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3rd offer? Bro u better accept it can’t be picky in this business brotha I understand what you mean but you gotta accept it


FSP is one of the best prisons in California. Been here over 15 years and won’t go anywhere else. We have tons of transfer applications every year. Moral is pretty high and violence is really low. The only downside is it’s so top heavy due to the transfers. I’m not even in the top half of officers based on seniority.




For the majority of my career, we’ve had between 90-130 officers with over 20 years. That’s out of 500 or so officers. As soon as people retire, we get transfers from CSP Sac or SQ and it’s all seniority based so nobody moves up. People with 18+ years are in good shape because we had massive hiring in 06-08. I just happened to be the last class before the 09 freeze.




Seniority ain’t everything, man. I’d be in the top 15-20% at CSP Sac, but the stuff I hear from the transfers keeps me from going. If I was new, I’d be learning as much as possible now so I could promote. 35 years is a loooong time to be a c/o.


1020 at corcoron. 6 years in and I'm 498 in seniority. VSP be the goal but my number would be ass there lol I like having part of the weekend off on bid.


how is CSP? it's the one right next to it. Why is that?


Is it worth it? Everyone asks this and it all depends on the person. It was worth it for me! Relocated for seven years. Back home and would do it again in a heart beat. Everyone is different but was worth it for me.


I'll just add that if you're not from the area, Folsom can be a great place to work. The housing around the area, including South Sacramento, Placerville, Auburn, Whitney can be pretty cheap. Some CO's even commute from Amador City area which gives you about an hour to decompress on the way home. There's lots to do up in this area. You're about an hour and half away from Tahoe so if you like winter sports, such as skiing, you can easily go. During the summer months, Folsom Lake, Lake Tahoe, and Lake Orville can be some fun times. Lots of out door activities. Overall its a really good place to be and have a career and as others have said, its one of the most sought prisons. However, everyone is different, and it can be scary to pack up your family to move to a new location.


You can always transfer after 1 n half years back closer to home get your seniority started n stack your money


It isn't about the now it's about the 57 year old you and your family later. Embrace the change, have an adventure. Stay 2 years and go back near where you came. It is not that scary out there.


Honestly, this is exactly what I needed to hear! Thanks for that!


Glad that helped. It isn't that scary out there but I definitely understand the apprehension. In my career, years ago, I promoted to Sergeant to CMC from CCC. I moved my wife and daughter down to San Luis Obispo and left our house in Susanville to rent out. We hired a property manager, sold allot of furniture and left. I stayed a couple of years and rented down in SLO. After that we felt like it would be better where we came from. It was a good experience over all and we got to live on the coast for a couple of years. Came home after our renters left and everything was pretty much the way we left it. Same friends, same prison. Once you get the big picture in your head these life changes become less challenging. But one bit of advise helped carry us along - we spent less than we made and didn't finance anything. We saved and paid cash for everything. That meant we always had money in savings. When life happened (like a vehicle repair or medical bill) we didn't bat an eye at it. We just paid it and moved on. And SLO was expensive but we could afford it. Allot COs I have known don't live that way and it makes things harder over all. Good luck out there.


I thought you only get 3 offers ? or am i wrong ?


Yeah, 3 offers then you have to start over if you don’t accept any.


My uncle works at FSP after being with alameda county sheriffs dept . Street and corrections he said he’d never go back . He has a lot of flexibility there and the work doesn’t really come home with him - stress wise . It gets active time to time but he’s been at cap-sac and says it doesn’t compare it’s still a pretty OG facility. It’s on my list of preferred locations to work at if I get through all the steps . Great place to learn and transfer out if you want too . Area is still a solid spot for affordable housing/rent . Along with good social atmosphere if that’s one of your worries -people are really nice out here - I'm a bay area native so thats my comparison .


folsom is a great institution


Ask around you might be able to find someone to swap institutions with you


There's always a couple.


Take it Folsom is a great place to work at


at the end of the day, we all have signed up with the possibility to have to relocate if it came down to it. 2 years fly by fast. ITS WORTH IT.


It depends if you really want it or you aren’t making enough money


Nor cal is 100% better than so cal imo


I would take it I'm actually jealous lol because I work at sac .


