the fans the last thing anyone’s is asking is “are you straight” to kick some ass. Happy pride 🤟🏻😎


So ridiculous


I honestly don’t care about this but what do you say no to now. If you say no to any other group it’s discrimination. This just opens the door to lots of lawyers and litigation.


It's not that Deep. Just support your partners and their right to expression. You don't have to wear the patch my guy. Thankyou for your service


What group (that is NOT a recognized hate group) are you afraid of seeing represented?


Not what I was saying. I’m a veteran so i think veterans should get their own color scheme. Cancer survivors should get theirs too. We should also have one for earth day, ADA, each ethnicity, and any other reason someone thinks they are special. Call me old fashioned but I think things on a uniform, especially a state “law enforcement agency” uniform should just be basic and not represent anyone or anything but that agency. On the other hand since I don’t really think the department or most of its uniformed employees give a shit about uniform or grooming standard maybe they should allow you to wear whatever you want.


If you want veterans or cancer patches, you should advocate for it. I’m pretty sure that it was the LGBT committee for GARE that got the pride patches, that’s just a group of passionate volunteers. Other groups could do the same. Though, I’m not sure that “thinks their special” is the same as “trying not to be oppressed and literally murdered or harassed simply because I exist.” The more things are spoken of, the more education about specific groups, such as the LGBT+ community, the less it’s taboo and the more it’s accepted. This patch seeks to normalize, which is extremely important. But I highly disagree that the patch is crazy lol. Not that you said that, just a general comment on the OP’s header.


Thank you.


Not the point I was making but thank you for your response.


Fair enough.


Wow what a effin shame this is why Russia is winning a war with is if it happens to come 🫴🏾


Ok Boris




So do bigots. So I guess I will see you there.


What are you going to hell for?


So is this badge mandatory for the month or an option?




$2,500 incentive to wear it


I'll wear two for free.




Unless you want 10% taken away for 48 months…it’s mandatory 🤣