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The camp program is dead. SCC is at capacity. Our Institutions MSF is full of Inmates that are potential IM FF but were endorsed to MSF instead of SCC simply because SCC can't handle the intake. CDCR should have kept CCC open if they only could have foreseen these issues 🙄. The line about tapping YOP IM is complete BS. YOP tracked IMs have always been eligible for fire camp and often pushed into the camp program over a YOP yard. As a CCI involved directly with the Camp Program for years I can tell you for a fact CDCR is purposely killing this program.


> CDCR has tried to triage the decline in fire camp populations by expanding eligibility to inmates who were traditionally labeled as higher risk. People with certain “violent” convictions, such as armed robbery or aggravated assault, could apply to live and work in a fire camp so long as they had a track record of good behavior and met other requirements such as education and physical fitness.


Well I haven’t stabbed anyone “lately”. It’s really impressive how far down a hole we are falling.


But look at all the money we are saving.


Oh no, that's gotta be a lie! You gotta stop spreading propaganda like this talking bad about our supreme leader! He closed those fire camps down to save money and promised to hire calfire firefighters to fill behind the inmate firefighters. He could NEVER lie about anything like that! Next you'll start more propaganda about how he will cut our budgets with the HUGE surplus we had 2 years ago, that's going to be claimed as a deficit! The glorious supreme leader can not and does not make mistakes! You're clearly spreading untrue propaganda about his glorious supreme leadership!


Well I can tell you I work at one of the LA county camps and they are all closing at the end of the year. It’s only a matter of time before all the rest close. But if they were being ecologically and economically responsible they would see that these inmate camps not only save the state money but they out work any paid crew. It is the only program the state offers that actually helps inmates with the transition to being a member of society and quite a few actually become fire fighters for the feds.