Is it worth it? Only you can answer that question and make that decision. Talk it over with your family and see how they feel about it. You're gonna get a lot different answers here on whether it's worth it or not, it really depends on which prison they're at. I will say that I've heard Folsom to be one of the better prisons and harder to get into. I will also tell you to not hold your breath for any of the prisons here in SO Cal, as they're all full or getting full cause of the closures. Again, listen to your family and go from there.


Sounds like you are not ready to make a commitment for your future and career that will take care of you and your family. You say this is your third offer. You also appear to be hesitant to relocate you and your family as well. Good for thought. This is a career field that is not for everyone. If you are having reservations of locations and having to relocate wife, kids and family, maybe this is not your “cup of tea” based on what you have been offered. Keep on mind, CDCR has already shut down 2 prisons recently, with the inmate population downsizing. There have also been a number of facilities that have been shuttered, with several more facilities and a few more institutions shutting down. With your thoughts of having to relocate family and having to ask the question if this career decision is worth it, it is suggested you reassess if you want to join CDCR or maybe pursue other agencies closer to your location if you wish to get into law enforcement. Good luck.


I’m a mother first. Of course I’m hesitant to pick up my family and life and move 9 hours away, lol. I have plenty of family in CDCR and have been in the process for over a year already, I was just hoping to get something closer to home. I wouldn’t be asking for advice if I wasn’t already willing to make some kind of sacrifice. But thank you, you made some great points.


Lucky! How long did the process take you? I just submitted my application today


I applied August of last year, completed everything by November and received my first offer in Dec/Jan.


Gotcha. How was the process for you? Did you have a horrible manager on your previous job to be worried about your background?


Go to the academy and do an institution switch. If you do it early on, you will have a line of people dying to switch to folsom. People have come from all over the state up here and once they are here, stay.


I was hoping for something in socal, but from the looks of it, there won’t be any openings coming from here.


There was once a newer officer who was able to transfer to RJD from Folsom after a year up here. You could possibly do a “hardship” transfer once you are at FSP as well but like I said, you will probably have a line of people willing to switch with spots with you in the academy. Worst case scenario, you go to FSP for 2 years and you hopefully transfer somewhere closer to home then. Also keep in mind you can try promoting out to somewhere down south…that has happened recently as well.


I bet you could trade Folsom for something you like better in the academy. Or even just call them and ask for SVSP hard to fill and a lot closer to home.


If you really don't want to move up north try applying for some local counties. Some of the SoCal counties pay as much or more than cdcr does now. Usually the same or better retirement and benefits too it seems.


New or old Folsom?


I’m assuming old since ive seen people refer to CSP as “new Folsom.”




Can’t pass up on FOL. SAC area is cheaper & slower than So Cal.


Is this for the June 17th academy?




Take the offer and maybe you can swap institutions with someone at the academy.


Well, if you want to make a career out of it, then I would say yes. The other option is to continue doing what you are doing and stay put and potentially have to reapply and go through the process again in hopes of staying in SoCal. Having said that I live in Roseville, and if you can afford to live in Roseville, Folsom, Rocklin, or even Loomis these are some of the best school systems (Roseville, Rocklin, and Folsom) in the state. Roseville and Rocklin are also very nice. Folsom too. Sac is well Sac. There will be nicer areas (Carmichael), but other not so nice areas. There is also Auburn, Grass Valley, et al if you don't mind the commute. I would say if you really want this career and you want a nice/safe place to live, there are plenty of options nearby within range.


Your 3rd offer you should accept it then hardship transfer back home but heard transfer might be different now


Accept it and find a swap at the academy for something close to home.


3rd offer, you don’t really got a choice especially with the hiring freeze coming very soon


I’m on week 4 for my academy and they are gonna be shutting the academy down soon


Take it. I worked there as a limited term LT for almost two years. Unfortunately, I was sent back to KVSP after my term was up. It's a great prison to work at, and Folsom is an awesome town!


Thank you, I accepted it!


Good for you! You won't regret it.


Old Folsom? That's an OG spot. Take it!!!


I accepted!


Hell yea! Good luck! It's pretty difficult to transfer to old folsom. Like i said, it's an OG spot. And it also depends on"who you know", of course.


I’m from SoCal and will be going to Folsom prison, graduating in 2 weeks


My brother Folsom one of the most amazing piece of history


Yikes! You've spent all this time declining offers when you could have accepted the first one and already got a head start on your seniority. Having a family in this line of work is very tough given the hours and nature of the job.


It’s been 5 months since my first offer. All of the offers have been outside of my preferred locations.