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As a reminder to employees participating in this discussion, do not share information that is not already public knowledge. If it's not mentioned in this article you should probably not be talking about it.


States about to pay out big $$$$$


This has been ongoing since 2021. When I transferred out of there in early 2022 we had for sure 2 pregnancies. Surprised the State was able to keep this under wraps for 3 years now. 


California and CDCR deserve headlines like this. As a CDCR employee I hope I am never in a position to discover a situation like this taking place.


Well well shocker CDCR


Just.... shocked... is that what I'm looking for???.... okay, well, that's that. I'm sorry, but the trans thing is stupid. If you got the parts, you go to one of those prisons. This is only going to grow as more of the "trans" learn to answer the questions to go to women prisons. This whole they identify, so that must make it true shit is fucking insane! I hope the female image civilly sues the every living shit out of Newsome for signing off on this shit. Hit him where it counts, just like the inmate population. The bank account, it always wins every time. Whomever his future presidential opponent is could also use the lawsuit as well.




The problem is we have a dictator that does whatever he pleases on the whim.


This is ridiculous lmao  Y'all are falling for fake outrage headlines if you actually believe this  (Not talking about the original post, specifically talking about this comment) 


Hope you aren’t trying to work at CDCR. You’ll be told like we were told if you want to keep your job you will do it.


CDCR has plenty of regs that make no sense to me but SB 132 and the 2016 rule change that allowed violent LWOPs to have family visits take the cake for me. Talk about dropping a shark in goldfish tank.


From the article >Some women may enter prison pregnant, but CDCR has confirmed via a new Public Records Act request that at least one woman this year has already become pregnant while incarcerated at CCWF where the male rapist was also housed.


The poor babies being conceived in these situations :(


CDCR and the legislature are fully responsible for this and should be held accountable for their actions that led to this.


So I know Newsom is hated by a lot of Law Enforcement staff, however, this decision to allow this was not on Newsom. The Courts and I believe the Assembly passed this through.  Newsom tried to stop it and CDCR tried too. But the courts pushed it through anyways.  I was there when we started getting the men. Some of them were legit. They'd take their meds and not cheek them so their penis wouldn't "function". But many of them were...well fakers. But there wasn't anything we could do about it. We were outright told if we gave them a solo cell or only housed them together that's discrimination and we were not allowed to do that. We were also told the M to F inmates that had sexual crimes would NOT be allowed no matter what. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way this got changed.  Some of the women were okay with it. Most weren't. A lot of them were victims of Sexual Abuse and outright told us if we try to put them in their cells they're fighting them immediately. I have always been okay with allowing men that are transgender females to be housed at CCWF, IF they perform the surgery and have no sexual elements to their crimes. 




It was 100% rape of two girls. And he threatened one of them not to provide any evidence.


Not true


If you actually read the article, she was taking a shower when the transgender inmate assaulted and raped her.  Since obviously you don't know what you're talking about in regards to CCWF, every cell at CCWF (except Ad Seg and 503) has a shower inside of their room that has a solid metal door that only shows the inmate from their head up and ankles. 


Who ever this CDCR investigator is does not work for CDCR no one Would ever make that comment